
Tigress Game profile


Nov 9th 2019, 17:04:18

so I get this as an in game msg :)

Message from cptn Austraya (#19) sent on Nov 09, 5:31

Don't fek with me.
along with a bunch of missiles and ABs from a country that was pretty much built like a bot ...

Oh sweetie I'm going to fek with you to my hearts desire for as long as I feel like :)

lol you just became my chew toy, my pretty lil' mouse til the end of reset :)

whereas #87 was smart, took his retals, and walked away -- you on the other hand decided to come back for seconds, I was thinking of just letting the first set of hits go as a coming from someone who just does not know better... but then again you helped to make up my mind.

you can have all the missiles and tanks and troops you want sweetheart... it's just not gonna help your situation :)

It's been a while since I've gone to war --- and you my sweet child o mine just became candidate #1

if anyone has open retals -- take them now -- this country is going to be worthless for retals by end of day

like I've said I in the past I do not hide and you will see me coming right at you. I'm going are going to start off nice and slow, then keep rampimg up, and savor every breif moment of enjoyment I get out decimating your country. I'm not going to kill you, because dead mice are just not fun to play with.

Phil Collins, "In the air tonight" (First Farewell Tour)

Happy Hunting
