
Cathankins Game profile


Sep 12th 2023, 11:24:38

Originally posted by Cumorah:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
I don't think it's weak, as all strategies it is dependent on market and with low player base as we saw this round, adjustments need to be made, selling volume is key, at the prices we saw in final week there won't be many buyers

Wow this was a nice farmer K.

Nice. Can you access every country like this?

Almost all them. If they have a player profile you can. Go to the main page and click “top players” on primary.

Go back to the last set and look at the little square boxes beside their name. Click on that box and you can go to the player scores and history’s by server. It will show you all of their past set scores and records and you can look at their country builds. Some players have theirs blocked though but not many.

It has a ranking system for highest scores and wars and kills, it’s pretty cool.

Cathankins Game profile


Sep 12th 2023, 4:33:56

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
I don't think it's weak, as all strategies it is dependent on market and with low player base as we saw this round, adjustments need to be made, selling volume is key, at the prices we saw in final week there won't be many buyers

Wow this was a nice farmer K.

Cathankins Game profile


Sep 12th 2023, 2:10:40

About half a stack to a stack depending on where you are or so they say

Cathankins Game profile


Sep 11th 2023, 20:33:17

Originally posted by BlackHole:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by BlackHole:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
BH you're such a media talking heads regurgitating tool lol

A tool, eh? Nice Ko. Hope your treatments are going well for you.

Is this what you're going to do every time I offend you? Bring up my illness? Low life

Every time you offend me? I've literally never done it.

I was simply responding to your personal insult with kindness. I don't get what your problem is. Maybe you need get all that hate out of your heart.

I agree with the others and lose a lot of respect from this comment BH. You talk about not saying offensive and hurtful things. There’s nothing more painful for a lot of people out here than that topic. If you have never been around one of those children’s hospitals I think it may change how you think on that topic and add it to your “offensive” things list that we don’t joke about. Even if Ko was talking
Trash first, don’t stoop to that level BH. I’ve agreed with you on a lot
About not hurting people and treating our fellow humans better and I really do believe those things. Not your best moment.

Cathankins Game profile


Sep 11th 2023, 15:15:03

Originally posted by Coalie:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
I can confirm that Tmacs starts aren’t ahead if everyone either. We have traded stats so we could number crunch, and on two different sets I have observed I was ahead of Tmac early on, as the set progresses he would pull ahead simply by skill. These guys at the top aren’t making any mistakes, at all. It’s pretty crazy actually. I’ve been said the United States government could use these guys to plot war strategy and conquer the planet. It takes a special kind of mind to do what they are doing. The creator has blessed them all greatly in that regard. A normal human could practice for a lifetime and will never be capable of doing what Tmac or his trans rival Gerdler does.

Cath are you serious? That’s not even the same comparison.

Tmac is just built different. He is proof that someone can be a good player AND be a good person at the same time.

What r u on about United States conquering the world? Why would we want that? The defense industry would go broke if that happens.

I’m not comparing them, I just thought it added context for people to understand that arguably one of the best or the best best to ever play the game didn’t have any big special trick. At turn 600-1,000 I have watched him go from behind me to leaving me in the dust. It’s an intelligence thing. They are a mathematical genius. I’m not talking about just T or Gerdler. Serpentor was brilliant. Oldman. H20. Crest23. I don’t doubt at all that if you had them tested that most or all of them are geniuses or very very close to that in terms of IQ.

Cathankins Game profile


Sep 11th 2023, 14:21:43

I can confirm that Tmacs starts aren’t ahead if everyone either. We have traded stats so we could number crunch, and on two different sets I have observed I was ahead of Tmac early on, as the set progresses he would pull ahead simply by skill. These guys at the top aren’t making any mistakes, at all. It’s pretty crazy actually. I’ve been said the United States government could use these guys to plot war strategy and conquer the planet. It takes a special kind of mind to do what they are doing. The creator has blessed them all greatly in that regard. A normal human could practice for a lifetime and will never be capable of doing what Tmac or his trans rival Gerdler does.

Cathankins Game profile


Sep 11th 2023, 3:40:24

How high do bushels need to be in primary for a demo farmer to be equal in strength to a rep casher pound for pound?

What percentage of sets does this typically happen?

How would one stack up if those $110 bushels from last set lasted? Twice as strong?

Farmer seems to be very weak set after set. Is this accurate?

Cathankins Game profile


Sep 10th 2023, 15:51:04

Alright guys, it looks like we have to declare war and invade their forums. Make sure to tell them that Blackhole Sent us

Cathankins Game profile


Sep 9th 2023, 13:42:30

Originally posted by BigP:
Originally posted by Turtle Crawler:
Originally posted by mdevol:
The grudge war was over. It already ended and both sides pacted out for 6 resets to let things cool down.

It was only over for some. Not everyone packed and even those who did were going to allow their members to violate it - which many did. It seemed that those signing out on the other side thought that it included some sort of obligation from LaF to fight again when it expired. That was never going to happen.

Dude, everyone pacted, I was there.

Reported to Mehul

Cathankins Game profile


Sep 9th 2023, 12:45:56

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by Turtle Crawler:
Originally posted by mdevol:
The grudge war was over. It already ended and both sides pacted out for 6 resets to let things cool down.

It was only over for some. Not everyone packed and even those who did were going to allow their members to violate it - which many did. It seemed that those signing out on the other side thought that it included some sort of obligation from LaF to fight again when it expired. That was never going to happen.

That's how the game works, it's always been that way, you either fight for your right to net or die doing it, now the few get their way via changing game codes because they failed as leaders and can't protect their sheep, instead of new leadership (as was the consequences of poor diplomacy when this game was originally designed) now they resort to fascism changing the code in the name of "protection for netters" they have game devs in their pockets I'm guessing, can't put my finger on it....not yet at least....

I flew Q out to my private island and got him on my hidden grandfather clock playing strip twister with me and Doug on camera so now he’s compromised

Cathankins Game profile


Sep 9th 2023, 12:15:45

*invades Andrew for resources*

Cathankins Game profile


Sep 8th 2023, 14:46:17

Originally posted by Tertius:
Syko/Karnage: It's pretty funny how you try to say I don't know what I'm talking about and three other people jump in to shut you down, because it's just so clear.

And yeah, you didn't attack with Rokkie - and that's not me "not doing my homework" but because it happened multiple times. Repeatedly.

AndrewMose: Yeah, I saw it was LaF but didn't check that it was Syko directly - but that tracks. I mean, because

Originally posted by Syko_Killa:
We can't net, our adversaries allies don't get to easily net.

that's the narrative. You somehow think Evo was behind every bad thing that happened to you, when Evo was pacted to everyone. Even PDM wanted FDP because of the suiciders going around *cough blackhole*. LaF was looking for any pretense to go to war with us, starting with dropping the pact randomly because of Req, when really it was that tmac set a record which hurt some of LaF's feelings, and their leadership couldn't have that.

Even the FA as I've noted was a pretense, because it was one guy who sent it to SOL / SOF and he even posted on the forums that he expected Gains or Gerdler to reach out for diplomacy as they typically did if it was a problem, and guess what, they didn't. Rather than LaF have any extremely basic semblance of diplomacy, they killed a bunch of non-war prepped countries who did not send the offending FA. And then, by getting killed and actually fighting back with our restarts, you somehow think that makes it okay to grief us more? So by your logic, if Evo was the larger member alliance, we should be able to tag kill you for multiple sets in a row for transgressions by single players, like you and Rokkie? And if you fight back, we'll add on a few more sets. And we'll hit your close allies... uh, so I guess just LaF... but do you see that you're actually worse than the other "block"? I've tried to make it really clear.

TLDR for Req and others - Karnage admits what we've been trying to say all along, LaF didn't want Evo to net if they couldn't net, though they got into the war due to their poor diplomacy and then continued to fight it of their own volition (OOP FS FTW), and then refused to admit they lost but also whined they couldn't net, until they cried for development to let them save face to the detriment of every other player.

Accurate, fair, and also hilarious.

Cathankins Game profile


Sep 7th 2023, 22:04:51

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Bhole I think you're having fun right now. If you wanted things differently, you'd take suggestions that the community has given you, but you write them off as irrelevant if they don't suit your narrative.

I think you're having a really good time with war and having spirited debates. Carry on bro. It's a game. Whatever is fun for you is the main thing for you. Enjoy it, bro.

This is what I thought. It’s pretty entertaining. Keep it up, BH isn’t the hero we needed. He is the hero we deserve.

Originally posted by Requiem:
My first tip is to:

Not name your country BlackHole

Don’t do this whatever you do. Spend the next 36 months building a super pain in the *** to kill war machine and then the guys will begrudgingly accept you. That will be far more entertaining.

Cathankins Game profile


Sep 5th 2023, 16:40:45

These extremely high scores some of you are hitting are really something else.

Cathankins Game profile


Aug 30th 2023, 13:06:36

-33.333 scared of heights

Cathankins Game profile


Aug 25th 2023, 16:14:54

Thanks, I have no idea what to expect this set. 30 mil maybe for first? Maybe 25-30 for the upper echelon?

Cathankins Game profile


Aug 24th 2023, 14:56:28

^^^ expert D taster

Cathankins Game profile


Aug 24th 2023, 14:55:07

Originally posted by BlackHole:
I used to. I don't anymore. Got a lot of hate for trying to recruit from reddit.


Cathankins Game profile


Aug 24th 2023, 14:53:21

I could not agree more, excellent posts and the owner is asking for feedback. You should go copy and paste your posts here (link below) so he sees them. Maybe a few extra voices will help.

The lack of new players and new players being abused when people notice a n00b are the two main issues I’ve noticed as well. They need a n00b server or netting server to learn and have fun on.

I think the influx of players could be done very easily by paying some YouTuber or tik toker or viral marketing advertising company to get the word out.

Cathankins Game profile


Aug 24th 2023, 10:50:14

Originally posted by Zorp:
I believe your country name carries over every set from the time you get in game A. So, a country name Wind couldn't have been Earth last set.

I think if you subscribe can change their name

Cathankins Game profile


Aug 23rd 2023, 13:40:33

I would contact some YouTube and offer them $500 cash to pump your views on their channels. That may be your best bet. That’s all the rage now so that’s the way to go.

Tik tok as well. Either one of these could easily bring in thousand if not hundreds of thousand of views and potential new players

But if they come and get wrecked by you a**hats being a**holes they won’t enjoy it and return.

This is why you need a netting server for them to learn on. War server for the big bad wolfs and bragging rights.

Cathankins Game profile


Aug 23rd 2023, 13:38:12

The other users who have pointed out as well that there are a LOT of old players that would come back that may not know about this place.

I found it by chance. Advertising seems to be of the utmost importance. New players will solve the toxicity to a large degree. Being cooped up with the same people gets very old. You guys simply need new blood.

Cathankins Game profile


Aug 23rd 2023, 13:35:48

Sounds like a war server and a netting server would solve most of your problems.

Maybe it would be worth it to create a hall of fame and just Ax alliance and primary and create a netting server and a war server in their places.

Make an old hall of fame for the guys with a big ego and let the past be the past and use what you guys have learned to create a better game.

Both sides have been toxic and i bet a fresh start may breathe some fresh air into the place and excitement for the old heads. A new mountain to conquer.

A king of the hill server that allows multiples and clans and anything goes period would be the most popular server I bet. That’s when the game was almost fun was the Wild West.

Cathankins Game profile


Aug 22nd 2023, 15:35:22

Originally posted by guochel:

I know nothing

Cathankins Game profile


Aug 22nd 2023, 15:34:37

Originally posted by Coalie:
Strength in Unity!

Non Nobis Domine, Non Nobis, Sed Nomini Tuo Da Gloriam

Cathankins Game profile


Aug 22nd 2023, 15:33:18

Originally posted by braden:
Diversity is our strength.

I agree... ;-)

Orbo ab chao

Cathankins Game profile


Aug 21st 2023, 18:49:57

Originally posted by Requiem:
The problem is that the owner-operators of the game decided to instead implement artificial gameplay on one server vs. making a pvp and pve server…


So maybe a better way to go about this would be to create a GDI netting server and keep the original alliance the way it is. That seems like it’s closer to something everyone agree on. But then the netters will be upset their scores aren’t considered real but they aren’t real scores if you are hiding so it’s a fair point as well to say those scores deserve to be on the n00b server if they can’t hang on this server.

Handicapping the server so they can win is a very fair point to argue is favoritism

Cathankins Game profile


Aug 21st 2023, 18:46:29

I’m just trying to think of a way everyone can be happy. There has to be some in between everyone can agree on. Having an original Wild West server with multi’s allowed would be awesome actually and I would personally enjoy it. A n00b server isn’t a bad idea either. It’s always worked great in tournament because the little guys get to have a win as well. At least let them have some bread crumbs while we big guys feast.

Cathankins Game profile


Aug 21st 2023, 18:05:08

Yes you are correct, I don’t understand what you are saying because I asked for even one single reason some n00b getting to learn on a
Bot server takes away from

Make a original server. That’s what you said you want.

Give you what you want and
Give the others what they want as well.

What’s the problem?

Cathankins Game profile


Aug 21st 2023, 17:42:03

No I think you’re just upset because this behavior is obviously indefensible and there is zero logical explanation for why you not getting to terrorize some n00b ruins your game.

If you have a problem with someone brand new to the game being able to learn without having refuge from stalking abusing behavior then it speaks loud and clearly as to what your intentions are.

Do you really need to claim to be the king of war against a guy who has never played the game before? Why would you even want to claim to be king of the douchebags how does that make any sense at all

Cathankins Game profile


Aug 21st 2023, 17:19:26

Originally posted by Syko_Killa:
Originally posted by SuperFly:
That’s racist Karnage….
If you say so, report it. P.S. I remember one of your own people told weezy that when the going gets tough mexicans run for the border. Yet, because your all pals, it's not a rascist comment. I believe it was Chevs who said that? No doubt whoever said it, he will probably edit that comment. Funny how you can insult eachother as friends, but adversaries are rascists. Gimme a break.

Whoah whoah whoah guys. Racism is only allowed to be directed towards the “privileged people” we shall call them. 24/7 and all the time. Any other racism is not allowed in the west. I didn’t take 12 years of holocaust classes, slavery classes, Indian genocide classes and then go to college for classes on my privilege to sit here and listen to that filth.

Cathankins Game profile


Aug 21st 2023, 17:10:09

Originally posted by Requiem:
That has been brought up _many_ times already, Cath. It's not a novel idea you mention here. They would instead enforce artificial gameplay on the Alliance server.

It's Qz's/Pang/Slag's game, so they can do as they please. At least I won't be a part of it for much longer.

I will vote with my daily active user count or lack thereof. Not to mention a patron, coin-buying user. Not that it matters much :p

I don't see the Patron badge under your name...

If you get what you want then why would you care if I decided to play a bot farming server? I don’t understand your urge to control others game experience if you can have exactly what you want as well. There is no reason you have to control others just so you can do what you want with your time.

I like the wars and I like netting but I don’t understand the raging over your inability to AB some n00b who plays the game for their first time. Actually just seems like a **** thing to do which was my original point if you read my posts above.

Cathankins Game profile


Aug 21st 2023, 2:42:49

Originally posted by Requiem:
Guys, don't worry this is the last set for at least 90% of the 'other side' if you view it that way.

You can have your bot farming game as Qz has given it to you.

At this point the game has gone too far from the original for me.



It doesn’t have to be either or. One could very easily have a war server, a netting server, and a beginners server for n00bs to learn and actually have a chance
At winning. They don’t even have a chance the way it is.

It seems both sides are only thinking about what they want personally rather than the good of the actual game and if one side wins the other side loses when in actuality both sides can win.

1. War server

2. Netting server

It’s already happening with team and alliance naturally anyways

Cathankins Game profile


Aug 20th 2023, 11:32:55

That’s your problem. No matter what Q does the players and your hatred for each other is your issue.

Fix it or destroy the game. I bet the stress of it makes the owner contemplate is it worth it dealing with you crazy people.

New players come and walk out because half of you are jerks and then Q tries to use a fire extinguisher to control your arson of the community and everyone hates on him for it

Cathankins Game profile


Aug 20th 2023, 11:27:14

Originally posted by Real Man:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Your #1 biggest problem I observe is there is no viral marketing or advertising bringing in new players. You need to be present on social media, tik tok. Get a marketing person if you do not have one.

Find someone who does marketing, pay them to do it. It will pay for itself over time with the amount of new players and donations you will receive.

b1tch I make earth videos for free for the lulz

just wait till chucknorrisbeard buys the game

Oh yea we played on team. You run some impressive countries. I’m just being honest. Some of (a lot of) guys here take things too far. I see it on both sides as well and a lot of people don’t want to play a game if your going to be abused and have mean people try and hurt your feelings.

I sound like a woman or lefty I know but it’s true.

Earlier in this thread a user I’ll refrain from naming because I don’t know the guy mentioned yadda yadda about a users personal life and wife and home.

I just think they game would be way better off if everyone swallows their ego and drops the beef at this level.

Everyone here seems to be an *** except for like a handful of guys so you guys have more in common than not it seems.

Cathankins Game profile


Aug 20th 2023, 11:22:54

Originally posted by BlackHole:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by Suicidal:
Who cares ^^^ Wish he would have stopped reading all of the BS back in 2011

I do provoke people. I am not an idiot though. People just haven't taken the time to get to know me.

Sorry I just meant the way you came in and kick the hornets nest. You strike me as highly intelligent actually. Kind of like Sheldon lol

Cathankins Game profile


Aug 20th 2023, 11:11:00

Due to recent betrayals by the king of France, Tertius was burned at the stake for witchcraft and Tmac and Nite had to flee to North America and the Caribbean. Rumor is T started a new lodge in the west and that Nite is flying the skull and bones and raiding merchant ships and has started a band of pirates. Andrews location is unknown, probally plotting another revolution knowing him.

Having said that The Brotherhood of the Snake is now reborn as Order of the Dragon.

Order of the Dragon (Latin: Societas Draconistarum, "Society of the Dragonists")

we and the faithful barons and magnates of our kingdom shall bear and have, and do choose and agree to wear and bear, in the manner of society, the sign or effigy of the Dragon incurved into the form of a circle, its tail winding around its neck, divided through the middle of its back along its length from the top of its head right to the tip of its tail, with blood [forming] a red cross flowing out into the interior of the cleft by a white crack, untouched by blood, just as and in the same way that those who fight under the banner of the glorious martyr St George are accustomed to bear a red cross on a white field

Cathankins Game profile


Aug 19th 2023, 17:19:37

Originally posted by Suicidal:
Who cares ^^^ Wish he would have stopped reading all of the BS back in 2011

I remember you. Do you remember me?

Cathankins Game profile


Aug 19th 2023, 17:17:44

Originally posted by Suicidal:
Who cares ^^^ Wish he would have stopped reading all of the BS back in 2011

QZ asked for feedback and I left it. Hard storyline to keep up with I know. Lot of plot twists there to navigate.

This is the type of behavior I am talking about Qz. A large portion of your player base go out of their way to be abusing to new players or just people in general.

My advice is ban all of these abusing anti social people who are running off your new players and make no mistake they are.

Any business in this day and age cannot allow their customers to be abused by the low life’s that any business will attract that like to hang around.

If you have to ban the entire player base and replace them I would. If they don’t care enough about this game to cherish and protect it then they don’t belong here.

I think a lot of people are thinking it and don’t want to say it and ruffle feathers but you have a lot of abusive bullies here. BH is absolutely correct about that. He also is an idiot that provokes everyone and kicks the hornets nest. Pretty funny to watch actually.

Cathankins Game profile


Aug 19th 2023, 17:05:08

Your #1 biggest problem I observe is there is no viral marketing or advertising bringing in new players. You need to be present on social media, tik tok. Get a marketing person if you do not have one.

Your issue isn’t the game play, it’s that your player base is grumpy boomers who have played against each other for decades and hate each other now, yesterday and tomorrow.

Any business that does not being in new customers and advertise will lose $$$ and shut down eventually. It’s the main mistake small business owners make. Restaurant people always do that and close down 12 months later.

Rookie mistake and an easy one to correct as well.

Find someone who does marketing, pay them to do it. It will pay for itself over time with the amount of new players and donations you will receive.

Cathankins Game profile


Aug 19th 2023, 0:18:27

Makes one post

Leaves again

Cathankins Game profile


Aug 18th 2023, 19:22:46

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Praise Jesus and Blue Dream....and Runtz in my case.

Did you wind up hybrid destocking that thing or just standard oil? Military tech ran cheap but not as cheap as missing the last 2 days of feeders lol. Not to mention that buyout being like....only $4b. Haha

I had intended to go with the hybrid destock but it worked out so that there was no extra cash to spend so it was just pure oil destock.

This was our stock prior to the jump

Your goods for sale:

En Route: 951,924,028 Bushels on sale for $70 each (Arrive in 165.1 mins)

En Route: 127,218,136 Oil Barrels on sale for $700 each (Arrive in 166.7 mins)

Cathankins Game profile


Aug 18th 2023, 18:05:12

Tert is right though it was Andrew that was the brains. He strategized my set and his and I could never in a million years have executed that without him in the war room plotting everything.

Glory goes to God first but Andrew second for this win.

The rest of our guys did execute as perfect as one can ask though so I am very proud of the team.

Thanks guys

Cathankins Game profile


Aug 18th 2023, 11:16:00

Thank you sir. I was also excited about seeing weedylar again. They still got it alright.

To answer your question. It’s the Hawaiian snow or blue dream over here sir.

It was a team effort and shout out to all the guys that helped us do it friends and participants in all forms this was a set for the books. Between the war and that the whole thing was just crazy and a lot of fun.

Cathankins Game profile


Aug 16th 2023, 23:32:24

Originally posted by Mrredmanbhs:
Originally posted by SuperFly:

Dude I didn’t even do anything. I am a democracy wasn’t war built at all lol

The 34 missiles you launched at my country have determined that is a lie.


Cathankins Game profile


Aug 13th 2023, 16:09:49

at band camp

Cathankins Game profile


Jul 29th 2023, 11:55:52

1. Estats layout is better suited for mobile where you can see everything at once (for phone users not having to scroll is nice)

2. Needs to offer something that what already exists doesn’t offer.

Put up a top ten hall of fame section for War mongers and Netters and it will be added to my favorites. Very nice work though. My only complaint is the information it offers is already available in game. You need some type of unique bait to lure the fish in to catch em.

Cathankins Game profile


Jul 27th 2023, 16:41:58


Cathankins Game profile


Jul 19th 2023, 14:27:50

New entrants to 100M NW club

1. $105,831,614 NW (Democracy, Round 76- Grievous (#48) )- Grievous

2. $105,600,433 NW (Communism, Round 74- Mother Earth (#16) ) - neversilence

Cathankins Game profile


Jul 19th 2023, 14:18:06

4th all time highest Fascist NW (theo destock)

4. $104,942,682 NW (Round 78 - Swamp Guardians #1) - AndrewMose