
g0nz0 Game profile


Feb 25th 2022, 17:16:54

Originally posted by daspheebsie:
I have to give credit where credit is due. Really it does need to go back that far. Putin is really acting like that abusive ex who is trying to get back with his exes, and they are just fed up. However, I did make this analysis though to someone else - because NATO is not wanting to get involved, if Putin does manage to pull this one off, he knows that he is all but untouchable, and the USSR will be back. The dictators that are left over there *cough* Belarus *cough*, will quite probably bend the knee because well Stalinism. Hopefully and I do mean this, Ukraine doesn't back down. Hopefully, Stalin Jr. get his block knocked off his shoulders. Do I think that will happen? I don't know. I hope above all hope that it does.

If I were an everlasting gobstopper of Communism and fetishising the golden years of Soviet Russia/ USSR I would attack when my opponents are weak and without Western military support. NATO is nothing without the United States. Currently the US doesn't exist as it has no leader, only corrupt Oligarchs, blackmailed politicians and fake mid terms to rig. There is nobody to stop him. Biden, Clinton and pals were balls deep in Ukrainian corruption and couldn't rattle the cage over the Crimea river invasion. The Obiden regime pulled their assets out after the Vindman/impeachments sham. Hunters laptop certainly didn't help but social media and FBI "losing" the evidence cleaned that mess for the "big guy". China moves on Taiwan next, Iran announces it's nuke breakout phase and we might even see more Rocket Man. What happened to Corona btw, is that still a thing?

Forgot: Belarus was exposed as having been a corridor for illegal immigration from desert dwellers to Western Europe. Using government planes to import god knows how many, then send them across borders with a high five. Profit was not the purpose I promise you. What happened to all those "refugees" camping in the swamps anyway?

Edited By: g0nz0 on Feb 25th 2022, 17:25:45
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