
Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Dec 20th 2020, 5:33:55

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by Gerdler:
The issue with covid for me is not really concerns about my health. The issue is that I have people I care about in risk groups that I want to meet(grandparents, parents, uncles, aunts, coworkers), and I might not know if they are vaccinated. That will be partially solved by taking the vaccine.

Wait, you mean you want them vaccinated as well, right? if you get the vaccine you don't become immune to transmitting it to others, If you're immune you still can pass it along and to my understanding the vaccine doesn't kill it, it just prevents you from getting sick, however you can still pass it on, so even with the vaccine you still have to wash your hands and wear the mask etc, etc, if someone with the covid 19 hugs you and then you hug someone who isn't vaccinated, that person will be exposed to the virus.

Yes and no. Assuming im not one of those 5-10% who the vaccine has no effect on I cant infect other people with the virus comming from me. But if lets say I hug someone with covid and get it on my hands I can ofc transfer it to someone else just like a covid person could touch a cell phone and through that infect another person. But I wont breathe virus, since I wont be infected.
Thats why social distancing will still be helpful(albeit not as important if you wash your hands between shaking different peoples hands etc).
Saying that you need a mask still is probably just because they are afraid of people taking their masks off and claiming they've been vaccinated while they have not been, or just a cheap precautionary effort.

Edited By: Gerdler on Dec 20th 2020, 5:36:24
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