
Cathankins Game profile


Dec 19th 2023, 11:37:54

In case anyone isn’t aware you can check the counties histories here by clicking on them, the other servers are on their as well.

Cathankins Game profile


Dec 19th 2023, 11:36:35

Originally posted by SuperFly:
With eestats gone, grabbing is going to be fun. Gotta break out the pen and paper to keep track of who you grabbed and broke gdi on going forward

Wait that was the news, this is the rankings. You can click on countries and see their history though

Cathankins Game profile


Dec 19th 2023, 11:35:19

Originally posted by SuperFly:
With eestats gone, grabbing is going to be fun. Gotta break out the pen and paper to keep track of who you grabbed and broke gdi on going forward

Primary server news, just click the country

Cathankins Game profile


Dec 19th 2023, 11:29:17

So you cook the chicken in a pan with the broth? Do you brown it? I am going to try this. Sounds great, never tried a chicken stew like that.

Cathankins Game profile


Dec 19th 2023, 9:57:53

I have 400 pesos and that’s my final offer

Cathankins Game profile


Dec 18th 2023, 19:10:46

I’ll go with a double dipped breaded spicy chicken sandwich with pickles and mayo, a smoked sausage jumbalaya/gumbo, or some home made corn tortillas and guacamole and sour cream on some beef/steak fajitas.

Cathankins Game profile


Dec 18th 2023, 18:56:35

Originally posted by table4two:
ClanGDI strikes me as an overly complex attempt to force two opposed camps to exist on the same server. So why not untangle this mess and come up with a solution that satisfies both camps?

Create a server for those alliances solely interested in netting while keeping Alliance for those that want to war. I'd be interested in seeing which server flourishes, for the communities sake, I genuinely hope both.

This satisfies everyone. You'd be separating factions that have driven the server to its current toxic levels. Netters who have quit out of frustration will return. Warmongers can war to their hearts content. I know the argument in the past has been that the Primary server is where you go if you want to net, but that is a solo server, and for many, the enjoyment comes in netting with friends under the same banner.

Seems like a way simpler solution then having to build a complex ClanGDI mechanism. Just my 2 cents.

This is the best and easiest to execute idea.

1. Wild West/King of the Hill server with action and rivalries.

2. Netters server for the number crunchers that enjoy that and having their peace.

Cathankins Game profile


Dec 18th 2023, 18:48:38

Originally posted by Auk:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Advertising and game recruitment is your biggest issue. You need new players and that would solve most of these issues I imagine.

The problem with this game is not the amount of players we have, it's the fact that this game doesn't accommodate towards how most of us play.

We can get more players, but I doubt they'll stick around for long.

The problems are:
1. It takes a lot of time and turns to build a nice country, but all of that can be destroyed in a flash with way less time and turns in comparison;
2. If one were to participate in any war, they're virtually guaranteed to not finish in top 10 with a good score;
3. The prize/loot is not enough for the victors of war to continue and compete for rank #1 finish;
4. No other option to resolve a dispute that doesn't involve giving land, allow retaliation, or to conquer the enemy; and
5. With an imbalance of strategies, or playing style (e.g. war) it makes playing other strategies less valuable, and it makes producing certain resources less valuable (e.g. war related tech, tanks).

War is yet another option to deal with a dispute and can function as leverage in diplomacy. If the problems were solved, I imagine the war clans here would make this game more interesting.

Imagine the netters as royalties/nobles who would rather not engage in a war. The war dogs would be of any class including the royalties, but they primarily take on the role of champions insurers, risky gamblers/stock traders and mercenaries of course who takes on any bet they see valuable, intervene and fight win their way to the top while dealing with competing war clans. I imagine such arrangements can be made where a netting clan can sponsor a war clan with a boatload of funds in hopes it'll lead to mutual beneficial outcome.

How would you or anyone here address the above 5 problems?

Good post.

If this place had more players, the trolls and war mongers wouldn’t matter as much, it may even be fun to run into an evil clan every now and then, I think the issue is when the player base is so small that the same people get wrecked every set and then the tensions build up over time. It is frustrating to get wrecked and way more so when it happens every set.

I think as unpopular as it is that they are headed in the right direction with clan GDI but I don’t want to see war removed from the game either. I think a duality and balance is always the best route and that’s why I recommended having a Wild West war server AND a netting server.

But if you guys figure out how to have both on one server and make everyone happy both the netters and war clans then that would be optimal.

Cathankins Game profile


Dec 18th 2023, 16:04:28

Dang you black hole your diary messed up my joke

Cathankins Game profile


Dec 18th 2023, 16:03:58

^^^launches investigation against Lafs extortion and hosts the servers on fed nsa servers

Cathankins Game profile


Dec 18th 2023, 15:46:25

Ha it’s funny because Laf is named after the mafia and are using actual extortion tactics. Reminds me of the times the feds raided Laf under the Rico act or whatever it was that happened, I don’t know anything about that.

Cathankins Game profile


Dec 18th 2023, 14:54:15

They are all using discord nowadays instead of the IRC or whatever we all used way back in the day. I’m sure one of the guys will send you a link. Good luck man

Cathankins Game profile


Dec 18th 2023, 14:50:45

Try joining Laf and Darkness. With joining two clans on multiple servers you would have twice as many friends! Welcome back

Cathankins Game profile


Dec 18th 2023, 3:46:11

Make the bots all attack superfly randomly too

Cathankins Game profile


Dec 18th 2023, 3:38:57

Very impressive

Cathankins Game profile


Dec 4th 2023, 0:03:40

Make both a Wild West server and make a netting server so everyone gets what they want.

Advertising and game recruitment is your biggest issue. You need new players and that would solve most of these issues I imagine.

Cathankins Game profile


Nov 28th 2023, 12:17:20

If you don’t go along with all of this stuff you get labeled an extremist and usually censored. Your social media will he deleted.

They keep “extremist” lists which are basically Soviet union style lists of citizens who won’t accept the cult beliefs.

It is actually quite scary to see the abuse of the civilian population happening in our country.

Cathankins Game profile


Nov 28th 2023, 12:14:31

Don’t go too hard on the boomers for the racist brainwashing thing. In America they make us spend 12 years straight in public schools taking classes on Indian genocide followed by the holocaust classes for 12 years straight followed by slavery classes followed by 8 more years of the same classes.

Between this and not having internet connection and alternate source of information all older white boomers have been brainwashed to continuously attack their own people as being “evil racists”

Really most of us aren’t racist but the subversion of the boomer mind is irreversible unfortunately.

I think if we someone trick them into thinking Israel is their own people, then and only then we may get the boomers to support their own. Doubtful though, the brainwashing does indeed appear permanent.

Cathankins Game profile


Nov 28th 2023, 12:10:25

Originally posted by Garry Owen:
Radical Idea for Reunion....

Go back to game rules from years ago. Get the real retro wild-west feel. Put it on a special '2025 reunion' server and see how may people like the old ways.

And you dont need to worry about the 'forum cleanup' because no one back for a reunion will bother reading 1000 old posts. We will be lucky if they read half of the new posts.

Be excellent to each other. :)

I’ve been saying this. The netters and war guys don’t get along and the 50 percent of the last 30 people to play the game we’re going to leave over it.

The obvious solution of a war server and netting server just makes too much sense to do. Also, no advertising of any form. Everyone knows the secret to a successful business is zero advertising. Instead we have opted for the bar that’s going out of business route of letting the grump boomer regulars run off any new customer that comes along.

Also White people are evil and you must atone for your sin of being born with white sin. I think we’ve covered everything now.

Cathankins Game profile


Nov 26th 2023, 6:56:25

I am talking about billionaires by the way. We all know we aren’t allowed to dare criticize them

Cathankins Game profile


Nov 26th 2023, 6:54:58

Everyone cares about racial inequality right up until the point you start asking which specific group has all of this privilege, let’s get very specific and follow the money trail and name names. Oops now you’ve went too far. You must be some sort of extremist. I won’t say who, because we all know it’s not allowed. You aren’t allowed to dare criticize the powerful ones.

Well, back to my shack and getting jumped and threatened daily by the local gangs that the cops do nothing about because I guess they are too busy threatening the locals making sure we don’t talk about it all because it might offend someone. Later bro’s. I am off to eat flour and water for dinner. Living the American dream over here.

Cathankins Game profile


Nov 24th 2023, 20:55:24

$100 bushels for quite a while now

Cathankins Game profile


Nov 22nd 2023, 18:35:34

For sure, that is a lot of very skinny guys still not grabbing. It’s going to be crabs in a bucket.

Cathankins Game profile


Nov 22nd 2023, 1:07:35

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
You're a special kind of piece of fluff :-)

The Status of the Communism of Ivanka Trump Is HoTT (#48)

Cathankins Game profile


Nov 22nd 2023, 0:17:27

Yea that was quite the finish

Cathankins Game profile


Nov 22nd 2023, 0:03:34

Good game

Cathankins Game profile


Nov 21st 2023, 12:13:11

Here we see two beta males in their natural environments seething. This appears to be some sort of mating ritual for beta males, using this same tactic they fail to court and call this behavior “white knighting”

Strange indeed how the beta males never take issue with a man being attacked, but if a man dares to say something back to their attackers the beta male recoils and says “I’ve been found out” and launches continuous seething attacks at the attackers victim. “How dare they fight back against an another male” the beta males will scream.

If a woman comes into the situation in any way whatsoever these beta males will form a massive tribe and defend her to the death until she leaves with chad an hour later and tells chad about how weird these beta males are.

Cathankins Game profile


Nov 20th 2023, 0:01:40

Little closer

The Status of the Theocracy of Deezy (#52)

FOOD CONCERN: Assuming no change, our people can survive for 0 more turns.
The Basics
Turns Left 0
Turns Taken 1996
Turns Stored 0
Rank 2
Networth $59,533,979
Land 41,720
Money $53
Population 1,444,598
At War No
GDI Member Yes

Land Distribution
Enterprise Zones 21,984
Residences 19,470
Industrial Complexes 0
Military Bases 0
Research Labs 0
Farms 0
Oil Rigs 0
Construction Sites 266
Unused Lands 0

Military 400,549 91.2%
Medical 0 100.0%
Business 815,864 149.1%
Residential 815,113 149.1%
Agricultural 0 100.0%
Warfare 1389 0.215%
Military Strategy 992 100.1%
Weapons 3591 100.4%
Industrial 0 100.0%
Spy 0 100.0%
SDI 0 1.00%
Total 2,037,498

Current Status
Tax Revenues $24,425,985
Tax Rate 35%
Per Capita Income $48.31
Expenses $11,664,889
Net Income $12,761,096
Cashing $17,646,293
Food 0
Production 0
Consumption 132,735
Net Change -132,735
Oil 0
Production 0
Building Rate 100
Explore Rate 6
Tech Rate 3

Military Forces
Spies 436,920
Troops 26,495,585
Jets 20,727,265
Turrets 13,619,778
Tanks 8,790,089
Nuclear Missiles 2
Chemical Missiles 1
Cruise Missiles 0

Expense Breakdown
Expenses $11,664,889
Military $10,748,047
Spies $342,397
Troops $2,283,993
Jets $2,274,043
Turrets $1,921,194
Tanks $3,926,420
Alliance/GDI $499,642
Land $417,200
Corruption $0

Cathankins Game profile


Nov 19th 2023, 15:28:50

Ratski setting a trap for Nite

Cathankins Game profile


Nov 13th 2023, 23:39:56

I’ve tinkered with this tech start for a while now and have got it dialed in pretty good now. This should be fairly close to optimal for a rep casher

modified tech start 3.33

Switch to rep

1. 100cs (I did 2 or 3 turns of farms at 20bpt)

2. 600 farms, and 80 more CS, while taking care to allow pop to catch up with your acres by building CS

3.explore and build labs until you are 1900 acres and fully built (I tear down all farms here all labs)

3.33 tech 30-40 turns bus/res (until at 145 bus/res)

4. batch explore 60 turns(it will cut you off after about 35-45 turns depending on govt)

5. build up your empty acres with Labs

6. destroy your farms/indies and replace them with labs

7. tech 100 turns bus and res (should be around 150k tech total at this point or in that area)

8. switch to casher

Cathankins Game profile


Nov 13th 2023, 23:31:46

Originally posted by the sick:
Quick question regarding the "switch" to your end game strat (once you've researched for 200 turns). Let's say your intent was to tech up agriculture. Would you still break down your first 1000 farms and rebuild them after teching? Or skip the step of breaking down 1000 (assume the latter).

Teching agriculture while keeping the farms seems strong, however would you then tech for 250 turns (25% more since you have 25% less tech labs)

Looking forward to your thoughts here.

Good question, i personally would tear down the farms totally prior to I ever begin teching. If I am teching, it’s always on 90-100 percent of my land as labs.

I did attempt a run at a tech start demo farmer last set in primary with the idea that it should optimize the democracy tech bonus. It was a poor farmers set but that strategy has a LOT of potential. It seems a lot harder than a rep casher though.

Cathankins Game profile


Nov 13th 2023, 23:03:45

Originally posted by humicroav:
Who let the 18 year old Asian girl in?

Posting for educational purposes

Cathankins Game profile


Nov 11th 2023, 0:54:48

1 THE GESTAPO (#3) 47,149 $113,647,237 RG

2 Deus Ex Machina (#7) 50,300 $102,797,762 CG

3 DeLpHiNuS (#13) 30,536 $79,000,000 RG

4 Foundation (#45) 42,140 $75,497,730 CG

5 Khorezm (#30) 36,584 $66,893,915 CG

6 kammerjaeger (#27) 19,472 $57,218,125 HG

7 where do i find land from (#54) 28,731 $47,823,782 RG

8 KichijojiHereWeCome (#21) 26,549 $47,556,661 HG

9 Swamp Guardians (#2) 18,562 $35,872,852 RG

10 I R WoG SuperFly (#16) 44,708 $33,409,047 DG

Cathankins Game profile


Nov 10th 2023, 23:12:48

If the Feds come I don’t know any of you fools that’s my story and I will stick to it

Cathankins Game profile


Nov 1st 2023, 0:08:47

K. Keep me posted on all that Nectar

Cathankins Game profile


Oct 31st 2023, 23:21:08

Originally posted by Ektar:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Now go ahead and brag about your material wealth and how you don’t care because you are leaving now to “go work on my gosh darn pickup truck” bye Ektar we will see you in a month or two when you do this for the 5th or 6th time

Quit making personal attacks on people. THIS IS A GAME. It’s a game. It’s a game. It’s a game man. Relax.

Secondly. I’m a full time father of young twin girls. Their mom is a junky. Im as sensitive as a 260lb man can get for these reasons. You’re making blind PERSONAL attacks because you’re reaching for straws. Just stop. It’s a game. Just stop.

Interesting how even when describing the mother of your child, you do it in an abusive way.

Maybe that’s why she self medicates? I know dealing with abuse can cause anxiety that a lot of abusive do find comfort in medication. I am just playing devils advocate. My instinct isn’t to abuse people In need of help it is to help them.

Let me guess, you brought this up, and now you will blame me for replying? That this is too off limits and “just a game!!!”

Please leave the personal details out of the game unless you want it to become a part of the convo.

You mentioned this in private messages and that’s why I didn’t bring it up here ;-)

Curious if you will play the victim now after introducing this to the Convo

Cathankins Game profile


Oct 31st 2023, 23:09:32

Originally posted by Tertius:
Originally posted by Chevs:

Tertius retalled me last set for like 3k acres 50 days after a DH and expected me not to RoR too then cried after I grabbed him 5x and forced him to war.

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by Chevs:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:


thats fine but then don't cry about war if its the inevitable outcome. you have the choice to not take the retal as well.

I don't think anyone is crying....who's crying?

Why do you say everyone is crying? You told me not to even think about attacking you or you would "jihad" me because you DH'd and didn't want to be punished. And then I wiped you with my FS while you asked on discord how you were supposed to solo war again, lol.

I always hold out hope that people will accept their retals, so we can get to the destock phase but it's a war game (in primary at least), so people can do as they wish. That said, it's a pattern for Ektar and Chevs where they'd rather ruin someone else's finish once they're bored or have other things in life. Ektar has used that excuse that someone was growing and looked menacing to multitap people in the past, when really he just starts a war and then runs off to his "real life" leaving our virtual lives a shamble like the large, sensitive man that he is (apparently). Chevs just outright lies and says "oops, I didn't mean to hit you twice, go ahead and take the second retal" just so he can break GDI and go to war. Nothing against it in the rules, but most people are going to drag you on the forums for being the non-skilled losers (in virtual life) that you are =Þ

Obviously, we (I kind of speak for AndrewMose and other netters, but mostly myself) have played this game long enough that it's only a minor setback, and most of my comments here are flippant, but being a rep (or even a demo) in primary is like a 50/50 chance you get griefed by someone who has little to gain and doesn't even plan on finishing out their set. So while it's a game, it's akin to someone flipping the board or taking their ball and going home, and it removes a lot of the fun.

Well said tert. Where I am from it is not about the game it’s actually about the respect.

If someone comes up and spits on your face during a football game, the game doesn’t matter anymore. The disrespect does.

This is why I mess with Nectar, I see he likes to mess with people in that same manner and then hide behind “it’s a game”. And then start acting super feminine and crying when people say something about his behavior.

It’s not about the game, it’s about you entering games specifically to try and hurt your fellow man.

Sure it’s a game. But it’s also to tell he is an abusive man that finds it amusing to hurt people.

Isn’t that funny how defensive he gets but expects people to just stand silently while he abuses them?

Cathankins Game profile


Oct 31st 2023, 23:03:40

Originally posted by Ektar:
Originally posted by Tertius:
Originally posted by Chevs:

Tertius retalled me last set for like 3k acres 50 days after a DH and expected me not to RoR too then cried after I grabbed him 5x and forced him to war.

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by Chevs:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:


thats fine but then don't cry about war if its the inevitable outcome. you have the choice to not take the retal as well.

I don't think anyone is crying....who's crying?

Why do you say everyone is crying? You told me not to even think about attacking you or you would "jihad" me because you DH'd and didn't want to be punished. And then I wiped you with my FS while you asked on discord how you were supposed to solo war again, lol.

I always hold out hope that people will accept their retals, so we can get to the destock phase but it's a war game (in primary at least), so people can do as they wish. That said, it's a pattern for Ektar and Chevs where they'd rather ruin someone else's finish once they're bored or have other things in life. Ektar has used that excuse that someone was growing and looked menacing to multitap people in the past, when really he just starts a war and then runs off to his "real life" leaving our virtual lives a shamble like the large, sensitive man that he is (apparently). Chevs just outright lies and says "oops, I didn't mean to hit you twice, go ahead and take the second retal" just so he can break GDI and go to war. Nothing against it in the rules, but most people are going to drag you on the forums for being the non-skilled losers (in virtual life) that you are =Þ

Obviously, we (I kind of speak for AndrewMose and other netters, but mostly myself) have played this game long enough that it's only a minor setback, and most of my comments here are flippant, but being a rep (or even a demo) in primary is like a 50/50 chance you get griefed by someone who has little to gain and doesn't even plan on finishing out their set. So while it's a game, it's akin to someone flipping the board or taking their ball and going home, and it removes a lot of the fun.

Get over it. It’s a game.

*its a game until people start messing with me back and then I turn super soft and start crying

Cathankins Game profile


Oct 31st 2023, 23:01:10

Are you really crying about how cool I am now lol

Cathankins Game profile


Oct 31st 2023, 14:14:03

Originally posted by LightBringer:
Originally posted by Chevs:
Cathankins ,

Is Andrew a bully for farming weaker countries than him all set?

Why is it ok for netters to farm weak countries into oblivion but not get farmed themselves?

x2. It's what I've always said. I always find it funny when Cath pulls this stunt. Also Cath might be being a bit disingenuous with his reply here (unless his views have drastically changed) as in the past he justifies the farming of not very good players because he believes they are not sentient, as can be seen below. Which take it as you may, seems pretty harsh.
But let it be known, I'm not defending Ektar personally as I have myself been one of his victims, and can say I'm not a fan of the guy. And I am also a big fan of AndrewMose and think he is an exceptional player and wish him nothing but good luck. But as far as the dynamics of the game go, if you want to take the risk in Primary of sitting on virtually no Def vs. the land you have, that's your prerogative, but other players are well within their right to LG you if they wish to do so.

Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by LightBringer:
Cathankins, dude, seriously, take a chill pill. You think that because Tmac is a good player he's not allowed to be LGd? That he has some protection the rest of us don't have because he is good? Of the 18 sets he has played here he has won 11 of them, so please, tell me where Tmac has been greifed every set, and fyi, a couple of LG's aint griefing, or your all bloody greifers. 99% of the players in Primary who've been here for years haven't won the server once, with more then half of those just getting farmed to death each set and still return to play set after set for god knows what reason. Tmac is not a victim here, and I'm almost certain you don't speak for him. Where's your morality when low and mid tier players get farmed ruthlessly huh? Where's your morality when Tmac, or any of the top players (myself included) hit the same country a ton of times in a single set?
Lets look at your last set, you hit: Wolf 359 (#72) x 4, Acetryc (#75) x 3, Bort (#85) x 3, EE Oil Company (#60) x 4, Bretz (#54) x 4

I can’t give you an honest answer on this or I will be deleted.

From what I can tell running a rainbow set after set after set when every single player in the game says not to do that tells me that isn’t sentient behavior.

That’s why I farm some counties and send apologies to all of the others. I assume those are mod land farms or NPC’s that I don’t personally feel are sentient based on my beliefs.

Sorry if that offends everyone. I got deleted for speaking about my religion before so I will drop that convo. But if you want an answer that’s the honest answer. If I don’t detect sentiment behavior I assume that it’s not there.


Yes, my guess are super, super zionist/zohar/kabala etc, yes I was banned for speaking about this prior so I won’t get into it much.

Calm it with the anti semitism LB. don’t make me pull the victim card as well lol

Cathankins Game profile


Oct 31st 2023, 14:07:53

Originally posted by Ektar:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Now go ahead and brag about your material wealth and how you don’t care because you are leaving now to “go work on my gosh darn pickup truck” bye Ektar we will see you in a month or two when you do this for the 5th or 6th time

Quit making personal attacks on people. THIS IS A GAME. It’s a game. It’s a game. It’s a game man. Relax.

Secondly. I’m a full time father of young twin girls. Their mom is a junky. Im as sensitive as a 260lb man can get for these reasons. You’re making blind PERSONAL attacks because you’re reaching for straws. Just stop. It’s a game. Just stop.

I like how you guys mess with everyone and then act super soft once people start messing with you back lmao

Cathankins Game profile


Oct 31st 2023, 13:30:59

Sure, that’s why I quit farming some guys this set. They expressed it was ruining their game play so I let up. I find that to also be another aspect that people should try to have some chill on. I hold myself back every set to be perfectly honest with you because of that. I’ve mentioned to other netters how I feel about that. Good question. There are differing opinions for sure. I don’t call my buddies names as much just out of personal bias probally.

Cathankins Game profile


Oct 31st 2023, 13:04:01

Now go ahead and brag about your material wealth and how you don’t care because you are leaving now to “go work on my gosh darn pickup truck” bye Ektar we will see you in a month or two when you do this for the 5th or 6th time

Cathankins Game profile


Oct 31st 2023, 13:00:08

I wasn’t lying, you are a commie indy so I assumed you did the old production switch. A minor detail, which I admit I was wrong about.

I don’t care about the game man. I see that people care about the game and I respect it. You see that as well and use that to try and ruin people’s day by messing with their countries that obviously mean something to them.

Then when someone who was trying to bait a war comes along you wouldn’t fight me.

It says all their is. Every country you have ran (and I posted them) you have behaved like this. You are a bully, a sadist, and I assume have probally been one your entire life without much pushback due to your large size. Too cowardly to admit to it though. Amusing how bullies are always the biggest coward when they get tested by bigger bullies.

Cathankins Game profile


Oct 31st 2023, 1:59:50

“ Some people take this game waaaay too seriously. He’s clearly one of them. I can appreciate the passion, im passionate about some things. This game just isn’t one of them. I’ll spend all weekend out fishing on a frozen lake up here in NW wisco. Spend the night. Love that sht. I’ve got a real passion for it. Passion is good. So I can at least appreciate that.”

You spend months building counties and then dodge war fighters to attack guys you know are passionate about netting. It’s sadism, you are a bully who find it amusing to make others suffer. We all know the type.

Last time you did that our were “building a shed” and not interested in this game. Amusing how you always have a story ready as well to explain why you spend months working on something that you clearly aren’t interested in.

Originally posted by Ektar:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Wait, there's already frozen lakes in Wisconsin??? Faaaaak!

No. Not yet. Earliest I’ve ever been out was nov 6th. 1.5” of ice. I’m a big ass dude too, 6’3 260, so it was pretty sketchy. Hah

That makes a lot of sense ^^^ did you also bully nerds in high school in this same fashion? I am curious if you have always had this behavioral characteristic of targetting people specifically weaker then yourself to hurt? That’s definitely and interesting behavioral trait you have there.

Alaska is a big place huh? Lot of land and privacy there I hear

Cathankins Game profile


Oct 30th 2023, 22:28:43

Oh yea you are right Ko

Losbarnacos from laf is The stupid I didn’t realize that

Cathankins Game profile


Oct 30th 2023, 22:24:10

Losbarnocos is a Laf player and he runs some pretty legit countries over on alliance. I’m surprised he is having so much trouble but primary is tough to get used to so I guess it’s not that crazy

Ektar is the commie that always attacks the netters and quits the game.

This is ektar, I recognize his goofy play style; he targets netters to grief. I had been messaging him all game challenging him to war but he chose instead to go all jetter and attack andrew who was a pure netter.

Cathankins Game profile


Oct 30th 2023, 16:00:03

“Who cares if I can’t finish” - Ektar

Cathankins Game profile


Oct 30th 2023, 14:43:53

Cathankins Game profile


Oct 30th 2023, 12:36:17

Oh look here we go with ektar the guy who cannot finish a set in primary.

Taking bets on how long before he self deletes when he starts getting wrecked