Oct 21st 2019, 8:51:29
Originally posted by M59Gar:
I was Test Country Do Not Attack, and fortunately few did. However, this being my best set so far in express, I have no idea how anyone can get 50 mil+ networth. I literally have no idea what people are doing to achieve what - 10-20 billion dollars worth of military?.
fully theoretical
1,830 regular turns
20 voting bonus turns
30 login bonus turns
6 post bonus turns
1,886 total reset turns
222 CS -- as a theo
85 build per turn
70 land grabs
21,250 land goal
250 buiding turns
222 cs turns - theo
140 land grab turns
612 total turns
1,274 remaining turns -- must be fully built by turn 612
222 cs land
528 indies -- for spies
20,500 labs
6,850 tech per turn -- not sure if accurate old formula ** see below
4,682 sell-able @ 4 sales per day
2,554 sell price -- an average price across the entire reset
11,957,828 dollars per turn
15,234,272,872 dollars for reset -- this would mean selling all sell-able tech from every turn
225 conversion to net divisor -- can be lower
67,707,879 total net
** 0.34*labs*(1-(1-labs/land)/2)+3
Happy Hunting