
Billyjoe of UCF Game profile


Apr 3rd 2016, 1:44:25

haha.. says the king of butt hurt.. i watched you threaten TKO and then myself... don't get started with butthurt lol.

you actually amuse me.. maybe i'll play next set just to keep being entertained. really i won't because i can't be bothered to play countries lol.

and don't give me the team game fluff.. you play by yourself most likely because no one wants to deal with your prepubescent whining...

if you want to get into name calling and flame war i'll roll with you on that front too.

you act like your threats have no consequences.. and i simply showed you they do. so to put it nicely shut your fluffing mouth and play the game... or continue to whine like a child make idle threats and pretend everyone should kiss your heiny! But when i don't pucker up and you end up with a black eye.. don't go pick on someone else you damn wuss.

Billyjoe of UCF Game profile


Apr 3rd 2016, 1:19:51

I don't think you can't do anything or don't know what to do. You are taking figurative statements literally. I'm sure your plenty capable of doing something.

And if your waiting for remorse out of me when you haven't showed one bit of remorse for threatening me and even tried to twist it and spin it... Your going to be waiting a long time.

As I've said I see you as the aggressor I just happened to choose the war option I was giving for resolving my "market" problem or a block as you'd call it.

I think you are completely in the wrong here and you've said nothing to make me think otherwise.

Yes killing countries might of been a bit much but that's what you threatened to do... So should I just of assumed you were full of fluff or should I of taken care of it before you had a chance... I think I made the prudent decision.

Don't let your mouth write checks you can't cash my friend.

Once again your bullying and threatening doesn't bother me in the least... Not against my countries not against future ICD netters.

Your going to do what your going to do. Do I think killing some other netter with a suicide run will prove anything to me... Not at all only thing it proves is you are petty and hold lame grudges.

If you didn't want to kill you shouldn't of suggested it. There is nothing to work out... You threatened lost net worth and then lost networth... I guess I should credit you for the brilliant idea.

Have a good night!

Billyjoe of UCF Game profile


Apr 3rd 2016, 0:14:26

Originally posted by macdaddy:
and its hard to take someone serious that promises us ten times that he is done but then keeps on coming back., You must find it hard to keep a woman with that promise streak. As for Celphi, your not part of FFA so you have no opinion on the matter

You obviously want me back sweet heart or you wouldn't keep posting! I'm willing to feed the troll my man! Keep it charming my prince! *muah*

Billyjoe of UCF Game profile


Apr 3rd 2016, 0:12:22

Exactly it makes no point for either to detag.. If anything running A solo tag is even more reason to not run around threatening to kill people's countries which he's done at least two times this week alone.

This time He just happened to find someone to take the war ultimatum he gave.

As for assumptions that's the great part about text on a forum or message you can't properly convey sentiment... That's another reason not to make threatening statements... I couldn't see the sarcastic grin on your face or your fingers crossed!

Cry all you want the messages and sentiments are in this thread for anyone to read and make their own assumption.

I look at it as you threatened and were the aggressor and I simple stood up for myself. Ever see a bully in school get beat up or even hit they have no idea what to do next. This is where Mrford is (I would assume).

If you get reps good for you but someone is a fool and if you don't that's probably the way it should be. Only thing I know is there will be no sympathy from me. Lay off the threats and there really wouldn't of been an issue. There are 100 ways that message to me could of been worded... And many of them would of yielded a more positive result but in all honesty just to have the balls to act like your calling the shots on all market action is bold.

Then to threaten to kill to further push the envelope to scare someone into your desired result is just down right ridiculous...

If you didn't mean the words don't type them and if you did then stand by them and admit it was a mistake.

If you want to further carry this on by attacking betters in a future set its your prerogative but it's self serving, petty and pointless but once again play how ever you deem necessary!

Billyjoe of UCF Game profile


Apr 2nd 2016, 23:58:16

Harmful spy ops considered an act of war and will often get you killed.

Now if you are really at war or mindlessly killing bot countries go wild. But you shouldnt just be doing it to random targets.

Billyjoe of UCF Game profile


Apr 2nd 2016, 23:55:09

You want reps because you run around the server acting like a spoiled brat and threatening people who have goods on the market and someone called your bluff.?

I'm sorry I tried to be very civil but that takes the cake... My reps to you is simple wisdom watch your tongue in the future!

If you think your going to scare someone into giving you your way, you're much more naive and childish then I first thought.

Don't open your big boy mouth if you aren't ready to back up what it's saying.

You gave me the option of taking my goods down or (you implied) warring and I choose warring. There wasn't a third option that said lets talk this out and see if your "block" was actually intentional and aimed at me.

As for why I didn't detagg he didn't detag to threaten me and he also seen my tag when he threatened me what would really be the point of detagging.

He would still be crying and banging on his omg I hate ICD drum regardless.

Honestly this is just going to the point of absurdness... You don't get a trophy for everything in life your upbringing failed you... There are winner and losers and when you make threats idle or not you are a loser.

Billyjoe of UCF Game profile


Apr 2nd 2016, 23:24:13

once a suicider always a suicider... enjoy your time my man! playing countries for the sole purpose of ruining one or two countries sets and then dying rebuilding rinse repeat... sorry my man the worst part of this game is playing the actually country i'm only here for social interaction of some great folks i've met along the way.

to me that sounds like hell haha.. but if it keeps you interested into it.. and what ever else.. then by all means float your boat my man...

and about fake RB ah.. at least he is level headed i bet real RB would probably agree too.

sorry you are so enraged you can't see the real cause effect ending here.

have a good one.. last post for real.. that sir i promise you! enjoy!

Billyjoe of UCF Game profile


Apr 2nd 2016, 23:02:18

Originally posted by Raging Budda:
Nah Bj you did nothing wrong. If threatened the clan should react. Ford was a suicider before he would hit again.

Thanks RB thats what i'm saying... he pulled the same stuff with his TKO member post the other day the only difference is TKO had netters to protect this set... I don't. He made multiple threats wording like "don't make me take it down the hard way", "don't cry when i take action"... yet here he is crying when someone takes action.

And mrford as for me "fluffing" my friends... your petty grudge is "fluffing" my friends not me bud.

you threatened i neutralized the threat.

You want to put candy coated words around it and claim it wasn't a threat or that wasn't your intention then go nuts my man!

My advice is not to threaten someone if you don't care to deal with the consequences of that threat.

Billyjoe of UCF Game profile


Apr 2nd 2016, 22:42:14

oh man that edit got me to post again.. ok last time i promise!

You overreacted by acting like my sale was to spite you... and you tossed a threat in there. in my opinion i reacted to the threat not overreacted... but what ever spin you want is yours to choose!

So in a way i guess we are both assholes that overreacted you just happened to do it first and threaten me.

I had no ill will before my sale... a little ill will after you message... i took care of that ill will letting you know i wouldn't be bullied.. and now i'm void of ill will.

You like many other decisions in this conversation are more than welcomed to take it as an insult.. or a compliment. or what ever you'd like.

to break down the logic it goes like this.

Mrford does something not nice,
BJ in return reacts and does something not nice
Mrford has the consequences for doing something not nice,
here is where there are two options.

1 learn from it and move on and try to be a better person.
2 (more likely) snake someone down the line starting the doing something not nice all over again.

Could there be consequences from doing something not nice in the future i suppose their could.. but there also couldn't those are the two options.

so the way i see it is we are even.. you did something not nice i did something not nice.. if you in turn do another thing not nice... that makes you 1 up on the not nice thing... its also called a grudge and that tends to be more unhealthy for the person holding it then the other person.

its like poisoning yourself bro... and poison is no good.

Anyway sorry about the misunderstanding... try to remember threatening = mean. mean things tend to get reacted to.


Good day for real!

Billyjoe of UCF Game profile


Apr 2nd 2016, 22:34:01

ditto! good day sir!

Billyjoe of UCF Game profile


Apr 2nd 2016, 22:27:34

"help me lose net worth".. any chance you can explain precisely what you were thinking when you wrote it? because i'll give you 300 real dollars if you can pass a lie detector test and say something other than kill/attack my countries...

In my opinion it was a veiled threat... call me bias... or call you a liar.. which ever you prefer.. any spin you like..

bottom line is you for what ever reason took my sale of my military and tech as a personal assault on you... even implying i thought you weren't smart enough to find out... haha.. i had 0.0000 a thought of you or any other netter in my head when i placed all those goods for sale to help someone with a buyout..

once again i had no ill intentions when i posted my tech and i'm sorry if it stopped your masterplan to break 1bil nw or what ever you were aiming at so you can be proud of your hard work all set long.

Either way do as you may or must.. i can't really do anything to sway your opinion nor would i if i could. you are a free person and i like that about you!

Either way.. have a good day.. hopefully you get what ever you are looking for out of the ICD leaders you are working with. Once again no ill will just doing instead of threating in retaliation to a threat or a kind request to remove my goods or what ever else you want to call it.

have a good one my man.. this is most likely my last post in the thread and on this topic!

Billyjoe of UCF Game profile


Apr 2nd 2016, 22:13:57

lol you threatened to kill my countries... i actually killed your country.. i'm not sure why you don't see yourself as the aggressor here..

but that goes back to the spin thing.

you threatened there were consequences for my "blocking you" and i showed you there were consequences for threatening me...

I'm ok with how it all shook out and i honestly don't believe you are owed a damn thing.. not this set or any set in the future... once again if crippler and them choose to pay reps or give you what ever it is your looking for then that is up to them. Do i think they should.. no i don't. Do i dictate their play/leadership etc... nope..

What i think needs to happen is you should understand that being a keyboard gangster doesn't scare everyone and its a pretty fluffty thing to do.

As i've said time and again but your the one that doesn't get it..

more or less you should of taken from this that not threatening folks is the best way to keep the peace.

Billyjoe of UCF Game profile


Apr 2nd 2016, 22:09:42

Originally posted by slip:
Originally posted by Billyjoe of UCF:

I don't speak for ICD as a whole.. i only played this set to war.. I won't be playing next set. I would prefer if you left the icd netters alone in the future but that's your choice alone.

Isn't this the reason you guys killed Blueline?

I don't play into the politics and i wasn't around when lawdog/blueline and who ever else did what ever they did. i personally hit blueline because that is what was asked of me lol.

i got no grudges its pointless, I don't hold them either.

I actually didn't even ask what they did or how it all transpired... more or less i warred in a war game. So unfortunately i can't answer that for you slip!

Billyjoe of UCF Game profile


Apr 2nd 2016, 22:07:35

in my opinion hitting countries that were land farms all set 2 days before the end of the set isn't significant either but it made my point.

and in all seriousness i wouldn't of hit his top country even if i could of. but he can believe that or not.

Once again mrford "of your creation" seems like more threats. what ever makes you feel like you are winning or have won or got your sweet sweet revenge you are welcome to! I could always run 16 for the first two weeks and you can try to kill them OOP and it could be fun but i really don't want to play more than like 3 weeks!

If suiciding on folks that had nothing to do with it floats your boat... then you sir are welcome to it!

Once again.. threats don't make friends, and making friends is essential to being social!

Billyjoe of UCF Game profile


Apr 2nd 2016, 21:55:40

that was a scenario of where it goes next bud.. after the killing already has taken place...

hence the it should end like this.....

but its ok i'm not the greatest grammar user when typing on a forum and i'm certainly awfully guilty of abusing punctuation or lack thereof. So i could see where it could get confusing.

Basically in plain English i'm saying you should probably just say yeah threatening someone in a game wasn't cool.. sorry about that... and move on. But once again.. Your future actions aren't my choice.

Billyjoe of UCF Game profile


Apr 2nd 2016, 21:48:26

i don't really care to talk anything out after killing your countries i think i made my point. i also think at no point did i put any spin on anything. if you want to kill my countries have at it.. good luck.

if you want to target our "netters" which are currently all warring strats... you are welcome to. i think it may be over board and petty.. hitting others because you can't hit me.. but once again i don't dictate your play.

If you want to lurk in the shadows and out of no where next set blindside a netter having a decent netting set.. you wouldn't be the first suicider and you probably won't be the last.

Do i think the netter deserves it probably not... but C'est la vie.

Honestly its all up to you.. i'm making no threats.. maybe if you become too big a nuisance i'll get an email in a year or so that sucks me back into the game for a set or two.. and i'll have fun warring... as i have on and off for the last 15 years...

I think the most reasonable course of action is probably let bygones be bygones.. if you see my countries F em up.. and if you don't then probably just net and work on that top 10 finish in the future sets.

But its not up for me to write that chapter in the future.. regardless what you do hopefully you find it enjoyable!

Billyjoe of UCF Game profile


Apr 2nd 2016, 21:40:31

you spin it how ever you want.. you initiated trying to be a keyboard gangster and you realized that isn't something i care to deal with.

Don't make threats and your countries will probably live next time.

I made no secret when i came back this set it was a one set tour of duty. i didn't have it out to "suicide" at the end of the set or anything stupid... what it comes down to is what i mentioned before... you trying to dictate my style of play and making threats.. me reacting.

So i don't see it as starting a fire and then scampering away.. what i see it as is defending myself and if you are going to do dumb fluff in the future who am i to say. I don't dictate your play... I simply ensure you understand i won't be bullied or threatened...

In my opinion it should end something like this...
Mrford "man yeah that was a really silly thing of me to do to threaten you. sorry about that i just let html emotions get the best of me"
BJ "not a problem dude... i just wasn't a fan of your threats"
Mrford/BJ *hugs* good luck in the future pal...
mrford"yeah no worries i'll try to keep my cool when i think someone is "blocking" the market!"

But your fully allowed to write your own story book ending bud!

have a good day.. spend some of that time with family or the great outdoors it does wonders!

Billyjoe of UCF Game profile


Apr 2nd 2016, 21:27:42

you threatened me i took it personal.. there were consequences that's really all there is to it.

I don't speak for ICD as a whole.. i only played this set to war.. I won't be playing next set. I would prefer if you left the icd netters alone in the future but that's your choice alone. As an FYI i've never hid my identity or my countries so it will be really easy to see if i'm around next set... if you see countries called BJs bandits i'm around... feel free to come on back next set but i assure you i'm not playing.

I am aware of what my actions could or couldn't lead to. I think you should quell your market police rhetoric and i've even made mention of that a few days ago on the forums.

I put up goods to get cash.. nothing more nothing less. i had no ill intentions to block you "skillful" netters.

You don't control whether i put or take stuff down and i don't appreciate you pretending you do.

Its a war game.. the way i see it you initiated i reacted. I guess the next move is yours bud!

Have a good ending of the set and a prosperous future!

Billyjoe of UCF Game profile


Apr 2nd 2016, 21:14:44

you threatened me to take it down.. and i used other game mechanics to protect myself from a threat... i'm ok with how ever this ends up sir.! i'm no networth superstar and i sure as hell don't care about my html lol.

there is no blocking... its trying to sell my goods.. when i put them up they weren't that much higher than current market price.

anyway... have fun.. i'll take out a few more when my turns rebuild.

Billyjoe of UCF Game profile


Apr 2nd 2016, 21:10:22

also i wasn't "blocking" anything.. i was selling off max goods to have more cash to help someone out on a buy out...

last i checked you are allowed to sell your stuff on the market.

Billyjoe of UCF Game profile


Apr 2nd 2016, 21:09:12

care to explain the words in the message you sent me.. are you saying there wasn't a veiled threat there?

you offered to shave my NW i figured i would return the favor... thanks!

Billyjoe of UCF Game profile


Apr 2nd 2016, 21:05:20

you don't control the market.. and you aren't the only one that is allowed to put your goods up.. so keep walking around with your big boy pants on.

Billyjoe of UCF Game profile


Apr 2nd 2016, 21:04:34

you sent me a threatening message.. and did a bunch of spy ops on me... how was to know you were just kidding..
sorry not sorry..

also this isn't an ICD but a BJ thing.. but your welcome to do what ever is clever.

Message from Delta (#1532) sent on Apr 02, 6:27
Report this message
blocking me huh? you think that is a smart move? interesting.

maybe you thought i wasnt smart enough to find out? im noty sure. but i would appreciate you not blocking me. if ou dont care, then im sure we can find other ways of settling this. i mean, if you have to get your NW on the shoulders of others, maybe i can help you lose NW.

12.8 hours ago
Delta (#1532) attempted to attempted to spy on your goods and technology for sale! You killed 7395 enemy spies.

12.8 hours ago
Charlie (#1531) attempted to attempted to spy on your goods and technology for sale! You killed 6621 enemy spies.

12.8 hours ago
Charlie (#1531) attempted to attempted to spy on your goods and technology for sale! You killed 6756 enemy spies.

12.8 hours ago
Charlie (#1531) attempted to attempted to spy on your goods and technology for sale! You killed 6894 enemy spies.

12.8 hours ago
Charlie (#1531) attempted to attempted to spy on your goods and technology for sale! You killed 7035 enemy spies.

12.8 hours ago
Charlie (#1531) attempted to attempted to spy on your goods and technology for sale! You killed 7178 enemy spies.

12.8 hours ago
Charlie (#1531) attempted to attempted to spy on your goods and technology for sale! You killed 7325 enemy spies.

12.8 hours ago
Charlie (#1531) attempted to attempted to spy on your goods and technology for sale! You killed 7474 enemy spies.

12.8 hours ago
Bravo (#1530) attempted to attempted to spy on your goods and technology for sale! You killed 6565 enemy spies.

12.8 hours ago
Bravo (#1530) attempted to attempted to spy on your goods and technology for sale! You killed 6699 enemy spies.

12.8 hours ago
Bravo (#1530) attempted to attempted to spy on your goods and technology for sale! You killed 6835 enemy spies.

12.8 hours ago
Bravo (#1530) attempted to attempted to spy on your goods and technology for sale! You killed 6975 enemy spies.

12.8 hours ago
Bravo (#1530) attempted to attempted to spy on your goods and technology for sale! You killed 7117 enemy spies.

12.8 hours ago
Bravo (#1530) attempted to attempted to spy on your goods and technology for sale! You killed 7262 enemy spies.

12.8 hours ago
Bravo (#1530) attempted to spy on your country! You killed 7411 enemy spies.

Billyjoe of UCF Game profile


Mar 29th 2016, 1:28:51

i really don't understand why people get upset that other folks have their stuff on the market lol... they are trying to block transfers.. or get some easy money off buy outs.. i can't say i blame them.. didn't realize a select view "owned" the market.

Billyjoe of UCF Game profile


Mar 28th 2016, 22:50:06

i'm just basically tossing military up on the market for boredom sake... yeah there is a decent profit margin but not if i kept cashing...

but who cares.. its more fun!

Billyjoe of UCF Game profile


Mar 28th 2016, 11:26:42


Billyjoe of UCF Game profile


Mar 26th 2016, 22:20:44

i'm not really specced properly donny but i put out a big chunk of military at what i deem reasonable prices... enjoy in 4-6 hours!

Billyjoe of UCF Game profile


Mar 25th 2016, 2:41:43


Billyjoe of UCF Game profile


Mar 23rd 2016, 1:53:04

lol i figured unload 150 EMs followed buy as man NMs as i could and then see if my 200 chems or so can finish the job...

200 chems after 150 ems would kill you but taking out the land with nukes would be awesome!

Billyjoe of UCF Game profile


Mar 23rd 2016, 0:42:20

wait did i read that right... i can hit donny if i can reach it?....

does this count as formal permission?

Billyjoe of UCF Game profile


Mar 21st 2016, 1:07:28


Billyjoe of UCF Game profile


Mar 14th 2016, 21:40:25

Hi me without the of!

Billyjoe of UCF Game profile


Mar 14th 2016, 1:42:56

hi lawdog!

Billyjoe of UCF Game profile


Mar 13th 2016, 5:50:07

this time chaos hit and broke the CF... for real.. i just wish i was small enough to hit them!

Billyjoe of UCF Game profile


Mar 9th 2016, 11:26:15

Nm that was fake crippler lol. My only regret is not being small enough to hit you lol

Nevermind about the not cool thing all is fair in love and WAR!

Billyjoe of UCF Game profile


Mar 9th 2016, 11:24:38

Didn't we already announce there was a CF like 2 or 3 days ago!?

Billyjoe of UCF Game profile


Mar 9th 2016, 2:07:17

hi catchy!

Billyjoe of UCF Game profile


Mar 9th 2016, 1:35:52

pretty not cool.

Billyjoe of UCF Game profile


Mar 8th 2016, 0:00:39

xxgodsxx lol...

Billyjoe of UCF Game profile


Mar 3rd 2016, 0:39:02

i'll let crippler know to come check this out. i personally have no issue with a cease but i wasn't here last set to get butt hurt.

Billyjoe of UCF Game profile


Feb 29th 2016, 2:05:22


Billyjoe of UCF Game profile


Feb 28th 2016, 23:20:22

well its a pleasure to make his acquaintance and i hope we meet again! maybe he will ask the same question and i'll be that much more prepared to answer it!

Billyjoe of UCF Game profile


Feb 28th 2016, 14:24:26

Hey buffalo mike I'm from buffalo ny if that's what your name refers to.

And depending on your strategy and what you are doing it can go anywhere from 30 minutes every other day to like an hour or so a day.

If you care to get wrapped up in forum politics it can be more time consuming. There are a lot of keyboard gangsters on the forums so don't get discouraged and expect some trolling.

The game is very much meant for being in a clan or a group of other players as small tags or folks that don't play with in the "unwritten" rules of established player base usually get the short end of the stick.

You would think with it being a war game and called free for all it would be one big Wild West shoot out. But there are actually pretty complex rules and standards of play most active players adhere too.

There are also a group of jack asses just out to ruin it for everyone this is where being in an established clan comes in handy. Learn the ropes then maybe branch out on your own or invite friends to play with you etc.

A lot of people often pretend to be "new players" so you may have to deal with a healthy amount of Skeptics. If in fact you are a real new player welcome and I hope you find it fun and worth the time put in.

I can honestly say I've played this game on and off since 96-97 and I do enjoy most aspects of the game.

The community is pretty tight knit but you do have some of those "crazy" aunts and uncles everyone avoids talking too. But other than that the social interaction is worth while.

Best of luck and feel free to forum message me with any other questions or pointers/tips.

Billyjoe of UCF Game profile


Feb 28th 2016, 12:53:00

Mob let's keep the war in the countries and off of ffat! Have a good day and let's have some fun warring in this war game!

Billyjoe of UCF Game profile


Feb 28th 2016, 7:41:26

good luck to both sides let's have fun... that is how the game was intended!

Billyjoe of UCF Game profile


Feb 22nd 2016, 17:54:40

I don't play frequently enough to have a copy cat!

Billyjoe of UCF Game profile


Feb 20th 2016, 23:57:17

lol... how does he have the same name? two spaces between r and ICD?

Billyjoe of UCF Game profile


Feb 15th 2016, 18:26:00

Don't beaver dam me bro!

Billyjoe of UCF Game profile


Feb 8th 2016, 2:23:36


Billyjoe of UCF Game profile


Feb 4th 2016, 3:23:26

is this thing on....