
DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 9th 2020, 19:38:00

That shouldn't fall on to the worker and affect them negatively. Free trade has its pros and cons and weve definitely seen tons of jobs leave over just NAFTA for example.

It shouldn't be the workers fault or problem tho. Domestic policy should just be such that workers get paid an actual living wage. And if people want to outsource labor from sweat shops or move their business to tax havens, they should be penalized to the point that moving will hurt domestic business. Whether with tariffs or whatever. It isnt the fault of the worker that businesses will make the move to sweat shops, so they shouldn't even get paid enough to pay rent or eat in order to keep the business here. Domestic policy has to change to make it worth businesses staying. Not just affording them the opportunity to pay people literally less than ever in american history relative to productivity and inflation.