
IHaveSexForTech Game profile


Nov 20th 2010, 4:38:12

They are strats. If a casher is X% more effective then a Farmer, theres no reason to play a Farmer when you can just naturally do more as a Casher.

Comparing F Farmer to D Farmer.

Its the exact same playstyle. Make Food, sell food, profit.

Demo's however have access to ALOT more then F's do, which is the issue. Theres just no possible way a Demo Farmer doesn't make more then a F Farmer.

F Farmer makes 120k at 9k acres same tech
D Farmer makes 105k at 9k acres same tech ( I just switched from F to D in express ).

F Farmer sells 120k at 40$. 4.5M Profit after taxes.
D Farmer sells 105k at 40$. 4.2M Profit.

Now a D Farmer spends 42M ( 10 turns) on jets at 100 each. 420k Jets.
F Farmer spends 45M ( 19 turns ), on jets at 100 each. 420k Jets cost 4.45.

The difference is now 50k a turn. Naturally. F Makes 50k more, in a straight farmer strat, a turn.

Any Tech purchases, Resells, anything puts Demo way above F.

Edited By: IHaveSexForTech on Nov 20th 2010, 4:47:58
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