
Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Jul 13th 2019, 19:51:18

I always thought the anonymity was a key component to my game only because it was something my enemies would use against me. So me being anonymous evened out the odds and that together with GDI made netting in express a real possibility. I don't know why people chose to put a target on their backs by using the same name over and over, but it's within the rules of the game and it should be everyones right.

We have been though this over and over again, the only way to deal with a double tap in most situations in express is to kill the offender.

In short:
If you retal with a single tap you are percieved as weak and thus fair game for more hits.
If you retal with a double tap you have broken GDI and will be either killed or suicided.
If you retal with many special attacks without killing the offender you will have a fight that will last to the end of the reset or the target will use the DR you just fed him to wreak havoc on a dozen innocent players - DR abuse has always been an issue on express.
If you retal by farming him he will suicide or kill you.
If you retal by killing you will still enjoy the protections of GDI from his restart and you will not have given the offender the right to RoR.

The difference for me is that I don't run the same name every set, so in some situations I can elect to do another form of retal on the target, as I don't have a name to protect, and indeed I can let players get off with ONE retal for a double tap if I think my reset is still useful to save and I can afford to buy up enough turrets to defend against further hits. If I said that and used the same name every reset people would target me for sure. Which is why Ebert had tho adopt that policy. It's not a fluffty thing to do it's just what he had to do. And thats the key thing really, your collective inabilities to understand that.

Over you being killed once you started a 3 month long smear campain with 4-6 of your buddies along with ingame hits from one or two of you every reset. That's called collusion, and you keep bringing it up as one of your key accomplishments in this game.

Edited By: Gerdler on Jul 13th 2019, 19:54:04
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