
Angry Watermelon

New Member

Mar 16th 2013, 0:39:53

I'm not sure what I'm more surprised by

- Sov reinforcing how almighty and powerful he is (LOL) or
- The mods (martian) acting on the wishes of a SOF member with absolutely nothing to do with the admin of the game or the forums.

As for the war, it's absolutely clear that SOF have opened up the LAF FA floodgates while they intimidate any alliance that aims to help MD. It's another black mark against an alliance that just cannot keep their filthy mitts out of the cookie jar. SOF's networth is increasing proportionally to the level of respect they deserve for being cowards again.

One day SOF, you'll fight a war you might not have to thank other alliances for winning for you.

Angry Watermelon

New Member

Mar 11th 2013, 8:37:48

mrford bears a striking resemblance to Sov.

Needs to bullfluff about real life to gain credibility. Afterall, if he relied on the bullfluff he spewed forth you might equate his intellect with that of a squirrel (after being run over by a semi trailer).

When you bring your real life 'achievements' into an argument. You automatically lose.

Points to alin.

Angry Watermelon

New Member

Mar 11th 2013, 8:34:51

Anyone who thinks the mods of this game are 'fair' or actually doing things to improve it (apart from qz) needs their heads read.

Seriously. Do you play any other games? Games where balance issues get fixed, updates are semi regular and the mods dont go around handing out forum bans and changing country names of people they don't like?

martian is probably the most dangerous of all. He tries to come across as the cutesy 'circuit breaker' on the forums, but I knew him was all he did was spam the boards. Seriously. Im pretty sure he got banned several times for spamming.

Now he runs overlord on the boards and thinks he a Big Man.

This game is the personal plaything of pang + friends. Anyone outside that sphere, bad luck 'you dont pay for it!!'.

Angry Watermelon

New Member

Mar 11th 2013, 8:30:15

mrford - youre fluffing laughable.

Apart from being one of the biggest fluffheads to ever play the game, you are only to happy to display yourself as a fluffhead with extras. A fluffhead who is also a raving hypocrite.

You are defending SOF I assume. Just the latest alliance you have leeched onto and claim to be a mouthpiece for..

The same SOF who need to be dragged into any fair fight, the same SOF who actively supported LAF in the aftermath of the hanlong debacle, the same SOF who have done anything, ANYTHING, to win for every reset they are in the game.

The other thing Helmet liked to say apart from 'STOP WHINING SORE LOSER' was 'ITS IN THE RULES WE'RE NOT CHAETORS'.

He, like you, is an enormous blowhard.