
DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 9th 2023, 6:46:02

Smokey yes they were doing spy ops in advance. Unless they are harmful ops those are completely normal. Harmful ops are 1:kill but Intel ops are 1000% allowed. That's literally how warchats happen on time.

The west coast/east coast mistake happens a lot, and is forgivable. Most wardogs are American and these things do happen. The day early part is a bad look, tho. If it's American times it's definitely American days. You kinda can't explain that away.

It's OK tho, darkness has many friends and can mess with the war way better than you.... I'd go with no harm/no foul....but being a day off is wholly light side's bad.

You're 27 hours off and kinda deserve a war you were 27 hours off for. The drama is unwarranted unless you surprisingly win....

Unfortunately Taker's crew hitting you can only be stopped by your own politicking after you took them on last set, or by darkness, who you were 27 hours off for....tough situation I think. I think you sorta have to deal with a lack of politics going into the war there, because taker would absolutely stop if asked to stop by any old head, but won't be asked to because of the FS advantage.

I have this as "an arranged war a few parts fell apart on but the players adapted and made it fun."

Edited By: DerrickICN on Nov 9th 2023, 7:02:38
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DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 9th 2023, 3:28:48

So wait. What happened?

Sounds like Light thought it was west coast time and the Dark thought it was East Coast. Sounds like an honest mistake and Freedom joining should make up for the FS advantage.

As a neutral party, I think ya'll are square. Mistakes were made but mistakes happen. That's why you use GHQ time or Earth time (GMT). Literally 8pm east coast and 5pm west coast is 0s normal time. I wouldda been like 9 hours early lol.

I think yall are good tho if yall chill.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 7th 2023, 2:42:53

I don't think anyone in the game should be poor really. Maybe just personal experience, but I've paid for multiple members of the game to get their drivers licenses back and work on upstarts. And that's merely paying it forward from people who shot me bucks for my business. It's way to small and too close a community for anyone of us to struggle. We're actually better than that.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 7th 2023, 2:37:26

Would be hilarious if you were actually mehul. He ran a coffee shop in Austin for a bit and I got to meet him. Alright dude.

I'd believe you are fingolfin tho, is that true? You were a busy af FA if so...

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 6th 2023, 4:33:41

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
I'm comfortable in my 5 figures, hobbies, family and friends, when I had my own business with 6 figures I had more stress, no hobbies and hardly spent time with family and friends, fluff that.

A lot of it depends on where you live. 80k would be very difficult to live on in NYC. But also you'd be 3rd richest man in Debuque, Iowa...

But yeah I grind wake up until I'm asleep with work and do very little communication with family and friends. People start crying when they see me at weddings and such in RL because I put massive gaps in between my social life and my work. Business starts and 9am and bars close at 2am. When I wake up, I start, and when I fall asleep, I'm done lol. It's my whole life.

Currently I think I like it better than having a social life tho. People suck so bad lol, and bar work by nature is very social.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 6th 2023, 4:08:13

Idk dudes. I'm not bragging but I do kinda operate the busiest sports bars in the busiest sports city in America. Are you sure he ain't 4th? All I'm saying lol. I feel slighted for being a dumb talkative stoner here. Lol

I'm just saying I bet he's low 6 figures and I also would bet if that's true that we're probably close lol. I got sui's pension/disability/investments as ahead of me lol. Taker cashing out as a lifetime business owner as miles ahead. Lol.

I have me and TC around the same amount and have myself as like.......23rd of the 50 players left lol. Braden makes more on a smoke break than I do in a week lol.

My mom's broke hippy ass would say that the amount of money you make doesn't matter. It only matters how rich you are in love and understanding. I feel more like 8th of 50 in that stat where TC is for sure near the bottom lol.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Nov 6th 2023, 4:25:56
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DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 5th 2023, 2:27:48

Found it fast:

All timer I swear. You can skip Alex Jones when he gets into the 9/11 stuff. It's annoying to hear it 20 years later. The crowd really makes it. An absolutely topical comedy set 20 years too early I think haha.

(On a person joining the military to escape poverty....)"There's other other ways to get college money. That kid's an idiot and college wasnt going to help. You can suck a fluff, you can steal some car radios. Rob a pallet of fluff off that Ford truck at Home Depot. Sell it out of a van at a highway offramp. Swing around the pole a few times, Jessica Lynch, and you'll have plenty of college money and never leave West Virginia."

" long as people who kinda who want to go kill other people, are going to kill other people, who kinda want to kill other people, you're killing all the right people, and opening up some pretty important parking spaces that we desperately need. Because people who kinda want to kill other people are the last people that I want to party with, because I get mouthy when I drink."

Just legendary crowd interaction stuff.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Nov 5th 2023, 3:07:48
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DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 5th 2023, 2:09:06

Lol KoH. Bill Hicks (RIP) had this great bit about being "for the war, but against the troops." Like, it's pretty good that people who want to kill other people have a job we can employ them for, rather than interacting with dirtbags like me at the local pub lol.

One person being wrong doesn't automatically make another person correct. People can be wrong simultaneously.

You'd like Doug Stanhope in a video called something like "battle of Austin" on YouTube. He had Alex Jones open for him and just do his radio bits selling diet pills and riling people up, and then goes on to a fully toxic environment of the crowd fighting each other over listening to Alex Jones for 20 minutes, and just runs the gamut of abortion jokes, military jokes, etc. It's a 20 year old video, but just being who we are in this community, and knowing you for a while. I think you'd find it all time awesome. I'll turn it up when I get done working lol.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Nov 5th 2023, 2:19:02
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DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 5th 2023, 1:44:05

I hate to do it because I know my audience is primarily conservative...but this argument type is a little bit "haha" for liberals....

Whenever someone's son is about to go down for heinous crimes, they always go "well so, the other guys son is about to go down for heinous crimes too."

Most people where I sit, liberals is who I mostly speak to, would like to see Hunter in prison for being a criminal. Using him as an excuse to commit/justify heinous crimes know...hilarious. Like, if you'd like to compare yourself against the goalposts of Hunter Biden, well, you're a crackhead lol.

It's objectively funny to be an outsider and see folks compare themselves to the worst trash in the game and be like "HE DOES IT TOO."

Syko, even if weezy was a tech nerd exploiting GHQ, it doesn't make what LaF does manipulating developers ok. It wouldn't make what weezy supposedly did ok either, but it's a dumb way to justify inappropriate actions.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Nov 5th 2023, 1:49:10
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DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 2nd 2023, 4:30:30

What do you actually think, Karny? Seriously....level.

These people who "play just to hit LaF." I must realize they are talking about people like me, and are completely off base right?

You do at least realize that's a stupid opinion? Or no...?

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 2nd 2023, 4:07:33

It's not just history man, I've been here happy to warlead any chat against LaF since like 2008 or so...

TC, your idea that people wouldn't have any other effort in the game aside from hitting LaF is objectively wrong. They've been here 25-30 years and people like me hit them super infrequently. I'm not in a small minority of people who, in exchange for you ruining my gaming experience for a decade from like 1998-2008, will jump in when people are hitting you.

It's sorta on you guys to recognize your history with RD for players like me, and particularly TC, you letting Hanlong fully cheat, you as FA just need to be very kind to people. History in this game shows you guys and needing hugs and handshakes over anything else, because you cant cheat anymore.

It truly isn't difficult to make business with people you don't trust, or else you're just a layman in your industry who refuses to make a buck off the village idiot. And let's be clear, you're the biggest idiot if you can't make a buck off anyone. Hustle. Harder.

You could say I only play the server to hit laf, and yet I'm generally netting top finishes on other servers. Perhaps I only play the politics on 1a and you're the bad guy? Have you considered it?

1a membership has plummeted during this and all y'all acting blind to it and contiuing to give bad advice is disappointing. You can literally do better and I know it.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Nov 2nd 2023, 4:23:29
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DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 1st 2023, 17:02:53

Originally posted by Mr Gainsboro:
Originally posted by DerrickICN:

To the OP, LaF was only ever as dominant as their best allies. They'd have been wiped out a few times if it weren't for major warclans lapdogging (colloquially lapdogging in ICN was always called "LaFdogging" because they always had a strong war clan preventing what should be inevitable).

I agree but its the same for everyone. SoL, Mercs, SoF and everyone else would be nothing without their allies.

Even when Makinso was at his peak bromance with you, and SOL was cradling the baby LaF boo, and even when I was at my peak of making fun of speedkill(tm) and Xyle's ego, I still maintained constant relationships with those tags even insofar as to arrange wars with people I'd come on the forums and absolutely flame.

Even if you're spinning wildly on the forums, calling people names and fighting grudge wars, it goes without saying that we've all been here a bazillion years and it ought to be impossibly easy to coexist at this point. Perhaps I'm less bitter than most, and it's a reason I was one of the only ones to cross the line and join LaFwar in MD100, but I think 20 years playing a game together is a genuine connection, and at worst feels brotherly with the people who I feud with most.

Idk man. You guys got extremely cynical and don't want those connections with people anymore. You have to realize at the very least, that something went terribly wrong politically to get to this point. And that can't just be the fault of everyone else.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 31st 2023, 0:33:41

Say that as much as you want, that man made me suicide LaF more than anyone lol.

He killed off no less than 2 small tags I was a part of. Funny enough, when stock stealing ruled all other killing, I hung out in 1st place for 10 days while he was leader...

I still played "alliance server" on jolt when "council server" existed, and was leading a warchat on the dead server with some SOL and SoF members, and they killed me on the main alliance server. Totally backhanded tactics to protect a stockstealer/waller besting LaF solo by some career Lafdogs. Lord am i glad they changed their ways, but I'm still so bitter. At least I collected a chevs type record in the largest landgrab in e2025 history that held til it died. Was probably like 2500 acres or something. Just a normal bot hit these days lol

Ex LaF doesn't feel me. I've been anti-that fluff for 2 decades and it's not just because I'm a hipster. I find the fact they were ever able to do politics with y'all sort of amazing and the fact that you think Gerdy is the bad eh....he's similar lol

For sure doesn't have allies tho...that's a hell of a blunder to try to keep warring the warclans, but make it on your OOP terms instead of surrendering. Gotta know when to pick your punches at the very least. The OOP FS set was political suicide without allies. Any sane person would begin writing a ecology for their tag the next day, I mean...unless the developer will literally change the game for you.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Oct 31st 2023, 0:44:35
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DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 31st 2023, 0:08:24

Part of me came to appreciate the Mr Clears and the SolidSnakes and the h4x0rs of this world very recently.

It's interesting to think about how badly that clan wouldda got fluff on if they hadn't played the politics extremely well....

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 30th 2023, 20:45:28

Originally posted by HH:
I just like to netgain or play arranged wars. I dont like to be suicided on while other people get to netgain in peace.

But back in the days the charm of Earth was ofcourse that you never knew what could happen. But then again, back then everybody had time to play a silly game like this for hours every day
Tbh, qz said something similar to me, essentially that we're all too old to actually put an effort in. To me, those goal posts are extremely odd. If the game was growing at all, it'd be the lazy old farts who should be finding themselves down the barrel of some active young guns. You'd think that would be a better alternative to letting 25 year vets laziness dictate gameplay.

To the OP, LaF was only ever as dominant as their best allies. They'd have been wiped out a few times if it weren't for major warclans lapdogging (colloquially lapdogging in ICN was always called "LaFdogging" because they always had a strong war clan preventing what should be inevitable).

Also, "smear campaigns" are used to undermine someone's good reputation and credibility, of which LaF never had. The above is honest criticism that we all know to be true, not anything disingenuous.

The inevitable conclusion of every single era in LaF's history without the benefit of strong allies was always extremely fragile. It's just unfortunate they're so insulated throughout the game staff, and the end result is sadly a game that will die with them and them alone.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Oct 30th 2023, 20:51:47
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