


Oct 26th 2010, 13:08:42

Originally posted by Desperado:
...instead of fighting like the war clan of war clans you all claim to be, you were outfought and outclassed by a clan half your size.

FoCuS is now killing 60k networth restarts to pad stats. I'm not knocking your war effort - you did a great job and have warred honorably so far - but your kill count no longer holds water. Anyone with half a brain can see that.

Not that I care that much. I can't hit any of your countries due to size difference at this point anyway

Originally posted by Kill4Free:
Someone who had twice the numbers of the opposing clan has no right to brag about anything especially when kill numbers and hit counts are so close.

Most of us can't hit them anymore. They keep killing the same restarts. Thats not bad warring on our part, thats pwnage.

Edited By: Fiat on Oct 26th 2010, 13:13:40
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