
daspheebsie Game profile


Sep 5th 2021, 21:49:58

Originally posted by Symbolic:

Yes it is about the player base, back when 50 000 players where on this game it didn't matter. There was war clans with 100 plus membership and a lot of them around. I also had a lot more time to be around and play the game as well. What I don't want nowadays a grudge wars like we had in the past Ie, S.L.I.T wars that lasted multiple sets and made hundreds of people leave the game.

I'll take my nice easy 2 week war at the end of every set over burning myself out grudge warring all set.

Nothing like fighting a grudge war with a newborn. Honestly though, Pang and crew could tell us all tomorrow that they were shutting down Alliance, and I am of the opinion we would all laugh at them, move to a server like Primary (for those that don't want to deal with the politics of FFA), and just start back up over there. We are all just to damned stubborn to let it die. Do I miss the numbers? Yes. At the same time though, it is kind of nice to be able to net with the option for a two week pre-planned war. I know I don't have to sit here and making a fluffed up country to be able to war oop. Coming from SoL that fluffing sucked. Regardless of the feelings of just let it die, its already a dead horse, yeah I doubt its going anywhere. They would lose more of the population because no one wants to do anything else. Its ingrained at this point.

Edited By: daspheebsie on Sep 6th 2021, 0:45:54
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