
DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 15th 2017, 18:22:23

You just dont remember me cuz. Think harder. I took some years off.

Again, I am not responsible for the actions of fmr MD members and would have been open to reasonable negotiations.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 15th 2017, 17:44:15

^thats a fact. We did think you were the old spam tag. You all fought well and gained a lot of respect that set. Thats about the only one I can think of though. For what its worth, I hope LaF taught you some tricks and you all benefited from the experience.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Sep 15th 2017, 17:47:35
See Original Post

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 15th 2017, 17:39:50

Looking at us like we should be responsible for the actions of our members while taking zero responsibility for the actions of your leaders is laughable.

Hell its even Lafable. Truth is, history repeats itself.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 15th 2017, 17:37:10

PP, you lack any understanding of whats going on. If you want to PM me I would be happy to give some truth to your diatribe.

Current small (less than say 20 members) tags over 4 members:

Omega, evo, rag, imag, rage and LCN.

We've never warred any of them and don't want to. We even have auto renew pacts with 2 or 3 of them. No desire to beat up small netting tags. Though I would happily kill LUST cheaters if they hadn't been purpled

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 15th 2017, 17:30:32

The above post by ingle only furthers the point of why LaF's peaceful netters should join a peaceful tag. It illustrates the lack of respect not only for other tags and the greed of LaF, but it also shows a complete lack of respect for the words of Vic and Tob, leaders of said clan.

Don't associate with the cheaters. Don't associate with the leader's decisions. Peace is waiting for you in peaceful tags.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 15th 2017, 17:23:40

Hahaha. Nice AHF. Good luck to you. I have respect for your tag. Hope all goes well.

Ingle heyyyyy. Its one of the guys in LaF I dont like. Finally pried one free. Lol

Elders did harbor suicider. As in one. We had one member detag and suicide you. He's former MD, as were the suiciders from SOL, Omega and so on that you had against you. It's a pity that our guy didn't give 72 hours. To that I'll agree with you. But demanding $280b in reps was never going to happen. That would take the whole clan faing you daily for sets. Its an unrealistic total. Your unwillingness to budge on that got you nothing. I do claim responsibility for stuff like that and had you been realistic with your approach, agreements could have been reached. Its as simple as that. This isn't the only situation elders has encountered this set. Ask relaxlah, ask omega, ask Rag. Its as simple as coming to an agreement we can all live with.

And we do FA our friends in outside tags. We've even had FA exchanges with laf in the last 4 sets ironically. Lots of friends in this game. And we did FA our suicider due to a breakdown in communication with you all.

And again, I can't help that people don't like you and choose to join our cause. As I've said before, perhaps try being nicer, being clean and being respectful. You'll get nothing but the same in return. We can all understand each other.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 15th 2017, 16:22:01

We have heard that many of you just want to net. We support this but it will not happen if you are in a clan that is caught cheating and purples. It will not happen with demands of 200%.

Your leadership has put you in this position. Monsters have coexisted with us. RAGE has coexisted with us. Omega has coexisted with us. Rag has coexisted with us. Evo has coexisted with us.

There are plenty of safe havens for netters that we respect and do good business with. In talking to many of LaF's members I find they want the exact opposite of their leadership. LaF leadership has said repeatedly that they will push us around and kill us. They said this war was on. They brought 200% to us. And now, you are playing with deplorable people that cheat.

Take a look around you. LaF hasn't netted in a year. They've FS'd us. They've made unrealistic demands. And now you are dying again for their actions. When will you tell them enough is enough and you just want to net.

The time has come for you to join tags that will do good business with us, as relaxlah knows from his retals, that we are capable of.

Tell your leaders enough is enough or join a tag that isn't pushing us into wars we dont want with you.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 15th 2017, 15:53:51

^I been saying that all set.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 15th 2017, 15:28:36

Can I use HTML to make some purple text.

Purple drank, I still sip, purple weed blunt still lit
Real *****, real fluff, purple swag, that trill fluff

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 15th 2017, 15:23:04

Purple purple purple.

Purple purple purple purple.


I rest my case.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 15th 2017, 15:17:10

^boring comeback.

While I'd be honored to share my opinions on moral ethics with you, archaic, I think there's a time and place for that. If you wanted an actual intellectual conversation I don't think you'd be skimming the forums of a text based game.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 15th 2017, 15:10:45

Lol. Galleri. Given LaF's history you should know better. Once cheaters always cheaters. Time to run these fluffs out the game.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 15th 2017, 15:08:42

Hahaha. I didnt even see that gerd post where we got called out for planning MD's action. Believe or not, I have no control over Suncrusher's (who I Fa'd) and fam's actions. If I think I'm being treated like fluff by LaF, why wouldnt I FA their suiciders. Boys act like I'm not allowed to make friends here. Lol.

Also, this is all moot points. LaF got purpled. I was attempting to kill Vic and the cheaters when I left this game 10 years ago and now I am back trying to kill Vic and the cheaters again. Don't care about the politics as much now. A message needs to be sent by legit members that we do not accept cheaters in our game. Plain and simple.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 15th 2017, 14:58:47

Well. If anyone needs a not personal reason that LaF should die, you got it. They always cheated to win and they still after everything never quit cheating.

Zorp looked at me and said I was bringing up stuff from a decade ago when I talked of LaF cheating, scamming and manipulating to Relaxlah. Turns out, I was talking about today.

Its funny now to me that syko accused us of multies earlier in the set. Guess its one of those things like when your girlfriend thinks you are cheating on her. It's just a projection of what she would do if she were in your position.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 15th 2017, 14:53:32

They never stopped. Mods are just active now.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 15th 2017, 7:26:23

Go there or come here. Idk. Somewhere that makes you happy. You're welcome to use your turns against laf or for them. Just don't want you to feel left out lol. Elders is funner tho. We way less butthurt and salty when we say war to a clan and then get hit.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 15th 2017, 7:11:35

Lol, hellrush. Yes. Hahaha

As an amendment, this whole war is about Full Fast Lemmers.

Can you tag over already? Hahaha. This war needs someone like you. Message me bro. You clearly want in. Just jelly we having it without ya. Hahaha.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 15th 2017, 6:23:01

Meh. I'd like this conversation more if Vic or tob showed up for it. Again, talk to them. Our pact was essentially nulled over if it comes to specifics on AT, $280b in reps that we didnt owe for a suicider. As has been pointed out, our pact shows nothing about detaggers, only about fs.

I tried to give you boys 100% every time as an effort to keep would be suiciders off you. It wasnt good enough. When Vic publicly broke pact on AT I contacted Tob directly. I plainly offered the reps and retals that I could offer in an effort to prevent suiciders to laf. Also denied.

I did all I seriously could. I know you don't trust us but hell, after taking 6 weeks of insults from Elders I think it should be known that I did all I could. When I heard fluff the maximum you can give without preventing suiciders and see you on the battlefield our boys put boots on the the ground. It's as simple as that.

And I also can't help that killing laf means you automatically acquire laf's suiciders. Sorry people hate you guys so much I guess? Perhaps be nicer.

Point is this all could have been avoided if laf hadn't told us to fluff off. Many elders leaders wanted a clean war with sol.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 15th 2017, 5:02:35

Excuses excuses. What kinda 1:1 war you want? You had a 15 member advantage lol. Guess they'd have to kick you to make it truly fair lol

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 15th 2017, 4:35:13

Lol. Laf fanboy cracking me up.

Look. Yall can talk to tob and Vic. I'm not one to sit around waiting to get hit. Tob can confirm that war on. fluff was practically arranged.

And just so you know. I look forward to war with sol. Should be fun. Love yas

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 15th 2017, 2:41:58

Well. You guys were gonna break it or we were going to break it or it was already broken or something. He told me directly laf would hit us...

Also. We're hoping to knock this war out by the 23rd for our dearest sol. But if not. You are obviously invited to join. Looking forward to it still. Not fluffing out on that at all.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 15th 2017, 2:30:24

Do I need to post a link to the pic where don tob told me Vic said fluff the pact and war was on about 12 hours before this FS? Or do you all just believe me? Vic or tob should confirm shortly. If not I did screen shot it.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 14th 2017, 18:58:42

We all knew Cuban didnt have 3 friends, didnt we?

Prime is 1a mod now. Everyone say hooray for active mods!

Hip hip

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 14th 2017, 18:52:51

Ffa did disappear for a handful of sets back in like 1995 or something just before the move swirve if I'm not mistaken but I could totally be wrong. Thats happened once before.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 14th 2017, 18:40:44

Also, if you think none of your members have residual bad feelings, you should maybe say hi to a handful of your members sometime. I think gerd is aight sometimes but to say gerd has no residual ill will toward elders is a farce. I'm sure he will let you know that he does hate us, has hated us and will continue hating us lol

Edited By: DerrickICN on Sep 14th 2017, 18:44:58
See Original Post

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 14th 2017, 18:31:04

Also, I'm well manned up to take your hot steamy load on my chin, baby. Smooch xoxoxo

You need to use better insulting terms. Particularly ones that apply. We arent complaining. We hope laf and sol both hit us. Would be hilarious to see how many sol quit because their tag is being lafdogs. I'm genuinely curious. Lol.

Heyyyy batter batter batter heyyyyyy batter batter batter a swing a batter

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 14th 2017, 18:27:10

You right. Its awful irresponsible of us to spend our time playing a text based game when we should be spending time with our families. Lol

Irresponsible? Really? What was I supposed to be responsible for? Lol.

We are a war clan. The only responsibility I can think of is the responsibility to find wars and make em happen. Mission seems all but accomplished. So my responsibilities have been handled proper haha.

Irresponsible.... Hahaha

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 14th 2017, 17:40:15

Nahhh. Laf gonna ab fs oop next. Duh haha.

Ive been a fan of this idea but truthfully it won't make us feel any better about each other. Not gonna help anything. *shrugs*

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 14th 2017, 13:59:35

Btw. Sol and Laf are welcome to gangbang us together. Could be more of a history lesson for the folks over at red that we like war in all shapes and sizes.

I didnt see this set getting super fun coming. :)

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 14th 2017, 13:57:12

Lol. Fight one war with someone else and you're forever known as gangbangers.

I built houses for a few years. People live in them. Do they call me derrick the builder? No.

But suck one fluff and immediately I'm a fluffsucker

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 13th 2017, 6:47:25

Lol, you mean those old ass posts from yesterday where the president of LaF said our pact was voided and broken? I'll move on when people start looking for a diplomatic solution to our current trifles.

But I will say this. I like your attitude. I share it with my tag. It's a good attitude. I 100% approve of it. Two snaps.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 12th 2017, 20:28:52

We in that position right now where if LaF hits us, we already broke pact, but if we hit laf, the pact still exists and then we broke it. Hard to keep up with the spin cycle. Its like trying to watch a single kid on a merry-go-round for about 5 hours. Haha

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 12th 2017, 20:25:23

Spin yourself into a whole tornado haha.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 12th 2017, 4:39:00

Ya know, its funny. Tag jumping, 72 hour retal windows, etc are all typically terms in a pact.

Common terms as they are:

Tags will accept responsibility for the actions of their members for 72 hours after they detag has been a term in many of our standard term pacts. It is not a term, however, in our pact with laf. Thus, there being no line in our pact regarding detagging countries, it should be noted that we take no responsibility with their actions. We do however take responsibility in several other pacts we signed over the sets.

Another typical line:

Retals will be 1:1 or 100% l:l in the case of a topfeed.

Our pact reads that all retals will be worked out in an agreed upon way by FA's. There's grey area due to the fact that it doesn't account for when we dont reach an agreement. Ive offered a fair solution to that problem which was not accepted. I offered you a 1:1 retal where your guy gains 10,000 acres and loses $700m. Our guy gains 4k acres. Omega loses nothing and Lenga gains $700m and loses 7k acres. Considering the circumstances and the fact that we hate each other, I believe it was a handsome gesture. No one loses and everyone gains. Your choice to not accept that. Either way it does not violate the terms of our pact.

On the third time. The topfeeding of a demo, I assume you're talking about relaxlah. We paid 100% l:l for that. After ghosts relaxlah gained about 3k acres. Saying we didnt pay for that is absolutely silly.

Pacts typically have about 10 terms which cover a whole variety of situations which our pact does not cover. Our pact simply reads that we will not FS each other. Therefore the only way to break the pact is by fsing.

For the record:

Terms of WFS pact with LaF:
1) We won't FS each other even in defense of our allies
2) All hits and ops will be worked out between clan FAs.

One could say the pact was nullified by the inability for FA's to work out a solution to a problem with a detagging country.

Or one could say the pact can only be broken by FSing.

Either way. You can message me signing off on the pact and I will happily sign back nullifying it. Or you could deal with the fairness in handling FA issues that you've been approached with. Or you can break pact. Frankly I dont care which it is. But if you break that pact, you're only further justifying your suiciders who've targeted you specifically for manipulating other clans and cheating throughout the decades.

Keep the spin going, I get that its hard to see the other side of things sometimes. But we were more than fair until +7k acres was not enough for you and you demanded $800b in reps for something that is not even covered in our pact. Then break the pact because we won't abide by your wanting the cake and eating it too. Or have some honor and let's sign a nullification so you can at least have some moral high ground.

I could have just as easily told you guys to get fluffed from the first exchanges of hits, but I tried to be fair because I was looking forward to a friendly with the SOL boys. No I won't give you $800b for a country not tagged elders. And no, I won't give you 4 hits on a country that is already ahead 4k acres on exchanges. Maybe old previous lafdogs would. But sorry, you dont push us around if you like netting.

Never forget. Every set we war is a win for elders and a loss for LaF.

Id like to invite laf netters who care more about netting than laf to join clans like Monsters, Evo, Rage or Omega. There you shall find shelter. LaF has more interest on fighting than playing fair. And it seems from this post, LaF's leadership has already said the pact is null.

LaF has a horrible history of farming small tags, cheating & multi connections. Its leader is Vic/vickylar/mr clear/mr mango/rj. A man who cheated so bad he signed pacts with himself. A clan that has run great small tags off the server as farmland before the bots. A clan that forced allies to pay reps for RIVAL suiciders that hid in allied tags for sets. They've scammed, they've cheated and they've stayed on top because of it.

Sometimes dragons are created by man's greed.

Fight fire with fire LaF. Or die trying.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Sep 12th 2017, 4:50:37
See Original Post

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 11th 2017, 22:08:17

Omega gonna fs stones. Smk and havoc will be the only two members to show up for chats but they still win the war 3 kills to 2.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 11th 2017, 13:29:35

I'm sorry bro. I only played as one person in my day.

I have been and always will be Derrick of ICN.

Sometimes even Bilbo Baggins of The Shire lives in Rivendell.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 11th 2017, 1:15:46

400% l:l ROR's on unapproved retals over 1:1


DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 4th 2017, 1:19:26

I mean. Dude did just come right out and say your tech is delicious.

Even though us elders have a history of being fluffs, we typically know what each other are doing. We talk about it frequently. I'm just saying, it isnt us ATM. If you are getting your tech stole, I'm damn near certain it isnt us.

Anyone else getting fails? Perhaps you all should group warchat kill #67 because hes already been outed once. See if it stops. I'm sure a number of clans would be willing to help, but probably not us since we arent being targeted.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 31st 2017, 23:21:27

Part of me was wondering if that wasn't #310 from last set but we've had no espionage against us and #310 was ruthless last set.

Or maybe hes just not doing it to us because we killed him.

Hard to say.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 30th 2017, 0:40:02

Originally posted by SPARTACUS:
No wonder Elders are a bunch of awesome people.

Thanks friend!

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 30th 2017, 0:38:16

Hmm. I'm gonna call this resolved.

We won't retal your retals. They appear to be acknowledged as fair from all parties and I dont think a double tap is overkill especially because you failed one.

I'm cool with it if you are cool with it.

If not, find me or Dissi or azn or something on IRC. I'm typically idling in #earthempires. Pretty easy dude to find if I'm not there.

But yeah... Mostly I'm cool if you're cool.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 28th 2017, 1:42:28

Thats correct.

Suncrusher will confirm shortly.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 28th 2017, 0:59:19

Yeah. I'm for it. It's pretty crazy. Might as well add top10 in. They getting suicided now too. Its a little absurd this set. Like 12 countries suiciding on a 60 country server lol

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 26th 2017, 17:53:49

Aye, cheers

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 26th 2017, 17:45:29

Thank you Maki. I understandably over react when I have someone pinging me on irc calling me an idiot and threatening to cause problems if I dont send him money. I get aggressive in my contact lol.

I appreciate your timely response. I'll remain on scourge and ee all day if you need to contact me further.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 26th 2017, 17:40:33

1. a statement of an intention to inflict pain, injury, damage, or other hostile action on someone in retribution for something done or not done.

"Send me $50m or we will have problems"

Hmm. I donno. Its still in my message inbox. And its still looking like a threat. And yes. I'm exactly 5. Good guess.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 26th 2017, 17:03:30

You also need to start thinking about how I wasn't one of the ones that trashed you for harboring this cheater. I actually gave the dude a chance like you said. Glad to see that's rewarded with threats.