
DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 13th 2023, 0:16:10

Lol, this is the most performative thing I’ve seen in a while. They got literally everyone they know to make their first forum posts outside of bonus in years. How y’all been? Lol. Ingle has only one other post in the last 4 years and it’s a literal period on a bonus thread lol. They went thru the whole woodwork to rally participation in this thread.

You know what, kudos syko. It’s cool to see you can rally the troops. We’re all proud of you. If this actually matters and anyone ever references it seriously, let me know and I’ll do the same with rallying no votes as well. Very silly and performative is all this is.

You know what, I abstain from this vote because the vote lacks merit and is just a performative display. Hopefully they can make the same activity and performance on the battlefield next set where people like sui and I begrudgingly play together to give an emphatic NO to LaF. And we will see who is actually winning the numbers game.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Dec 13th 2023, 0:22:15
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DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 10th 2023, 2:17:35

Also: re chevs:

Qz does actually listen. It’s actually just that so few people who play the majority meta of this game talk to him whereas LaF be lighting up his phone.

Often when I’m speaking to him he acts like I’m the first person who mentioned killing war being bad for the politics meta. For what it’s worth, if y’all messaged him as much as LaF on discord he might just be tryna find a middle ground and has a lot more ppl supporting one side from what he hears. I think it’s very worth people who actually play the game to say something to him instead of letting me be the only voice. I’m a drunk who doesn’t play this game. Having me represent your meta is bad form.

Just talk more than LaF in DMs to him and you’ve won. There’s more of you than there is LaF so like…play your numbers and message that man that the game sucks. I promise he’s a good dude and will listen. It can’t just be me against all 18 LaF players, which is the current state of what’s in his ears. Do better.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Dec 10th 2023, 2:21:18
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DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 10th 2023, 2:07:28

BH teeth comment actually got me a lil belly laugh. Lol.

Apparently 6 figures makes you rich these days. Elon will be along shortly to say it’s literally nothing. Apparently it’s a fluffload in West Virginia tho. You might have well invented the spork.

What a good thread tho. Quite literally the highest I’ve ever seen a player of the game I respect (yeah I said it) in TC, BHole soliciting fluff pics, a pile of OGs that never post laughing about said fluff pics and sui making less than a million dollars sound rich. This one has it all.

Can someone explain inflation to sui tho? I don’t think he understands how his pension is likely gonna get fluffed and I’m not the one to do it because he hates me for being gay.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Dec 10th 2023, 2:10:01
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DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 8th 2023, 23:38:22

I’ll be honest. I tried to smoke enough to make any sense out of the last post but apparently TC is on some better stuff.

I’ll let you guys know later if mushrooms help. I haven’t seen someone talk like that outside of Burning Man before, tho, so it may require a pretty heroic dose.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 8th 2023, 18:18:13

So something different than what I said is true? It’s not like you’re out here changing anybody’s mind, you know? Buncha stubborn grumpy old fluffers in this game who already have their minds made up about everything, yourself included. And you also know no one is reading this fluff that actually matters in terms of the direction of the game.

Again, whether the post has merit or not, I can only see the point of the OP as one of two things:

1) You wanted some cheese with your whine
2) To maintain/grow the seeds of hatred to make people seem more toxic than they actually are.

My assumption is 2 because I’m assuming you didn’t just come here to complain and cry to a bunch of grown men. That’s a compliment, I wouldn’t assume the same of BHole for example.

You know for a fact no one will read this post and be like “you know what, TC is right, I should be nicer to LaF.” The only thing that would do that is actually the opposite. Shaking some hands, coddling some egos and working some politics.

Since your goal seems to be the opposite, I have to wonder why. And I’m speculating, but it seems you think people hating LaF is good for some reason. I’d assume because keeping the tension proves points about the toxicity of war if you spin them right.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Dec 8th 2023, 18:27:15
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DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 8th 2023, 16:26:57

I actually think TC makes posts like this to continue to stir the pot and keep the tension. He’s acutely aware the devs don’t like the drama, so he’s maintaining the drama so he can say “see I told you so” to the devs.

Maybe giving him too much credit but the alternative of him being this big of a crybaby fluff and continuing to twist the screws of LaF hate actually makes less sense to me.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 7th 2023, 6:54:26

Originally posted by BlackHole:
I've been here for a year. You know what players have constantly, publicly, name-called, harassed, and generally acted like a-holes to everyone? All the players in Sol/f/mercs.

You claim LaF has run people out of the game through their gameplay. And maybe that's true. But I am talking about forum behavior and antics. And I've been saying this for a literal year.

What do you feel like war should look like?

You’ve been actively at war, arguably suiciding at times, against a certain subset of the game during potentially some of the most detrimental changes to the game that essentially eliminates their meta!

I mean cmon dog, I’m one of the ones that plays both sides and we are rare, but toxic folks exist on all sides and only a fool would say it’s not mutual.

War and politics are essential to this game, period. It’s why we are all still here. If this was bot farm zilla in 2011 this game would have never survived. You just chose to align with LaF so everyone else has been mean to you because no one likes LaF.

That’s your bad bro, you gotta fix your politics.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 6th 2023, 18:57:01


We all know you already liked this meta lol.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 3rd 2023, 0:31:32

You can say it’s not a thread for argument as much as you want. Making disingenuous statements about people tho, and expecting them not to argue with you is actually insane tho. I’m a war dog on this server and I would specifically come back, and more importantly, start paying again. So at least change your zero to a one. Stop with the conjecture bud, and you’ll receive no arguments.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 3rd 2023, 0:03:59

There’s solidly a difference between “game ending” and “LaF ending” TC. LaF has 18 total members and the 40 plus war dogs leaving was clearly worse for player retention than actually completely eliminating LaF twice. It might be game ending for you guys, but I suspect there’s a middle ground where no meta gets priority and we do our best to retain players of all types. That’s where the solution lies and if those 18 people can’t deal with it, it’s far less of an issue than the 3x LaF membership level including myself that quit playing and more specifically quit paying. It’s likely only 6-8 LaF members actually pay for premium. That’s hardly a loss at all. “Game ending” is a little extreme. 8 people is a small fraction of the whole community.

I’ll use my post to echo Auk. Option 3 and allowing a full turn save (72 hours) is the best route with the surrender option only being available after 5-7 days or 2 weeks of war.

That all said, I think a combination of 2&3 is necessary at this point to both fix IRC and to debug clanGDI. And if only one answer works, I think the obvious answer is 2. Fixing the broken stuff would be my main priority.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Dec 3rd 2023, 0:08:38
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DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 29th 2023, 1:54:19

You guys wanna fight a liberal today but I voted for John McCain and KoH and I are maybe the only folks who talked about it (because he didn’t vote for McCain btw and called The Maverick a war criminal lol). You’re not fighting a social justice warrior, you’re fighting a conservative who doesn’t like the n word.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Nov 29th 2023, 1:58:52
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DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 29th 2023, 1:33:18

New iPhone user double post. Mb

I’ll use it to reiterate that there ought to be a line tho. Never been against the jokes,in fact, my jokes about pedophelia and such make KoH laugh hard. People here, however, struggle with those jokes because they have children. It’s different, I think, when you don’t have the people in your life you’re oppressing.

It’s good you guys eliminated “those people,” but I will continuously challenge you on it. I’ll lose and have no support and I don’t care because I am stoic in my beliefs. Stuff like that is wrong. Period.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Nov 29th 2023, 1:48:00
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DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 29th 2023, 1:16:12

Tried to type a hypothetical here and failed so I’ll do literal. And mind you, this is literal:

If someone says “go pick cotton you f1-king ni—er” I don’t necessarily think that the player who quit left the game for the wrong reasons, and I also don’t feel like we shouldn’t talk about it. Literally watched it happen and literally watched a player quit the game because he didn’t have support defending himself.

I actually think it’d be very adult of us to address it.

It’s not about the horrible tribulations of being a white man being so hard. It’s actually just about not wanting anyone who says fluff like that around me. Very simple.

Like, all this boomer conversation is correct, you guys are right. But don’t you have a line? Sheesh.

Dudes like you should realize, cath, you’re the reason we can’t have funny race jokes anymore, because you dudes are serious and it makes the whole thing not funny.

I think “cut it out unless your intention is to be funny” ought to be a very easy line. But there ought to be a line at all.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Nov 29th 2023, 1:49:12
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DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 29th 2023, 1:12:07

You mean Kramer? I was literally recommending Doug Stanhope sets with Alex Jones very recently. Big difference between comedy and bigotry. Also very unfortunate people struggle with that difference. I like funny things, just dislike hateful things. There’s a difference.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 28th 2023, 14:46:22

You ever notice Benjamin Netanyahu has a Philly accent? Man says wooder instead of water and people for some reason think he’s foreign lol.

Might be more noticeable because I live around that accent, but he’s clearly a Philadelphian.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Nov 28th 2023, 14:48:36
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DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 28th 2023, 1:54:28

Told you BH. Some folks ain’t worth it, and are also a losing battle.

For what it’s worth I hope those acres are outside of West Virginia for whatever reason.

I’m certain I have more annual income and respect from people than that guy, and funny enough, I can only thank earth folk for it. I spent years and years of my life homeless and honestly earth peeps harvested me out of it and paid to make me successful.

Did you know Trump, W Bush and Clinton were all born within 6 weeks of each other in the summer of 1946? I think he’s kinda one of those. Biden is even 1942 and you can tell how he’s slightly different not having done the summer of love. We just sorta have to wait for them to die to quit fluffing the world up. I’ll leave roses on his grave and pray for him but I surely won’t speak because I have few positive things to say. And if I was him, I’d be bummed out that my legacy is being thought of as the bigot everyone defended in an online game.

Life is short, and he’s missing out on great people to deliver his eulogy lol.

Anyways, I’m a Christian and I hope your health is well sui. I mean it too. I know your “Christian values” never made you give a fluff about me, but the book says to be better than the worst you know, so I aspire at least to be less of a fluffhead racist sexist POS than you, god bless. At least I learned goalposts from the game.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Nov 28th 2023, 2:03:29
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DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 26th 2023, 14:01:46

For sure the culture wars are as much a war of class with the intention of keeping similarly poor people divided as anything. The rich stay rich and the poor stay poor. If all poor people were united, it’d be extremely difficult to keep them all poor, so wars of culture over race, religion (ie abortion rights), gender, etc. tend to be continuously kept in the forefront, with the intention of keeping the poor fighting instead of uniting and fighting oppression together.

To me, that doesn’t excuse any behavior tho, and make things that increase those divides ok. People choose much of the path they take in life, and one can choose to avoid derision and negativity. Which again, is the actual point here. I know I’m not the one to bring everyone together singing Kumbaya. I just know I don’t like that stuff around me so I avoid people that are entrenched in beliefs that are divisive and even harmful.

I’m not telling anyone to change. I’m just explaining why I avoid certain folks. The question was “why doesn’t Derrick respond to certain people,” and this is my answer. I also tend to avoid conversation with people in my family with problematic and negative views of society they wish to share as well. It’s one way I’ve found to make my personal experience in life more positive, and prevent the cynicism that can cause depression and an inability to help elevate those around me. I can’t make oppression stop, and if I could, I’d be winning Nobel prizes instead of a few sets of Earth 2025 lol. I can, however, avoid some of its terrors. And that’s a choice.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Nov 26th 2023, 14:27:11
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