
ChaotiK919 Game profile


Aug 24th 2017, 8:36:28

Havent read a single post here but:

Farmer < techer/farmer any day

Start as farmer up to 1000 farms-> 4-5000 research labs -> tech for Agriculture-> sell tech on market & sell bushels in private -> dont spend on anything except research labs until you can sell for 300mil + profit each cycle.

Never let your money drop below $ 300 mil.

Buy 600mil-1bil in 1type of unit at a time once you reach 2mil-3mil networth

Watch your country jump like crazy......

(Always invest in warfare at least a bit when starting up-> by the time your established you ahouls own over 20 missiles)

Edited By: ChaotiK919 on Aug 24th 2017, 8:44:23
See Original Post

ChaotiK919 Game profile


Aug 24th 2017, 8:29:12

Originally posted by ChaotiK919:
Lol i was killed by a suicider when i was #6 and still made top 25? Wtf lol

Techer ftw

ChaotiK919 Game profile


Aug 24th 2017, 8:28:30

Lol i was killed by a suicider when i was #6 and still made top 25? Wtf lol

ChaotiK919 Game profile


Aug 24th 2017, 7:56:20

Originally posted by ChaotiK919:
Just as a primer for conversation.

I generally run a Democracy techer(primary)/indy&or farmer hybrid

Once i reach between 4000-6000 labs, 300-600farm(1000 if hybrid), & 300-600 industrial buildings- i can usually "double" my networth every 100 turns or so on express with under 10k land.

So as an example . 1,000,000net-> 2mil -> 4 mil -> 8mil and so on.

I can reproduce this and i achieve it through sales in tech that generally net me anywhere between 300mil and 800mil (my highest was 1.2billion $) per market placement.

This allows me to buy and sustain military purchases in excess of 10,000,000 units/effective power per cycle

I run under the names : cha0s , Xylene, Toluene, & Happy currently on express and free for all

Just to showoff i should appear in top 10 on free for all soon briefly.

If your interestes in collaborating please post in this thread or msg me directly

ChaotiK919 Game profile


Aug 24th 2017, 7:46:47

Just as a primer for conversation.

I generally run a Democracy techer(primary)/indy&or farmer hybrid

Once i reach between 4000-6000 labs, 300-600farm(1000 if hybrid), & 300-600 industrial buildings- i can usually "double" my networth every 100 turns or so on express with under 10k land.

So as an example . 1,000,000net-> 2mil -> 4 mil -> 8mil and so on.

I can reproduce this and i achieve it through sales in tech that generally net me anywhere between 300mil and 800mil (my highest was 1.2billion $) per market placement.

This allows me to buy and sustain military purchases in excess of 10,000,000 units/effective power per cycle

ChaotiK919 Game profile


Aug 24th 2017, 5:17:19

This will be my first post i believe so allow me to introduce myself formally.

I am cha0s.
I have been playing on and off since earth:2025. I have always kept to myself save for a handful of interactions (including the joining of one clan years ago- in which i learned what a farmer strat was and never logged after that day).

Basically i am a noob. Maybe? The truth is i fancy myself to be among the best there is which i am sure is just my own misguided grandious ego-centric perspective.

With all that being said i am looking for a competent and experienced and serious individual to discuss strategy with as well as exchange ideas and provide tutorage where needed.

When i say compentent. I need somebody who can pull off a top 10 spot on express comfortably

I am normally between #10 and #3 on express using my own self-developed strat