
DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 25th 2023, 8:04:00

Team server tagging rules are actually elite...people just never realized it.

Sets are short. Tags should have never been allowed to kick their undesirables and let the server deal with them with "48 hour detagging rules." That was always stupid.

Once you're in a tag they can at least be responsible for you for a few weeks. I get it throws a wrench at recruiting, but no one does that anymore anyways.

+1 for team server tagging rules on all clan servers. Once you tag with someone, you shouldn't be able to go behind their back and detag to fluff em. You ought to be held responsible for the duration of that set.

For you LaF garbage humans who hate me, this wouldda avoided how we beat you with ICN reunion set. Support it so it happens, you clowns.

Push qz towards changes he SHOULD be making rather than ones you cry for because the bad man hit you again. The expenses formula, CD being overpowered, etc should have been your main talking points, but instead you decided to be crybaby fluffes.

Here's a chance to get in his ear about something actually positive for the community, rather than fluff that only benefits you.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Oct 25th 2023, 8:17:01
See Original Post

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 25th 2023, 7:59:24


DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 24th 2023, 3:05:11

Only old timers. Lol

Long time old head.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 20th 2023, 20:58:52

Originally posted by Turtle Crawler:
Pacts can't really be enforced by the game unless you had something of a permanent membership in pack, so you couldn't leave it to get around it. people would just make new accounts.

I never understood why multiple accounts are allowed. Seems like just a way to exploit the leaderboards.

But yeah. I mentioned it on the other thread, but even in terms of going around clanGDI, I think team server tagging rules should be implemented in 1a. People can detag netter tags to suicide, people can detag war tags to hit netters, etc.

Need to tie people to the clans they're in.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 20th 2023, 19:02:58

Originally posted by Shweezy:
Originally posted by cyref:
Another Q

Clan A decs on Clan B. Clan B has 48 hours to respond. At the 20th hour Clan B accepts.
Can the shooting start immediately upon Clan B's acceptance? Or do both sides have to wait for a complete 48 hour countdown?

This and many many questions..

Can Clan B retag to IMACOWARD clan and then 1 stays behind to accept, then Clan A automatically win via TNW? Then after IMACOWARD clan reunites with Clan B.. further canceling Clan B ever having to war again?

Loophole #17

Yeah I wouldn't mind seeing Team server tagging rules. Post has merit.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 20th 2023, 14:20:31

Originally posted by Rasp:
Originally posted by cyref:
I have two more questions

- Clans will have a "Defence Account", denominated in $
- Countries in Clan GDI will pay 1% of "GDP" (NW + Expenses), to this account each turn

Does that mean ALL clans will have a Defence Account but only countries in Clan GDI will pay the 1% of GDP?


- Clans >= 5 members can Declare War on other Clans that are >= 5 members (whether or not either are in Clan GDI)
-> the "Defending Clan" will have 48 hours to Accept War or Surrender (after which it is auto-Accepted)

So, whether or not a tag is in Clan GDI, it cannot be surprise attacked? There will always be 48 hours to respond regardless of Clan GDI status?


These questions are far more pertinent.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 20th 2023, 2:56:07

I don't think most netters categorize themselves as pansies and make generalizations about wardogs tbh. Most of the old heads just like running turns and attacking stuff if need be.

I've gotten pissed and flipped a lid while netting several times after getting hit, but it wasn't like I was unwilling to return the favor. I'd wager a guess that only a very small part of the community that just happens to have a very loud voice to the devs feels that way.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 18th 2023, 13:36:40

When I first thought of the "countdown to war mechanic," that's actually specifically what I wanted addressed. Obviously it helps protect against blindsides/suicides which is nice, but a small tag or suicider bunch with no intention of being able to win should have the damage they do massively mitigated by the larger tag, and having the larger tag involved in the first strike should make a declaration of victory eminent. In theory, you should be able to declare victory in the early hours in a lopsided affair.

While it doesn't eliminate the ability to grief completely, it should be rather easy to win those types of war very quickly, and gain a sum of money for damage caused. It's more of a nuisance than a set ruiner.

And again, the onus has always been on the players to work SOME diplomacy to protect themselves. I can think of reasons for just about every suicider ive ever had, and whether or not I agree with the merits, I got hit because people were mad at me. You shouldn't be protected if you want to act like a big jerk all the time. It's completely fair to suffer some grief for bad politics as diplomacy is part of the game.

Also, when QZ and I discussed onboarding pacts into the game and making them ACTUALLY UNBREAKABLE, I think he liked the idea, but kinda kicked the can on it to focus on building a good ClanGDI system. Not saying it is part of the plan, but it has definitely been talked about as a good idea and something he hopes to do in the future since it's a larger programming commitment then a simple mechanics change. Leaders would need a whole new portal etc.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Oct 18th 2023, 17:00:51
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DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 17th 2023, 19:59:13

Originally posted by Syko_Killa:
Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Originally posted by Syko_Killa:
Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Clans of less than 5 shouldn't be eligible for ClanGDI to close the loophole of a 20 member tag tagging as 5 tags of 4 members to reap the benefits without the intangibles.
So I will take it that it is something we can do to get around having to pay homage to warheads.
If I was a netter with these rules, I would not use ClanGDI and would instead use diplomacy to avoid paying anyone. It isn't that difficult to be nice to people...for most of us.

Consider it an "asshole tax" :)
Yeah, because that's worked so well in the past.
Ahh man. Take the W. You can now talk all the crap you want netting now for the low cost of getting called a surrendering coward and 1% of your GDP lol.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 17th 2023, 15:10:40

Originally posted by Syko_Killa:
Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Clans of less than 5 shouldn't be eligible for ClanGDI to close the loophole of a 20 member tag tagging as 5 tags of 4 members to reap the benefits without the intangibles.
So I will take it that it is something we can do to get around having to pay homage to warheads.
If I was a netter with these rules, I would not use ClanGDI and would instead use diplomacy to avoid paying anyone. It isn't that difficult to be nice to people...for most of us.

Consider it an "asshole tax" :)

Edited By: DerrickICN on Oct 17th 2023, 15:13:00
See Original Post

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 17th 2023, 9:14:23

Clans of less than 5 shouldn't be eligible for ClanGDI to close the loophole of a 20 member tag tagging as 5 tags of 4 members to reap the benefits without the intangibles.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 17th 2023, 4:15:08

TC does raise an interesting point. Most wars are decided inside the first 2 weeks. Perhaps the side with the highest ANW is declared victor after 2 weeks? Not my best suggestion but it's also the first time I've really thought about it. The declare victory option should negate his fear of inactive tags, but I understand the sentiment.

Super excited about the expenses fix. Literally can't wait to play an MBR netting for old times sake. Definitely coming outta retirement to play this, and even war in a basic sense is improved by the CS change. Love love love. Did lite testing of the expenses formula and got a small grin on my face. Thanks so much for those first 2 changes. I'm pumped.

Primary concern re: ClanGDI for me is when 3+ tags are involved in a war. For example, if 5 clans of 7 members declare war on 1 clan of 40 members, will that clan be able to declare victory over each individual tag being 5x their size? And on the other hand, if the group of 5 tags wins, will they be able to declare victory despite none being 5x the size individually?

Don't hate the idea of playing thru a set or 2, tho, to see what needs to be fixed regarding 3+ clans involved in a war. I have more questions than suggestions at this point, so they might be better answered just playing thru a couple rounds.

Awesome changeset tho QZ. You kinda nailed it.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Oct 17th 2023, 4:25:03
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DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 16th 2023, 5:57:53

Dude even at 35 I'm just the same dude wearing makeup haha.

Acute lymphoblastic leukemia for him that after remission re-emeged as acute myelogenous leukemia and eventually killed him.

Anecdotally, when he was a builder, he was over-exposed to a chemical called (giving my best phonics) methylethylkeytone ??? Some building polymer from the old days that California liberal douchebags made people quit making buildings outta because it definitely gave everyone who used it without gloves and a respirator cancer.

I'm from a small area in Michigan called "the cancer belt" or "the thumb." The only reason you don't ever see 8 foot tall corn plants 100 sq/mi soy is if people are getting paid not to farm. Turned out to be the windiest county in America as well so they built 400 windmills on it for energy. Meanwhile there's an air force base that does test maneuvers over the house I grew up in, because of the high amount of sea (lake huron) and extremely low population density (unlikely they kill people if they crash). Usually 3-5 days before America invades someone the skies get very active and everyone in the neighborhood takes a stiff swallow of their frogged throat.

Thing you should most learn and research from this anecdote tho, about 30% of all fields where I'm from, the government is legitimately paying the farmers slightly higher than the money they can make farming Monsanto corn to not farm their fields. Apparently the government controls the cost of produce (in theory, to keep farming at a living wage, you know, so people do it).

I'd be shocked, tho, to find out that overall, 90% of American fields have things growing on them. Our tax dollars are very much paying for 10s of thousands of acres to NOT be farmed to keep an ear of corn at exactly $1.99. And yet 34 million people in America are food insecure. It's pretty wild.

Most farmers where I'm from are growing something called "field corn" which just kinda helps proliferate a deer population because they're being paid to not grow food for humans lol. The do soy beans or sugar beets every 4th year tho to rehab nitrogen levels that corn deprives of the soil to keep it fertile. Go down that rabbit hole sometime lol.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Oct 16th 2023, 6:07:19
See Original Post

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 16th 2023, 5:28:58

Haha. I'd believe it but the pictures I have of my dad look SO MUCH like me lol

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 16th 2023, 5:23:42

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by DerrickICN:
I think the but is actually spelled butt. As in, reading the last chapter (ass end) of a book with a bad ending.

Damn bro, are you my long lost brother or something? LOL

We've never had 260 lbs between us and my brother looks nothing like me. I look a lot like you, I just don't have an annoying accent. Considering my orphan status, there's a chance your folks gave me up lol.

Earthers paid for me to be the successful business owner I am today. Kinda no two ways about it lol. Not just losing a friend when this 1a set is up. I'm losing my whole life haha.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Oct 16th 2023, 5:27:48
See Original Post