
Cathankins Game profile


Jun 18th 2024, 16:57:38

Add a tesla or a Prius too but only Tertius can drive it

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 18th 2024, 16:50:56

I actually dislike that I can farm people in primary and then jump to safety. It’s very one sided and one dimensional. It would be a lot more fair to the smaller players if they could still at least missile me and use spies at the least.

I also think any top netters could still net while taking that into account. I like to net with war builds and if you check last set in primary I finished 2nd with 1 million + spies do it’s very possible. No idea why war netting gets so much hate round here

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 18th 2024, 16:48:51

Originally posted by Slagpit:
We'll add an "execute humanitarians" button that allows you to ignore humanitarian limits but your government type randomly changes at some point in the future.

Dictators and tyrants should be able to. That’s a good idea

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 18th 2024, 16:47:38

Here for anyone that wants to change

Need help with a drinking problem?
A.A. has a solution. That isn't an empty promise. A.A. has been helping alcoholics recover for more than 80 years. A.A.'s program of recovery is built on the simple foundation of one alcoholic sharing with another. If your drinking is out of control, A.A. can help.

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 18th 2024, 16:46:30

Maybe it would be a little more family friendly if you didn’t talk about your addictions people

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 18th 2024, 16:45:56

Off topic thread

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 18th 2024, 16:45:30

Off topic thread

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 18th 2024, 16:42:46

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Originally posted by Josey Wales:
Originally posted by Slagpit:
Your generals may have been paid off by your enemies.

Probably. Yet another enigma of the game that can’t be cracked.

Brother a little Venmo goes a long way. How do you think that I have such a huge army of players and moderators fighting my battles? All you gotta do is send $6 here and there to all your earth friends so that they can buy a cup of coffee and a donut on you and they will be your friends and kill your enemies.

I just sent Galleri $15 so that she can get a Starbucks instead of Dunkin’ Donuts

Now superfly we all know you can’t trash talk without sperging out and crying out for censorship. I just don’t want you getting too excited bud. Let’s keep our voices down everyone superfly gets too excited and it’s just something I’d to ask everyone to keep in mind.

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 17th 2024, 18:22:57

I was attacking them because I saw good netters and figured it was evo

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 17th 2024, 18:21:20

Lmao over here fighting by myself and they still killed you lol that’s a funny one

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 17th 2024, 18:20:14

Oh well I should be deleted then. I wasn’t aware of that rule.

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 17th 2024, 18:17:41

Originally posted by Primeval:
The issue was an ingame report because the player thought there could be coordination since he had done no actions against #6 and received harmful ops and ABs during times where he was exchanging hits with another country. Had the two players being reported been unknown to a moderator doing the review, at face value it would look like possible coordination. Given it seems unlikely to anyone that reads the boards that Cath and BH were coordinating together, a further look showed that #6 was doing this to other players. Had it been two players that the moderator did not recognize, there could have been a deletion and we would be discussing this through the appeal process. Hitting players with harmful ops and ABs for generally no reason kind-of makes you a fluff, but its not against the rules. The point is joining in on another player's hostilities against a country that has no interaction with you previously places you on shaky ground if a player submits a report thinking there could be coordination.

Personally, I fully support a player attacking another just over general beef. Using harmful ops and ABs against an unknown player for no reason with seemingly no tactical advantage being gained, especially on a game server that tends to attract new players over the others is pretty uncool.

“ Personally, I fully support a player attacking another just over general beef. Using harmful ops and ABs against an unknown player for no reason with seemingly no tactical advantage being gained, especially on a game server that tends to attract new players over the others is pretty uncool.”

Aren’t you the mod that essentially told me to fluff off when I said this exact same thing over on express? That’s part of why I was doing it. If it’s good for the goose it’s good for the gander I always say.

I figured if it’s ok to attack netters for no reason I would get in on the action. That’s why I didn’t understand the private message about deleting me that gal sent?

I’m not sure what rule I broke still or are you guys saying I am good but just a jerk? I will agree to that. For sure.

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 17th 2024, 18:14:06

Originally posted by Slagpit:
I think the original intention behind no "express style" GDI in tournament was that players who want to remain in game A need to keep a good reputation due to the unchanging country names. If they acquire a bad reputation then other players will punish them. There isn't any rule against acting like a jerk in tournament and there isn't any rule against other players punishing them for it.

I don't know what is considered to be normal on tournament, but I can see why other players would be weary about a country doing quad taps. Maybe #6 started doing ABs because he didn't want to be quad tapped himself. Maybe #6 thinks he can win a war with #7 and come out ahead. Maybe #6 is a Pepsi fan. It doesn't really matter as long as players aren't coordinating with each other to gain a significant advantage or to bully and harass other players.

No I’m number 6, no one did anything. I was just in a warpath. Honestly I thought the techer was tert lol

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 17th 2024, 14:16:05

I guess my point is I was told by mods this is allowed and now I am being told I will be deleted for it.

This doesn’t seem fair at all

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 17th 2024, 14:15:13

If the mods can clarify what rules I am breaking I would appreciate it. Gallery told me I’m at risk of being deleted and I question that call being biased.

When I complained about SF griefing me on express I was told it was part of the game.

Now mods are messaging me saying they will delete me and other players? Lmfao

I wasn’t aware I broke a rule and others being deleted would just be absurd

Figured I would ask here since slags in this thread

Primeval basically told me to **** off When I said I didn’t think this behavior should be allowed

He said deal with it. So now I am having trouble understanding what’s the issue now?

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 17th 2024, 14:06:27

That was me and I don’t cheat and have never cheated in 20 years of playing.

I think any players that’s ever played with me can vouch for that.

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 15th 2024, 20:07:43

Looks like ratski was undeleted

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 15th 2024, 18:38:01

Actually the market swings on team is part of what makes it my favorite server. Both are very fun and a totally different experience. Not having the bots is a lot of fun because the markets are wild and you can hit gold with the right combo.

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 15th 2024, 18:35:22

I mean this game has serious potential. You could have Vegas bookies betting on winners if it got popular enough. Every nerd on the planet would enjoy getting to face off and see who the biggest nerd of them all is. It’s like a modern version of chess but even better. Mehul was a genius for this concept, I know others had done similar ideas but I think it’s brilliant. I think your guys idea of bots to stabilize the markets was also brilliant.

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 15th 2024, 18:32:46

I know you guys catch a lot of flack for the changes and the bots and everything but my honest experience is that it’s very nice. I think you guys have done a great job with the game design. I think the only thing you are missing at this point is for people to know about the game. Any business people have to know about if they are going to come around and see what it’s all about and I’ve never seen earth talked about anywhere. Which is a shame because it is an incredibly fun game to play.

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 15th 2024, 18:28:24

There firms you can probally pay to do what he did for a fair price and the revenue you guys would generate off The advertising would not only pay for it but probally other things as well. That kid was smart I wish I knew how to get ahold of him, it was inane he had more people coming in than we could keep up with.

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 15th 2024, 18:25:32

No but I may try it. I was looking at it earlier the co op one if that’s what you are talking to.

For the most part the game is fine though the way it is and it’s a lot of fun the way it is. You guys just need advertising and to get on the App Store. You could have thousands of new players within a month.

Nowadays we are the tik tok generation so everyone’s attention spans are 15 seconds and they max out. The App Store is what you guys need. And a few commercials online in the right places.

One time I had this kid playing on my team from Indonesia and I asked him to recruit for us and I don’t know what he did but the number of people coming in was insane. You just need to find the right guy and you guys have a gold mine sitting here.

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 15th 2024, 16:45:10

Oh you were purpled so that’s for cheating or cussing usually I think

Arthos (#30)
Rank: 8
Networth: 8,651,255
Land: 18926
Successful Attack Percentage: 100%
GDI Member

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 15th 2024, 14:16:30

Yes this got me killed on my restart last set so that’s very helpful for new players on alliance

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 15th 2024, 14:15:04

Alliance is fun but because of all of the old alliances it’s not fun as a new player who doesn’t care about all of that stuff. You basically can’t do anything without getting killed. Easily the least fun server as a new player.

I want to pick up an app when I’m bored and play and set it down when I am done.

What I don’t want to do is have to join groups that demand hours of your time and have to download apps and bots and be a part of groups with so many rules it’s mind numbing. Oh and those rules constantly change any time it’s convenient.

Maybe it’s different for the players who have been here for a long time and have old friends so it’s sentimental, I get it. But as a player who just comes to play and have some fun as a casual; it ruins the fun.

Earth needs advertising and less time investment for casual players.

The game is incredibly fun. The rules and all the extra stuff ruin the fun.

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 15th 2024, 14:11:14

Originally posted by Requiem:
In teams it would make sense to remove all of the 5-man per tag logic and let it be a faster-paced non-bot Alliance 2.0 server.

I like that the turns are faster and the rounds end quicker.

This. Teams turns make it a blast. Primary is slow but primary tourney and team are the most fun to play.

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 15th 2024, 13:50:15

Originally posted by Arthos:
I was playing a CG country and couldn’t keep up with the upkeep. I noticed that the HG countries store up money and food. 2 countries had over 1b and one of them had over 100m food. So I just stole their money and food for 200+ turns over 2 days. My army got built up really fast doing that so I attacked someone 5 times. I logged off came back and I was destroyed.

If you weren’t deleted then it sounds like you ran Into Skol. Some of the players are very dangerous and if you attack them more then one time it breaks Gdi and they can war you. The super dangerous players can and will kill your country.

If you were jacklar (#85) then it was me that killed you and I did it because you attacked me multiple times.

If you were the other purple country that was deleted then maybe they thought you were coordinating with ratski or maybe you cussed someone out in game messages? People get deleted for that as well so that’s one area to watch.

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 15th 2024, 13:44:30

Originally posted by Arthos:
I guess I don’t understand. Why would I steal food or money from someone who has no food or money? Wouldn’t I want to steal from the person who has the most. If yes, why does the game allow me to steal after someone just stole from that person? It’s been awhile since I’ve played but it seems the nerds designed a step by step process to max out their net worth and admins won’t let you challenge their processes.

Or you could just try and play one of the strategies that work like a casher or techer. Go over on the strategy forums and read them. I posted write ups specifically so new players could learn our tricks.

Go look up tech start casher. I think it’s on page one. You can also use that tech start to run a techer and go right into selling tech and growing.

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 15th 2024, 13:41:53

Originally posted by Ratski:
Originally posted by Ratski:
It was a coincidence, But because I have bad Karma I get deleted for the slightest of mistakes, nothing new here new except they screwed me again.
What was it that Rodney Dangerfield said all the time ? I get no Respect ! I appealed it, I know better then to coordinate with this server. But I get no Respect !

The mods hate me and have literally never deleted me in 20 years playing earth in game. You should just follow the rules. Quit trying to cheat just because the game didn’t go how you like it. Take the loss like a man and take people’s advice on how to build better countries.

Instead you ignore every person who finishes with good countries and get mad when you get wrecked and cheat. It doesn’t make sense. For one single time you should just try a written proven strategy that works and then you could actually fight your enemies. It’s so easy it’s crazy that you refuse to try and listen to the other players about this. Their results don’t lie.

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 14th 2024, 20:09:05

jacklar (#85)
Rank: 90
Networth: 46,486
Land: 0
Successful Attack Percentage: 90.91%
Successful Defense Percentage: 0%
GDI Member

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 14th 2024, 16:44:30

Originally posted by HRH Princess Tisya:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by HRH Princess Tisya:
Noted (not representing M4D). Don't forget to leave offerings at my alter for good luck next set muahaha

The word you are looking for is altar.

The word you used means:

intransitive verb
1.To change or make different; modify.
"altered my will."
2.To adjust (a garment) for a better fit.
3.To castrate or spay (an animal, such as a cat or a dog).

I know what word I was looking for but thank you for pointing out the typo.

Ha! I would never make a typo. Some people say I am actually the smartest earth player to ever walk the face of the earth, talk about irony.

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 14th 2024, 13:55:50

I am at war with evo because they hate America and worship Satan as well. I used to be a member of evo but I quit and found god. I changed my ways these days and live to preach about the evils of that cult I was a member of.

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 14th 2024, 13:54:53

Evo doesn’t carry any defense at all you should wreck them

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 14th 2024, 13:53:40

Originally posted by Drow:
Hey all,
Just a reminder with the new set approaching of paradigm's official contacts:

Drow - President. Discord: Drowakm
Sir Acheron - HFA. Discord:
Sir Detmer - Senate. Discord Alex_t337
the Arabian Nightmare (tAN) - Senate. Discord: tan_cleantoe

Hey guys just so everyone knows the last PDM leader had to step down because they were spying and giving away info on their on members. I wouldn’t trust these guys they are bad news and I suspect some of them are trolls.

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 14th 2024, 13:52:29

Originally posted by HRH Princess Tisya:
Noted (not representing M4D). Don't forget to leave offerings at my alter for good luck next set muahaha

The word you are looking for is altar.

The word you used means:

intransitive verb
1.To change or make different; modify.
"altered my will."
2.To adjust (a garment) for a better fit.
3.To castrate or spay (an animal, such as a cat or a dog).

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 13th 2024, 18:32:09

Originally posted by Requiem:
Lamma-Facts: Requiem has a higher NW personal best than Cath. Cath has been proven to be empirically below Requiem.

Only one of us has the crown on 4 servers. I would have won every server if I played them more. You have to consider I won 7th on alliance but I also don’t really know how to play alliance either. I’m sure I could win alliance if I really got serious about it.

Your record is impressive but you haven’t done what I’ve done, and this is a pretty new account as well.

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 13th 2024, 15:11:51

Originally posted by Ruthie:
No thanks, not interested in a tit-for-tat with you.

>enter thread
>say not interested in exactly what you are doing

If I have learned one thing in my time in this community it’s that if anyone says something, it’s safe to assume the exact opposite is true. I’ve never met more people on my entire life that say one thing and then do the opposite. Where I am from peoples word are their bond and lying frowned upon so it took me a while to understand that this community isn’t like that. I get it now and that’s why I talk trash. I realized I was in no good company.

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 13th 2024, 13:09:08

Yes I just agreed with you. Now you are running in circles as well.

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 13th 2024, 12:28:09

I think the rest of our guys may have did some spy ops but never joined the war after that: no idea what they were doing all set.

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 13th 2024, 12:27:37

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Josey, if you want FA. Send me a pact. I will send you good FA package to help you attack Coalie and Suicidal

The only people who joined our war was one other player. The rest of our guys never did an AB or a BR.

The entire game was fighting two very skilled players. I will let him be unmasked as he wishes or as the game ends. I won’t spoil the fun.

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 13th 2024, 12:25:24

Originally posted by BlackHole:
Cat, if EE earth scores was a sign of intelligence, doctors wouldn't go to medical school, they'd come here.

You're saying ridiculous things. Stop saying ridiculous things.

Then get ratski to win primary. Once you accomplish this you have proven your point.

Originally posted by Ruthie:
It's amazing how much you all argue over the same things everyday, over and over.

I’m genuinely entertained by how mad these guys get over every subject known to man. Although I do agree and have said many times I feel like we are running in circles a lot at this point.

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 12th 2024, 18:26:12

I didn’t ask for any of your time I have no idea who you are other then your finishing below me when we played together

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 12th 2024, 18:25:28

Cool if that’s true props to you, you are smarter than most of the people here. Apparently that’s super offensive and all of the low scoring people will get super mad at you now so have fun with that.

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 12th 2024, 18:21:00

Our scores our pretty close on alliance which I have barely played. 700 m is decent I guess but you have to consider I haven’t really warmed up on this server netting. 1 billion seems easier and I may have hit when LaF killed my big techer that caused me to hit them to begin with ending with the current war with Evo after evo decided to merge with laf the set I was out for revenge. I’m sure I could break 1 billion on this server fairly easily.

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 12th 2024, 18:08:19

That was your best finish ever in primary and I was suiciding goofing off and finished higher. I don’t think our skill level is comparable.

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 12th 2024, 18:06:55

Originally posted by Requiem:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
super low scores

Speaking of low scores my PB is higher than yours.

Last set we played in the main game, I was suiciding and still finished above you.

16 Behemoth (#9) Game profile 29,279 $48,621,094 RG

17 Ozarka (#37) Game profile

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 12th 2024, 16:05:18

Inb4 random 3rd grader/npc insult

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 12th 2024, 16:04:54

As opposed to you actually sucking at the game and being my personal landfarm haha

It’s strange how all of the people who are mad all have super low scores. I’ve yet to see one of these clowns who can bang.

I noticed turtle crawler also has a crowd of midwits harass him. This must be why most of the netters stay quiet. I think it’s pretty funny personally but let’s not pretend you can win an argument with me.

You literally just brought up a topic (mental health) and then said you don’t care about your own topic when I pointed out you display severe apathy over years, this proving you are apathetic even up to right this very second.

That is so stupid it’s hilarious actually now that I think about it

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 12th 2024, 12:27:25

You’ve just been repeating yourself for a while at this point. I doubt anyone cares who is the least crazy. What a feminine thing to say.

Cathankins Game profile


Jun 12th 2024, 0:39:08

You have literally spent the last 6 years seeking out threads with drama to then go into them and tell them how much you don’t care. Which hey by the way is a strange way to show you don’t care. Either you have apathy and don’t care about any topic known to Man, or you are just a very passive aggressive man who seethes at everyone. Sorry you weren’t capable of deducing my points on your own. Hard to keep up I guess for you. I’ll try and slow it down and dumb it down for you next time

Suicidal Game profile
Jun 4th 2018, 12:50:35

Damn drama queens can't help themselves when they hijack a thread, actually thinking that their opinions matter, or that anyone even cares.