
Teaspoon Game profile


May 2nd 2018, 2:10:23

This is also related in part to my thread on oil. It seems that the thing in the game that would most benefit is a more fluid movement of goods/military bought and sold many ideas/tweaks have been either implemented or suggest surrounding this.

My proposed solutions (these are rough concepts that will need tweaking but I'm sure people who understand the game mechanics Will get the train of thought)

1. There is a $x per acre expense cost this is money deleted into oblivion this should be scrapped more cash = inflation and more goods bought off market. Everyone has land everyone benefits equally (yes bigger countries get more $$ but % wise same benefits)

2. Some of the above could be equally balanced into baseline oil costs effect being a more fluid oil. (ie. Exactly the amount that reduced from expenses transferred to an equivalent oil cost)

3. Could increase food requirement by same mechanism, more food bought and sold.

4. Military expenses are deleted from economy can also be used, a small percentage of $$$ here into equivalent/turn food and or oil will drive demand and stop the stagnating off markets.

5. Private market tweaking has big effects to public market and the economy as a whole if you want to cap tech prices set a max private market price for it could also set a min tech price would be a bit out there but could create a private market for it.

6. Private market could change over time to facilitate gave phases. Minimum Military or any good prices could be tied to game clock start rising at around turn 120 peak at turn x then reduce to current. Tied not to players used turns but game global timer. Not so sure about this idea though.

Edited By: Teaspoon on May 2nd 2018, 6:37:55
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