
Cathankins Game profile


Dec 26th 2022, 15:48:56

Bawk bawk chicken chicken bawk bawk chicken head

Cathankins Game profile


Dec 26th 2022, 15:48:28

Bet you won’t break GDI and just have a big mouth rocky

Cathankins Game profile


Dec 26th 2022, 15:46:11

Behemoth bring it on I’ll just focus on you instead

Cathankins Game profile


Dec 26th 2022, 12:00:04

War it is you better get read big boy because I’m coming for you now :-)

*anyone who has never played with me late hits I automatically suicide/war. Anyone who hits me this late has a guaranteed war every time. Go ask the game A guys if you don’t believe me. Or the old days 2015 players. My retal policy is if you touch me I may suicide even with good countries. Always has been and always will be, enjoy what’s coming friend.

Edited By: Cathankins on Dec 26th 2022, 12:03:33
See Original Post

Cathankins Game profile


Dec 26th 2022, 11:59:40

Boy you just messed up big time darba

Cathankins Game profile


Dec 21st 2022, 14:11:46

Try the tech start I posted on this board, if your country is built strong at the start you won’t get bullied as much. Try’s and get your warfare up too that helps a lot. Try again next set, the challenge is part of the fun ;-) all of us had to learn

Cathankins Game profile


Dec 21st 2022, 14:08:50

Make sure you have the right oil:food ratio prior to doing this destock. Thanks to Nitell and Tmac for all the help

But if you have the correct oil:food ratio

1. Build a turn of mbs
2. Sell max tech
3. Sell max goods
4. Go monarchy
5. Recall tech
6. Recall goods
7. Destroy all buildings except mbs(KEEP THE LAND!)
8. Sell all food on pm($35)
9. Go theocracy
10. Drop all land to 100% mbs
11. Burn all oil on the pm
12. Buyout your pm again

Cathankins Game profile


Dec 21st 2022, 14:07:06

Step 0 – Save 8 turns. Try and wait until the last hour if possible or as late as you can in the set to maximize your last bit of income.
Step 1 – Build 2 turns of military bases.
Step 2 – Make sure you have like 100k military tech minimum and needed cash to demo your buildings. Go to manage your country and see how much you are going to lose with a government conversion. Mine is 31% and I need 1.4 billion for demo costs. I would need $2.03 billion on hand when converting government.
Step 2 – Sell max military units, all bushels, and all barrels on the market.
Step 3 – Sell max tech on market.
Step 4 – Convert to Monarchy.
Step 5 – Recall Tech.
Step 6 – Recall Military/Bushels/Oil.
Step 7 – Demolish buildings then destroy acres 1,000 buildings at a time. Better yet go 500 buildings/acres at a time if you have the patients to fluff around. The lower amounts you demo and trash acres in, the cheaper the process will be.
Step 8 – Check the prices you can sell bushels at on your private market around 50k acres. Keep checking the prices every 1000 acres at this point until you get to $35 a bushel. Once you get it to $34 a bushel you much want to check price in 500 acre increment. Might not get to the point until you are down around 3k acres. STOP DEMOING BUILDINGS AND ACRES NOW.
Step 9 – Sell all your bushels.
Step 10 – Convert to Theo now before you end up forgetting.
Step 11 – Go back to demoing buildings and trashing the acres until you get down to just the MB’s you built.
Step 12 – Go to your private market and convert all your oil to generate military on your private market.
Step 13 – Buy it out. Buyout jets and turrets first, troops and tanks last as you will get more net worth for you cash out of those two first.I’m

Cathankins Game profile


Dec 21st 2022, 14:06:38

More in depth write up. Not sure if T or Nitell gave me this one.

Step 0 – Save 8 turns. Try and wait until the last hour if possible or as late as you can in the set to maximize your last bit of income.
Step 1 – Build 2 turns of military bases.
Step 2 – Make sure you have like 100k military tech minimum and needed cash to demo your buildings. Go to manage your country and see how much you are going to lose with a government conversion. Mine is 31% and I need 1.4 billion for demo costs. I would need $2.03 billion on hand when converting government.
Step 2 – Sell max military units, all bushels, and all barrels on the market.
Step 3 – Sell max tech on market.
Step 4 – Convert to Monarchy.
Step 5 – Recall Tech.
Step 6 – Recall Military/Bushels/Oil.
Step 7 – Demolish buildings then destroy acres 1,000 buildings at a time. Better yet go 500 buildings/acres at a time if you have the patients to fluff around. The lower amounts you demo and trash acres in, the cheaper the process will be.
Step 8 – Check the prices you can sell bushels at on your private market around 50k acres. Keep checking the prices every 1000 acres at this point until you get to $35 a bushel. Once you get it to $34 a bushel you much want to check price in 500 acre increment. Might not get to the point until you are down around 3k acres. STOP DEMOING BUILDINGS AND ACRES NOW.
Step 9 – Sell all your bushels.
Step 10 – Convert to Theo now before you end up forgetting.
Step 11 – Go back to demoing buildings and trashing the acres until you get down to just the MB’s you built.
Step 12 – Go to your private market and convert all your oil to generate military on your private market.
Step 13 – Buy it out. Buyout jets and turrets first, troops and tanks last as you will get more net worth for you cash out of those two first.

Cathankins Game profile


Dec 21st 2022, 14:04:30

Originally posted by Mrredmanbhs:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Yea team is a wierd market for sure. Lot of All X farmers who don’t really need to use the market. It should get a little better this next week though when everyone gets going but that is why you see so many fascists playing is they don’t need the market to destock. Everyone uses this new ffo oil destock that’s pretty cool. If you haven’t tried it you should it’s fun to run and a very powerful strategy.

Good insights. I'm not familiar with the ffo oil destock strat...

Tmac gave me this so credit goes to him. You have to have the right oil:food ratio or else do a hybrid destock and spend your extra $$$ prior to doing the final land drop and destock.

But if you have the correct oil:food ratio

1. Build a turn of mbs
2. Sell max tech
3. Sell max goods
4. Go monarchy
5. Recall tech
6. Recall goods
7. Destroy all buildings except mbs(KEEP THE LAND!)
8. Sell all food on pm($35)
9. Go theocracy
10. Drop all land to 100% mbs
11. Burn all oil on the pm
12. Buyout your pm again

Cathankins Game profile


Dec 21st 2022, 4:39:31

Yea team is a wierd market for sure. Lot of All X farmers who don’t really need to use the market. It should get a little better this next week though when everyone gets going but that is why you see so many fascists playing is they don’t need the market to destock. Everyone uses this new ffo oil destock that’s pretty cool. If you haven’t tried it you should it’s fun to run and a very powerful strategy.

Cathankins Game profile


Dec 19th 2022, 12:59:59


Cathankins Game profile


Dec 13th 2022, 19:46:06

Express destock

1. Sell max tech
2. Sell max goods
3. Go monarchy
4. Recall tech
5. Recall goods
6. Sell all food on pm($35)
7. Go theocracy
8. Buyout your private market

Cathankins Game profile


Dec 13th 2022, 19:41:41

1. 100cs
2. ~1000 farms(or a total of 1000 farms/ICs) and 60 more CS, while taking care to allow pop to catch up with your acres by building CS
3.explore and build labs until you are 1900 acres anf fully built
4. batch explore 60 turns(it will cut you off after about 35-45 turns depending on govt)
5. build up your empty acres with Labs
6. destroy your farms/indies and replace them with labs
7. tech 200 turns
8. switch to casher or farmer

Written by Tmac

Cathankins Game profile


Dec 13th 2022, 19:39:33

Oh yea that’s really smart. If people convert to theo mbr then maybe that would work as well and maybe better than rep casher, destock would be awesome and you can tech and cash without switching, I like it. My one concern is how hard it is to switch at higher acreage or if you can get enough land for the casher go be worth the $$$ to convert.

Cathankins Game profile


Dec 13th 2022, 12:25:42

Originally posted by Mr Gainsboro:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Thanks T. Good game guys it was fun. Laf has a lot of skill in your group I’m very impressed.

Gz on 11 :-)

Thank you very much

Cathankins Game profile


Dec 13th 2022, 2:45:38

Thanks T. Good game guys it was fun. Laf has a lot of skill in your group I’m very impressed.

Cathankins Game profile


Dec 12th 2022, 22:12:34

Originally posted by Ratski:
I have run cashiers, with no farms, no labs, no rigs, only 1000 indys all the rest business and Residents, and I bought every thing oil and bushels, military, the tricky part is to never run out of Food and Cash, the shortage hurts big time. You guys said focus the build, I did, as a cashier I bought my tech as well. I sold nothing as a cashier. I looked for the best prices on military products.

So I looked at another recent country. And again the country was a rainbow and you kept grabbing and never stockpiled.

Your best bet if you want to make top ten is to use the techer walk through I posted above. And STOCKPILE. You aren’t stockpiling so it’s no wonder you finish so awful. Stockpile means QUIT GROWING and stockpile cash to make a big networth jump ag the end of game. You shouldn’t be growing after turn 1200.

Your techer rainbow probally could have made top ten but again, you never stockpiled so that ruined your finish.

Cathankins Game profile


Dec 12th 2022, 22:05:03

Originally posted by Ratski:
I have run cashiers, with no farms, no labs, no rigs, only 1000 indys all the rest business and Residents, and I bought every thing oil and bushels, military, the tricky part is to never run out of Food and Cash, the shortage hurts big time. You guys said focus the build, I did, as a cashier I bought my tech as well. I sold nothing as a cashier. I looked for the best prices on military products.

Ok so I went back to look and I see your problem, you aren’t stockpiling, at all.

First off I looked at this country, which is a rainbow and not what the other players have told you.

I checked your grab history here and can also tell you did not stockpile, you kept expanding and grabbing and growing until the very end. (The stockpile is the part where you jump NW, I cannot describe how stupid is is to not stockpile & it jump)

So not only is the first country I’ve looked at a rainbow and not what you just said, but you also did not stockpile. So this alone destroyed your set, if you had stockpiled despite having build this totally idiotic rainbow you probally would have still made top ten.

Cathankins Game profile


Dec 12th 2022, 21:46:50

If you hit 26k acres and then started to cash all of your turns to stockpile it’s not possible to not make top ten.

I went back and looked and @ 29k acres with low tech (165 bus and res) I was making around 15 million per turn.

So even with low tech if I started stockpiling at that average at turn 1400 that would be 150 million every 10 turns. That’s 1.5 billion every hundred turns so
9 billion $$$ over your stockpile phase. That alone should be enough for over 30 million networth.

So if you are at 26k acres, all casher buildings. Bus/res tech @ 165 percent and cashing turns by turn 1400 then where is your money going? What are you spending it all on?

Cathankins Game profile


Dec 12th 2022, 17:39:25

Also sell your tech at 3,000-4,000 don’t sell it any cheaper until the market crash at the end of tbthe game game.

If you tech 600+ turns on 100 percent all labs then buy military at the end of the game at the bare minimum you should have 20 mil NW

Cathankins Game profile


Dec 12th 2022, 17:36:01

Here is a step by step walk
Through on now to start your techer.

1. 100cs
2. ~1000 farms(or a total of 1000 farms/ICs) and 60 more CS, while taking care to allow pop to catch up with your acres by building CS
3.explore and build labs until you are 1900 acres anf fully built
4. batch explore 60 turns(it will cut you off after about 35-45 turns depending on govt)
5. build up your empty acres with Labs
6. destroy your farms/indies and replace them with labs

After that just keep exploring and building labs/teching if you need some $$$ and expand to 10,000 acres and then STOP growing.

From this point just tech all of your turns for the rest of the game.

I did this a few sets ago and this was my results

3 Lord of Chaos (#7) 10,762 $49,060,629

Cathankins Game profile


Dec 12th 2022, 17:32:30

Dude just do a tech start and explore to 10k acres and then tech all of your turns from turn 1,000-2,000

There is no easier way to make top ten and unless you refuse to build all land and insists on building other building types then that is the reason you keep failing.

People have told you how to fix your country but for whatever reason you refuse to try their advice. At this point why not at least try it one time? What do you have to lose?

Cathankins Game profile


Dec 12th 2022, 13:19:00


Cathankins Game profile


Dec 10th 2022, 2:05:04

Bad and fastcars with an impressive performance as well and what a competitive top 10. that was a good game guys

Cathankins Game profile


Dec 8th 2022, 8:50:58

Originally posted by BROmanceNZ:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Honestly between people sayin mean things and people trying to do the old Soviet Union tactic of re-education for wrong-think I think the power tripping authoritarians are the larger threat.

Fortunately the odds of coming to a freemasonic nation and taking our right to be free men is zero. It will never happen.

Having said that I can be fairly racist (I think everyone is to a degree) but the Asians that have come to America have conducted Themselves very respectfully and have earned my respect hands down. Same goes for all the India immigrants, very nice people and have caused zero trouble here.

There is a group I won’t talk about that I think OP should be worried about. They go around in large packs beating the **** out of asian people on a regularly basis and seem to think is a game or funny.

I’m literally Jewish too so I could very easily say “ban everything that hurts my feelings”

But I won’t because I am a man of God and sincerely believe it is wrong to take another humans free will, even if you don’t like them.

Be careful what you wish for, a tyrant could rise to power and he could legislate what you are allowed to say. You never know how close one is my friend. One could rise tommorow, the stage certainly seems set with the people desperate for a leader.

I know this is just a game but the implications of OP go far beyond that.

Also that Jared Loughmer dude was a bat**** crazy lunatic the guy was nowhere even close to grounded in reality, his old posts are still up here I think. Guy was schizo as it gets word sandwiches and all

Word sandwiches, you say?

Cathankins Game profile


Dec 5th 2022, 11:08:08

Honestly between people sayin mean things and people trying to do the old Soviet Union tactic of re-education for wrong-think I think the power tripping authoritarians are the larger threat.

Fortunately the odds of coming to a freemasonic nation and taking our right to be free men is zero. It will never happen.

Having said that I can be fairly racist (I think everyone is to a degree) but the Asians that have come to America have conducted Themselves very respectfully and have earned my respect hands down. Same goes for all the India immigrants, very nice people and have caused zero trouble here.

There is a group I won’t talk about that I think OP should be worried about. They go around in large packs beating the **** out of asian people on a regularly basis and seem to think is a game or funny.

I’m literally Jewish too so I could very easily say “ban everything that hurts my feelings”

But I won’t because I am a man of God and sincerely believe it is wrong to take another humans free will, even if you don’t like them.

Be careful what you wish for, a tyrant could rise to power and he could legislate what you are allowed to say. You never know how close one is my friend. One could rise tommorow, the stage certainly seems set with the people desperate for a leader.

I know this is just a game but the implications of OP go far beyond that.

Also that Jared Loughmer dude was a bat**** crazy lunatic the guy was nowhere even close to grounded in reality, his old posts are still up here I think. Guy was schizo as it gets word sandwiches and all

Cathankins Game profile


Dec 1st 2022, 4:40:49

Good match guys very well played, seems your playing perfect matches

Cathankins Game profile


Nov 29th 2022, 15:39:48

Originally posted by LightBringer:
What does it take to be crowned champion? Most hits? An actual kill? Highest NW finish of the victor?

Maybe a thread based voting system? Let the community decide like judges at a boxing match. Since the forum is already here it would probally work.

Cathankins Game profile


Nov 29th 2022, 15:37:43

Originally posted by LightBringer:
What does it take to be crowned champion? Most hits? An actual kill? Highest NW finish of the victor?

Good question. I haven’t been in a lot of wars so I’m not for sure but one thing I think is important will be to have some sort of gentleman’s agreement like old wars or duels to break Gdi with a few spy ops but then leave each other alone until the agreed war time. That way one of the players doesn’t have to make the huge jet strikes to break GDI.

I think that would keep things more fair and also leave more resources for the actual war and make it more action packed.

Once we have a good idea of what we are doing maybe this will be more fun. I think we should have a official heavyweight champion. That title would bring some excitement back to the old crowd without changing the game dynamics.

Cathankins Game profile


Nov 28th 2022, 2:09:40

Originally posted by Uticant:

The people have spoken this is now a gay pride thread in celebration of Requiems deepest and most repressed fantasies with superfly

Cathankins Game profile


Nov 28th 2022, 1:59:45

Originally posted by AndrewMose:
I'll commit to supplying oil

You talking to me or

Originally posted by Requiem:
Sounds like two gay lovers going at it. SF will be down I'm sure!

Cathankins Game profile


Nov 27th 2022, 13:02:55

And who is willing to throw down to claim the title?

Who is the heavyweight champ of earth empires?

(Inb4 superfly joins)

Build your war machines. Last 10 days of set let’s see who claims the title.

Gentleman start your engines.

Cathankins Game profile


Nov 24th 2022, 15:54:03

Credit where credit is due, he quit running a rainbow and ran a very legit casher last set on alliance

Cathankins Game profile


Nov 23rd 2022, 14:08:56

Oh yea Serp was the man, his commies were awesome. This one does look like he tech started, or at least he stayed at 3800 acres for quite a while.

Cathankins Game profile


Nov 22nd 2022, 22:08:24

That one dude is acting a fool

Cathankins Game profile


Nov 21st 2022, 21:19:14


Cathankins Game profile


Nov 18th 2022, 17:04:52

Give me a few minutes

Cathankins Game profile


Nov 18th 2022, 16:15:15

Originally posted by MILORD:
Originally posted by Gerdler:
Why are you not buying at your private market?

go to 'Purchases' and buy the oil there

I know about the private market. Thank you. Just wondering why fascists don't sell in this set. When I decide to produce oil, there are always competitors lowering the cost.
At 996, I placed a 1-barrel order out of curiosity. And perhaps to interest the manufacturer. Lol.

I think it’s because of the bonus. On longer servers I can use my building points bonus to make the ffo land drop destock worth it. On express you can’t get your bonus up high enough to do the oil destock, and it doesn’t always sell if you produce it so I think a lot of people just don’t build the oil rigs because you may need to tear them back down later to stock. I just produce enough for myself usually but usually have a little extra or can produce more if anyone needs.

Cathankins Game profile


Nov 18th 2022, 16:09:07

I got you give me just a second

*its sent, I gave you a more fair price

Cathankins Game profile


Nov 14th 2022, 12:03:04

*hands out edibles*

Cathankins Game profile


Nov 14th 2022, 11:44:03


Cathankins Game profile


Nov 11th 2022, 0:11:51

Tech start rainbow for the win

Cathankins Game profile


Nov 10th 2022, 0:09:38

Beast of a country by Andrew and tmac dropping two countries, escaping super flies wrath and still finishing 2nd may have been the most impressive thing I’ve ever seen of all my years playing this game. Great set, top ten players were all very impressive.

Cathankins Game profile


Nov 9th 2022, 22:59:29

Welcome and enjoy friend if you have any more questions feel free to ask

Cathankins Game profile


Nov 9th 2022, 22:58:39

Originally posted by Makabelly:
I re-read and have a question. When you destroy all your farms wouldn't that cut out all your income from getting food to sell?
Thanks again.

Originally posted by Cathankins:
Here OP try this. It works well enough you will enjoy it and learn the basics.

1. 100cs
2. ~1000 farms(or a total of 1000 farms/ICs) and 60 more CS, while taking care to allow pop to catch up with your acres by building CS
3.explore and build labs until you are 1900 acres and fully built
4. batch explore 60 turns(it will cut you off after about 35-45 turns depending on govt)
5. build up your empty acres with Labs
6. destroy your farms/indies and replace them with labs
7. tech 200 turns of your main tech (ag or bus/res)
8. switch to casher or farmer

Yes but when you are a casher you produce massive amounts of $$$ each turn so you buy your bushels off the public market.

You can produce your bushels with farms but your building production is based on what percentage of your buildings are casher buildings so by building all one type you will make more money.

Cashers build bus/res zones. Farmers farm. Indies build all industrial zones and produce military and then sell military on public market. Farmers usually sell between turns on private market.

Strays are typically rep casher, fascist farmer, commie Indy and theo/demo techer or some variation.

Cathankins Game profile


Nov 9th 2022, 11:50:02

If anyone can find a better one (and is willing to share) I’d like to see it. I’m thinking of attempting to make a comprehensive walk through for new players so they don’t get farmed and not like playing. I’ve got a lot of saved write ups from various players and I think it’s enough to make a good how-to if they are ok with me sharing.

Cathankins Game profile


Nov 9th 2022, 1:08:00

Congrats, another well played match. you guys are a very skilled team.

Cathankins Game profile


Nov 8th 2022, 21:54:33

Ok so after this set I think I can say for sure the bigger tech start seems to be better. I ran this country and teched 200 turns @ 2900 acres

The guy that ran this country I noticed seem to tech later (Assuming he did a tech start, pretty sure he did but I haven’t spied him) on 3800 acres, so he converted later than I did but once he did he flew past me very quickly. Next time I tech start I will be 1k acres fatter.