
Cathankins Game profile


Jul 19th 2023, 0:33:11

All time highest NW for Fascism (theo destock)

1. $151,090,330 NW (Fascist, Round 80-How you doin (#22)) - Tmac

Cathankins Game profile


Jul 17th 2023, 15:22:35

New entrants to 100M NW club

1. $107,105,327 NW (Republic, Round 81- HeatDome (#44))- Crackhead

2. $106,359,536 NW (Republic, Round 81- Mackenzie Valley Wolf (#35)) - Cathankins

Cathankins Game profile


Jul 17th 2023, 15:17:45

All time highest Communist and NW record

1. $195,362,331 NW (Communism, Round 81-Tom Bombadil #55) - Gerdler

All Time Republic Record

1. $171,287,582 NW (Republic, Round 81- Hammer time (#21)) - Tmac

Cathankins Game profile


Jul 8th 2023, 22:39:45


Cathankins Game profile


Jun 30th 2023, 2:20:22


Cathankins Game profile


Jun 20th 2023, 2:29:56


Cathankins Game profile


Jun 15th 2023, 6:00:57

Thank you Sir. Next set let’s have a net off. We will be happy to go pure netter if everyone else is as well, sounds like a fun set.

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 11th 2023, 11:09:14


Cathankins Game profile


May 30th 2023, 22:54:34


Cathankins Game profile


May 22nd 2023, 8:05:08


Cathankins Game profile


May 18th 2023, 17:33:30


Cathankins Game profile


May 9th 2023, 7:22:45


Cathankins Game profile


May 3rd 2023, 8:55:49


Cathankins Game profile


Apr 29th 2023, 8:20:50

WAIT A MINUTE. I hadn’t logged in, in 4 days and you guys still haven’t killed me? And have been doing a kill run? Lmfao. Oh man that’s funny

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 29th 2023, 8:17:47

Originally posted by BlackHole:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by BlackHole:
I'll take credit for the kill. Snake better change their names and hide every team set if they want to play anymore.

Oh, while I'm at it. Ya'll won't be having any prearranged wars with anyone without interference.... ever.

Tmac - I suggest you not use your name anymore. You'll be target #1 OOP.

Darkness, Fastcars, and the rest of you dum-dums. Get your turns ready. You're gonna be using them on killing us over and over again.

Dormammu, I've come to bargain.

DD - You suck.

That's all.

Or I will just go do something else since I actually have a life you insane emotional insane person that if I said the name of would get me deleted but all the real ***hole guys know what I am hinting at

You won't quit you liar. You've said you're quitting like 8 times now, and you're still here.

Quit, I F'n dare you. Or don't. But either way, I'm coming for that booty, swiggity swooty.

I haven’t played since I was AB’ed. If you have been fighting a war against an empty country that is not surprising.

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 29th 2023, 8:04:23

Originally posted by Gerdler:
Smaug (#49) was you. I didn't touch you.

I’ve said you guys keep hitting my team and sending guys to hit my team. I created that team man and I played one Or two time’s over on alliance only because I invited T to play with me over there.

It just all seems a little messed up, I obviously did not understand the rules being a new player over there and was just trying to go with the flow and now you decide to send your gang of schizo’s over to team to make sure my team can’t play.

I am not evo. I invited andrew from when we played years ago, i remembered he was a very nice guy and very skilled.

I met Nitell over on express, similar story.

I invited T because of his skill level, didn’t know him and he rejected my idea until I think he realizes that i was serious about about hitting the high score and then he was in. He brought tert.

My point is I am not evo and I did put a lot of work into it.

At one point I wanted to recruit you as well and superfly. Maybe I sent the messages wrong because I didn’t later realize the message system was confusing and I had been messaging guys and it not going to anyone but myself or something strange like that.

So yea that’s why I’m upset. I didn’t just pick you out randomly, your reputation is you are the guy with all the pull and guys listen to you, I actually originally wanted both you and tmac on snake.

When your team comes sending guys to ruin my set, and it has happened so many times now since we started breaking high scores. Every single set actually.

I would not and have not even retaliated. And I could. I am game A tourney right now and if you noticed I never even ruined BH set or anyone else.

I could have, easily. But I chose to show mercy because that behavior is beneath me and as a moderator I would expect the same from you

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 29th 2023, 7:55:24

Originally posted by Rasp:
Originally posted by BlackHole:

2. Evo is Darkness's netting clan, or so I've been told.

Might want to fact check that too. They aren’t even on the same server.

He kept saying I’m darkness as well lmao I was new to this server. I think I played a few times years and years ago. Same with alliance. Apparently I’m some veteran that’s played with these guys for decades without my own knowledge.

I’ve always played primary servers. I didn’t even know any of these guys exist outside of gerdler and LB. It’s a little strange you have so much anger towards someone that we don’t even know each other. You and they cumorah guy should fight with each other since you both like to do that and then you can leave normal humans alone.

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 28th 2023, 23:51:07

Call me crazy man but if I was a moderator would try and be kind and help people to join the game. As others have said in other threads I actually do that anyways and I am not a moderator.

It’s pretty crappy when someone with authority can’t handle it. I wonder how many other players you have ran off with this behavior? Is this how you always act? I don’t even know you but my first impression is that you like to play games and then play stupid. Seems to be your guys style.

Where I’m from we don’t like
liars or respect lying period.

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 28th 2023, 23:47:35

Originally posted by Gerdler:
I dont think Ive ever even hit you on any other server than 1a.

Actually probably a landgrab or two in primary over the years. You know you can check for that, with a few clicks?

I'd love it if I had time to do a tenth of the stuff I get credit for doing.

I guess I just keep imagining this behavior?

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 28th 2023, 22:31:07

Originally posted by BlackHole:
I'll take credit for the kill. Snake better change their names and hide every team set if they want to play anymore.

Oh, while I'm at it. Ya'll won't be having any prearranged wars with anyone without interference.... ever.

Tmac - I suggest you not use your name anymore. You'll be target #1 OOP.

Darkness, Fastcars, and the rest of you dum-dums. Get your turns ready. You're gonna be using them on killing us over and over again.

Dormammu, I've come to bargain.

DD - You suck.

That's all.

Or I will just go do something else since I actually have a life you insane emotional insane person that if I said the name of would get me deleted but all the real ***hole guys know what I am hinting at

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 28th 2023, 22:23:58

Originally posted by galleri:
I can't ever tell if people here are this mad or did they step into a role like they are an actor?
Deep thoughts by galleri

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 28th 2023, 22:20:32

Originally posted by BlackHole:
Hey cat - I'm the one who killed you in team and alliance.

Suck it. Gonna do it again and again too. Same in primary. And Express. And Alliance.

It has nothing to do with gate keeping records, or with any other non-sense you're dredging up.

I'm going to do it because I can. I'll get your little friends too.

I am well aware you and gerdler keep killing me on every server. While I do find it hilarious I have triggered whatever group you are a part of (I won’t roast you back so you don’t get triggered and have to report me to the SPLC, I know how you reddit types are)

But that’s was actually my point. I recently came back and obviously you guys are trying to make sure I can’t play the game.

I actually wanted you guys to do that and admit to it which is why I’ve been so antagonistic. I figured one of you would come admit to it. Thank you. Now the mods can at least see this is happening and is probally why so many players are leaving the game.

Unfortunately as many of the guys who I chat with in this game Already know I have to leave soon (your new, I tend to take years long hiatus from this game, not because I don’t like it but because life) so as much as I would like to waste my time being stalked by some weird person I don’t know I’ll have to pass

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 28th 2023, 22:10:03

>be beta male
>make post
>have panic attack
>delete post
>take anti-depressant


Cathankins Game profile


Apr 28th 2023, 6:50:00

Correct you did win the gift of being blessed with being in the presence of greatness. I envy you Ko. I cannot imagine how great it must be to orbit someone’s presence like myself. A gift from the Gods and a joke that will only be truly understood and appreciated with the passing of time.

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 28th 2023, 6:38:00

I’m not going to lie it’s kind of weird how I keep not replying to you and you keep saying that. Obviously I do not care or I would have replied. Take that beta male passive aggressive stuff on you weird triggered boomer.

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 28th 2023, 1:48:01

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Lmao possible the goofiest thing I’ve seen in this game. Imagine spending that much of your time being that upset over being losers.

When you guys can break our high score records then you will have my attention but I will take this as badge of honor. Can’t hang with us so have to sabotage what you cannot build. A story as old as time.

Seriously though I’m not willing to spend the time fighting an internet war. You guys all setting alarms to wake up at 3am over this is the goofiest thing I’ve ever heard of in my life. I am not doing that lol

You don’t need to set alarms to wall. Just restart. With overwhelming numbers you kill LaF much faster and your odds of dying decease.

It only takes an additional 500 turns to kill 1 more LaF players or 300 turns to kill a resist player so that’s one less country to worry about killing you

I’m not talking about you guys. You guys allowed me to come play on this server without too much trouble and I appreciate the kind gesture. It was fun playing and getting to guys. (Besides you fly I guess ive been known you lol) take care bro

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 28th 2023, 1:43:17

Originally posted by Aturan:
This thread seems to have nothing to do with Kinder Bueno anymore, if it ever did.


Cathankins Game profile


Apr 28th 2023, 1:00:19

Originally posted by Cumorah:
Lol Cathankins what are you smoking.

“My guys”, “friends”, “bullies” 😂- I just like playing the game, but I feel you have way to much emotion invested in something that kinda isn’t real.

And thanks for the definition 😂 , adding value one post at a time.

I have no idea why you are trying to be so antagonistic today me. I literally do not even know who you are. I tried to look it up and now I’m confused if your name is Mormon or Mexican OR if you are one of those Mormons that went down to mexico. Honestly I don’t care. Take your ur magic underwear and fly away from my proximity.

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 28th 2023, 0:53:03

Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by Aturan:
Cat used to play under a different account years ago but lost the password to it, so he plays under his new one now. I remember him discussing this when he came back.

Oh yeah. I remember this now.

Figured you would ;-)

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 28th 2023, 0:52:28

If you have a business and you allow your old grumpy patrons who have no life otherwise run off all of your new patrons it destroys business.

I would highly suggest to anyone who cares about this game not continuing to dwindle into obscurity to

1. Advertise
2. Not allow abusing behavior

This was my experience. A lot of the guys were extremely abusive and it mostly came from the clan stuff.

I understand these guys have some 10 year old beef that I don’t care about but to follow me around and AB every country when I literally was a new player that JUST tried clan is a little absurd.

Obviously this would run off new players. It’s obvious they are doing this to gate keep records as well.

Ive seen a lot of dirty stuff since my return and as someone who used to love this game it’s sad to see.

Play stupid and dumb all you guys want. You know exactly what I’m talking about and I done playing these silly games. It is what it is.

LB, disrespect is no game. If I start calling someone a **** ***** ********* online on call of duty I get banned.

You know why? Because bullying people and being cruel to humans and saying “it’s a game” is psychopathic behavior. Obviously you guys were doing this to me just to try and **** my day up. Thankfully as you said I personally don’t care about this game that much.

Yes my boys in this game are my boys. They were pretty cool dudes. I am sorry you cannot bond with your fellow man in this same way. I see why though.

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 27th 2023, 4:41:23

My guys were the best :-p it’s not delusion when it’s true. I hand picked them specifically for that reason.

Also LB, the reason I was vitriolic towards you guys is you came off as bullies and just mean and dirty people to me. I don’t respect people like you and never will. There is zero reason to be nice to people who won’t do the same. If there is hate directed at me then you can guarantee it’s going to be mutual. I am an eye for an eye man. The universe always finds balance so it is the natural order of things. You guys went to keep following me around and messing with me behind the scenes but then cry when I start having some fun back. “Oh no it’s getting too crazy now” lmao i know your type alright

Many other players I have made friends with and was very kind to. Because they were very kind people. So they got back what they treated me as. You didn’t see this because I do not seek attention or want to try and virtue signal like I do common today. I don’t care if you like me or not. If you guys had left me alone and not tried to keep dragging me into your idiotic clan stuff I would not be pointing out your extremely dishonorable behavior. You are bullieS is what you are. You are trying to bully me to prove a point to Evo when I was a new player to the alliance server and left immediately when I realized you are all totally insane

[ˈɡranjər, ˈɡrando͝or]
splendor and impressiveness, especially of appearance or style:
"the austere grandeur of mountain scenery"


high rank or social importance:
"for all their grandeur, the chancellors were still officials of the household"

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 26th 2023, 11:18:59

I would assume knowing what I know about Laf players that you cheated. I would consider any scores you or gerdler have got as illegitimate. It’s obvious you guys use every dirty trick their is.

I played clean and have two accounts on top scores, not just this one ;-) so if you are going to add up all of my top tens in primary make sure you add both accounts.

Unlike you guys I didn’t have to cheat to get my scores. Who knows how much dirty market stuff you guys are up to. A lot I would assume based on your behavior.

You know who you guys are. You and your little group of friends stalking me because of my greatness.

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 26th 2023, 11:00:19

Strange how the actually numbers and data are never in your side. Very odd. Kind of like you just spout a bunch of bs.

Originally posted by Cumorah:
Lol bye. You won’t be missed. Help yourself to the tissues by the door. 😂

No idea who you are my Mexico friend

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 26th 2023, 10:59:04

There are all time team and average records for the team server and yes I did form a team Snake and yes we did shatter every record.

Know your place boy. Me>you when you don’t have to boys to back you up and cheat

6 United States of America (#38) Game profile 31,424 $66,809,972 RG

7 Digger Roger Blackstroker (#33) Game profile

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 26th 2023, 10:49:13

Remember when I first showed up to alliance a few sets ago and you all clowned me and said there was no way a new player could break 400 mil?

Funny how you guys spout so much bs. Oh how quickly we came to you having to deny I was about to take the all time record on that server along with the other guys obviously.

Lmao facts are facts boy

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 26th 2023, 10:42:16

My legacy is within a month of returning i formed a team and took the all time record over on that server

Obviously we were about to do it on alliance too is why you guys did that.

I took a 7 year hiatus and am just getting warmed up. The truth is I am a huge over achiever and I came here and made what you guys hype up look easy and I bet that makes you all real made that you spent decades playing this and I just waltz in and start debo’ing your records.

Say all the bs you want but there is a reason my team does have the all time record over there and i played with evo the set you guys had to stop us from taking that record. Not that I care about alliance, I don’t even know who founded evo or care about it to be honest.

I just don’t care enough to do this silly back and forth with you guys. Obviously you do or you wouldn’t have spent that much time yes stalking me.

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 26th 2023, 10:37:43

Originally posted by LightBringer:
Roflmao. Literally no one is staking you, no one cares or knows who you are (certainly no one at LaF) and you leave no meaningful achievements and no legacy, it’s all in your head. Heck your legacy doesn’t even hold a candle to mine, and I’m not even that good a player haha.

Stop saying ‘we’ and stop pretending you are Tmac, you are not, and never will be, his incredible achievements are not your achievements. His legacy will continue and you will be forgotten tomorrow.

Also it’s absolutely hilarious that I killed you on Team today, I had no idea who you were and had no plans on restarting after getting killed by Rohirrim. The boys at residence just needed a few more turns to get the kill and asked me if I could do it. And now knowing it was you *chefs kiss*

Just so everyone knows for sure you are a man that lies and cannot be trusted.

"Not sorry, you are affiliated to the idiots who ruin our game so until that ends expect your game to be ruined each set , many thanks"

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 26th 2023, 9:42:14

Lmao possible the goofiest thing I’ve seen in this game. Imagine spending that much of your time being that upset over being losers.

When you guys can break our high score records then you will have my attention but I will take this as badge of honor. Can’t hang with us so have to sabotage what you cannot build. A story as old as time.

Seriously though I’m not willing to spend the time fighting an internet war. You guys all setting alarms to wake up at 3am over this is the goofiest thing I’ve ever heard of in my life. I am not doing that lol

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 26th 2023, 9:25:47

Hopefully the owner sees this post so he can see how much abuse is happening. I cannot imagine any new players will stay under these conditions. You have to have some kind of sensible fairness of play and not let a small group of core people run off your new customers.

Ask any bar owner and they will tell you if you don’t keep your regulars in check they will ruin your business.

Ask any man who has had authority of a large group of men who tend to not listen to authority very well and I’m sure that man would tell you that he had to control those men or they would do the same.

Have to keep the wild ones on a leash. If you don’t people like me with better things to do will simply leave.

Later guys

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 26th 2023, 9:22:48

Originally posted by Crackhead:
Another good player gets run off..bummer

Make that two. I am not willing to spend the time These goofballs are spending stalking us out of jealously of our greatness

Like I said, every single server because LAF is so jealous we smashed their records (without trying I might add, took me a month to put this team together and start smashing every server with my boys, I see why these losers are so jealous of our greatness.

Let that be my legacy. I left because I was being stalked by a gang of jealous under achievers mad at our greatness

Every server. Every set. Just like I said earlier in the thread.

Apparently this is against the rules but for some reason new players don’t seem to get this protection. This is maybe the 6th set in a row. Just to stress the amount of time these goofballs have spent in stalking us.

I cannot imagine being this goofy of a person to spend months stalking someone online lmao If it’s that important to you guys you can have it.

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 24th 2023, 9:53:14

*wakes up driving down the interstate at 3AM*

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 23rd 2023, 10:40:45

Galleri ban this man! ^^^^ Us girls gotta stick together. Girl power! Slay queen.

For some reason my moderator powers that I self declared earlier do not seem to be functioning properly.

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 23rd 2023, 10:27:10

Originally posted by Rocky79:
I AM A CAT 🐈 🐱 🐈‍⬛

Hey, I was joking at first but come on bro. I am trans species and I really do identity as a cat. An orange cat btw with stripes and I have a string I tied from the ceiling to a toy mouse so when my owner is lazy I can still play. (I will sue anyone that steals this brilliant idea via a jailhouse lawyer in a kangaroo court of my choosing)

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 23rd 2023, 3:49:15

[quote poster=Cumorah; 51668; 1010965]
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by Cumorah:
Originally posted by LightBringer:
Cathankins, dude, seriously, take a chill pill. You think that because Tmac is a good player he's not allowed to be LGd? That he has some protection the rest of us don't have because he is good? Of the 18 sets he has played here he has won 11 of them, so please, tell me where Tmac has been greifed every set, and fyi, a couple of LG's aint griefing, or your all bloody greifers. 99% of the players in Primary who've been here for years haven't won the server once, with more then half of those just getting farmed to death each set and still return to play set after set for god knows what reason. Tmac is not a victim here you worthless scrub, and I'm almost certain you don't speak for him. Where's your morality when low and mid tier players get farmed ruthlessly huh? Where's your morality when Tmac, or any of the top players (myself included) hit the same country a ton of times in a single set?
Lets look at your last set, you hit: Wolf 359 (#72) x 4, Acetryc (#75) x 3, Bort (#85) x 3, EE Oil Company (#60) x 4, Bretz (#54) x 4
So get out of here with your pathetic calls for morality and delusional notion of corruption or evil behaviour.

Well said. Well said!

Calm down cuckmorah if you don’t want to be clowned on don’t act like a clown

You are the guy who had to ask me to stop blowing up your buildings a few sets back mid set right? Canceled our war as well if I recall?

Everyone was asking “what happened to your set cumorah”

Should I link that thread as well?

We can go again. I’ll bang it out with both of you at the same time you ain’t about that life boy

Keep it classy sister!

Did you just assume my gender?!

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 21st 2023, 21:29:41

Originally posted by neversilence:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by LightBringer:
Cathankins, dude, seriously, take a chill pill. You think that because Tmac is a good player he's not allowed to be LGd? That he has some protection the rest of us don't have because he is good? Of the 18 sets he has played here he has won 11 of them, so please, tell me where Tmac has been greifed every set, and fyi, a couple of LG's aint griefing, or your all bloody greifers. 99% of the players in Primary who've been here for years haven't won the server once, with more then half of those just getting farmed to death each set and still return to play set after set for god knows what reason. Tmac is not a victim here you worthless scrub, and I'm almost certain you don't speak for him. Where's your morality when low and mid tier players get farmed ruthlessly huh? Where's your morality when Tmac, or any of the top players (myself included) hit the same country a ton of times in a single set?
Lets look at your last set, you hit: Wolf 359 (#72) x 4, Acetryc (#75) x 3, Bort (#85) x 3, EE Oil Company (#60) x 4, Bretz (#54) x 4
So get out of here with your pathetic calls for morality and delusional notion of corruption or evil behaviour.

I can’t give you an honest answer on this or I will be deleted.

From what I can tell running a rainbow set after set after set when every single player in the game says not to do that tells me that isn’t sentient behavior.

That’s why I farm some counties and send apologies to all of the others. I assume those are mod land farms or NPC’s that I don’t personally feel are sentient based on my beliefs.

Sorry if that offends everyone. I got deleted for speaking about my religion before so I will drop that convo. But if you want an answer that’s the honest answer. If I don’t detect sentiment behavior I assume that it’s not there.

Drones. It is actually within in fact. Essentially the unmanned. Meaning, these bodies do not house a soul. If you are apt and able as some are, you can see who is who. And a soul can incarnate a drone at any time. While there was once a pretty even split in ratio, currently most people are consciously choosing on this planet. aka - they have a soul.

Enlightened one detected

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 21st 2023, 7:41:00

Originally posted by Tmac:
The more you drink, the better they look, haha.

*puts on dress*

*bats eyelashes*

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 21st 2023, 7:39:42

Originally posted by Ratski:
Got better things to talk than Kid Rocks Homophobia ?

I’m trans and I am offended as you are that people will not accept that some kids want to be Christians

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 21st 2023, 5:49:20

Originally posted by LightBringer:
Cathankins, dude, seriously, take a chill pill. You think that because Tmac is a good player he's not allowed to be LGd? That he has some protection the rest of us don't have because he is good? Of the 18 sets he has played here he has won 11 of them, so please, tell me where Tmac has been greifed every set, and fyi, a couple of LG's aint griefing, or your all bloody greifers. 99% of the players in Primary who've been here for years haven't won the server once, with more then half of those just getting farmed to death each set and still return to play set after set for god knows what reason. Tmac is not a victim here you worthless scrub, and I'm almost certain you don't speak for him. Where's your morality when low and mid tier players get farmed ruthlessly huh? Where's your morality when Tmac, or any of the top players (myself included) hit the same country a ton of times in a single set?
Lets look at your last set, you hit: Wolf 359 (#72) x 4, Acetryc (#75) x 3, Bort (#85) x 3, EE Oil Company (#60) x 4, Bretz (#54) x 4
So get out of here with your pathetic calls for morality and delusional notion of corruption or evil behaviour.

I can’t give you an honest answer on this or I will be deleted.

From what I can tell running a rainbow set after set after set when every single player in the game says not to do that tells me that isn’t sentient behavior.

That’s why I farm some counties and send apologies to all of the others. I assume those are mod land farms or NPC’s that I don’t personally feel are sentient based on my beliefs.

Sorry if that offends everyone. I got deleted for speaking about my religion before so I will drop that convo. But if you want an answer that’s the honest answer. If I don’t detect sentiment behavior I assume that it’s not there.

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 21st 2023, 5:44:26

Sorry Lb I meant that last post for cumorah. ^^^^ thats his new nickname from henceforth because if you guys beta male behavior
You remind me of a bunch of chihuahuas chomping at my ankles

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 21st 2023, 5:42:59

[quote poster=Cumorah; 51668; 1010839]
Originally posted by LightBringer:
Cathankins, dude, seriously, take a chill pill. You think that because Tmac is a good player he's not allowed to be LGd? That he has some protection the rest of us don't have because he is good? Of the 18 sets he has played here he has won 11 of them, so please, tell me where Tmac has been greifed every set, and fyi, a couple of LG's aint griefing, or your all bloody greifers. 99% of the players in Primary who've been here for years haven't won the server once, with more then half of those just getting farmed to death each set and still return to play set after set for god knows what reason. Tmac is not a victim here you worthless scrub, and I'm almost certain you don't speak for him. Where's your morality when low and mid tier players get farmed ruthlessly huh? Where's your morality when Tmac, or any of the top players (myself included) hit the same country a ton of times in a single set?
Lets look at your last set, you hit: Wolf 359 (#72) x 4, Acetryc (#75) x 3, Bort (#85) x 3, EE Oil Company (#60) x 4, Bretz (#54) x 4
So get out of here with your pathetic calls for morality and delusional notion of corruption or evil behaviour.

Well said. Well said!

Calm down cuckmorah if you don’t want to be clowned on don’t act like a clown

You are the guy who had to ask me to stop blowing up your buildings a few sets back mid set right? Canceled our war as well if I recall?

Everyone was asking “what happened to your set cumorah”

Should I link that thread as well?

We can go again. I’ll bang it out with both of you at the same time you ain’t about that life boy