
Cathankins Game profile


Oct 20th 2023, 16:23:26

Why do you guys waste all of your turns like that? It seems like the strategy I would use if I never wanted to ever win 1st place

I can’t think of many ways to use your turns less efficiently, maybe you guys could try the construction site strategy and just build 2000 turns of construction sites and you all would still get to waste all of your turns and KoH could actually do proper landgrabs like every single skilled player who ever wins does

Cathankins Game profile


Oct 20th 2023, 3:30:42

I’ve said the same thing. They need to give the few guys that do the super stupid grabs their own three bots so that they can do their 10 acre grabs all sets

It’s easy to get anywhere from 400 acres to 1300 acres on express and those guys blow all of their turns doing the super idiotic grabs and it ruins the game for everyone else that wants to actually have a decent finish. Those guys blow all of their turns on that. I just don’t get it.

Cathankins Game profile


Oct 20th 2023, 0:38:12

Depends on the server and the set

Either set standing orders and go for a public market destock or get your military tech looking nice and use the cheap private market prices to destock.

If oil and food is super cheap and everything else is high sometimes its best to
Do an oil Destock as well. The write up on that is over on strategy forums.

Cathankins Game profile


Oct 18th 2023, 17:40:33

If everyone quits I will win every set and finally take Tmacs crown hahaha checkmate losers

Cathankins Game profile


Oct 17th 2023, 11:58:29

After seeing the way they would send guys to suicide Tmac across every server every time he would have a record broke (which was a lot) I will never consider any LAF record as legitimate.

They have just cheated way too much. They should be banned for life from the game for cheating over and over and over. It’s absurd. There is no honor in that.

There should be an
Asterisk beside those records. Among the community there surely is.

Who knows how many other ways they cheated. I feel like what is discussed is most likely the tip of the iceberg.

What happens in the darkness comes out in the light (no team reference intended before I get into that whole thing)

Cathankins Game profile


Oct 13th 2023, 0:21:16

Astral is going hard in the paint

Cathankins Game profile


Oct 11th 2023, 22:47:13

K4free said a while back he thinks hit 1.6B a while back unfortunately I think you may have came just a tad shy on the average NW

Cathankins Game profile


Oct 11th 2023, 22:43:00

Awesome nice achievement

Cathankins Game profile


Oct 9th 2023, 11:37:52

Try reporting it

Cathankins Game profile


Oct 9th 2023, 11:33:25

I am currently prepping my country for all jetter mass suicide the last few weeks. Warfare status: high

Target: big fat commie

Cathankins Game profile


Oct 8th 2023, 22:08:48

I got ya

Cathankins Game profile


Oct 8th 2023, 19:10:33

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
That's a lot of hungry tanks...hehe

Private market destock

Cathankins Game profile


Oct 8th 2023, 18:52:09

Not the full 60 but if I don’t run out of time to get my stocked turns maybe 55+ mil ? I think 70+ is possible on a good set.

Cathankins Game profile


Oct 8th 2023, 18:50:35

Originally posted by CX LaE:
I love casher. Get fat and it's 40m+ each set, easy.

But it won't do the 60m+ that often is needed to win.

Your goods for sale:

En Route: 65,000,000 Bushels on sale for $65 each (Arrive in 25.7 mins)

The Status of the Republic of Apollyon the Destroyer (#86)

FOOD CONCERN: Assuming no change, our people can survive for 30 more turns.
The Basics
Turns Left 5
Turns Taken 1787
Turns Stored 124
Rank 1
Networth $26,931,154
Land 34,900
Money $1
Population 953,362
At War No
GDI Member Yes

Land Distribution
Enterprise Zones 17,940
Residences 16,580
Industrial Complexes 0
Military Bases 0
Research Labs 0
Farms 0
Oil Rigs 0
Construction Sites 380
Unused Lands 0

Military 258,127 88.0%
Medical 0 100.0%
Business 788,711 177.1%
Residential 652,298 174.9%
Agricultural 1430 100.8%
Warfare 4371 0.288%
Military Strategy 0 100.0%
Weapons 5484 101.1%
Industrial 0 100.0%
Spy 0 100.0%
SDI 0 1.00%
Total 1,710,421

Current Status
Tax Revenues $21,925,896
Tax Rate 35%
Per Capita Income $65.71
Expenses $6,115,198
Net Income $15,810,698
Cashing $20,195,877
Food 2,088,235
Production 0
Consumption 67,751
Net Change -67,751
Oil 15,371
Production 0
Building Rate 100
Explore Rate 7
Tech Rate 3

Military Forces
Spies 584,842
Troops 12,890,739
Jets 9,610,594
Turrets 1,773,293
Tanks 3,309,567
Nuclear Missiles 1
Chemical Missiles 4
Cruise Missiles 0

Expense Breakdown
Expenses $6,115,198
Military $5,543,162
Spies $583,706
Troops $1,415,226
Jets $1,342,869
Turrets $318,573
Tanks $1,882,788
Alliance/GDI $223,036
Land $349,000
Corruption $0

Cathankins Game profile


Oct 6th 2023, 10:40:18

Cathankins Game profile


Oct 5th 2023, 14:52:55

Quick red team blue team pick a side or else you are a traitor to the herd of cattle!

Also nobody is allowed to talk about that one political movement!!! If you talk about it we have to ban you from every social media platform and also your bank account

Cathankins Game profile


Oct 5th 2023, 14:51:54

What in the golems is going on in here

Cathankins Game profile


Oct 5th 2023, 4:19:44

Whatever you do, keep the unstable crazy markets.

That is the best thing about this server. Same with primary.

Cathankins Game profile


Oct 5th 2023, 4:06:31

-gets defeated by bot

Cathankins Game profile


Oct 5th 2023, 3:09:16

Originally posted by humicroav:
Ok, seeing how casher is a useful strategy in express. Why would anyone sell food on the pubic market below $35?

The same reason tyrannies use all of their turns doing 10 acre grabs on bots in maximum DR

Cathankins Game profile


Oct 5th 2023, 3:06:48

They are also ruining the bots. They are using all of their turns on 10 acre grabs for god knows why and making sure the bots are in DR so that’s all they can get Imao

Here’s the one single bot I managed to find they didn’t do that to. Notice the difference in grabs they are doing versus a normal one. Possibly the dumbest thing I’ve seen anyone so in this game and I vote on these guys just getting their own bot to keep doing 10 acre grabs on.

Cathankins Game profile


Oct 5th 2023, 3:03:53

Cathankins Game profile


Oct 4th 2023, 14:53:45


Cathankins Game profile


Sep 29th 2023, 21:37:58

Extra ghost acres, that’s interesting

Cathankins Game profile


Sep 29th 2023, 15:47:19

I like the grabbing and big scores on the bot servers but the market on team and primary is MUCH more fun without the bots. If only there was a way you could get the good aspects and trash the negatives without changing the dynamics of team or primary but allow for more landgrabbing.

I know bots on primary are very very unpopular, but what if they didn’t change the public market at all? Would the guys here be ok with that? Everything else stays the same?

Cathankins Game profile


Sep 29th 2023, 15:44:28

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Not enough land to go around without the risk of retaliation, I don't think it's possible with 60 some countries.

Is there any way to add land to the game without messing with the market dynamics that everyone loves in primary?

What about a bot market so the bots can be grabbed but don’t use the public market?

Is there anyway at all this is possible? Without the bots maybe?

Cathankins Game profile


Sep 29th 2023, 15:41:51

Interesting feedback and thanks for the responses. I also thought demo seems the best, but if it’s not a demo then I was thinking maybe a commie Indy.

Rep casher is so difficult to get big and fat and climb your way up without getting hit by the big commies and techers up top.

Cathankins Game profile


Sep 29th 2023, 2:59:54

Cashers lives matter!

Cathankins Game profile


Sep 29th 2023, 2:42:59

I’ll go with the rest of you guys on this, 10 man teams is cool.

Cathankins Game profile


Sep 29th 2023, 1:17:52

Brutal she got em

Cathankins Game profile


Sep 28th 2023, 12:02:02

This thread is to discuss and theorize how the chosen one will break 200 in primary.

Who is this mystery man?

What strategy will he run?

Will superfly AB him
For no reason?

Is this even possible?

To play a match without superfly doing this?


Cathankins Game profile


Sep 26th 2023, 13:33:53

Originally posted by guochel:
why isn't he tyranny? he's wasting all these turns by being theo

Theo starts really quick? Maybe he thinks he can hit the bigger guys easier with the fast start since tourney is so short.

Cathankins Game profile


Sep 26th 2023, 13:32:41

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Originally posted by Mrredmanbhs:
Looks like a couple of victims are counter striking.

they should be deleted for coordinating attacks! One guy softens him up and the others come to rape and pillage once he is weak

This. Seems sketchy

Cathankins Game profile


Sep 25th 2023, 21:54:54

Originally posted by beerdrinker75:
He hasn't missed many.

The problem is, if everyone he hit hits back, they will get deleted for coordination.

Also, I like the 2nd quote in the OP lol.

I got this

*cracks knuckles*

Hold my beer

*thinks about who I’m talking to *

*takes beer back*

Originally posted by NitelL:
How many countries has he got left to flatten?

Hold my beer

Cathankins Game profile


Sep 25th 2023, 11:22:53


Funny messages so far about this guy

“ Teenie weenie syndrome I suspect. He's got some unresolved anger issues.”

“ My guess is that it is someone with an inverted manhood.”

Cathankins Game profile


Sep 23rd 2023, 0:12:54

someone said in primary that tech leeches don’t work if your TPT isn’t high, so unless you are a techer you won’t get much tech.

He may have been a techer, and the cause of me not getting tech from our alliance may have been that I was a rep casher actually now that i think about it.

Seems like it causes you to get like 50 tech points or something really low

Cathankins Game profile


Sep 23rd 2023, 0:07:58

Originally posted by DeLpHiNuS:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
I can’t remember but he added me as a tech ally and later on I realized he was running some kind of rainbow techer.

Possibly this guy? I can’t remember
For sure who it was but the country was like this one here

I don't think it is him.. I tech ally qaelsia many rounds in the past (we kinda become acquaintances in game) and he would have make known his identity to me if it is him

Scratch that, almost positive it was this guy

Cathankins Game profile


Sep 21st 2023, 14:06:26

I can’t remember but he added me as a tech ally and later on I realized he was running some kind of rainbow techer.

Possibly this guy? I can’t remember
For sure who it was but the country was like this one here

Cathankins Game profile


Sep 20th 2023, 23:21:55

You purchased 1 Bushels, for $360.

Originally posted by DeLpHiNuS:
Some random guy claiming to be a veteran filled up my defence/spy/tech spot.. but the way he play makes me feel that I would probably need to change ally soon.. any guys still need a tech slot for tech start? PM me in game

Lmao I think he got me a few sets back.

Cathankins Game profile


Sep 20th 2023, 1:53:09

fluffs and weedylar and beer drinker all very impressive performances

Cathankins Game profile


Sep 20th 2023, 0:15:12

Originally posted by Suicidal:
FA is part of the game..... you guys should get a life and not live and breath a silly game

Nonsense poopy pants

Cathankins Game profile


Sep 17th 2023, 3:20:12

In that case, I would AB and use Spy ops. Bomb buildings and poisoning water supply really hurts cashers with high population during wars.

Cathankins Game profile


Sep 16th 2023, 20:09:19

You can use the other missiles to just up their SDI. If they have high sdi I will use cruise missiles first, but if I think they will go through I will send nukes first in general, but during a solo kill run saving turns is more important than using the other missiles typically. The biggest problem is running out of turns during the kill run.

The tyranny attack bonus + decent military strat levels solves that problem and is why they are so dangerous.

Cathankins Game profile


Sep 16th 2023, 20:06:17

Skol usually gets solo kills as a tyranny techer with military strat up, I think.

You use spies to demoralize 10 turns before your kill run and do like SF said, hold turns to max turns and you only want to use chemical missiles for the run. Nukes and Cruise missiles don’t kill population so it’s better to save the turn.

Build 1k indies early on for spies. Spies are very important. From there just run a techer and once you have a lot of cash stockpiles and turns saves the kill run should be fairly easy with the tyranny.

Fascists are harder to do it with imo but others do it including superfly.

Cathankins Game profile


Sep 15th 2023, 14:46:28

I like the darkness vs light theme, it reflects the world we live in and the chaos that stems from the eternal struggle between the two. The very universe is divided in this same fashion so how wild is it that the game community natural separates into these two group as well. The fingerprints of the creator are everywhere if we have the eyes to see.

Cathankins Game profile


Sep 13th 2023, 21:19:53

Originally posted by BEM684:
So I'll ask here what i asked on the alliance forums. Why not put in a big recruitment effort to this server? I loved E2025, never played EE until this year. The biggest issue I keep seeing is the lack of players. Adding more bots to alliance just obscures the issue and helps the land-obese top players play as if the game is somehow still competitive. It's not. Placing top ten in alliance server is like beating a six year old in one-on-one basketball. I know nothing about this game as it stands today (except what I read on the outdated wiki), but finished 21st in my 1st set in alliance because there are so few real players. I'm not even proud of it, after realizing how easy it was.

As Misses Blackhole already said, many of us have said the same. It would he great to see recruitment and the game needs it badly.

Maybe if you know a good way to go about that you should hit up Qanon. I think that’s the guys name that runs this place. Q shaman. Q something anyways

Cathankins Game profile


Sep 13th 2023, 13:30:10

Originally posted by CX LaE:
BaDonkaDonks -- Thanks mate. Just dropping in to see how everything is keeping up. : )~

Cathankins -- I don't know you, but hi. And yes, that's my MO these days - too busy with work to remember to play again.

Mrrendmanbhs -- 7 weeks : )~

How's everyone doing? Is SuperFly still kicking? How about ebert? Where's the old crew at?

Haven’t seen ebertplay in a while.
Originally posted by CX LaE:
BaDonkaDonks -- Thanks mate. Just dropping in to see how everything is keeping up. : )~

Cathankins -- I don't know you, but hi. And yes, that's my MO these days - too busy with work to remember to play again.

Mrrendmanbhs -- 7 weeks : )~

How's everyone doing? Is SuperFly still kicking? How about ebert? Where's the old crew at?

I forgot my old log in; Deezy here. I remember you running some great farmers and cashers long ago if my memory serves me correct. I’m not sure we played together a lot though but welcome back.

Haven’t seen ebert around in a while. Oldman and Serp as well.

Superfly is still around in primary and team and Tourney. I think
He plays every set here on express

Cathankins Game profile


Sep 13th 2023, 10:51:17

Yes sir, no problem

Cathankins Game profile


Sep 12th 2023, 11:29:43

Originally posted by Cumorah:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
I don't think it's weak, as all strategies it is dependent on market and with low player base as we saw this round, adjustments need to be made, selling volume is key, at the prices we saw in final week there won't be many buyers

Wow this was a nice farmer K.

Nice. Can you access every country like this?

Here’s something you will find interesting I’m sure. Out of all of the ranked players to ever play primary, you only have 8 guys ever that have grabbed or amassed more land than
You have.

Rank Name Score
1 Serpentor 2,873,791
2 DeLpHiNuS 2,584,872
3 Assassin 2,077,335
4 Melvin21 1,737,193
5 Molotov 1,419,284
6 ingle 1,418,749
7 LightBringer 1,410,614
8 neversilence 1,360,761
9 Cumorah 1,289,470
10 MADMARK 1,277,531

Cathankins Game profile


Sep 12th 2023, 11:25:45

Originally posted by Cumorah:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
I don't think it's weak, as all strategies it is dependent on market and with low player base as we saw this round, adjustments need to be made, selling volume is key, at the prices we saw in final week there won't be many buyers

Wow this was a nice farmer K.

Nice. Can you access every country like this?

Try mobile if it doesn’t work on the regular setting. There may be different set-ups, I’m not really for sure about that.