
galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Nov 28th 2021, 22:15:09

Originally posted by g0nz0:
Originally posted by Gerdler:
I know people who used to do it every turn. I never did more than every couple turns. But you can see there is an issue here that some people invest a lot of time and effort into their countries only to have it destroyed on a Saturday or Sunday by someone who spent a tenth of the time into their country themselves.

You saying that no one cares who wins anyway is probably true now, but it isn't always, just a few months ago we had good competition and people were taking great pride in tweaking their strats to outnet the competition. Granted it was shortly after extensive game changes and that might have made it more interesting.
But still we had those bouts of good competition here before over the years when there wasn't big game changes, there isn't a pattern for how they start, but there damn sure is a pattern for how they end; A couple of griefers play every week with the intent to destroy said competition.

Mods know who the griefer is. Galleri 'Not My Problem™' Supermod won't do anything for some reason. Players get banned on other servers for player abuse, but not this one. He picks and chooses which set to ruin, farms as many countries as possible, then turtles up. I can't tell you how many players have quit this game (many permanently) because of THIS EXACT BEHAVIOR. Do your fluffin job Galleri. Holy fluff what a diversity hire you turned out to be.

Good luck guys. Mars and it's No Mod policy landed on Earth (express/team at least). I do enjoy the challenge, but I witnessed personally as it destroyed Mars2025 and ended that game for all of us. I see the same pattern here, and you guys deserve better. Please retire Galleri Not My Problem™. You are of no use as a mod.

Is there a reason you still don't understand the rules and what is and isn't deletable? You supposedly have played here for a long time "per you".....
Yet, here you are still having a woe is me victim stance after running proxies.
Hello Kitty Adventure Island is looking for players.

Edit: P.S. "hired" is paid. mods do not get paid in the game.

P.S.S. mods have generally stop playing the game to stay "fair". Prime can't even play at all as a mod boss.

Seriously......what is the issue you have with me? I am the only active and interactive mod with the player base.....
For some reason you think there are several things I should be doing and "apparently" aren't, except they are things I shouldn't be involved in or can't deal with. As for your admin answer..... I suggest you check out bug and suggestions forum.
I can't turn water into wine...

Edited By: galleri on Nov 28th 2021, 23:59:15
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Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.