
Craterus Game profile


Dec 8th 2014, 11:40:16

Didn't think I'd t10 with less than 18. Weird

Craterus Game profile


Dec 7th 2014, 21:46:41

Originally posted by Furious999:
You have included information only available to others by spying.

How? This is part of the risk of hitting someone, and it's days old.

Craterus Game profile


Dec 2nd 2014, 12:16:30

Is the buying from private thing solely to stop the money being injected back into the competition? Surely the cost difference is such it's worth buying public a lot, if not most, of the time?

Craterus Game profile


Nov 25th 2014, 18:07:24

Where is cable?

Craterus Game profile


Nov 24th 2014, 12:39:32

Object lesson in forgetting GDI this week

Craterus Game profile


Nov 18th 2014, 7:03:10

Originally posted by blid:

but yeah just hit them again

Because nothing ever goes wrong with that.

Craterus Game profile


Nov 10th 2014, 7:31:08

How'd I get t10 with that, it was rubbish

Craterus Game profile


Nov 3rd 2014, 10:29:13


Craterus Game profile


Oct 27th 2014, 5:14:43

Best result yet.

Craterus Game profile


Oct 19th 2014, 21:22:18

He's got enough turrets, unlike the other cry babies

Craterus Game profile


Oct 19th 2014, 19:48:18

Originally posted by Hammer:
Get'em Alin. I have a few to keep in mind for next sets as well for RoRing me. It is quite simple: if you don't want to be retalled, don't hit a player who has 400 turns on hand and doesn't begin playing until Friday. I play all-x, but when I get grabbed, I usually retal. If a person doesn't want to give up 1000 acres to a retal, don't fluffing hit me.

Crimson, is it really you?

Craterus Game profile


Oct 13th 2014, 10:57:55

Did you sell some tanks? I thought at one point you had too many, then all of a sudden you didn't and 76 had bundled mine then jumped, and a spy op on you said I had enough, though only for the sake of show.

But 76 was spying me within seconds of my original retal so it was pretty clear what was coming.

Anyhow the main lesson here is that big batch explores with unbuilt land on the basis you can suck up hits then grab back later doesn't work, at least not as fat as I got, especially when the retals just make you fatter and juicier.

Craterus Game profile


Oct 13th 2014, 9:32:07

It's not messed up, it's playing the game.

They make a a risk/benefit call on whether you want to war or not, and take a chance on you wanting a decent finish. The last 4 resets I can only see one example of a t10 finish after a RoR and that was presumably Alin. If your objective is the finish it ain't worth doing, particularly as it's probably set wrekcking for the otherside as well so they've not got a lot of interest in doing anything except making it rain cannon balls.

Craterus Game profile


Oct 12th 2014, 8:52:40

Sad and lonely as it is to admit, I did do it with a calculator, so it's right.

I'm all good thanks. Though I'd have liked to given Kevnuts some love as well, and you've seen away my tanks..

Craterus Game profile


Oct 12th 2014, 8:34:02

7361 to missiles or AB.

Craterus Game profile


Oct 12th 2014, 8:23:07

Originally posted by Alin:
like i already told you - since you are 5 times smaller, my point with ABs is not to break you but to kill all your tanks.

I can break you easy with jets ...

ah, that makes more sense.

Still, the 8000 empty acres made this whole episode worth while.

Craterus Game profile


Oct 12th 2014, 8:15:59

Teaching a lesson:

2014-10-12 08:11:57 AB 36 Hours Retal Window MD (#76) Cypelos (#48) DH
2014-10-12 08:11:56 AB 36 Hours Retal Window MD (#76) Cypelos (#48) DH
2014-10-12 08:11:55 AB 36 Hours Retal Window MD (#76) Cypelos (#48) DH
2014-10-12 08:10:51 AB 36 Hours Retal Window MD (#76) Cypelos (#48) DH
2014-10-12 08:10:47 AB 36 Hours Retal Window MD (#76) Cypelos (#48) DH
2014-10-11 23:52:08 AB 36 Hours Retal Window MD (#76) Cypelos (#48) DH
2014-10-11 23:52:07 AB 36 Hours Retal Window MD (#76) Cypelos (#48) DH
2014-10-11 23:52:05 AB 36 Hours Retal Window MD (#76) Cypelos (#48) DH
2014-10-11 23:52:03 AB 36 Hours Retal Window MD (#76) Cypelos (#48) DH
2014-10-11 23:50:25 AB 36 Hours Retal Window MD (#76) Cypelos (#48) DH
2014-10-11 23:50:24 AB 36 Hours Retal Window MD (#76) Cypelos (#48) DH
2014-10-11 23:50:23 AB 36 Hours Retal Window MD (#76) Cypelos (#48) DH
2014-10-11 23:50:22 AB 36 Hours Retal Window MD (#76) Cypelos (#48) DH
2014-10-11 23:50:20 AB 36 Hours Retal Window MD (#76) Cypelos (#48) DH

Can you do maths Alin?

Craterus Game profile


Oct 11th 2014, 18:04:36

Yeah, that didn't work.

Craterus Game profile


Sep 14th 2014, 13:39:40

Originally posted by Cable:

Craterus Game profile


Sep 9th 2014, 13:03:14

Originally posted by h2orich:
yes, even if you have 300 turns on hand, I will still hit you because if u're good enough to get a t3, you wouldn't cash out 200 turns just to retal me, that's just not optimal.

But there's no way of knowing who's good enough to t3 is there, unless it's a known name, and as Netsquash points out they're almost guaranteed to hit you back.

As for the GDI set up and stored turns whining - its the same 15 turns an hour for everyone - if your strat burns through the turns that's your problem, and it's childish to complain about people stacking them and hitting you later.

Craterus Game profile


Sep 9th 2014, 6:31:55

It's great fun when someone RoRs for a big retal. If you bugger about hitting for 70 acres early you're going to get hit back for hundreds or thousands more often than not. And then you've screwed your own finish. Good plan...

Craterus Game profile


Sep 7th 2014, 6:22:52

To paraphrase

" I don't think you country's good enough to hurt me"

"80 CS doesn't seem to be hurting me :)"

"I'm going to take thousands of acres off you every day"

I've saved you the trouble. Have 9650 virgin acres.

Edited By: Craterus on Sep 7th 2014, 8:01:22
See Original Post

Craterus Game profile


Sep 6th 2014, 7:52:19

Originally posted by CX LaE:
Some guy 4-tapped me. I might AB him and his 80 CS later, but for now the DR is wonderful.

there are two jokers multitapping with 80 CS? idiots.

Craterus Game profile


Sep 6th 2014, 7:50:46

wrong thread

Craterus Game profile


Sep 4th 2014, 12:20:14

Even I can t10 with casher, despite a) not being very good and b) never playing the last 6 hours.

Craterus Game profile


Sep 3rd 2014, 4:32:53

Oh noes. However are you going to find me?

Craterus Game profile


Sep 2nd 2014, 6:07:04


Craterus Game profile


Sep 2nd 2014, 5:35:20

Were you entertained?

Craterus Game profile


Sep 2nd 2014, 5:34:32

Or anything that doesn't always end at 4 in the morning

Craterus Game profile


Sep 1st 2014, 4:48:21

Originally posted by Cable:
I swldom ever play to win

Tell hyourself what ever you need to chap

Originally posted by Cable:
I'll be playing to adjust others play styles. .

My playing style is generally All X + Retal Rep Casher unless so dipfluff screws me over. That really needs adjusting.

Craterus Game profile


Sep 1st 2014, 4:34:07

Originally posted by MountainYeti:
Craterus you're pretty dumb if you still haven't realized that spy op you have at 1511 turn was after his 2nd hit. I got 1 at same turns where he has 190k production

Not when it was me who made the second hit... It's pretty well established I'm Cypselos, though apparently i won't admit it since saying openly I was Mr Ed is the obvious plan if i changed it because I'm apparrently so hated by Cable and Blid ( sorry, that should say on this server)

Edited By: Craterus on Sep 1st 2014, 4:37:22
See Original Post

Craterus Game profile


Aug 31st 2014, 18:27:57

This is my handle. EE Mr Ed is dead, he was me, but apparently making this obvious and playing the same name each set is hiding to you. I'll be here next week, and so will you, but no doubt with a different name as usual so the bigger boys don't pick on you too early in the set.

I've got a spy that says at turn 1511 you were producing 166k when you claimed you were doing 190k. There's no maths involved.

Craterus Game profile


Aug 31st 2014, 18:18:57

In case it helps Cable, I was going to hit you anyway, the DR just added flavour.

Craterus Game profile


Aug 31st 2014, 18:16:49

Originally posted by Cable:

Craterus Game profile


Aug 31st 2014, 16:43:48

Some are here for affirmation

Craterus Game profile


Aug 31st 2014, 16:35:17

It's not my fault
Originally posted by blid:
And mr ed I still haven't forgotten what a moron you are. Getting mad at a guy and putting him in DR, then he topfeeds everyone and gets 30k land, and then just before he comes out of DR, you start hitting him again. One of the dumbest things I've ever seen a player do. Helping the guy you're trying to hurt accomplish his topfeeding goals. Moron

Yeah, the whining then was hilarious.

Craterus Game profile


Aug 31st 2014, 15:01:48

40 * 85% = 34

Craterus Game profile


Aug 31st 2014, 13:55:54

the spies will only give me 85 % of the e.

Craterus Game profile


Aug 31st 2014, 13:54:22

Originally posted by Cable:
Why do we need insults? The jokes come and gone already and its on the clown who cant even post under his reap handle.

How am I not posting under my real handle?

Craterus Game profile


Aug 31st 2014, 13:53:01

Originally posted by Cable:
Originally posted by Craterus:
I'm not saying it can't be done. I'm saying you weren't doing it.

and ive proven you're a liar and your word is vaild for nothing. I havent ran a single turn since I bought/sold some items with higher production then you posted. Also you said you did it after the grab which I was at 1509 turns played nkt 1511. Which again im not at now and producing 176k with only 2 turns played to op 46 without changing tech and another 1700 acre loss. You're a bad troll a poor liar and you came with witts = to bringing a knife to a tank battle.

Well, I've got the spy op on 1511 taken, which is the same number of turns as the info you posted. I'm not entirely sure how you've proved I'm a liar?

What you're on now is completely irrelevant.

Craterus Game profile


Aug 31st 2014, 13:28:53

Originally posted by Cable:

Just so you dont edit this and claim you didnt say that

lol, because I'm the one editing things.

Craterus Game profile


Aug 31st 2014, 13:25:58

No, it's done after #58 hit you and before I did. So it's when you were claiming you were doing 190 a turn.

"Yah before 58 hit me I was making 220k a turn...."

"Im still making 190k a turn even after his RoR"

Craterus Game profile


Aug 31st 2014, 13:19:25

I'm not saying it can't be done. I'm saying you weren't doing it.

Craterus Game profile


Aug 31st 2014, 13:18:34

You're giving him e. This is coordination

Craterus Game profile


Aug 31st 2014, 13:07:49

Turns Left 84
Turns Taken 1511
Turns Stored 0

Current Status
Tax Revenues $1,403,526
Tax Rate 35%
Per Capita Income $20.27
Expenses $1,513,915
Net Income $-110,389
Cashing $170,316
Food 554,628
Production 166,018
Consumption 13,658
Net Change 152,360

Craterus Game profile


Aug 31st 2014, 12:55:33

So my spy op is making it up? I'm genuinely curious...

Craterus Game profile


Aug 31st 2014, 12:43:26

How about spending the bonus points on the "I would have t10'd but" buff? That does the same sort of thing for less resource right?

Craterus Game profile


Aug 31st 2014, 12:36:01

Suppose I'd better not trust those spy reports if they're underestimating production (and that's before consumption) by 15% against your advisor then. He's a good one, how do I get my own.