
DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 21st 2020, 18:06:24

Yeah. I think it's important to realize what that 90% or 93% or 95% actually mean. It isnt as if it works perfectly in 95 people and doesnt work at all in 5.

The antibodies that the vaccine gives you will prevent the hook protein from attaching to a cell and thereby replicating 90-95% of the time. The way I understand it, which could be wrong because I dont understand necessarily all of the language in research papers, but we'd all still contract the virus and be contagious, we'd just be about 95% less sick and with lower appearances of virus per cell, in theory less contagious.

I'm more curious now if the UK mutation is still decreased by the current MHRA vaccines, but it actually seems like the goal is to distribute a vaccine that is very very safe and limits death to a non-hospital overwhelming level until community spread rates become manageable, and not to produce something like an inactivated protein vaccine without testing the long term ramifications (think like polio vaccine having extremely rare long term neurological side effects).

Edited By: DerrickICN on Dec 21st 2020, 18:16:16
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