
Cathankins Game profile


Apr 21st 2023, 5:41:17

Originally posted by LightBringer:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by LightBringer:
Bloody mobile, apparently I’m a moron

While I agree with you you to that point, your behavior was undeniably cowardly. You ran, I pursued. You were scared to dance. It is what it is.

Yes you did Cath, crying all the way…. then failed in your pursuit. It was glorious.

Yes crying as i battered you and you ran and called the police on me lol

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 21st 2023, 5:27:15

Originally posted by LightBringer:
Bloody mobile, apparently I’m a moron

While I agree with you you to that point, your behavior was undeniably cowardly. You ran, I pursued. You were scared to dance. It is what it is.

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 20th 2023, 16:34:02

Originally posted by Aturan:
1 top feed is not griefing, and you don't get nearly the same returns from it that you once did.

This has been ongoing not just for him but for me and others as well. These guys do this constantly. It’s why people are quitting and why when I dip again why I did. It’s goofy. They are literally just trying to be bullies most likely because they got bullied years ago and now have some wierd thing where they must hurt people. It’s the most goofy thing I’ve ever seen.

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 20th 2023, 16:29:16

Originally posted by LightBringer:
Cathankins, dude, seriously, take a chill pill. You think that because Tmac is a good player he's not allowed to be LGd? That he has some protection the rest of us don't have because he is good? Of the 18 sets he has played here he has won 11 of them, so please, tell me where Tmac has been greifed every set, and fyi, a couple of LG's aint griefing, or your all bloody greifers. 99% of the players in Primary who've been here for years haven't won the server once, with more then half of those just getting farmed to death each set and still return to play set after set for god knows what reason. Tmac is not a victim here you worthless scrub, and I'm almost certain you don't speak for him. Where's your morality when low and mid tier players get farmed ruthlessly huh? Where's your morality when Tmac, or any of the top players (myself included) hit the same country a ton of times in a single set?
Lets look at your last set, you hit: Wolf 359 (#72) x 4, Acetryc (#75) x 3, Bort (#85) x 3, EE Oil Company (#60) x 4, Bretz (#54) x 4
So get out of here with your pathetic calls for morality and delusional notion of corruption or evil behaviour.

I speak for myself. If you act like a clown I am going to point out that you are a bunch clowns That’s all.

Aren’t you the guy that was scared to war me a set or two ago? I rememeber you. Maybe I’ll nail you this set too since you still haven’t learned

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 20th 2023, 16:26:29

You guys do that to him every single set lol that’s my point exactly. You guys need to chill.

Cumorah made it obvious why he was hitting them when it was obvious he probally had the all time record. Same thing that happens every other time he does that.

I’d it’s allowed, whatever. But I also am going to point out that cumorah and gerdler legacy is that they just couldn’t hang with the big boys and had to play dirty to keep up.

Some legacy lol

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 20th 2023, 13:10:08

Might as well let the entire server and alliance play against tmac at this point

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 20th 2023, 13:07:53

So are the mods really going to allow losers to grief Tmac every single set? That’s ridiculous.

This is like literally the 5th or 6th set now on every single server that guys who are jealous they can’t do what he does attacks him.

Cumorah, does tmac win bring back memories of your childhood?

Does it trigger you and send you into a rage? Bring back memories of everyone laughing at you and you storming off in a rage.

Years later you see a high IQ alpha male Dusting you every single set and you just have to destroy what you cannot create. A tale as old as time.

The mods should delete cumorah. He LITERALLY said he was doing that to ruin/grief.

Why is this allowed? Absolutely absurd. I cannot imagine this game continues like this. Think I may stop this server as well just out of morality. I don’t want to be a part of corruption.

Just too much corruption and evil behavior going on here being allowed.

If this game was manage well it would be an amazing place.

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 20th 2023, 1:37:30

Originally posted by Aturan:
I am now moderator of this specific thread. Thread reopened for discussion.

Banned forever

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 19th 2023, 20:16:54

Thread locked

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 19th 2023, 20:15:19

Cat hankins is now moderator of this board.

Comment as you wish.

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 19th 2023, 20:01:09

$1,000,000 bushels

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 17th 2023, 9:57:58

Originally posted by neversilence:


Cathankins Game profile


Apr 17th 2023, 9:57:00


Cathankins Game profile


Apr 14th 2023, 9:59:33

You are welcome, and x2 what Tert said ^

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 13th 2023, 15:10:11

Good idea. I was on various Substances at the time.

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 13th 2023, 13:01:07

Well played grabbing the top spots

*i do not know why I posted this thread over on strategy forums

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 13th 2023, 5:46:19

I used one to destock on team messing around. Military prices are very cheap if you have all bases and military tech on a theo. You will want to look like this.

I don’t see why it wouldn’t work on alliance for instance. Jets seem to be expensive all set there. Personally it’s my favorite strategy simply for the uniqueness of it. I just make sure I’ve teched a long time and have massive cash reserves before I convert. Usually bushels as well. Hundred(s) of millions of them minimum typically at least 1 or 2.

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 11th 2023, 22:13:23


Cathankins Game profile


Apr 3rd 2023, 20:54:38

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Originally posted by BlackHole:
Cat - that's not griefing. That's part of the game. Dude, Superfly followed me around from server to server for like two months and hit me everywhere I went.

All that's happened to you is you got hit one time when you involved yourself in a war, admittedly.


Oh yea the same thing that you did to tmac all over the place recently?

Let us not forget that as I search for you multiple times you did find me with some of your associates and you got purpled for it so you ain’t a saint either.

We were both looking for each other so that I could except my dominance over you :)

To the mod boss this is what I am angry about ^^^ it has happened on Multiole servers for multiple sets. They sent guys to AB my Snake team on another server last set.
I didn’t even complain we just went to war.

They did it to us last set here on alliance.

Now this is the third set (Ab’ed last set here as well and they wrecked andrew for no reason) I have done nothing to these guys.

My sets already screwed now though so I guess it doesn’t even matter. I’m not interested in playing anymore and I don’t intend to to. I find their behavior so offensive I don’t want to be a part of this community.

Thank you to the guys who treated me very kindly. There were many but this has totally ruined thee game for me as a newcomer.

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 3rd 2023, 20:50:08

Originally posted by martian:
I'm trying really hard to not make comments about (existing) tags on this forum.. this thread isn't making it easy:P
But since greifing came up: that's mostly (but not limited to): taking issues cross servers, or attacking a specific player over and over again no matter which alliance they play with and for no reason other than they are who they are.
Getting your tag to randomly fs another tag , even for no reason would not be griefing generally.


You for an answer

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 3rd 2023, 11:44:53

Originally posted by BlackHole:
Cat - that's not griefing. That's part of the game. Dude, Superfly followed me around from server to server for like two months and hit me everywhere I went.

All that's happened to you is you got hit one time when you involved yourself in a war, admittedly.


Dude I spent months complaining about superfly being a *****

Me and him fought many wars over it

I’ve been trying to tell you me and him aren’t a team since you got here. We were actually Closer enemies when you arrived

But I’ve known him for years to so you become friends too after playing So long together.

That’s exactly my point though, why was it not ok for him but now it’s ok? It’s not consistent logic.

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 3rd 2023, 11:42:57

Sure feels like it when you are literally screaming at me lol triggered my PTSD there. Calm down you psychopath

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 3rd 2023, 11:40:27

Originally posted by BlackHole:
Welp Cat, I guess you learned a few valuable lessons.

1. That isn't griefing.
2. Run defense.
3. Don't trust Mercs
4. Don't FA in a war you don't want to involved in.

Education is great. On your way out, why don't you take a few other whiners with you. I'm so sick of hearing all this crybaby bullsh!t.

Wait a minute aren’t you the guy that writes the Bible-length posts? are you messing with me? I thought we are cool. Take your *** on somewhere

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 3rd 2023, 11:37:15

Originally posted by BlackHole:
Welp Cat, I guess you learned a few valuable lessons.

1. That isn't griefing.
2. Run defense.
3. Don't trust Mercs
4. Don't FA in a war you don't want to involved in.

Education is great. On your way out, why don't you take a few other whiners with you. I'm so sick of hearing all this crybaby bullsh!t.

When I first got here moderators were handing out some sort of punishment for griefing and I was told it was not allowed by the entire community. Superfly was punished for this same behavior and i saw this myself.

I am not crying, I am asking for the rules to be applied evenly.

Is it not ok if I just build missile countries forever and do the same to Laf then?

Killing pure netters is ok now correct?

That’s fine with me I just want to know what the rules are since they seem to keep changing around here.

Maybe we should just update the rules to whatever LAF decides is best for them that set lol

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 3rd 2023, 11:14:37

Originally posted by En4cer:
Cathankins - check out my game profile -

see how many times - and how many times in a row i've been hit when on track for 1b nw countries - countries destined for rank 1 etc.... alot of those t10's in there outside the most recent ones were suicided down rank 1's.

I am a 1 server player - i have also never suicided on anyone in my entire time playing.

Also a 1b nw country when noone else is playing is no kind of achievement - set that goal for when we are all battling it out on the field together. I hope u hang around and keep plugging away at it.

The problem is we were told a very specific set of rules “griefing isn’t allowed” on netters so I ran no defense.

Now suddenly it’s not a problem? Our ENTIRE CLAN as destroyed and that’s not a big deal?

Big enough deal for me to never play this game again. It’s clearly not being applied fairly and if I am going to be cheated then I’m not going to go to that casino.

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 3rd 2023, 11:04:25

Originally posted by Tertius:
Please re-read all of my posts - I'm not using Duff in any way. I'm agreeing that it is unnecessary and should have never been posted to AT. Speaking only for Cath, I know he gets heated over this and probably should've taken a breath and discussed with Duff first. No coddling involved, but yeah, I didn't know Duff 10 years ago... so you got me there?

Yes sorry to duff. We had discussed me posting this topic before but not this thread. I would never post a personal subject without having some idea or have discussed it.

Me and duff have played together a lot and became very close during this time. As close as one can become through an online game. That’s my boy and I got love for him and if he’s allowed to be treated this way then I don’t want to be a part of this community.

Tmac and tert you We’re great as well

I’m out

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 3rd 2023, 11:01:20

Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by Tertius:
Originally posted by Soviet:
Originally posted by Tertius:
Yeah sorry about all of that coming out, duff - I know some of the guys are a bit protective over you, which should tell you all you need to know about how we feel about you on the team.

Hi. I am Soviet. I don't know you.
Where did you used to play?
Because if you ever hit iMag back in the day. Then you are a pathetic POS using Duff.

That's literally the exact opposite of what I'm doing?

But to answer your questions, I'm pretty sure I fought alongside imag at some points, and farmed you in others - you were known more for your tenacity than your quality.

You know what he meant? Coming up with this excuse and using Duff is ridiculous and gross. Duff is a long time friend of Soviet's and he played for many years with Duff while Duff was sick. None of you gave two craps when you killed Duff's countries before.
And now you are coddling him.

Yea tert is with us

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 3rd 2023, 11:00:58

Man **** that Duff is just being modest.

You let that man spend his hard earned sweat and tears and tell us griefing isn’t allowed against netters so we leave our defenses open and he gets killed and now suddenly it’s allowed because it’s a certain group.

That’s dirty as heck and I won’t play here again after seeing this. I’m honestly in disbelief that the rules are applied this crooked. Absolutely shameful

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 3rd 2023, 10:58:56

So I was told when I came here that griefing is not allowed?

I’m not understanding how it’s suddenly ok to hit our pure netter countries when I was told this is griefing?

Originally posted by Requiem:
AT isn't worth my time any more. Just log in, war laf, log out.

Peace out nerds.

This. This will be the last I play here. The game will no doubt not last if new players are allowed to be abused by from what i am being told by players is groups led by moderators

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 2nd 2023, 22:48:42

Originally posted by Tertius:
Originally posted by Soviet:
Originally posted by Tertius:
Yeah sorry about all of that coming out, duff - I know some of the guys are a bit protective over you, which should tell you all you need to know about how we feel about you on the team.

Hi. I am Soviet. I don't know you.
Where did you used to play?
Because if you ever hit iMag back in the day. Then you are a pathetic POS using Duff.

That's literally the exact opposite of what I'm doing?

But to answer your questions, I'm pretty sure I fought alongside imag at some points, and farmed you in others - you were known more for your tenacity than your quality.


Cathankins Game profile


Apr 2nd 2023, 22:46:18

This has happened on multiple servers now so I guess there’s no point in any new people trying to play this game because I just get killed by gerdler hit squad no matter what server I play lmao what a great experience

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 2nd 2023, 22:44:37

I would be extremely concerned if I had a financial investment in this place if I saw that multiple players have brought up abuse and the reaction seems to be to taunt us.

I want to enjoy the game and keep playing but if I’m just going to be abused and taunted when I ask about it maybe this isn’t the best community.

Abuse of power will ruin a community alright and it’s pretty clear to me as a recent return that this is happening here. I don’t recall that in my time playing before.

I think I’ve played enough on this server, I will go back to the servers where I was tested fairly and thE vibe was more positive. The people here abusing players really ruined the game.

I will say over on team that darkness treated me much kinder as a new guy.

Laf seems very Abusive to new players

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 2nd 2023, 16:32:00

I’m new to this server and brought a friend and would like my country reinstated. It seems very unfair I had a 1 bil NW techer destroyed. 4 months now of our time wasted because this is two sets now this has happened under the same circumstances. I do not think I will try play again after this experience if the game is going to be essentially rigged so I cannot even have a chance at a fair match.

I personally don’t care about all of the old history beefs I am just upset that this has happened twice in a row we have been hit like this.

I find it hard to believe that’s not what’s happening because it has now followed me over to other servers as well. Totally ruined the game for me.

I am honestly shocked that a group of men conduct themselves like such cowards, they bring great shame upon their legacy. What a joke. I have zero respect for people that abuse power.

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 2nd 2023, 14:40:26

Originally posted by Bug:
actually yes, can we re-set Duff's country.. so we can kill him faster before he came online please..

Hey take away the banter and back and forth and have a little humanity man. Is that really how you treat your fellow human? Forget the game and forget the clans. Is that really the world we want to live in? I sure hope not but when I look around, I already know the answer to that question.

One day your descendants will see these comments and know the man you were. I’m proud mine will know I stood against evil men every time I saw their abuse of my fellow humans. One day the world will wake up and see psychopaths for what they are.

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 2nd 2023, 14:35:34

Originally posted by Bug:
naw poppet, are you offended because of the drug reference or because your morning meds have worn off and now you are realising that in this place you hold absolutely no power at all, particularly when you just BS your way around town..

When you started power tripping is when all doubt was lost on that one

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 2nd 2023, 14:35:11

Originally posted by Bug:
naw poppet, are you offended because of the drug reference or because your morning meds have worn off and now you are realising that in this place you hold absolutely no power at all, particularly when you just BS your way around town..

Ok Boomer

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 2nd 2023, 14:22:07

I’m going to volunteer to build missile countries for you every single set now since you kept ruining my netting countries. Since this is allowed two can play that game.

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 2nd 2023, 14:06:44

Originally posted by Bug:
Cathakins, what kind of stuff are you smoking man?

Share around before you go..
Originally posted by Bug:
Cathakins, what kind of stuff are you smoking man?

Share around before you go..

Haha wow an antique joke from the long ago boomer era, it even reflects their victimization by the reefer madness propaganda campaign hahah nice

Did you also bellieve the Iraq stuff? Bet you got the jab huh?

I better shut my mouth before I get censored. You know how it goes when you start spitting too much truth these days and Karen gets emotional

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 2nd 2023, 13:37:14

Originally posted by Soviet:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by JamesBond007:

Please come to your leadership and ask for Tag Admin "EVo" and see how many FA sent from EVO tag to Mercs and SOL. then you can judge why LaF hit EVO first place after LaF leadership contacted EvO many times to stop.

That’s cool whatever man. But duff is a new player under extremely unusual circumstances, his country should be restored. That is not fair to him.

Duff is a new player? 🤣 He was my division leader in iMag all the way back to earth2025
Originally posted by Soviet:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by JamesBond007:

Please come to your leadership and ask for Tag Admin "EVo" and see how many FA sent from EVO tag to Mercs and SOL. then you can judge why LaF hit EVO first place after LaF leadership contacted EvO many times to stop.

That’s cool whatever man. But duff is a new player under extremely unusual circumstances, his country should be restored. That is not fair to him.

Duff is a new player? 🤣 He was my division leader in iMag all the way back to earth2025

This is my 2nd or 3rd set and I brought duff to evo to Net. I know he warred years ago with some other group. But yes we both came over within the last few sets and started netting on this server.

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 2nd 2023, 13:35:17

Originally posted by JamesBond007:

Please come to your leadership and ask for Tag Admin "EVo" and see how many FA sent from EVO tag to Mercs and SOL. then you can judge why LaF hit EVO first place after LaF leadership contacted EvO many times to stop.

Also if this was only on this server that would be a logical explanation.

But I again am a new player and have created a team called Snake over on team.

Within a set or two we break records and suddenly I have hit squads coming over from this server that I have never played in my entire life.

It seems to me like I am being targeted because of my scores I am assuming. I first get here and everyone Says “oh we are so good these records are so hard to break”

Within sets we are smashing
Them and now I keep having these hit squad.

It feels more like you have guys here that just want to ruin the game for other players. That’s the vibe I get and I think someone who is unbiased and not related to any clans should be The judge if all this.

I am left this the feeling of mafia type corruption going on here. Totally ruins the game experience

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 2nd 2023, 13:27:49

Originally posted by JamesBond007:

Please come to your leadership and ask for Tag Admin "EVo" and see how many FA sent from EVO tag to Mercs and SOL. then you can judge why LaF hit EVO first place after LaF leadership contacted EvO many times to stop.

That’s cool whatever man. But duff is a new player under extremely unusual circumstances, his country should be restored. That is not fair to him.

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 2nd 2023, 12:45:37

Originally posted by BlackHole:
Gonzo, if I'm not mistaken, LaF is basing their attacks on the reality that EVO proxy warred and FA'd Mercs.

It doesn't really matter how they arrived at the conclusion, by self-admission from EVO members here, their conclusion was accurate.

I didn’t fund a war and duff says he didn’t either. Where are you getting this?

I still feel you could have gave us some leeway as new players. This leaves me with the feeling that 2 months of this game ends with getting all of your time ruined by a professional slaughter team led by game moderators.

How is a New player supppsed to come over here and decide hey this was fun I want to return.

This want fun I feel like I just got gang ***** by a Swedish biker gang on X via the internet led by some wierdo viking man I don’t know

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 2nd 2023, 12:42:39

Originally posted by g0nz0:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by Forgotten:
Why does anyone think someome deserve special treatment?

Duff won’t be with us Long and this could be his last set after playing earth for years.

I brought him here as a new player. I am new as well.

I wasn’t warned or anything that we would both be killed for doing what the entire community told us was the norms

I don't really know this "Duff" bloke, but if I were him I probably wouldn't want an entire thread dedicated to pleading for mod intervention due to my unfortunate series finale. He can make his own post and I doubt this would have been his. Dignity in defeat or at least a couple hate posts.

I’ve asked duff before if it’s ok if I bring it up here. But maybe your right. When I saw what happened though my first instinct was anger and as a friend wanting to try and defend my boy is all.

But we’ve already had that convo because we are FRIENDS. So **** off gonzo

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 2nd 2023, 12:21:21

Mods if you don’t restore the rest of evo that’s cool but at least meet us halfway and let Duff finish his last set. It would be a stain upon this community to allow his last set to end like that. The rest of us can take our licks and move on but at least fix his please.

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 2nd 2023, 12:16:46

Originally posted by Duff:
i only sent 1 package early on then stopped even then it amounted to next to nothing

This. I sent 100 mil because I was told it was customary for the war clans taking care of the suiciders.

It seems like I was targeted, again for a second set in a row because I had a 1 bil techer.

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 2nd 2023, 12:09:40

Originally posted by AndrewMose:
Great misdirection story. I've now been knocked down 2 sets in a row. Before the kill run last night I saw a LAF spy op on my market sales. I'm sure that had nothing to do with wanting to estimate where I may finish this set. If this was about FA from 2 people then just kill those 2 people and that would have stopped it. This was a cheap shot that won't be forgotten.

You, me and duff. 3 new player. Same story lol

I am assuming this is normal and is why there’s only two small clans left?

Someone needs to fix this if there’s going to be a game left. Heck give me the keys to manage it and I’ll do. More fair job than what I’ve seen in my short time here

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 2nd 2023, 11:52:11

Originally posted by Forgotten:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Can you guys at least fix Duffs country?

This may be his last set. It would be extremely cruel to do tnag to that man.

He is dealing with health issues

Funny thing, he's one of the main package senders.

He made his own choices.

Duffs a brand new player over here I just brought him myself. I doubt he understands what he was doing was wrong. I certainly had no idea.

So this is how new players are to expect to be treated then?

This is normal yes?

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 2nd 2023, 11:50:52

Originally posted by Forgotten:
Why does anyone think someome deserve special treatment?

Duff won’t be with us Long and this could be his last set after playing earth for years.

I brought him here as a new player. I am new as well.

I wasn’t warned or anything that we would both be killed for doing what the entire community told us was the norms

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 2nd 2023, 11:49:48

Originally posted by Forgotten:
Why does anyone think someome deserve special treatment?

Because he’s a new player here and is in the process of passing.

I do not think Duff understood for a second that it wasn’t OK to do what he was doing.

I didn’t, I sent 100 mil because I was messaged by mercy and told it was custom for them helping us with suicides last month.

Why would I spend 2 months building a pure netter and leave our defenses open.

That makes zero sense.

This is some straight up wack stuff right here. If this is how you treat Humans it’s a shame

Cathankins Game profile


Apr 2nd 2023, 11:45:21

That’s my fiends and he’s sick and this may be his last set. His goal was to finally finish well and I’ve been trying to guide him to do that.

If he’s not able to play another set with us and that’s his last country after decades of playing that would be a great shame upon this community