
2Ultra Game profile

New Member

Nov 24th 2016, 17:43:26

I am the player that owned the country Z Dogabitr. When I looked at the country this morning, I found it deleted. My question: what rule did I break? Is it against the rules for more than one person to play from a household, even if they do not help each other, or hit any of the same targets? Is that why?

If I made an obvious newbie mistake, can someone tell me what it is? I read the rules page and still not sure. It really do not know what to do now when two people in the same household want to play even if they don't help each other in game!

This experience leaves a really bad taste in my mouth. I am not a regular here, I don't know the ins and outs of the community, and literally don't know anyone here. I thought I made a good case, and now I am walking away feeling like the administrators of this game really do not care. I made two countries this entire year, and you are treating me like I am a multi? Are you serious??

Edited By: 2Ultra on Nov 24th 2016, 17:46:34
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