
Getafix Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 20th 2017, 7:18:37

I'll just add one thing, to summarize what I think about Marshal. After the fiasco of Marshal's destruction by Capitalism (#48), Marshal sent me an ingame message calling me a moron and to go fluff myself. I responded to Marshal's insulting message and I saved it. Since Marshal has reached a level so low that he is getting good people banned by sucking up to the Nazi leadership, I will post it here now, publicly.

"Thanks Marshal. I don't think I'm quite as stupid an idiot as you. Why would you sit there with 16,000 acres and just 280k turrets, when we were being attacked by #48 for the last week? I was just waiting for him to do exactly what he did and farm you to oblivion.

Of course, I'm not going to try to give you any advice. You are a complete moron that talks incomprehensible and incorrect nonsense constantly on the forums, and are oblivious to any criticism. I personally think your posts are a waste of everyone's time and a detriment to the forums and the game. I wish you would shut up and go away.

If you were able to play the game, there might be some justification for the constant advice you give everyone, answering every question about everything that is asked by anyone on the forums. But now that I have seen you actually play, here with this country, and last week as we were attacking MD on Alliance, I see that you can't play at all. This is no surprise to me, given the fact that 99% of the stuff you post, if it can be understood at all, is incorrect.

But if you're are a complete and utter noob, with no ability at the game despite 20 years of playing, apparently, then you should recognize that fact, and give up. Its a waste of your time, its certainly a waste of my time, and its just a nuisance and source of disinformation for people who are reading the forums and trying to learn. So please, go away and shut up. Thanks."

Edited By: Getafix on Jul 20th 2017, 7:20:39
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