
g0nz0 Game profile


Nov 8th 2021, 15:12:57

Originally posted by Rocky79:
So, what strategy are those 50k acre theocracy countries running?

I can understand the first place Communist country was an industrialist

But I don't know about 2nd and 3rd place which were both 50k+ acre theocracy countries

Anyone with insight please let me know,



Having massive land gives you a much larger private market. With Max tech Theo you could buy out for like $2-4 billion cash (depending on acreage) and resell your mil to easy top 10.
I wasn't paying close attention but I think a couple were Tyr->Theo converts. You lose 14% of resources, but all your food is on the market so some buildings and small chunk of mil. Tyr gets you more land/less turns, Theo gets you the best deals (Dem with Max tech is next).

As a side note you will notice smaller top 10's go on a landgrab frenzy shortly before destock. This is to maximize private market.