
DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 20th 2020, 6:45:03

That's also true if you show up with a black lives matter t shirt at a Trump rally... Like. Know your audience. It's not complicated to figure out where is and isn't a good place to have a voice, and where you're just going to be combative with someone else expressing their rights. The choice to express your rights is protected, there isnt however a right to combat that protected. That's actually where we legally draw the instigation line.

I dont think anyone is confused about the fact that both sides have people that will hurt people....cerb is for some extrajudicial killings after all. It's a ehm....extremely toxic politcal climate. And I think it's probably unwise for anyone to run into the mob mentality and start screaming about how the mob is wrong if they have any care for their wellbeing. Just don't be stupid.

Everyone looks like an idiot in their respective mob. I shouldn't have to point out Charlottesville.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Nov 20th 2020, 6:52:25
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