
DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 5th 2020, 13:15:37

I'm glad to hear that. Your boy had the biggest fanclub ever. Fortunately I was unchanged, and pretty much disliked both parties and their candidates straight along. It's not like I voted with hillary because I loved her to death. And I almost voted for John McCain because I disliked him about the same as Obama, but Palin made me a sure 3rd party vote.

What makes Trump different is that his people wear his jersey and his hats, they name their boats after him, they have rallies of 10s of thousands. This was the pizzagate realms' Elvis. The deep state destroyer.

I hope we can all go back to distrusting our politicians and having rational conversations about whether we like or dislike legislation rather than something about a pizza sex cabal trump is BRINGIN DOWN. I'm happy to have days where the president isnt on my TV for retweeting white supremacists or picking fights with comedians or whatever. There will be WHOLE DAYS Joe is just president and there is no news. I cant wait for it.

Hopefully the nail is in the coffin by the time I get off work today. Yes, work. You'll be seeing Philly flash that 70 point margin but dont forget that it's a blue collar city.