
DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 26th 2023, 3:19:59

I’m not painting anything any way. I’m saying people say racist fluff here regularly and I tend not to associate with it. That’s not a controversial statement. It’s a statement of fact. I wish I were the one bringing it up. I’m very much just a witness that doesn’t associate with certain people for, I think, obvious reasons.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Nov 26th 2023, 3:26:11
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DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 26th 2023, 1:09:50

Yeah there definitely isn't any third world people suffering because of racial inequality and whatnot, nah mean?

Cmon man. You even know that stuff should at least be frowned on and it's wild I'm the only one who says something.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Nov 26th 2023, 1:14:04
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DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 25th 2023, 22:50:26

Originally posted by SuperFly:
if i am vibing to some rap music and singing the song word for word; is it kewl if I say the N word or should i keep silent over the N word even though i am alone in the car signing?

Answer for yourself, bro. If a tree falls in the woods....

That hypothetical is as old as time. I think you're both intelligent and mature enough to know the answer. And you're intelligent and mature enough to know that's not what I'm talking about.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 25th 2023, 22:31:18

I mean. I'm sure some people are cool with the n word being dropped in chat by white folks and others aren't. I'm also not assuming certain clans don't do a better job with it than others. I can really only speak to the reasons Kendrick, DontMess and several others left the game, and my own personal opinion having witnessed it and finding it dispicable.

It's also hella ironic y'all jumped on that point and pointed out your 1 black friend. "I'm not racist, I have 1 black friend" is like a Meme lol. Either way. Man wanted history so I pointed out why I don't respond with certain people in the game. That's the main point. Again, I'm over having a convo with Sui about anything, for reasons related to people like Kenny and DM. That's why buch and I kinda don't fluff with each other either. I don't like that stuff around me.

If yall mean to make the point that it doesn't happen here, you're either purposely ignorant or objectively racist. My 2 cents.

I was in a chat for like 12 minutes talking to someone the other day and saw both racism and sexism in the whole 12 minutes I was there. It's extremely common. But like I said, it's a losing battle asking people not to do that fluff around me. I just get called a snowflake for it and people pile on. It's not like....fixable if I'm the only one who cares.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Nov 25th 2023, 22:49:53
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DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 23rd 2023, 22:19:41

Was hoping you wouldn't burn me too bad Sui lol. Just wanted to say what most know haha.

Originally posted by HH:
Just create a player versus bot server and revert alliance back to what it was. and then on the player versus bot server we could expirment with improving the bots while keeping alliance as much as the old Earth as possible.

But yeah nobody listens to me anyway. +1 bonus

How the fluff could that be possible, you're in LaF!?!?!?!? Just trolling HH. Happy Thanksgiving.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 23rd 2023, 3:57:16

Lol, Sui can tell you more about me than I think I even can. That's my actual worst hater. I've literally campaigned against the way he talks to people because I find it extemely intollerant at a minimum and racist/sexist at its max. We've said some of the most hurtful things people can say to each other over the years, and literally no one on that end of the game supports me. When I call him sexist the women stand up for him and when I call him racist the Mexicans do the same.

Recency bias will say we stopped conflicting and are friends, but it's only because I stopped speaking directly to him so he would stop suiciding me instead of participating in wars when I had little or no support on the issue. Just updating you on history btw. My personal jabs against him sting too much and make me look bad because they are so personal, so I don't make them, and when he calls me out for being bi or ridicules my personal sexual choices or whatever it's just as easy for me to ignore him. Only people who know each other very personally can make those types of insults, and frankly when I engage with him, I feel bad about what I say because I'm an able bodied successful dude. Personal opinion, he became very senile and a nihilist because aging was super unfriendly to him. And that's really all I care to say about it. We had some awesome wars together with RAGE back in the day, but he's a different person now.

Do yourself a favor tho, forum search Derrick with Sui as the author and you'll see nothing but insults. Vise versa and you won't find but a post or 2 in years. I'd generally recommend avoiding that person.

I promise it's just recency making you feel like I'm OK with that dude tho. I just ignore him because it's literally better for both of us if I do. Any other questions about that I'd be glad to answer privately.

As far as Thunder goes tho....he's right. No one cares lol. Particularly the mods and devs, and that's where you run off the rails. But that's not me standing up for fluff or not standing up for fluff. Believe me, I've done it. Sui is just a losing battle for me. Keep in mind I'm generally thought of as a peacekeeper, and a friendly war arranger. Not an enemy of anyone. Certain people actually like that Sui calls me names for being a peacekeeper, and it's a choice I ignore it. That noise isn't good for the game.

If you'd like to have a genuine talk about why there's no black people currently playing this game when they used to represent about 15% of the community, I'd be happy to have that discussion privately. I do actually think that part of this games history is disgusting.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Nov 23rd 2023, 4:34:07
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DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 22nd 2023, 4:40:33

Mmmmm. You know how it goes. The loudest will stay and the quietest will leave. Kinda just gonna be a bummer.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 22nd 2023, 4:37:02

Solid set. Can we unban braden again so we can play? Is there a way to lobby for whiskey posts to be deleted instead of resulting in bans in the case of braden on TT? I can't find him without running a country or him being unbanned and I'm not doing it first.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 21st 2023, 23:45:02

Gerdler will point out this difference between he and I to you anytime.

In his mind, he doesn't let the perfect great idea get in the way of development period. He doesn't let what he knows to be right get in the way of any development at all and subpar changes.

I'm the juxtaposition to that. There's very obvious changes that would improve the game, and as long as those aren't happening, I think it's stupid to change anything.

Logically speaking...those are the two sides of the debate for anyone with an actual voice. For example, clanGDI eliminating suiciding and OOP war has merit. It eliminating war makes the whole mechanic stupid, bad for the community and essentially ruins the game. I don't get so hype about development at all that I fail to see it, so I'll call it a bad change despite the merit it has eliminating suiciding.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Nov 21st 2023, 23:48:48
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DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 21st 2023, 23:33:55

Mmmm. I'd be curious to know if the general public knows PM market generation with oil was meant to support a low market pre-bots, not create a new destock meta. Bots absolutely replaced the need for oil generation, and it's thought of as a bad mechanic the community likes. Upon pang checking his game every five years, when he saw all these oil destocks winning was highly disappointed and wanted to remove the mechanic. Winning servers was supposed to be difficult and those of us winning with hybrid types are more what he imagined.

The actual oil destock removes a lot of the skill it took to win netting, and has hurt the game and made it basically market play/bot farming to determine the winner rather than actual skill. It's pretty unanimously recognized as trash that makes people like me able to win without much math.

People know I support changes I like, and have no problem disagreeing with ones that are bad. I think continuously increasing the total of bots also hurts because bots instead of players control markets, which also makes the game easier to win, and degrades the spirit of the game. Things that used to require talent have been replaced with turns spent bot farming and whoever farms the most bots wins. I don't like any of the stuff you mentioned, syko. *shrugs*

As much as Sui and I have no love for each other, I want you to know he's winning this argument because what you mention as good changes are not thought of as good by most of the community or developers.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Nov 21st 2023, 23:40:28
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DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 21st 2023, 2:10:24

Originally posted by Turtle Crawler:
Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Your scope is so limited lol. I dunno. LaF got FSed 2 times in the last 5 years and started the hitting once. After those sets signed a CF that would have lasted the next year, had changes not gone into effect. That's hardly "getting forced to war every set." That's getting forced to war twice in a 5 year period.

From what I can tell, Gerdler made some people mad that generally aren't all mad at LaF at the same time. SOL and SoF, for example, have often aligned with LaF. The fact that they were all mad at LaF at once says more about LaF than it does the opposition.

Further, Elders membership at its peak was essentially a rag-tag group of people from a variety of small tags that LaF had repeatedly harassed and threatened over the years. When a group with essentially only that in common come together, and grow to a point of being as large and powerful, it also says more about LaF than it does its former victims that they were unable to run off. You made more enemies than you have players in your tag, and you want to blame the fact that, what, your enemies worked together?

Again, I think you're being intentionally naive and biased rather than having open discourse, so it's hardly worth talking sense with you. All I'll say is an old adage that it "takes two to tango." If you've made more enemies than allies recently, you were quite simply playing the politics poorly. It's not more complicated than that.

If I'm wrong, why then is hitting LaF such a powerful recruitment tool? It can't just be that you were always super sweet folks that 100s of people dislike for no reason... You'd of course never admit to anything tho, because you have no desire to find a middle ground. And that's what frustrates the hell out of people like PDM, KoH and myself who constantly live there.

Making over half of a community mad AND simultaneously doing literally nothing to try to reconcile that anger is a wild CHOICE for anyone desiring peace in any aspect of life.

Your post is essentially a "might makes right" rationalization. These are the things you've used to justify your own behavior, but aren't actually logical. The ability to form a YAALC (yet another anti LaF coalition) didn't create a moral imperative, doesn't mean it's good for the game, doesn't really mean anything at all beyond the ability to do it. They also couldn't possibly convince anyone about any of those things., which is why they are nothing but a self rationalization. You know this, and now you know that I know that you know it. You are no different than those who came before you, who all failed and lost, just like you have yet again. Really you lost the second you made your coalition to be against something rather than for something, the negative aspects of a goal always lead to failure.

Compared to LaF, which always builds itself, always looks to improve itself, all positive goals. So we always win in the end.

It's why the only real way to defeat LaF is to do the same. Evo was an attempt at that once upon a time. Notice how they are still around and put up T10s. Monsters and PDM aren't trying to destroy others and they do great.

But you, you misbehave to the point of server admins having to add protections into the game itself. You and your strategies have been judged (correctly) as griefing. And because you have no positive goals you quit. That's the true state of your YAALC.

Idk. Go look at my profile TC. It's easy to find. I'm top 20 in lots of netting stats on this server and FFA. You're speaking to masses rather than speaking directly to me. Try to speak to me rather than a group of people, and I'll give you mutual respect in return, bud. I only played the set you guys hit the other side and won and I started late lol. You're being grandiose for no reason and you're not speaking to the correct person doing it at all. Literally nothing you said was a response to me, it was a point to people I occasionally play with.

...and you look like a fool because those people know most of all none of what you said about me is true.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 21st 2023, 0:52:08

Yeah I think the whole idea was the great wars of 100s again in 2025. Not that all these folks would come back for nostalgia purposes and like....treehug. It's not realistic anymore. No one is gonna come back for nostalgia purposes to learn the FFO farming 350k bot acres and oil/hybrid destocking meta. That is simply for diehard current netters only, and while it might pique the curiosity of a handful, simply won't appeal to the masses.

I think it's unlikely we retain membership in 2025 anywhere close to like...numbers here a couple years ago....or even a couple months ago.

I think under these current mechanics, the game is too bad to have a proper reunion set. Unfortunately for netter only cry to qz types, it was gonna be big wars or it was gonna be lame. And now the lameness is guaranteed. Unfortunately the big parties DANGER was planning got rained on. I think we're just stuck with each other and a few people who drop by for a sec and see how bad the meta is, probably mess up hitting one of the few tags not in clanGDI, get smoked and dip.

Also, by then following current trends of membership, there will only be about 60 players left by then. So I's not gonna be a thing. Sorry to people like trumper and BEM who came back for it. At least you came back early enough to see why it won't happen. But boy does it suck for everyone else.

I also think there's no way in hell the BEM's and Derrick's of the game are able to convince those folks to go to team for the old game. Unless it is called "classic" or "earth2025" while 1a gets renamed "safe space," I think it's unlikely to convince someone who hasn't played the game in ages to sign up for additional servers after the first ones they invariably try.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Nov 21st 2023, 1:01:53
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DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 20th 2023, 18:30:29

I definitely fell asleep on my phone and the zoom on a bunch of stuff is super wonky. I need to buy a new phone anyways. I broke a headphone plug off in my jack, and now my phone can't make sounds and honestly, still having an Android phone when I run my businesses off a MacBook Pro and can't even air drop myself stuff is a wild way to live. It's probably just time to buy an iPhone than figure out what I messed up.

That all said, Prime, I'm not paying for premium when I don't have any countries. Just be happy I still frequent the site considering I could be just another statistic of people who have left this game in the last few months. Im sure I'm generating a few cents in PPC affiliate marketing campaigns because my phone is messed up and i have to click the ads and hit back to close them. I'll play again if clanGDI gets fixed, but unfortunately I'm not investing in pang bux under the current mechanics. I'm sure you can understand why even if I played, I wouldn't pay for pang bux currently as a form of silent protest. And I say that as a person who has continuously been willing to donate to this game, as indicated by my Patron status. I'm currently not willing to donate to a game headed in a bad direction that's killing the community. I previously kept my premium up even if I wasn't playing. Currently tho, that ship has sailed and I'm disappointed the 2025 celebration will be boring and not worth playing.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Nov 20th 2023, 18:36:03
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DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 20th 2023, 2:31:55

Ohhhhh. It's that they programmed a strip along the top that says Ads that covers the ability to close the ad. Lol. God bless these developments! Lol

At least mine are for sick ass minor league baseball team hats like the Beer City Bung Hammers and the Hickory fluffory Docks. If yall dripped as much as me you'd probably prefer the ads to this site lol.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Nov 20th 2023, 2:35:22
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DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 20th 2023, 2:23:12

Did someone on the site make the mobile frames funny or is it that I laid on my phone funny? The text looks 1/3 bigger but I can no longer close the ads without fully changing the zoom on my screen lol.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 20th 2023, 2:16:13

Never will forget when people privately spoke about this and decided as people they didn't care, that set weezy hit PANLV in FFA and named his countries "Ridsect of Joeskin"...

Which is funny because they go by "Joeskin of SOL" and "Ridsect of SoF." I think he both won the war and made a joke with his country names I remember like 6 years later lol. Not an all time EE joke for me, but pretty damn close.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 20th 2023, 2:10:13

Lol. I'm just so glad no one reads these boards anymore. They used to get so mad I'd snitch on everyone publicly lol.

Now, probably just you and I and maybe Prime who also already knows this saw this. I'm honestly good with it lol

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 19th 2023, 22:59:35

Lol. Playing 32 countries is wild. God bless that man.