
raz Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 24th 2021, 3:04:34

Current Scores
Top 10 (out of 10) clans ranked by total networth
Name Tag Members Total Worth Avg Worth
Natural Born Killers NBK 144 $5,374,532,284 $37,323,141
Lords of Chaos LoC 166 $3,559,180,116 $21,440,844
Insane Clownz W/ Dope xICDx 64 $2,979,655,865 $46,557,123
Insane Multi Posse XXX Edition IMP 78 $2,813,435,680 $36,069,688
Soldiers Of The Apocalypse SOTA 32 $443,968,868 $13,874,027
Horsemen of the Apocalypse HOTA 16 $298,905,077 $18,681,567
TheReLicHunteR xXRHXx 16 $212,805,606 $13,300,350
Organized Nepotistic Empire ONE 15 $201,765,639 $13,451,043
Cloud Nine Resort and Spa xSELFx 15 $108,348,873 $7,223,258
Black Hawk Down BHAD 16 $1,203,465 $75,217

This is it...I don't know how to get more players to play...but this is bad and makes me sad.

Originally posted by The_Hawk:
You win this round. I concede.