
-RASK= Game profile


Jun 27th 2015, 20:39:52

I like Rask better than tomwaitsjr.

I was a huge fan of his starting in High School. Traveled around to see him in concert and was lucky enough to meet and speak to him completely by chance in Chicago once. No relation, sadly. It would be great if he'd tour again. I did get a chance to see Steve Earle and Shawn Colvin play a bit ago. Earle does some great Waits covers from time to time, like "Down in the Hole."

-RASK= Game profile


Jun 27th 2015, 14:18:00

Ah, you remember Tom Waits. :)

-RASK= Game profile


Jun 26th 2015, 19:59:40

Aww..not all suiciders or untagged are necessarily bad.

-RASK= Game profile


Mar 3rd 2013, 14:43:42

Seems that clan doesn't play this game...


carry on...


Wish this game could go back to the good old days. I actually make enough money now I'd pay to support it...sigh...

my email is for anyone that wants to get in touch and talk old times or and what not...

-RASK= Game profile


Feb 2nd 2013, 17:35:55

I have an extra GA ticket with mine. Can meet up.

(Totally ruining this page)

-RASK= Game profile


Feb 2nd 2013, 16:38:52

arious when I say high because it reminds me when I talked with Tommy Wiseau.

I was going to play this set but facebook made it so I and Bsnake could never quite get things set up right.

I have no problem with this. My real name and on facebook is greg guro and I'm living in Ann Arbor, if you want to add me let me know and your name. I have a very good memory of the past.

I'm very happy this game is still going! I was all set to play but life happens and I never really took the time to enter a clan, etc. Plus, it doesn't seem like there is that old giant monolith for me to help destroy as per usual.

Anyway, I'll say this. Those of you playing this game? None of you are close to just average intelligence or smarts. If you play and understand this game you are already in the top 10%. If you enjoy this game, than you are in the lower 5%. Not sure how that happens, but MonkeyBoy Joe and Burrito Nixon tell me that in intermissions with the kazoo playing accordian gypsy we all call "whippet McGee."

And my throat is soar.

If you attack me with jets only and then yourself what upsets you so when I spy you to death? What? The unfairness of it all, that I had to waste my time with---(followed by bad words)

-RASK= Game profile


Feb 2nd 2013, 16:31:39

Hi. KeTcHuP...Remember ME?


-RASK= Game profile


Feb 2nd 2013, 16:30:32

Hey Papa, still using ZoneAlarm?


No you don't.

-RASK= Game profile


Nov 9th 2012, 12:14:59

Meh, Dragon...Meh....

I don't think Tawnn made enough of an impact to be associated with the demise of FFA. I don't recall them warring much against established clans. I just remember constantly attacking them.I really don't remember why. AP left once NHDP was dead and buried, well before 2006.

-RASK= Game profile


Nov 8th 2012, 2:24:45

Sure, Bsnake. Send me the link and I'll join.


-RASK= Game profile


Nov 7th 2012, 23:08:28

I'll be looking to join as set. Haven't played in 6 years but the fundamentals look the same. Not so sure about the "unwritten" rule changes, though. How many countries, etc.

-RASK= Game profile


Nov 6th 2012, 15:23:05

and then NHDP was killed by AnusPoop. :)

Such good memories seeing familiar names. . .

-RASK= Game profile


Nov 6th 2012, 15:19:58

I guess I count as an old-timer. I forgot I was in RAGE for a bit. I hope Rommy's pee pee is ok... Lorrie, ah, good memories.

-RASK= Game profile


Nov 6th 2012, 13:13:03

IDOITS? I love that clan tag....LOL.

-RASK= Game profile


Nov 6th 2012, 9:13:55

Ok. checked the PM and replied. Clicked on webchat irc at top right but you weren't there. I'm sure we'll catch up. I've been procrastinating on some editing work I do from home, but I'll login later at some point.

-RASK= Game profile


Nov 6th 2012, 8:58:59


Kiwi is something you would call a New Zealender
Maybe I called you Bsnaked when I was Tom Waits and I think you were involved with Tawnn...
I thought you mentioned something about killing a pregnant wombat once.
You were adamently against attacking the clan that declared war on BSS which resulted in PANLV killing AP, but you took all your countries out before PANLV declared anyway...
But that was a DAMN long time ago...

-RASK= Game profile


Nov 6th 2012, 7:16:23

Yeah. Wish you well! I have a strange memory, so for some joggers here are some random words few would know but I...

"Bsnaked" Rask when pissed off at Bsnake
*gay porn on NHDP*
*wombat death*
..and either you or Hungry, something about a crazy person that was cutting down random trees in your neighborhood...

and everything went to hell when I wished to attack whatever clan attacked BSS...

but you can always quiz or email me. It's been years. . .

-RASK= Game profile


Nov 6th 2012, 5:16:09

Hmm. Did someone say "suiciders?"

-RASK= Game profile


Nov 6th 2012, 5:02:36


I still communicate with TAS off and on. Somehow I got curious to see if EARTH 2025 was still around. I'm glad it is. Very surprised to see so many familiar names. I assume there are also some familiar people with different handles.

I remember playing this game way back with a dial-up modem....

anyone wishing to email me for any reason can send it to