
Aslanemperor Game profile


Nov 1st 2015, 17:31:13


Aslanemperor Game profile


Oct 16th 2015, 1:51:50

There's something seriously wrong with you guys... I love it!

Aslanemperor Game profile


Oct 6th 2015, 16:01:07

Because he's defending 34k acres with only 1m turrets? Something that could be overtaken by someone with a tenth of his power...

Aslanemperor Game profile


Oct 5th 2015, 22:50:22

What's black and blue and brown and red and lying in a ditch?

Aslanemperor Game profile


Oct 2nd 2015, 14:39:03

In my experience, people who talk/act like that usually aren't very good themselves. It's like saying "I'm a slightly less sucky newbie than you!" Your response should be to start following a legit strategy to grow faster and then let your actions speak for you when you pass and landgrab the idiot.

Aslanemperor Game profile


Oct 2nd 2015, 14:31:14

midevil, it's "color" you limey bastard. Speak American!

^^Now that is a post worthy of an American political thread. Especially if it's a thread for Trump supporters.

Aslanemperor Game profile


Oct 2nd 2015, 14:28:00

Heston, did you seriously just equate being biracial with being a scumbag!? What does being biracial have to do with anything?

Aslanemperor Game profile


Oct 1st 2015, 15:52:37

I remember utopia. That game sucked, severely.

Aslanemperor Game profile


Oct 1st 2015, 4:08:44

Bah, Guild, Alliance, Clan. All the same things, just different words for it. But yeah. SOL, back when I played Earth 2025 in the late 90's - early 2000's was consistently number one. I believe there was one round where we dropped to second for a little while after one of the other big guilds sucker punched us, but even that round we had 4 people in the top ten, two of which had the #1 and #2 spots. I don't know when you guys were playing with them and having them do so poorly, but they were pretty powerful back then.

Aslanemperor Game profile


Oct 1st 2015, 1:12:32

Vic, the SOL I remember was consistantly number one on the ranks. The largest and most powerful guild on Earth 2025.

Aslanemperor Game profile


Sep 30th 2015, 22:23:27

I'll apply for the next reset. It would seem the site is the same, or at least looks the same.

Aslanemperor Game profile


Sep 30th 2015, 19:41:38

Hey guys. So I'm looking around and seeing that the gameplay is still the same. What I'm wondering now is if the old alliance Sons Of Liberty(SOL) is active on this site. If I was to join the alliance server, it would be really nice to be a part of an alliance which I'm familiar with. Is there a list somewhere that I'm just brainfarting and not seeing?

Aslanemperor Game profile


Sep 30th 2015, 19:38:23

So, I was thinking to myself the other day about the great times I had when I played Earth 2025, and how much I wish that game was still around. I used to be REALLY good, but stopped playing when there were so few people that getting to the top 1000 was as easy as using your first 100 turns. I came back still thinking along the lines I used to, but there's something off. My numbers don't seem to work the same as they used to. When I played so long ago, I had a method in place to make certain that I grew at an almost exponential rate and didn't have to stop to do things like Cash (unless I was a casher, and even then that was a late game turn use). What I'm wondering is, am I just misremembering my turn orders, or have things changed just enough to ruin any chance of playing in the old fashion?

Aslanemperor Game profile


Sep 29th 2015, 3:47:40
