
Cathankins Game profile


Jun 24th 2024, 13:07:51

Originally posted by Drow:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by Xyle SoF:
I was running a war country and only switched to netting once it became clear no war was forthcoming. I had something like 120 missiles... record for top 10? I also had a decent SPAL all set.

You can’t have a war on here. There is one giant clan and all the nerds use bots they don’t even play the game.

If you beat a war clan they call for help like merc did with us. There is zero real wars happening on here.

1. I'm sure M4D would be offended that they didn't have "a real war"

2. Bots don't mean people don't play the game /eyeroll

3. You didn't "beat mercs". You killed one country, then missile dumped another, and then had your fecal matter forcibly compounded because everyone was sick of you.

4. You suicided evo for the second set running, and they've finished with 30% of the top 10, and 30% of the top 20, whilst you got your fecal matter forcibly compounded a second time, and finished with a combined alliance NW significantly less than that of evo's worst country, after doing more genius things...

Lot of cope right here.

“We didn’t get beat guys we just had to call for emergency help!”

I realize evo is competition against total idiots by the way, thank you for pointing that out.

I bet if evo only played 100 turns in a set the rest of you couldn’t beat them still. There’s a reason I call the rest of you the npc clans.

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 24th 2024, 13:05:30

Same thing with PDM. I never bothered then. Josey was their friend. Taker is a piece of crap for that. I don’t care what agreements you have you guys are willing to backstab a friend over a rule and that’s some buster activity. Lot of snakes on here and I don’t respect it. You guys start fights and then won’t even own it. Very cowardly behavior and then everyone else dogpiling and lying about it as well.

One of the most dishonest groups of humans I’ve ever ran across and I’ve met some crazy groups in my life

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 24th 2024, 13:03:02

Originally posted by Tertius:
How did Evo do anything? We didn't join in those original kill runs, and we recommended you talk to actual mercs leadership. Those politics are between you and mercs. Then one day after you had restarted enough times you posted cryptic messages on the forums about how PDM and Evo are somehow at fault, and then started suiciding on us out of the blue. We were never involved until you involved us. And somehow, anytime something goes wrong, you involve us again.

If you wanted to discuss bullying, you know I have always spoken out against cross-server retaliation. Slagpit as a neutral observer suggested you not fall for SF's words, especially if you don't trust him. Also, to be fair, Josey on the forums said originally that he was going to kill SF, so it really doesn't seem like bullying, just escalation. Your attacks involving Evo, or looking me for on tourny, seems more clearly bullying too me, but in that case you seem proud of it. It's not clear when it's okay for you to bully or threaten but not okay for Mercs.

I just meant by being their allies, gonz0 is pretty annoying though and you’ve been talking trash lately so I’ve tried to be cool with you tert so don’t make it personal is my advice

One thing about being involved with organized groups is sometimes you may get drug into dumb stuff if your clique isn’t smart. You guys choose to associate with a low IQ bully and that causes blowback on you.

I am surprised literally zero of you have even spoken one word of criticism about this attempt to bully me and then my clan.

I netted here for a long time. Never been banned. Ever.

Superfly obviously has been a troll and banned many times over the years.

The fact that all of you even jump on board that ship and pretend I the one who would have started that. You lose all credibility with me.

You and I know darn well when I net I don’t start stuff. How many sets did we play together? Did I ever even a single time do that?

It’s shows a lack of moral fiber if you are willing to be dishonest like this

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 24th 2024, 12:56:34

Originally posted by Coalie:
Originally posted by Cathankins:

I could literally say the sky is blue and coalie would appear and say that’s not true it’s the weirdest behavior I’ve ever witnessed

The funny thing is Cath, the sky isn’t actually blue. That’s how I know you’ve never been to college or have any higher form of education. The sky is actually violet

“ the wavelength of blue light is about 65% that of red light, so blue light is indeed scattered about six times more than red light under normal conditions. Actually, violet light scatters more than blue light. But the photoreceptors in the human eye are not particularly sensitive to violet light directly, and the intensity of violet light in the solar spectrum is less than that of blue light.”

Get fcked again Cath
EZ Clap(tm)

Are you trying to sound like as big of a nerd as possible?

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 24th 2024, 12:53:51

Originally posted by Drow:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by Capt Obvious:
Wouldn't do you any good unless the handful of people that take their trollbait also put them on ignore. You'd just have 3-4 people looking like they're talking to themselves because they can't resist replying to their nonsense.

Yea it’s strange you can’t even post an opinion without the clans here trying to politic. They lie a lot as well so it ends with them seemingly arguing over anything under the sun.

I could say “I attacked gonz0 because he’s a jerk”

And someone From merc would appear and argue that’s not true. I’m convinced they aren’t physically capable of telling the truth or trying not to control others.

I could literally say the sky is blue and coalie would appear and say that’s not true it’s the weirdest behavior I’ve ever witnessed

See, if you actually DID attack Gonzo (but you didnt) and justified it by saying it's because he's a jerk, you'd still get wrecked, but people would at least possibly respect you marginally more for it

I’ve been honest from the start about why I warred they people I did. I have zero reason to lie. I don’t seek or want to fit in with the alliance community in case you haven’t noticed. That’s what’s so particularly bizarre about being accused of lying about my motives for war. I’ll war because I want to I didn’t even have to explain anything to you goofballs. Me explaining my motives was just being generous.

I didn’t realize that the guys here do the weird politic thing where they fight over who is the least at fault and then lie. Them they fight over who is the least crazy.

It’s the most feminine behavior I’ve ever seen from men and I just can’t find myself to care about it. The whole thing seems ridiculous.

I am the most crazy most insane most wild dude to ever walk the face of planet earth and I don’t care who seethes over that. I am obviously awesome without a doubt. Seethe on nerds I know you will

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 24th 2024, 12:47:18

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Every one will be attacking Cathankins until his restarts are so small that humanitarians block us. Not because he is a jerk but because he is a self admitted child killer….

If I called superfly what he is, he would have a mental breakdown. Demand censorship and all of that silly karen activities. But you know what you are.

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 23rd 2024, 14:33:47

I actually did engage in these politics and I realize how the game is rigged so there is no point

So now we war. You wanted to jump on the side of someone trying to bully people and now evo will pay a very heavy price for that. I warned you. My full attention is now on evo. And we will be back.

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 23rd 2024, 14:32:26

Yes but you guys are lying and it’s just dishonest.

Superfly told me word for word that his clan merc was about to kill run me.

When we got hit with 20 spy ops on every single player we had. It was reasonable to assume they were going to deliver on superflies what I know now was a lie.

Superfly was trying to use his clan to bully people and he picked the wrong ones. That’s what happened.

I attacked merc first sure but it was self defense.

Why would I want to war evo tert? It’s stupid, I left my account here at evo and said I would be back to play one day after I finished my wars.

You guys took it personal and it wasn’t for me. Yes I think Superfly is a legit jerk and a liar but laf and evo I never had an issue with.

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 23rd 2024, 14:24:53

What happened to that one idiot who kept saying everyone in evo would break 1.4 billion?

He seems quiet right now

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 23rd 2024, 14:24:05

Originally posted by Xyle SoF:
I was running a war country and only switched to netting once it became clear no war was forthcoming. I had something like 120 missiles... record for top 10? I also had a decent SPAL all set.

You can’t have a war on here. There is one giant clan and all the nerds use bots they don’t even play the game.

If you beat a war clan they call for help like merc did with us. There is zero real wars happening on here.

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 23rd 2024, 14:21:13

Originally posted by Coalie:
What did you do while waiting?!

-hit EVO
-Spyops harmful on evo
-FAed SoL’s enemies while they are at war (well Josey did)
-spied on SoL while they were at war

Yes we proved ourselves. We EZ Clap you.
In fact, I’m going to trademark “EZ Clap(tm)” thanks to you guys.

Cathankins and Josey were EZ Clap(tm) by mercs and SOL.

You proved that you get played like a fiddle by gonzo. It was sad to watch a bunch of old men get trolled by a taco muncher.

Get fluffed
EZ Clap(tm)

That ez clap thing may be the nerdiest thing out of all of the things I’ve heard you say.

You couldn’t handle us 1 on 1 even with bots and cheat codes and had to call in a 5 clan coalition to handle us.

We would have beat you guys and we know that and you know it.

You wouldn’t have had to call for help otherwise

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 23rd 2024, 14:17:49

Originally posted by Capt Obvious:
Wouldn't do you any good unless the handful of people that take their trollbait also put them on ignore. You'd just have 3-4 people looking like they're talking to themselves because they can't resist replying to their nonsense.

Yea it’s strange you can’t even post an opinion without the clans here trying to politic. They lie a lot as well so it ends with them seemingly arguing over anything under the sun.

I could say “I attacked gonz0 because he’s a jerk”

And someone From merc would appear and argue that’s not true. I’m convinced they aren’t physically capable of telling the truth or trying not to control others.

I could literally say the sky is blue and coalie would appear and say that’s not true it’s the weirdest behavior I’ve ever witnessed

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 23rd 2024, 14:12:35

You seem to be mixing up different wars drow.

When I hit Laf it was because they had killed my big techer. we are cool now and they all know that. I was just getting even, eye for an eye.

The current war is because I beat superfly so bad on express that he threatened to bring his clan in and kill us, then he started hitting us with spy ops so we killed him.

After that we hit merc and they couldn’t handle us and had to call everyone else in.

If you guys cannot keep up that’s due to your own low IQ. The situation has been explained enough ad naseum well enough for anyone to understand.

Edited By: Cathankins on Jun 23rd 2024, 14:14:38
See Original Post

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 22nd 2024, 13:48:06

Originally posted by Drow:
Originally posted by Josey Wales:
“Stop and Frisk is enforced here.”

There you have it.

I’m glad you put that out there because you’ve just confirmed that we are working in a Lord Of The Flies environment.

So, you and your gang think that whatever you say goes. You “Stop and Frisk” at will. And basically do whatever you want. If you see a country that doesn’t look right to your ethos, you’ll kill it.

So what if a country has stocked 100 missiles? Who are you to tell someone how to build and run their country? There’s an easy answer to that. Your a gang. And there really isn’t any room for anyone to step out of what you think is the line. That’s fine. I’ve said it before, the rules have been tweaked in alliance to suit the big gangs. Yellow NPCs, identifiable restarts, etc. I’m not crying about it because it is what it is. The gene pool is just going to eventually dry up. There are very few game tools for smaller clans to use in order to survive. You either tow the inbred line in Alliance or the cannibals come after you. That’s probably why a lot of other server players may not come on Alliance.

If this were a true war game, you guys wouldn’t be able to handle it frankly. None of you would last too long. Your heads would explode.

You guys are sheltered and play fight with mittens

The exact same game tools exist for everyone who wants to use them, or make the effort to create their own versions.

And if you want an example of a successful small clan...
*points at Omega*
4 countries.
Don't get into fights, net out on the regular, AND got a top 10 finish this set.

I got a top ten finish my first time or two ever playing here. It’s not even difficult at all. Evo is competing against literal NPC clans.

You guys suck as well and have to hide in large groups.

If coalie come over to express and warred me 1 on 1 it would end the same way my war with superfly did that started all of this

Everyone has a short memory and wants to forget this all started Because superfly was upset he couldn’t handle me 1 on 1 in that war and had to cry and bring his clan into it

No idea why you are lying About me provoking a war tert.

If I did provoke a war I would say I did like I did in the tourney threads. I don’t even care what people think so I own it if I do it.

I find it to be super pathetic that you guys won’t even own your own trouble starting

If I want to I will and I will own it. But I did not start this fight.

I would have if I wanted to and made zero apologies. But I want claim that because I see no point in lying how this all started. Lot of liars here. I don’t care about your clan politics I think it’s just weird you all lie about simple things

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 22nd 2024, 13:42:54

Originally posted by Tertius:
Originally posted by Josey Wales:
Originally posted by Tertius:
Josey, now now, you can't claim to be netting ALL set when you AB and op'd Evo OOP - an alliance that was actually netting. You and Cath are the spoiled brats here.

What are you talking about?

You mean after we were attacked or before we were harmful spy oped?

You people are all in cahoots and working together.

Seriously? You don't recall that 4 days into the set you and Cath were sending BR, AB, and trying to land kill Evo players without anyone having ever attacked you? Here's some of the news to help remind you that you have always been the aggressor. Such great netters you are! - your original country

2024-04-24 19:18:48 SS Charlie Dont Surf (#26) Von Duffs Express (#82) EvoEn4 DH
2024-04-24 19:17:05 BR Charlie Dont Surf (#26) Von Duffs Express (#82) EvoEn4 9B 266 C
2024-04-24 19:16:58 BR Charlie Dont Surf (#26) Von Duffs Express (#82) EvoEn4 11B 275 C
2024-04-24 19:11:32 SS Charlie Dont Surf (#26) Von Duffs Express (#82) EvoEn4 DH - Cath's original country

2024-04-26 02:29:05 SS Dawning robe and wizard hat (#126) A Beautiful Evo (#413) EvoEn4 26A (42A)
2024-04-26 02:29:02 SS Dawning robe and wizard hat (#126) A Beautiful Evo (#413) EvoEn4 26A (43A)
2024-04-26 02:28:57 SS Dawning robe and wizard hat (#126) A Beautiful Evo (#413) EvoEn4 28A (44A)

2024-04-24 21:24:02 SS Dawning robe and wizard hat (#126) Clem Fandango (#470) EvoEn4 12A (19A)
2024-04-24 21:23:59 SS Dawning robe and wizard hat (#126) Clem Fandango (#470) EvoEn4 12A (19A)
2024-04-24 21:23:55 SS Dawning robe and wizard hat (#126) Clem Fandango (#470) EvoEn4 13A (21A)

2024-04-24 15:57:43 SS Dawning robe and wizard hat (#126) 10 in 20 (#5) EvoEn4 20A (20A)
2024-04-24 15:57:41 SS Dawning robe and wizard hat (#126) 10 in 20 (#5) EvoEn4 20A (20A)
2024-04-24 15:57:38 SS Dawning robe and wizard hat (#126) 10 in 20 (#5) EvoEn4 20A (20A)

We did that because merc kept harassing us after superfly attacked our clan and we killed him

Merc couldn’t Me and Josey on their own and had to call in 5 clans for backup lmao

I count that as a win in my book.

And I’ll be back to AB you again next set as another retal over what you guys pulled this set.

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 22nd 2024, 9:34:08

Originally posted by Coalie:
You rigged this game against yourself.

You got trolled and played like a fiddle by gonzo, he caught you FAing our enemies and got you killed.

You had full missile stocks and didn’t use it against his countries , what were you saving it for? Hmmmmmmmm?

I think Josey point of trolling you the entire last set is all of this stuff you say isn’t an aggression obviously is.

That’s why we had missiles. Because it was fine for you guys to have but you kill others that do the same.

You change the rules when it’s convenient. You use bots and cheat codes. Frankly it’s pathetic to resort to lies and cheating to play an Internet game. Words cannot even describe how pathetic that is.

Tertius is right about one thing. The behavior displayed here on alliance will not doubt make this place go the way of the Dino and it deserves it. The goofy antics of the beta males here and their seething energy hating on anyone and everyone that comes along has literally killed the game and ran off new players for years.

Josey was trolling and his point was proven when you guys took the bait. I think anyone with an 120+ IQ can see what his point was of all the silly antics we pulled last set

Our point was you were full of ****. If we had wanted to launched our missiles we could have.

But we wanted you guys to prove you Are full of crap so we waited. And then of course you proved it

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 22nd 2024, 9:29:48

Originally posted by Coalie:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by Coalie:
Originally posted by Cathankins:

I left evo to war

Originally posted by Cathankins:

You really think I’m disappointed with going out like a Spartan?

“Cath the Spartan”. You ain’t the spartan, you were the hunchback that can’t fit in a line formation.


Maximum beta male nerd energy in this post

Originally posted by Cathankins:

I left evo to war

Cath let me ask you a question.
Why is it the people you war always grab the top spot on the leaderboard?
You’re so good at “warring”


I left to war laf and I killed superfly. I did that. Your beta male passive aggressive seething is noted. I feel like we are running in circles again when we start repeating ourselves.

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 21st 2024, 19:55:24

When you have to have every clan in the game and that’s still not enough so you have to use bots to win a war against a few guys, I’ve never warred on alliance ever either so I was totally new.

I think we both know if there were an equal number of myself that your clan would be toast. You guys couldn’t handle me even with all of that and had to call your allies to save you.

Merc has to hide in numbers because you suck and this entire war with Josey Wales oil co exposed you big time

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 21st 2024, 19:53:10

I did war and I had fun. You guys taking it way too serious and doing all the bots and cheat codes and group sleepovers is just doing too much for me. I’m not doing all that nerd stuff. It’s way too much.

By a “war guy” I think what you actually mean is a weird sperg. I will never do all that extra weird stuff.

I don’t even consider you guys serious or real players. You need a bot to cheat because you couldn’t fight a real war. That’s why none of you can win on any server without this goofy stuff.

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 21st 2024, 19:48:46

Originally posted by Coalie:
Originally posted by Cathankins:

I left evo to war

Originally posted by Cathankins:

You really think I’m disappointed with going out like a Spartan?

“Cath the Spartan”. You ain’t the spartan, you were the hunchback that can’t fit in a line formation.


Maximum beta male nerd energy in this post

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 21st 2024, 17:39:37

Come on coalie you guys use apps and bots. You may as well be using cheat codes. You need 50 players and cheat codes and bots just to fight me and another player.

You really think I’m disappointed with going out like a Spartan? Haha no I think it’s very fitting actually

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 21st 2024, 17:29:49

Not really interested in the passive aggressive back and forth thing

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 21st 2024, 17:09:34

Originally posted by Coalie:
looks like someone is sad and depressed because he was kick banned from Evo.

Now cath lashes out like a petulant lil child.

Speaking of children, you should be in jail for what you admitted to doing.

I left evo to war, I didn’t want anything to do with the groups here is why I didn’t join your group when you guys asked 50 times as well.

If I see a group is shady and lies to each other and talks trash behind each other’s back I back off and don’t mess with them.

The way you guys jump sides when it’s convenient, all of the fake friends and sociopaths, miss me with that. You will never have to kick me out to avoid groups like that. That’s why I told you guys no so many times.

Originally posted by galleri:
I mean the set before ....Josey was stealing my tech or maybe he landgrabbed me and I caught him. I just politely told him it was me and he stopped.
I didn't come to AT and write a novel called "My salty tears and how Coalie is going to EZ clap me".
Sorry the quote made me laugh so hard this morning.

Cath, here is what is super sad. You were such good friends with Duff and now you just keep effing him in the arse over and over. What did Duff do to you btw?

I have no idea what I supposedly did to duff

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 21st 2024, 13:15:08

Originally posted by Drow:
Cathankins confirms that he is happy to supply material aid to the enemies of those he makes peace treaties with.


I never wanted peace with anyone you never heard those words come out of this mouth. I said eternal war is what I said. I think you have me confused with others.

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 21st 2024, 13:14:11

Coalie I already said I don’t care about other clans agreements, it has nothing to do with me. I never agreed to this weird thing you keep bringing up. I’m sure you know a lot about easy clapping and getting clapped in general.

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 21st 2024, 13:13:23

Originally posted by Tertius:
He can't be any worse than that #6 on tourny - following people from server to server, hitting everyone except who he's after (even in 1a, somehow you miss SuperFly to instead target netters), breaking pacts, getting time outs from the forums repeatedly. Using words with positive connotations like feminine, clean energy, stretchy synthetic materials, etc to somehow taunt his opponents. Like that dude has a serious complex.

Also, tacos are delicious.

I didn’t miss superfly I already killed him when this war with merc started. I will be targetting evo netters for the long run now. I won’t even back out I’m just here to war your netters since you boys really want to play hardball then let’s go.

Better get ready to FA duff every single set because your going to need it

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 21st 2024, 12:48:09

I’m telling you boys the taco muncher has a complex I don’t even know this guy but he’s like a hater of like like super ghetto

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 21st 2024, 12:47:11

How shocking the taco eater and evo were attacking us all along like we said.

I hope evo knows this war isn’t going to end now. We will be hitting you guys every single set. You better believe it.

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 21st 2024, 12:44:24

Originally posted by Coalie:
Well well well cath and Josey,

Caught lying again. Nice FA to m4d


I don’t think I ever lied about sending anyone anything. I’ve said before I don’t care about what agreement other clans made prior. It has nothing to do with Josey Wales.

I don’t actually care if Josey sent someone a small amount of cash personally. I never agreed to not send someone cash nor would I.

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 21st 2024, 0:43:57

Haha told you guys this was off topic

Score one for the good guys

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 21st 2024, 0:40:39

Originally posted by TAN:
Originally posted by EmpyreanMKR:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Be careful guys posting in this thread guys this woman has everyone banned that upsets her and from what I can tell words in general are what upset her

Homophobia isn't just mere words. Do keep quiet and let the adults talk.

Let's be more precise with the accusations of prejudice: Cath is being misogynist, not homophobic. At least with this particular post.

Nothing I said was that either. I was joking about how she had another player deleted and censored and also got mad at me.

I don’t know her and have never even spoke to her. I made a comment to another player about a prior comment they had made and she flipped out and demanded she be able to censor me.

I have zero idea who this lady or man is

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 21st 2024, 0:38:51

Originally posted by EmpyreanMKR:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Be careful guys posting in this thread guys this woman has everyone banned that upsets her and from what I can tell words in general are what upset her

Homophobia isn't just mere words. Do keep quiet and let the adults talk.

Not sure what that has to do with me I don’t really care about whatever buzzwords you are accusing everyone of today

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 20th 2024, 22:10:58

Hey I’m Malaysian

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 20th 2024, 22:09:44

Be careful guys posting in this thread guys this woman has everyone banned that upsets her and from what I can tell words in general are what upset her

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 20th 2024, 22:02:30

Originally posted by NitelL:
Thank you folks! Great def allies. xD

I lost 4k acres last set to some guy who hit me and then stopped playing. lol

We'll see if this set is a cleaner one!

It looks like you have ascended to the point the goofballs start targetting you every set

If I didn’t know better myself that’s exactly what this country was built for. New account and not a new player it appears as well.

The Status of the Theocracy of Dominia (#29)

The Basics
Turns Left 40
Turns Taken 1149
Turns Stored 0
Rank 69
Networth $7,023,969
Land 15,099
Money $238,551,124
Population 201,403
At War No
GDI Member Yes

Land Distribution
Enterprise Zones 0
Residences 0
Industrial Complexes 699
Military Bases 0
Research Labs 12,569
Farms 983
Oil Rigs 554
Construction Sites 272
Unused Lands 22

Military 9254 98.9%
Medical 15,420 93.7%
Business 19,315 108.9%
Residential 29,016 112.8%
Agricultural 34,309 124.0%
Warfare 33,025 1.057%
Military Strategy 390,311 125.4%
Weapons 13,159 103.9%
Industrial 16,428 105.8%
Spy 15,256 104.5%
SDI 36,726 18.38%
Total 612,219

Current Status
Tax Revenues $1,149,709
Tax Rate 35%
Per Capita Income $16.31
Expenses $1,450,158
Net Income $-300,449
Cashing $-70,507
Food 279,807
Production 6470
Consumption 14,216
Net Change -7746
Oil 293,162
Production 1108
Building Rate 102
Explore Rate 8
Tech Rate 3918

Military Forces
Spies 113,001
Troops 142,774
Jets 3,555,729
Turrets 3,542,604
Tanks 33,895
Nuclear Missiles 6
Chemical Missiles 3
Cruise Missiles 4

Expense Breakdown
Expenses $1,450,158
Military $1,269,558
Spies $111,774
Troops $15,535
Jets $492,396
Turrets $630,743
Tanks $19,110
Alliance/GDI $29,610
Land $150,990

Edited By: Cathankins on Jun 21st 2024, 0:46:50
See Original Post

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 20th 2024, 15:38:12

That same behavior is what got all the trouble started on alliance. I’m glad you finally admit that this is a thing you keep doing. When I pointed that out you kept lying about that as well. I’m glad you finally admitted to this behavior.

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 20th 2024, 15:36:47

No I think you being a constant liar with no shame is a good thing to be on show actually. I can’t imagine being like that. Where I’m from the people would never do such a thing. We are raised to look down upon people who lie. I find it interesting that you seem to do it with zero shame. Very interesting. It’s almost like you have no shame.

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 20th 2024, 12:20:44

Oh yea VPN gets a delete too

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 20th 2024, 12:19:36

Nite going is hard lately Tmac and Gerdler better watch out he’s coming for that express title

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 20th 2024, 12:17:44

Leader of Sof here guys just inbox me any questions anyone has and hey if you are a new player looking to talk to us give me a shout!

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 20th 2024, 12:16:53

I agree this place would be a lot more popular if it adopted 4chan style moderation and only deleted posts that violate law and also moderators that don’t ever play the game.

That seems to always cause drama whenever there is a deletion and it looks sketchy when it’s players from clans doing it. If you are a player you shouldn’t have mod power. I would offer to quit playing and do this but I am extremely unprofessional and also crazy. In the cool way though not the way superfly cries about all the time.

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 20th 2024, 12:14:41

Yea saying crazy stuff will get you deleted cussing people out etc.

If the snowflakes get offended in general you are at risk of trouble. Which I get it slag and prime are probally trying to not be lynched by the progressive mob themselves or are possibly cult members themselves; frankly I do not know the answer to this question

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 20th 2024, 12:04:55

Originally posted by simpk:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Post Summary:

OP farms people, people retal, OP cries foul, mods press delete, investigate then undelete, OP may or may not learn from his/hers/it's mistakes.


Not accurate.

I was in a middle of a retal war with #14 over my earlier landgrabs —

when a third party suicidal country (#6) spy-bombed 5000 buildings over 3 days (no prior interaction with #6). Hit me hard as I was a techer.

Those 3 days coincided with the heaviest war period with #14.

That gave #14 a huge advantage over my ongoing war with him.

I never saw any war the news when I made my hits

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 20th 2024, 12:03:39

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Here I was about to hit #6 based solely on the fact that I do not like this player but looks like humanitarians won’t let me hit the $1.4m country sitting on 2.5k land. It’s so bad that I couldn’t even farm it if humanitarians weren’t blocking me as I’d only get 30a per SS….

I wonder if it ever gets old getting outsmarted time and time again?

Enjoy your spy ops

GS Jun 20, 12:00 Scythe of Cronus (#6) Tyri (#17) 3766 C
52 F
GS Jun 20, 12:00 Scythe of Cronus (#6) Tyri (#17) 3649 C
52 F
GS Jun 20, 12:00 Scythe of Cronus (#6) Tyri (#17) 3535 C
52 F
GS Jun 20, 12:00 Scythe of Cronus (#6) Tyri (#17) 3425 C
52 F
GS Jun 20, 12:00 Scythe of Cronus (#6) Tyri (#17) 3318 C
52 F
GS Jun 20, 12:01 Scythe of Cronus (#6) Tyri (#17) 3202 C
52 F
GS Jun 20, 12:01 Scythe of Cronus (#6) Tyri (#17) 3103 C
52 F
NM Jun 20, 12:01 Scythe of Cronus (#6) Tyri (#17) 228 A
GS Jun 20, 12:01 Scythe of Cronus (#6) Tyri (#17) 3007 C
52 F
GS Jun 20, 12:01 Scythe of Cronus (#6) Tyri (#17) 2914 C
52 F

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 19th 2024, 17:38:44

Sounds like you projecting again superghetto

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 19th 2024, 11:08:46

And before someone projects their hatred of women onto me, I love all of my women fans very much and as do they. Frankly I would be bored and lonely without them.

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 19th 2024, 11:07:36

Lmao thats the feminine stuff I was looking for. Keep going about how everything is too scary and crazy I think that’s the funniest part

Strange that you can’t beat someone having a mental health crisis. Does that mean you are disabled? How can I beat you in this manner time and time again if I am so crazy?

Should i be the one that flies into a rage and loses it? It seems to be it’s your guys that have issues controlling your temperament

And don’t call me a criminal too much all the women on here will start following me like irl lol

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 18th 2024, 17:46:20

Originally posted by EmpyreanMKR:

You think you are better than me because I live under a bridge?