


Aug 30th 2019, 6:20:17

Originally posted by Buch:
Leftist policies?

I don't want to pay for your dumbass to go to college for a liberal arts degree. Get a job pay for it your self. Need a job I'll give ya one.

Why ban certain guns? Knives kill more people than AR's do why not ban them? Alcohol kills more people than guns why not ban that?

Lefties just go by what CNN tells you too. Because you're uneducated about the matter you follow along.

Oh and I don't want to pay for your health care.

And I never owned slaves so you can shove your reparations.

What other stupid ideas and free giveaways do they have?

Oh yeah let's open the boarders up that's another great idea

1. Interesting. Is it just liberal arts degrees that you have problems with or are you against any and all public funding support for tertiary education? The problem, as far as today's job market is concerned, is that it's not enough to walk out of high school before the end and fall into a decent job with an opportunity for progression. If you don't finish high school these days, and don't end up working a trade apprenticeship, then you can look forward to a long, fruitful career as a janitor, warehousing drone, or some other such unskilled job. And what is automation phasing out? Unskilled jobs, like warehousing people. We provide secondary school to students because that was the bare minimum you needed once upon a time to have a good career foundation. It's not enough anymore.

2. Not all knives are legal everywhere. Some States ban things like switchblades or bowie knives, and most places have laws regulating open or concealed carrying of blades. Same with alcohol, purchase and access is restricted by age and by location - you can't buy or consume alcohol under a certain age, and you can't drink wherever you want. You can't drink behind the wheel of a car. Different laws apply to different firearms for different reasons. Despite guns, knives and alcohol being apples, pears and oranges, there are clear examples of different laws applying to different situations in the purchase and ownership of each.

3. If you have private health insurance, you're already paying for other peoples' healthcare. That's what premiums are for - pooling group money to cover the risk of individuals within that group possibly needing the groups' money to pay for healthcare. Either a private company manages that fund (by which their main motivation is to make a profit, meaning payouts for the covered is dependent on the amount of money the private company has agreed to part with) or the government does (where, if your government isn't some corporate cuck run by lobbyists trying to gouge public money, generally the main motivation is to heal the sick as efficiently as possible so they can say they did a good job and get elected again). Both sides of that fence you get people paying for something that others get the benefit of (paid premiums/taxes but don't get sick), and people being delayed or denied what they paid for (insurance claim rejections vs public waiting lists/denied public coverage for specific drugs).

4. I feel like having a discussion with you about the legacy of segregation and institutional racism will probably go as well as pissing in the wind, but I agree that you as an individual person have nothing to pay for in terms of historical mistakes made.

5. Derrick has already put together some great thoughts on open borders, immigration and visa issues. I couldn't contribute half as good as what he has.

Edit: As far as "leftist policies" are concerned, I'm not sure any of those types of policies are the main contributing factors to the downfall of Venezuela, or are what makes China or Cuba the fluffholes nations that they're seen to be. It seems like these are more things seen in places like Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the UK and European nations that, more or less, aren't fluffhole nations by the same measure.

Edited By: BROmanceNZ on Aug 30th 2019, 6:28:04. Reason: Missed referring back to the "Leftist policies" part
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