
Sep 28th 2012, 2:52:00

So all of the days of whining and threats of leaving the game and it turns out to be someone inside PDM the whole time.

This whole thing sounds really fishy. As an Observer it is part of my job to come up with conspiracy theories, so I will go on a limb and say that certain people in PDM were trying to frame someone and it ended up blowing up in their face.

Sep 2nd 2012, 23:09:54

The more likely reason is that ifag did to Monsters what they have done to most of the other alliances around their member count.

Constant threats, topfeeds, refusing to pact, saying that there is no reason to pact, Galleri and Soviet running their mouths like the retarded goons they are, drawing alliances out of a bag.

I have seen the nonsense first hand. The shenanigans of last set really would be enough reason for any alliance to decide to crush ifag.

Okay iChode you can continue your lies now, no one believes a word you say anyways. If you were working so hard for peace with Monsters why didn't you pact them? Seems odd to me. I also recall seeing you and Galleri both making threats toward them as recently as last set. I also recall you calling out one of their FAs as recently as this set. Two sets ago you went on a campaign against one of their old timer members and still bring that up as often this set.

With just what I have read from ifag members in this post, there is plenty of reason for Monsters to kill and farm you for many sets to come.

Also I distinctly recall ichode saying that you could 1on1 Monsters last set, seems that hype got shut down fast.

Jul 11th 2012, 22:12:31

so which side lcn fighting on next set?

Jul 11th 2012, 22:11:12

gg on destroying innactive netters.
na, time to close shop.

Jul 11th 2012, 22:09:17

Originally posted by iScode:
ummmm not good at war.

I would like to see any other alliance produce the hit stats imag just put out in the first 24 hours of war. And we still have a couple of hours to go...

74 hpm when a couple of countries are inactive and 1/3 of the alliance is new members new to war, along with the actual target selection and running of this war has been nothing short of impressive.

You seem to be still buthurt bye imag if you cant recognise that fact, yes NA was not warprepped, but those stats, even against a netting alliance not warprepped are not something many alliances could achieve imo.

The simple fact is the FS has been devastating.

You are trying to be funny, right? You blind side innactive netters and call that good at war? Your alliance ain't fluff, mate. Glad you have fun but don't try and include yourself with legitimate alliances. Imaginary numbers is a clan. Rename it Imaginary skill.

Don't take it liek I am just busting your chops. Whole bottom count is fluff. Just rank top 5 cause no one else matters.

Jul 11th 2012, 21:58:22

What I'm getting from this is.... TIE whines and cries even though they are winning. Rival had every advantage and lost. Junky and Crag are conspiracy theorists. Rival decided they weren't taking advantage of their huge core of old veterans, so they recruited. Now LaF will get the blame from the earth angel society.

Think that covers this thread. Stay classy TIE.