
AndrewMose Game profile


Jun 2nd 2013, 23:48:29

$5,988,244,484 TNW. 3 top 10's, 16 top 100's.

Edited By: AndrewMose on Jun 3rd 2013, 0:06:53
See Original Post

AndrewMose Game profile


Jun 1st 2013, 18:15:08

I'm not going to FA my top country anymore so it looks like you got me Zip.

AndrewMose Game profile


May 30th 2013, 1:51:07

I have made so many mistakes in the past 10 days. You would think that I could just cash turns and stock food pretty well...unfortunately this is not the case.

AndrewMose Game profile


May 26th 2013, 23:56:23

If I am not going to set in ANW records then I will try to win the set.

AndrewMose Game profile


May 19th 2013, 2:14:09

Originally posted by Pang:
no i actually didn't get what he meant the way it was phrased.

by removing that it would create incentive to make special attacks on a country before grabbing/farming it (and/or getting others to attack before the "payload country" starts grabbing)

that's a use case we don't really want to support without overhauling the entire attacking mechanic last i checked

That scenario is very unlikely on solo servers.

AndrewMose Game profile


May 19th 2013, 1:34:52


AndrewMose Game profile


May 15th 2013, 10:35:28

yes- to some extent

AndrewMose Game profile


May 13th 2013, 14:21:22

you both should join gdi and perform 2 SS dh's on eachother so you void your GDI with eachother.

That way nobody else can get in on the fight.

AndrewMose Game profile


May 10th 2013, 20:04:22

Good thing I'm not a demo farmer dependent on decay bonus this set.

AndrewMose Game profile


May 10th 2013, 16:32:59

I've always thought that tournament was the most balanced market in terms of potential. If you look through the records. Techers, Indys, cashers and farmers have all won.

I don't think the boost to republic casher will make that big of a difference this set.

AndrewMose Game profile


May 10th 2013, 16:10:46

The market feels emptier then usual this set. No jets, No turrets, no food. :(

AndrewMose Game profile


May 10th 2013, 0:36:29

this set needs indys

AndrewMose Game profile


May 9th 2013, 13:50:35


I think the point as I understand it is to allow the player to say when the SO is activated. So for example I create a standing order and select activate in 10 hours. That way my units/tech/food will sell before my SO is activated and I have money. We are all in agreement there are too many false orders out there. This will get rid of some false SO's and will allow some of us to spend the cash we earn without logging back in before the 18hr mark.

AndrewMose Game profile


May 8th 2013, 17:33:52

the math depends on how much tech you have. As a commy indy you will be the first to produce oil after of course fascist farmer.

this is because there is not a production penalty for % of buildings that are indy, and the public market costs you 4% more then others.

AndrewMose Game profile


May 6th 2013, 18:01:05

doesn't work for me

AndrewMose Game profile


May 6th 2013, 16:20:42

if you are grabbing heavily I would spend your money on mil strat and weapons before bus/res. At some point you will need the bus/res but when prices are high in the first month you should maximize your unit sales and land growth.

AndrewMose Game profile


May 6th 2013, 2:13:22

Anybody farming this set interested in a tech start ally?

AndrewMose Game profile


May 5th 2013, 2:39:59

I lay low so nobody needs me. Whatsup

AndrewMose Game profile


May 4th 2013, 1:07:23

g was metygl, narcissistic was grimstad.

AndrewMose Game profile


May 4th 2013, 0:02:25

i still had 2M tanks and 11M jets on my private to buy. I should have been less agressive on price

AndrewMose Game profile


May 3rd 2013, 23:58:43

shhh xin

AndrewMose Game profile


May 3rd 2013, 23:29:19

buy my 199 jets!

AndrewMose Game profile


May 3rd 2013, 19:08:27

I think this set made it clear that corruption bonus is a big gamble. It only pays off if food peaks past a certain point. And you need to guess that early in the set. Plus you run the risk of bomb banks or stock hunting grabs.

In my opinion a fascist is the only one that should be using corruption.

AndrewMose Game profile


May 3rd 2013, 17:37:34

no and not unless he is playing one of the two cashers.

AndrewMose Game profile


May 3rd 2013, 17:35:29

I would have thought they had to jump higher by now to get past 150M unless they are jumping from public.

AndrewMose Game profile


May 3rd 2013, 17:10:26

I have to think Narcissistic could have finished $125M - even after the topfeed

Edited By: AndrewMose on May 3rd 2013, 18:05:53
See Original Post

AndrewMose Game profile


May 3rd 2013, 13:50:22

20 turns to go...scores look low and it looks like Primary Cause will finish above all of the commies - so I guess he was the smart one to switch.

AndrewMose Game profile


May 2nd 2013, 20:53:12

$28M or bust

AndrewMose Game profile


May 2nd 2013, 20:10:12

Anybody out there?

AndrewMose Game profile


May 2nd 2013, 18:46:36

hes not going to take much NW grabbing 30 acres at a time.

AndrewMose Game profile


May 2nd 2013, 10:59:51

I cash started past two sets.

AndrewMose Game profile


May 2nd 2013, 0:58:48

CI is definitely safest. Even in a bad market you can finish well.

AndrewMose Game profile


May 2nd 2013, 0:36:48

i would have thought a 12k techer could have done very well this set.

AndrewMose Game profile


May 1st 2013, 19:11:34

Swamp Guardians...send an RA/IA/DA, I'm teching this set

AndrewMose Game profile


May 1st 2013, 18:45:39

This set will be the last one before we have to reset the records again. Looks like MayTheMassXAccelerationBeWithYou will win.

AndrewMose Game profile


May 1st 2013, 14:40:24

I just ran out of food. I lost 1.3M in NW :(...

just did it again on tournament and lost 0.4M NW. I need to be more careful.

Edited By: AndrewMose on May 1st 2013, 19:22:47
See Original Post

AndrewMose Game profile


May 1st 2013, 13:31:06

llaar looked to be having a great set, I was interested to see where he would end up. I hope the rest of his countries can finish strong.

AndrewMose Game profile


May 1st 2013, 13:07:05

If you think the primary market is hard. 2 sets ago in FFA I had a food stock that was equal to 3 days worth of the entire servers demand. There are no good choices in that situation.

In thinking about it in terms of stock vs demand, high food prices help some. Demand is composed of stocking bushels vs consuming bushels. Consuming is static/increasing independent of price, while stocking demand decreases as price increases. So if you have less food but it sells at a higher price, then your % of stock vs demand is lower, thus allowing more to sell at peak.

Of course it then creates more incentive to sell first and make crash the entire market sooner. It's all game theory.

AndrewMose Game profile


May 1st 2013, 13:00:23

High food prices don't bother me in general. In fact they can be rather nice if they are rising during the stocking phase. But they create a dilemma that forces techers to destock too soon. The dilemma is that only 1 techer can catch the peak (and even then you only can sell max 50% of your stock at peak.

These are the options as I see it if you are the first one to sell stock.

Sell the first bite size quantity (say 20M at $1 below market price)
- outcome all of your food sells and the new market price is $1 below what the original market price was because producers are not undercutting you by $1.
Then you will rinse and repeat as you step the market down $1 each time until the next techer destocks.

Sell your entire stock (say 250M at $1 below market price)
- outcome you will get about 5 hours worth of sales which will likely be 40M to 50M
- you will cause a panic where people undercut by too much and you need others to be able to buy and resell this panic sales.
- you recall all of your food after 6 hours and rinse and repeat.

I don't think there is all that much difference between the two and I think the "greedy" way may be more effective (but I have only done this once). The greedy way will be less effective if nobody is willing to resell the cheap panic sales. When I did this a couple sets back Crest was reselling some of them and I myself resold some.

AndrewMose Game profile


Apr 30th 2013, 19:44:54

Originally posted by blid:
Originally posted by AndrewMose:
It appears that the average price of food is rising...I guess it makes sense as the techers have all sold off their stock now.

If Redstone or Primary Cause are playing their cards right the extra $4/$5 per bushel can put them in the top 5. Which is impressive considering this has largely been a poor farming set.
ingle got 108m with a fascist farmer and I got 106m with a demo farmer in a weaker food set than this one. If a farmer can get 110m, do you think that's enough to put them top 5? I don't really think so but scores don't look that high this round.

I think that you will see at least 3 commies and 2 cashers finish $110M or better. But I think that the farmers can do better than $110M also. After those 7 I think there will be 1 indy and 1 Dict/casher >$100M and 10th place will be < $100M.

Note: I have only spied the indy's.

AndrewMose Game profile


Apr 30th 2013, 19:30:01

It appears that the average price of food is rising...I guess it makes sense as the techers have all sold off their stock now.

If Redstone or Primary Cause are playing their cards right the extra $4/$5 per bushel can put them in the top 5. Which is impressive considering this has largely been a poor farming set.

It looks like Redstone has been selling every day (probably decay bonus) would make the most sense. So he is definitely benefiting from this uptick.

Edited By: AndrewMose on Apr 30th 2013, 19:40:17
See Original Post

AndrewMose Game profile


Apr 30th 2013, 15:12:51

The espionage and bomb banks wouldn't be as big of a problem if it were possible to go to war with someone and profit off of winning the war (the assumption is that the bigger country would win easily). But as it is now, spy success is the determining factor in solo server wars and with the quick land DR limits there is little benefit to having the superior military.

My guess is that if people would stop stealing if they knew they would lose a war and end up benefiting the larger country.

AndrewMose Game profile


Apr 29th 2013, 15:47:26


Edited By: AndrewMose on Apr 29th 2013, 15:57:04. Reason: Mission Accomplished
See Original Post

AndrewMose Game profile


Apr 29th 2013, 14:11:01

Originally posted by Crowgora:
What does tech auto sell at on primary?

At this point I would think cashers or demos should be buying the tech before the market does.

AndrewMose Game profile


Apr 29th 2013, 13:59:03

Originally posted by oldman:
I'm thinking we won't see a >100m top 10 this set. Anyone thinking the same?


AndrewMose Game profile


Apr 27th 2013, 15:12:39

I agree that the bomb banks and espionage suck, but it is different from suiciding in that it benefits the attacker. Unfortunately there isn't much of a way to fight back. So I agree changes need to be made.