
DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 5th 2020, 21:36:39

Lol yeah, and I agree with you particularly in Arizona. All that rhetoric against John McCain, Arizona's favorite son, came back against him and basically handed this election to Biden should it stay blue. It turns out fluffting on that guy even posthumously really did him no favors and seems to have cost him about 5 points in the state, and 8 points amongst independents, especially in "Reagan Democrat" areas.

If he would have backed off the constant battling and tweeting about his political adversaries in a disparaging way, he probably could have held the state.

Not supporting the governor of michigan when there was a plot to kidnap her was also a popular Biden vote by moderates in michigan in exit polling. You can really see where his own mouth, rather than politics, cost him this election.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Nov 5th 2020, 21:40:24
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