
DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 29th 2017, 6:47:17

Do you feel the same about Vic? Eyyyyyyy

Edited By: DerrickICN on Sep 29th 2017, 6:53:18. Reason: Proper punctuation for a drunk troll
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DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 29th 2017, 6:19:30

I mean I'm down. Would be fun to see who comes out ahead whilst we all farm each other. Tho if killers like us start killing for 200% l:l and such...well then. I think no one nets and all hell breaks loose.

....therefore I like this idea.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 29th 2017, 6:12:19

He runs SOL which is an acronym for Sons of La Famiglia. Owwwwwww.

Somebody grab a water hose cuz I'm on fire tonight. Lol

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 29th 2017, 6:00:02

Alright. Let's count the votes!

I believe Elders had war declared on them and had to respond.

Gerdler believes elders was not at war with laf until laf was hit.

Spartacus believes Vic cannot declare war.

Sinistril believes Vic can in fact declare war.

Braden thinks LaF are PC losers that should have smashed elders.

akadeo0o0 believes elders preemptive activities were warrented.

Zorp (probably most right) believes the Laf/elders war never ended.

And Mini feels like Elders is the best.

I feel like this was a fine exercise in showing the differing opinions in the semantics of what happened this set. I'm officially intrigued because it seems, at least in this example, impossible to tell who broke pact because of the wide range of ways to interpret what happened. You may all carry on your debate now.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 29th 2017, 5:40:37

You know. I do thoroughly enjoy the auto blame on Elders for your suiciders. You need me to research who they are here for you too Gerdy? Lord knows you blamed the one in tourney on us instantly and it wound up being a dude that only plays express and tourney that Ive literally never met.

I mean. It feels good to have someone thinking about me constantly but I do kind of feel like it's reached a point of unhealthy obsession. We haven't run any suiciders on you. I'll do the research if you really really want me to. All I usually have to say is "nice job man. I support your actions. You're the best. What's your name?" And then they say Temple. And then I'm like yeeeeaaaah Ive never heard of you. Lol

You know when I'm pissed man. You've seen it twice. And neither time did that result in any suiciders against you. I'm a man. I wear my tag proudly. You're welcome to suicide me anytime. But don't act like these guys are ours. Once they hit you this set I promise I'll do my due diligence to show you they aren't elders.......again.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Sep 29th 2017, 5:45:21
See Original Post

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 29th 2017, 0:40:20

Interesting opinion. Suppose it depends on whether or not you view sanctions as direct conflict but I suppose you're mostly correct. Although in that context war was never directly declared like my previous example. What I meant by "cold war vein" is that we haven't had direct conflict yet. The difference I'm pointing out is the declaration of war. It's nearly impossible for the north Koreans to feel otherwise about it, no?

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 28th 2017, 23:52:49

North Korea surely does and I can't say I blame them.

Short answer for me is yes tho more in the cold war vein.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 28th 2017, 23:50:54

Well sure. But assuming he did anyways. You know. If you were in chyyyyna and trump tweeted "America is going to war with chyyyyna." Would you as a Chinese citizen consider yourself at war with America?

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 28th 2017, 22:48:59

So if President Trump were to declare war on a country via his twitter account rather than issuing an official declaration of war from the oval office, is America, in your opinion, at war?

I think it's pretty clear my opinion is yes. And I think you all know where I'm headed with this.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 28th 2017, 3:48:50

I think you mean "flouff off"

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 27th 2017, 19:38:48

Lol. A few things I suppose.

Laf declared war on us. We got put in that spot. Even tried to negotiate a more reasonable reps and retals solution and got told to fluff off. Laf demanding 200% l:l.

Imag was not called in by elders. They were planning to be a part of the friendly from day one.

We asked SOL to move the date of the arranged war because we wanted to avoid hitting laf. We also asked them to cancel after laf declared war on us. Again, my only regret is that I really tried everything I could to let laf net up until war was declared on elders. Requests were denied and relations therein continued to plummet with both tags.

Stones entering was sort of interesting. More just to make the war more enjoyable for both sides. Stones is low key and mostly drama free. Rather than a gbang on elders or elder fighting a crap war with laf, we could all get a chance to wall, all get a chance to kill and otherwise have a drama free good time.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 27th 2017, 19:00:09

But yeah, laf has always wanted to feel in control of their allies. Stones was a good ally to them and to say stones did nothing to help laf is a farce.

You know why I like stones above all else? They've gotten tag killed every set this year and only had the fs one time. They haven't complained not once. It's a game.

I guess we shall see how the manipulation and spin train leaves the station and see if SOL can at least think for themselves or become lapdogs. Seems like laf is all butthurt because they can't control their allies.

If you do consider yourself an honest fella, maki, you should see the sort of nonsense that's being spilled out of them right now man. Don't let them control you. IDC if you want to be a lafdog. That's your decision. But at least try to make other solid decisions for yourself. Just pay attention to that.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 27th 2017, 18:52:55

Pfft. I have a chat log that proves otherwise. But then again gains has been on a full on tirade the last few days. The fluff he's been saying to taker and Galleri is full on ridiculous.

Cool down bro. This war graduated from a fluff show by laf, to a gangbang on elders, to a fun war. I'm sure SOL can at least see that by now.

Asking us to cs would have made the war too easy for both sol and for elders. This way everyone gets to have fun. Can't understand the tears anymore. It's completely ridiculous. Try to relax and have fun with it before y'all have a brain aneurism.

And yes, maki told me in a pm weeks ago that SOL was getting pressure to enter this war. As was stones and imag was asked by Vic to drop pact with us. See the funny thing here is that SOL/laf have hundreds more turns at their disposal everyday. Regardless of how someone builds, you can kill with that above all else.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 27th 2017, 16:27:06

I read that as marshmallow my first go around. Took me a minute.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 27th 2017, 1:48:04

We like, we like to party. But yes. You're right Nero. It's like pornhub on this server this year.

Can we officially replaced the word gangbanged with the word DAP'd.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 27th 2017, 0:35:17

Seems ironic that we apparently scheduled the timeline of Vic declaring open war against us. And then sol hit us after we kindly asked them not to. Apparently we made that timeline up tho. You give me waaaay too much credit.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 26th 2017, 22:07:43

SC is fighting SOL? Hmm. Could have fooled me.

I do like one thing in the way you described it though. Worth pointing out.

War 1 as you described is completely unfair for elders and war 2 is completely unfair for SOL. Those fighting in the benefit of said unfair wars are Stones, Imag and Laf. I'm officially intrigued.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Sep 27th 2017, 1:03:17
See Original Post

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 26th 2017, 21:29:43

All I'm saying. If it's 60 vs 28 and that's pathetic then what's 74 vs 28?

Extra super ultra pathetic?

It's 74 vs 61 in favor of laf and sol. Please try to count all of them.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 26th 2017, 18:52:10

Wait. You guys restart? Fack.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 26th 2017, 18:41:21

/me casually remembers when LaF hit SkyElitez like 12 years ago because they believed l:l retals was completely absurd.

/me chuckles

/me looks at the topic of this thread

/me realizes laf is crying on every single thread about getting hit due to a failure in relationship over 200% l:l

/me chuckles again

My only regret is that I did everything in my power to try to let LaF net this set. Smh.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Sep 26th 2017, 18:44:05
See Original Post

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 26th 2017, 17:53:21

Originally posted by Pontius Pirate:
Either Elders saw that SOL builds were too good and that Elders would lose the war and chickened out and hit LaF as an excuse, or they hit LaF knowing that they could then have an excuse to call in allies against SOL.

Lawl. Either the moon is a giant pie or it's made of barbeque spare ribs.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 26th 2017, 3:21:24

Somebody is jelly. But you're missing a solid 5 bullet points. I do not trust anything with less than 11 bullet points.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 26th 2017, 3:17:29


DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 26th 2017, 3:16:31

Syko not even counting laf lol

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 25th 2017, 21:17:23

Just wish you'd quit hitting me long enough to post on ffat sometimes. Lost 3 countries trying to get that message out lol

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 25th 2017, 21:16:31

Yeah. Mob DD me Vamps. Just having some late set fun. Cleared our 72 hours's and whatnot. Glad to have ya llaar

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 25th 2017, 21:05:12

For sure. For the record it isn't just loc based players. Separate tags.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 25th 2017, 19:09:14

Llaar asking for something bad to happen. Something BAD4U!

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 25th 2017, 19:06:42

I don't think Donny is implying that their countries don't count. I think he's implying they are subhuman and therefore do not count in terms of the numbers count. 56 vs 28 plus 44 cretins. Lol

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 25th 2017, 9:13:46

Relations change over time. Sol is fighting on the same side as laf right now afterall. Anything is possible.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 25th 2017, 0:03:49

Just because there are bots does not mean everyone will not want to interact with other players.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 24th 2017, 21:52:27

I still venture that there's a way for Laf and elders to coexist but it would take some serious concessions. Both sides feel constantly pushed by the other and this dynamic just adds fuel to the fact that neither side is willing to be pushed even a little. The demand to run a country on this server without ever getting hit once is to me a little silly. And if that's what makes us enemies, then seemingly enemies we shall always be.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 24th 2017, 21:44:54

/me humps Akula

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 24th 2017, 18:39:02

I wonder what those two agreements were...


DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 24th 2017, 18:33:38

Id like to first point out the difference between a NAP and a uNAP. We've all played long enough to understand that difference. The pact we had was a lesser form of a NAP. That should be crystal clear to you.

Aside from that, war was openly declared on us by LaF's president in a pm which has been shown in a variety of threads.

200% l:l was unacceptable. You deserve to die for ridiculous demands like that. If you truly just wanted to net you'd be trying to work with us and not push us around.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 23rd 2017, 16:11:10

Yeah. Truthfully I was looking forward to riding your huge dict all the way down to funkytown.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 23rd 2017, 14:57:24

Yeah. It only took 400 chems a piece lol. We wouldnt have gotten a single kill if andchat was working for you. Lol

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 23rd 2017, 5:47:33

Yeah. I don't even like him haha. I'm not saying he's cool or anything. I'm just saying on this one it seems bizarre.

I would s his d tho. But that's totally unrelated. Don't see why my chronic fluffsucking needs to be brought up.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 23rd 2017, 5:45:11

Isn't a danish a donut?

Sorry. I wanted to see if I could join the ignorance contest.

Funny story. When I lived in Nashville there was this diner walking distance from my crib. Coffee was 65 cents and biscuits and gravy was $3.50. They had some decent sammiches too. I spent a good amount of time there. Would get breakfast at least twice a week. Certainly couldn't beat the prices. This real cute girl used to waitress there and the rest were older gals that sounded very very country. I kinda got to chatting with the cute one. She was dense for sure but she had a nice smile. Went good with a cup of coffee in the morning or whatever.

One day one of the older gals walks up to me and just says in the thickest drawl ever "BAAHAAHAHAHAH, Joo kno that giirrrl who always serving ya? She didn't even know Idaho was a state. She just thought it was a tater!"

Edited By: DerrickICN on Sep 23rd 2017, 6:05:20
See Original Post

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 23rd 2017, 5:32:38

Good ass forces for you detah. :)

May evil always prevail. BAD4U is so bad. So so bad.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 22nd 2017, 5:59:01

For real. And he isn't hiding behind his tag either. Dude was trying as hard as he could to make them turn out and fight. Even when it hit walls he kept fighting. I just have respect for that. Wild. They ban him when hes half as bad and hes legit trying to make things cool. Glad I'm not a part of that. Sheesh.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 22nd 2017, 5:47:20

Its not just that. He was leading the chats and putting the work in. On top of being less of a fluffhead. Yo dude. We talk a lot of smack on you as a LaFer but you fully have my respect as an untagged. That's ridiculous. Smh

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 22nd 2017, 4:57:31

Wth. You weren't half as bad as the others. Lol. And you were doing a half decent job on running chats for once too. If they're gonna kick you for essentially nothing, how are Gerd and Scode still allowed on here? Thats a horrible double standard.

Anyway. You did a fine job doing what you could for them man. 2 snaps.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 22nd 2017, 0:14:29

See, ignorant comments are funnier to me. Elders has not one felon in tag. We actually checked last time he said that and sure enough. No criminal scum here. This is just a crazy guy spouting crazy fluff. Gerd was in a unique spot of actually hearing me talk about these things and he abused that fact. To me its much worse.

In any case, this is the sort of trash we've taken aim to eliminate. Its a whole conglomerate of people with no respect and years of history cheating, manipulating and just being downright trashy people. IMO, if you support them with DP's you are condoning this sort of trash and should be ashamed of yourself.