Oct 4th 2012, 21:02:25
Okay, let's put this to a rest.
Wari: For one, Trife stepped down from FA, didn't quit. He's a regular member of LCN. Im the only leadership from LCN that's talking in this thread. I will be the one quitting EE, which is in a few hours.
llaar: So, next time, let's just not even slap your wrist and let you go on your merry way. It doesn't matter if its L:L or if its escalating retals. You have a problem with yourself and only yourself on this issue. I have all the respect for you, and NA, but you sir, are making an ass of yourself. Yes, I ignored your first set of RoRs contact this reset, because you should've knew better, but you had to push the issue. We made a statement, and I put NA on DNH, so nothing more happened. I made it very clear that no one is to hit NA anymore during the reset. But here's the clear fact, you DH'd then you broke, whether purposely or you screwed up your calculations, no alliance will let that slide for people to abuse them.
As for remaining bit, I wish everyone and every alliance the best of luck and a prosperous future. I will be no longer posting in this thread.
Retired.... and back again.