
DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 16th 2023, 5:17:56

I think the but is actually spelled butt. As in, reading the last chapter (ass end) of a book with a bad ending.

If there's any other hard math people are curious about, I have basically all of it back ended to reverse engineer the game aside from the PCI growth formula, which no one even in LaF was smart enough to figure out, and that developers have for years dodged me on. I have the e2025 one tho, so it's not here nor there. Sad today about people leaving.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Oct 16th 2023, 5:22:04
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DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 16th 2023, 4:45:22

Yeah it's not a bug, technically. It's just a bad rule that should be changed that someone who would help do the change pointed out. I think celphi intended this as a placeholder to him offering help as the game dies.

Don't remove it because it's not a legit bug. These sorts of conversations are the last of their kind we will have and these placeholders are important. We tried.

There's a lot of people playing their last couple weeks in the game and I think deleting or moving posts by any of us at this point is just silly. Let us say our last ditch efforts to help, please.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Oct 16th 2023, 4:57:37
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DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 16th 2023, 3:18:03

Np. I had intentions of web basing it but I literally started it 5 years ago and finished it like 4 months ago with a little ChatGPT help on the dcost formulas lol. Left the room for version 2 by 1.0 -> 1.3ing my updates until I could web base it with AI walking turn by turn explanations.

Kinda think I'd just be spending like $9/month to host it to a dead community that never uses it at this point tho. If some nerd comes along and wants it hosted, I guess version 2 would happen that way now. I think I'm mostly done working on it.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 16th 2023, 2:39:48

If anyone needs the theory/strat or is unfamiliar with hybrid destocking just let me know. Otherwise, even the destruction cost calculator is elite. Leave the blue squares alone and fill in the green squares. Feel free to make copies and beat those LaF losers.

Also, props to ZEN aka ChuckNorrisBeard for making me start working on this years ago by literally making the framework. Wouldda never accomplished it without him.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Oct 16th 2023, 2:51:56
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DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 16th 2023, 2:28:25

I acted like I hated them like good leaders do, but privately I preferred them to working on having a better spreadsheet than LaF that I now do nothing with lol.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 16th 2023, 2:23:10

Congrats, you just made the first non-bonus topic post on AT in 27.5 hours. No doubt about it, this server is EXCITING AF!

Only tournament is less active lol. See yall in team.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 16th 2023, 2:00:33

Originally posted by Happy:
Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Man. The first time I learned that the hard way on FFA was planning a massive destock on a TTR grabbing phase -> Demo reseller feeder and bonused resource decay. I was so hurt when I converted lol. It's always been that way.

If you're planning to do any conversions in a set beyond an oil destock, it makes every single bonus aside from turns and booms worthless, because those can't be removed. You're correct.

Not that it matters what we think anymore...maybe it never did, but +1.

Could have sworn it used to happen for restarts on ffa too. Died in teams and it never happened.

Correct. When you die you also lose a chunk of "permanent" bonuses.

I know that from you killing me actually lol. My fascs always bonus bcost on FFA so landgrabbing is efficient until the last 120 turns used in a hybrid destock. (If anyone wants my Google Sheets hybrid calculator btw, just hit me up. It's still the gold standard best one in existence. Happy to tutor/share all info i have on the game with everyone always. Unlike some people...*side eyes*)

We had the most boring wars lol. You never wall at 3am when I get off work and I never wall at 8-10am when you hit before you go in. We could probably war 100 times and never get a single wall in haha.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Oct 16th 2023, 2:20:03
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DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 16th 2023, 1:59:38

To make the post worthwhile. TTR grabbing to land goal and Demo stock phase public destock is still the best techer strat on FFA. Obviously FFO pwns all bot servers, and cashers are 2nd, but TTR -> DTR is a fairly decent third.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Oct 16th 2023, 2:01:43
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DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 16th 2023, 1:53:32

Man. The first time I learned that the hard way on FFA was planning a massive destock on a TTR grabbing phase -> Demo reseller feeder and bonused resource decay. I was so hurt when I converted lol. It's always been that way.

If you're planning to do any conversions in a set beyond an oil destock, it makes every single bonus aside from turns and booms worthless, because those can't be removed. You're correct.

Not that it matters what we think anymore...maybe it never did, but +1.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 15th 2023, 4:24:19

Yeah I have my doubts he has them filed away in his "fond memories" like I do, but honestly the banter was pretty all time. Game's boring without enemies haha. 1a might as well be tic-tac-toe.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 15th 2023, 3:00:22

Prime for sure. Was in my raging alcoholic era. These days I mostly maintain without all the rage lol. IMP and LoC were natural enemies and back then, Prime still played. So naturally I called him a biased cheater like 4 times a day lol.

Tbh 3 days was pretty short considering the amount of hell I was giving him haha. I wouldda banned me longer. Consummate pro you know. He said "why don't you take a few days to chill out," and that was that. Haha

He's a pretty solid dude. I was in the wrong haha.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 15th 2023, 2:27:06

I think I have 1 total lifetime forum ban of 3 days and it was for "mod abuse." It used to be the most common form of forum bans lol.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 15th 2023, 0:29:09

It's funny when I came back to the game to kill LaF some 10 or so years ago, I talked about the clans I'd been in that were mistreated by LaF leadership over the years of Solid Snake and Co in their prime.

I was told I was "fighting ghosts" and this is a different LaF today.

Sort of ironic to see them now fight a bunch of former LaF netters now that the wardogs have left town and turned the lights out.

Fighting ghosts in a ghost town now, eh? Sort of hilariously I'm the only non-former/current LaF who has posted in this thread. Lol

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 14th 2023, 23:04:57

KoH is a netter, en4. He's a former LaF member which is the last tag he played in, and not affiliated with any wartags.

If his playstyle of peacefully netting was driving people from the game in LaF, perhaps it's you who needs a look in the mirror.

The generalizations from your side of this argument are both tiring and at this point after many wardogs quit, just stupid and inaccurate. Love you bro, but you get 1 demerit point for speaking to a netter that way.

I really wish you'd address the concerns of people like those in PDM and dudes like KoH without lumping them in with wardogs. They're straight netters.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Oct 14th 2023, 23:08:14
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DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 14th 2023, 6:05:13

Originally posted by Shweezy:
I wonder what the rest of the server thought about the set, Im sure some enjoyed it. What was the purpose of this set, to enjoy a net competition?Clearly the other nettings tags have 0 chance of top spot as LaF is mass FA/transfering goods to finish first? (Ive been told, Im not even playing, but they did win last set via 371mil barrels at dirt cheap prices)

The great competition I hear so much about and for which changes to the server where made for, do they even envolve other smaller tags that cant/wont mass FA/ transfer goods? Good luck winning anything EVO, PDM, OMEGA, and anybody else who thought this meant you had a chance

Bro all the answers are no and you know it. I'll even fluff on Gerdler briefly in rebuttal to his "I don't let perfection get in the way of good." If this is your idea of good, I'm glad I was stoic for better.

When TC and them all say they think this is fine, I hope y'all know they say it with every bit of salt a man could harvest behind those statements. They know this meta is trash. They just find harvesting your tears by manipulating developers cooler than having a good game to play.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 14th 2023, 5:46:20


/Me Hug-humps

It's a different era than it was 20 years ago for sure, but of the dogs the last 10 or so years that I've watched have the most know-how of the game and skill getting people together in chats, and after seeing "top ten all time warleaders" lists where I come in at like 9th or so...

Dude warleading is hard. Like way harder than people say. And doing FA on the side is a talent. Imo, you're an all timer. I kinda have you low key on my top 10. And the only reason you aren't my top 5 is because when dudes like SC and Duque did the thing, they did what we do now less efficiently, but they were miles ahead of where average characters like us were at at the time.. I think a lot of the best warleaders ever are sorta last 10 or 15 years when the average Joe had access to more of the math.

Anyways, you shouldn't be surprised I mention you. If I started a clan today and put my heart and soul into it like the old days, I'd be extremely happy to have you as the warleader. You're kinda very worth mentioning lol

Edited By: DerrickICN on Oct 14th 2023, 5:51:13
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DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 13th 2023, 16:55:14

Thaaaats right. My point was that you were an ex-member of one of the tags in the war technically....that tag was LaF lol.

You've never played our side tho unlike most ex-LaF who seem very keen on killing them.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 13th 2023, 16:51:49

For some reason tho, KoH, I had you in LaF in my brain when little brother Mr Clear (aka Vic) was Don and IgnitionCWG was war-min. Maybe you were just in the warchat when MD100 declared on the server lol.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 13th 2023, 16:43:01

TIL: Facts are also talking points.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 13th 2023, 15:09:43

Here I'll make you a cheat sheet.

Of people who still occasionally post, only SF and Coalie were involved in the war and openly support hitting LaF. I was involved to catch up with old friends but openly opposed the merits of war, despite bad politics by LaF. Mdevol also came back to the game during the war to hang with pals, but didn't care about politics/saw LaF fail at diplomacy. KoH is neutral. Happy, Leto and Doug are all PDM. Farmer and major are both STONES who were on your side of the war. BEM is newly returned after the war.

Only about 2 people left for you to argue with about this, dude. The rest of were on your side of the war, neutral, or openly opposed it. All of us, however, recognize bad politicking got you killed.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 13th 2023, 14:52:52

TC pulling a BHole just blindly guessing what clans people are in. Only about half of us loudly opposing these changes supported the war, some of which were on your side, chief. You can stop with the "you people" anytime. We're a bit more diverse than that, bud.

At this point, there's maybe 2 or 3 people who supported the war left posting. Most have quit/quit posting already.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Oct 13th 2023, 15:01:14
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DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 11th 2023, 19:50:22

I bet you could join stones if you didn't get them into trouble haha.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 11th 2023, 16:13:32

What do you mean? Bot farming a defenseless FFO to 400k acres and then oil destocking is THE CATS PAJAMAS BRO. COOLEST. META. EVER. YOU'RE NOT HAVING FUN!!!?


DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 11th 2023, 16:05:02

Idk I had fun. Lol. Rational on the ee forums he says.

@prime I think the rules tend to support a certain group of players. I think if you, as a moderator, supported a faction of players here it would be very much our side of the argument, not the side of the argument getting all the changes and rules to benefit their meta. In my experience tho, you tend to be even handed when enforcing the rules.

That said, the rules and the changes tend to benefit one style of play continuously, and drive PvP interactions down. What I mean when I say "if Ratski was more liked," is, would the rules have benefitted him more if his playstyle was more the meta for that certain group of players that have the devs ear?

I don't mean anything negative at all about the enforcement of the rules after the fact. You and gal and co. do it to the best of your ability no doubt.