
DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 24th 2020, 7:57:23

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Tear gas teddy and portland is sort of an anomaly tho. Their mayor used tear gas daily and as we saw in Philly, when you gas your citizens it sorta inspires violence. The following day was the biggest protest at like 31,000 people here. Once the city apologized it calmed back down to 4 or 5000 everyday. More like 500-1000 now.

When you repeatedly gas your citizens it tends to give people pause. I think tear gas Teddy kinda brought that situation in Portland on himself with a gross misuse of less lethal munitions early on in the protests.

The police in Seattle and Portland have been under stand down orders for months now, that excuse is bullfluff. There's absolutely no reason nor excuse to pull people that want to go home or work out of their vehicle and beat them to death, if you think otherwise then you're a murderous thug like those fluff bags.

Yeah. Hopefully anyone who even like punches someone else gets charged with assault. I mean...that's arguably the point of this whole thing, right? Haha. Let's not lose sight of that. This is about people getting charged with murder when they murder someone. Hopefully those kids do hard time. That sould be ubiquitous. There's a murder every 30 minutes in this country and in an ideal scenario, they are all brought to justice. Do I think it's a little disgusting that both sides use murders to make their point? A bit yeah. It's using an anomaly scenario to describe a systemic issue. And people have an emotional reaction to the singular issue instead of looking at the broader scope of what is being discussed. It's not like LOTS of people were beaten to death. A couple of sick fluffs killed a guy. I'm sure a guy who talks about a disease only killing like 1 or 0.5% of people can surely understand the percentage of motorists who were killed by the riots. It's probably closer to the percentage of mail in voting fraud that happens in an election at 0.0005%. At least, I'm certain covid's mortality rate is higher than driving in Portland. In a normal world you wouldn't give a fluff about a murder on my block or that one. At least, it seems, the killers has been arrested. Hopefully we get the same for Breonna Taylor and every other person who has been violently attacked. I feel like that should be the goal posts here. And I'd protest on behalf of either family to see their killers brought to justice if I believed raising awareness would help see that thru. Fortunately only one of their killers is sitting on the beach right now. And so I will repeat her name. Breonna Taylor.

I did watch the Proud Boys vs Antifa showdown from last night tho. I've never seen so many grown white men in helmets. Good lord. I'm so wholeheartedly embarrassed for anyone who consciously makes the decision to put on a helmet, grab a firm object, and go to battle with a wooden shield that says freedom on it. What the serious fluff is wrong with the far left and right? They all started wearing helmets...we used to make fun of kids who wore those haha.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Aug 24th 2020, 8:50:03
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