
Detmer Game profile


Sep 25th 2014, 1:43:12

Originally posted by Xinhuan:
Originally posted by Detmer:
bstrong, they accidentally clicked on the ground instead of the skip to next target button. It isn't worth them to waste units on tiny returns so they just move on and accept the loss of trophies so they can find a better target to attack.

While this is the correct reason sometimes, usually it isn't. They are intentionally losing trophies so that they can farm the newbies at the lower trophy level with their higher level troops. To intentionally lose, just drop 1 troops, and surrender the battle immediately. Higher level players with access to the Barbarian King or the Queen can drop that instead (out of range of any towers) and surrender immediately without the loss of that one troop.

Lots of players employ a technique called "lazy farming", where they look for bases where the collectors are scattered on the perimeter of the base and are half-full/full, and just throw down 50-100 archers to collect the resources in them. Repeat this every 5 minutes (since it doesn't take long to build 50-100 archers) and you collect resources very quickly. The loss of trophies is irrelevant, it is faster to farm for resources this way than building an expensive army to take on a higher level city.

The 1000-1250 trophy region is extremely ripe for "lazy farming", this is because the players there are trying to reach 1250 trophies to get the 100 gems achievement reward, and so they put their Town Hall in the center of their base to protect it, leaving the collectors on the perimeter. Farming towns on the other hand, always put the Town Hall on the perimeter so that people will kill it easily, granting 12 hours protection from further attacks - you lose way less resources this way, up to a maximum of 2 attacks on you everyday.

I assumed bstrong was like bronze 3 since he doesn't have a cc yet but what you say is very true - particularly concerning when bk or aq is dropped.

Detmer Game profile


Sep 22nd 2014, 1:27:11

bstrong, they accidentally clicked on the ground instead of the skip to next target button. It isn't worth them to waste units on tiny returns so they just move on and accept the loss of trophies so they can find a better target to attack.

Detmer Game profile


Sep 20th 2014, 16:27:21

Pang is not accepting new boxcar sites

Detmer Game profile


Aug 15th 2014, 3:14:51

I do. A couple miles east of the Galleria.

Detmer Game profile


Jul 26th 2014, 17:51:57

"Earth Paradigm"

Keeping that name for now so it is easier to search for us.

Detmer Game profile


Jul 24th 2014, 1:16:42

Originally posted by robyn:
I vote for Detmer
down with TAN

that is all

This is what I like to hear!!! Free positive mod abuse for robyn!

Detmer Game profile


Jul 19th 2014, 1:05:15

Originally posted by Trife:
trifes all time favorite PDM FA list:

1) tisya
2) tan
39836) detmer

I'll call the cops on you again fluff.

Detmer Game profile


Jul 6th 2014, 20:43:28


Bigger than any metal guns known to man.

Detmer Game profile


Jun 26th 2014, 1:45:38

Originally posted by Cerberus:
At no point did Trife elucidate any response to the actual question you might notice, kind of like Lois Lerner and Obama claiming that there isn't even a "smidgen" of corruption in the IRS.

Oh, and those 4 dead Americans left to die at Benghazi, that was just a republican ploy to stir the fluff and tangle the Administration up in hearings and such. And let's not forget all the covering up that went on afterwards, right?

That didn't happen either.

Tirfe, i fyou buy the administrations bullfluff like you seem to, you must be a ready made victim for somebody. They'd eat you alive in Philly.

Detmer Game profile


Jun 22nd 2014, 4:39:07

Over a year later I want to top this. Slug and I never got a long in game, we had polar opposite political views, but as one example of who he was, he donated to my relay for life campaign one year despite our differences. He was a good person and the world is worse off without him.

Detmer Game profile


May 25th 2014, 21:10:51


Detmer Game profile


May 24th 2014, 1:26:57

Originally posted by ddog:
Bstrong86, I generally do 2 muscle groups a session, and normally all my work outs are rather high intensity, I tend to super set a lot. Ive been looking for something new simply because I generally cycle through the same basic routines Ive been doing since highschool, I really just started doing various grips and slow reps ect. and its been great. I should do a month or so of just intense body weight stuff.

ericownsyou5, I just started working legs to any real extent and have also seen real improvement in a lot of areas. I am really annoyed however because I cant squat worth anything, im not sure if my form just sucks but putting 45s on each side is pretty much as heavy as I get. The leg press machine how ever I can go five 45 plates each side and do sets of 10 so I know my legs aren't weak. I guess just time and patience will tell. As soon as I get a work out partner im sure they can help me in that area as well.

Det, TEACH ME TO SQUAT. hahaha, I have never been much into bar bench press to be honest, I prefer to use dumbbells instead, Ive maxed out at my gym since their dumbbells only go up to 100. I used to think my chest was probably the strongest thing on me and that when I lost my body fat it would look incredible, but its seriously lacking. Im not sure if this is because ive dislocated my shoulders so many times and some how when I do chest I overcompensate or something but its built a fire in me to focus on my chest and figure out how to sculpt it.

I have been thinking of doing a body building competition in the next two years to have a fitness goal. Guess we will see what happens.

Yeah, while I can leg press insane numbers - the amount I can squat is moderated. I know this is due to 1) back/core strength limitations and 2) form.

Canada is a long way from Texas but I have some advice.

1) Look up. This won't help you lift more but should help protect your neck.
2) Thrust your hips. This will likely help you lift more since you are using a strong part of your body.
3) Good form means sitting back and not sticking your knees past your toes. Good balance can help. Make sure you use good form and help this develop your balance if you need it. Depending on mass distribution this may require you to lean forward more which will definitely require back/core strength.
4) Sometimes (not usually) when I squat my abs are the sorest part of my body the next day because I was really using them to stabilize.
5) If I feel my back is limiting me last time I squat I may do a back workout just because I know my back is limiting me, not my legs.

Detmer Game profile


May 24th 2014, 1:21:14

Originally posted by braden:
Originally posted by Detmer:
Originally posted by qzjul:
I mainly do cycling; I'm at 335km in the last 4 weeks according to Strava; I'd like to get that moving average up to 400km or more now that the weather is better.... 100km/week isn't actually very much =/

I can confirm that qz claims to do this. Whenever I attempt to speak with him he tells me he is going cycling. Nice alibi.

funnily enough, anytime i try to speak with detmer he is busy trying to speak with qz who is going cycling. nice alibi!


Detmer Game profile


May 24th 2014, 1:18:44

I am not aware of us having ever high-fived. Do I know you? Dad?

Detmer Game profile


May 23rd 2014, 23:54:11


Detmer Game profile


May 23rd 2014, 23:53:45

Originally posted by archaic:
I love the modern political concept of collective blame. A few assholes in one hospital fluff up and the whole political system is to blame. My dad gets phenomenal care from the VA and crows about it at every opportunity. As do two of my co-workers. Your mileage may vary, thats how the world is sometimes.

I'm not sure when objectivity died in America, but I doubt if it was the VA that killed it.

Without trying to make this a political issue, I want to comment that this surprises me in a good way. I have had some line of sight to VA issues in the past and this is one of the rare positive stories I have heard.

I feel our country collectively does a great job of turning soldiers into veterans but does a poor job of taking care of veterans' needs.

Detmer Game profile


May 23rd 2014, 23:36:04

Originally posted by Patience:
Originally posted by mdevol:
I am not a huge advocate of SRO's personally. I dont see the need for a police state type system. While no childs life is worth losing...placo.g police officers in every school is a drastic over-reaction to a small problem. School shooting remain very very rare. And when they happen, it is not a random thing unplanned.

I will elaborate on this later when I get home but the point of this post was to show the idiocy of media. A SRO being very much the reason this potenrial mass shooting was curtailed quickly would have sold millions of copies and clicks. It just didnt fit the agenda or the narrative at the time.

I'll be 50 this year, which means I've been out of school for 33 years... but we always had a resource officer in high school. I live in Canada, where stuff like this rarely happens - but I can tell you that our SRO headed off a LOT of problems before they had a chance to become problems. He was a friend, not a cop. He'd give you a lecture if you needed one, but more often he was chaperoning trips, wandering the halls telling jokes, making sure kids felt valued and included, and generally keeping the peace by, well, keeping the damned peace. We never had an issue, largely because he was such a great presence at the school. He bridged the gap by being fair and just, and by just taking the time to notice things. I don't see how an SRO could be anything but an asset, but I don't think they should be placed specifically to combat school shooters. They should be there to head off the school shooter long before he/she gets to the point of pulling a trigger.

I also don't think having weapons of any kind in a school is a good idea. If an SRO is armed, I guess that's one thing as he/she is trained to handle the weapon in a combat situation. But it's still a weapon that can be grabbed and used by someone else. And allowing anyone other than an SRO to bring a weapon into a school is just sheer idiocy, IMHO.

I was contemplating how to reply to this thread and then I saw this post.

This. Just this.

Detmer Game profile


May 23rd 2014, 22:51:03


I see no need to disclose metallic weaponry but I have corrective lenses to ensure accuracy.

Detmer Game profile


May 23rd 2014, 22:48:14

Originally posted by qzjul:
I mainly do cycling; I'm at 335km in the last 4 weeks according to Strava; I'd like to get that moving average up to 400km or more now that the weather is better.... 100km/week isn't actually very much =/

I can confirm that qz claims to do this. Whenever I attempt to speak with him he tells me he is going cycling. Nice alibi.

Detmer Game profile


May 23rd 2014, 22:47:13

Originally posted by ddog:
Specs Det? How much do you lift?

The only spec I ever measure is a count of my abs - I currently have a 5 pack - the top four and one at the bottom. My love of fine food and alcohol is currently battling with my ego to determine if I want to go for a full six pack.

In terms of lifts, I want to preface this with I am still getting back in shape due to moving, settling in, and not starting up seriously working out again until recently.

My bench two rep max is 200 currently (bodyweight) and my I can do 10 reps of 250 on squat. My knees have been iffy for about as long as I have been playing this game so I have been debating if I really want to seriously increase squat weight. I always try to ensure good form so I don't hurt my knees but things can happen when you're trying to max. I think I could squat 300 now if I wanted to (I used to max at 350' so I think that is a fair guess).

In terms of other lifts I don't know what you're looking for and really don't have a good guess. Some of my muscle groups were much stronger when we used to chat (way back when) than they are now.

Detmer Game profile


May 23rd 2014, 22:34:33

I have a couple of decade old Nokias that while the buttons may be work out, the rest of the phone is impervious to the sort of damage you seem to inflict upon phones. For 500M bushels (paid within the next round by any country) I will mail them both to you for free (other than the cost of bushels).

I eagerly anticipate your reply.

Also the phones have several Earthers phone numbers on them and I will not erase those numbers for an additional 500M bushels. In that case all bushels must be paid in the next three days and I doubt you can convince your alliance to start mass FAing me in such a time frame.

Anyways, it's an offer.

Detmer Game profile


May 23rd 2014, 2:13:17

Originally posted by archaic:
Sometimes I drink 40's instead of regular sized beers - but I cant do as many reps.


Actually I run, swim, and lift regularly.

Detmer Game profile


May 21st 2014, 23:01:03

What about totalitarianism?

Detmer Game profile


May 20th 2014, 23:16:24

If so, please never vote again. You have proven yourself incapable of making reasonable decisions and thus unworthy.

Re: Common Core
"These people, that will now receive $220 million from the state of Florida unless this is stopped, will promote double-mindedness in state education and attract every one of your children to become as homosexual as they possibly can. I’m sorry to report that to you."

Edited By: Detmer on May 20th 2014, 23:44:07

Detmer Game profile


May 19th 2014, 1:39:49

I still have the image of "Xenomorph"

Detmer Game profile


May 18th 2014, 22:48:15

The lady ran up like three seconds later. The cat prevented a little bit more injury is all.

Detmer Game profile


May 15th 2014, 22:02:21

Originally posted by Marshal:
not that there's anything to read (at least not interestring stuff).

Probably because no one is allowed to post there!

Detmer Game profile


May 14th 2014, 1:11:34

Pretty much no one land trades. What occurs is alliances sign pacts that allow them to grab each other in some cases. This allows for land grabbing under basic retal policies without limiting the grabbing pool to farming the few untags/newbs out there.

Detmer Game profile


May 13th 2014, 1:28:37

I completely agree with everyone in this thread - NukEvil needs to go!

Detmer Game profile


May 13th 2014, 1:17:15

Get a scythe you wuss

Detmer Game profile


May 2nd 2014, 20:27:46

This would be detrimental to the game. It should not be worked on further.

Detmer Game profile


Apr 27th 2014, 14:28:08

Happy Chicken was around in the last two years... maybe even one... I don't see his account anywhere but I am sure he must have been!

Batman, if you are feeling old I have a pic to help remind you of your younger days. That was such a lovely dress...

Detmer Game profile


Apr 26th 2014, 0:40:38

I am glad to see I am not the only person who remembers juilo999.

Detmer Game profile


Apr 25th 2014, 0:49:27

Also, I am really looking forward to when Google puts fiber in everywhere and puts Comcast out of business.

Detmer Game profile


Apr 25th 2014, 0:48:49

Originally posted by martian:
one of the greatest threats to functioning free-market capitalism today is not "unions" or "socialism" but rather the rise of monopoly power.

This times a million

Detmer Game profile


Apr 17th 2014, 3:02:25

I know this is not a movie but I learned about the Bechdel test from my wife when talking about The Wheel of Time series which hugely passes.

Assuming the TV series, which I have not seen, is anything like the books then the Song of Ice and Fire series passes.

Detmer Game profile


Apr 13th 2014, 3:56:31

To all my earth empires buddy's. The Boltar aka <name redacted> and dLpLow aka me meet up is tonight.
I'm going to take his butthole

Detmer Game profile


Apr 13th 2014, 0:41:56

The silver lining is the griefing is done early, rather than ruining a full set of hard work.

Detmer Game profile


Apr 5th 2014, 18:29:30

Originally posted by aponic:
bring back detmer and tan!

fluff that fluff

Detmer Game profile


Mar 14th 2014, 2:22:55

I am glad we cleared out Golden Tate to make space for Steve Smith.

Detmer Game profile


Mar 11th 2014, 2:04:43

Detmer Game profile


Mar 10th 2014, 22:23:09

Detmer Game profile


Mar 10th 2014, 0:54:50

Originally posted by Marshal:
you forgot to lock it.

Damn, I hate when I forget to do that!

Detmer Game profile


Mar 9th 2014, 22:01:31

Originally posted by Alana:
I'm banning Detmer!

Who let you out of your cage!??!

Detmer Game profile


Mar 9th 2014, 18:08:48

Originally posted by Cerberus:
Idiot! You will come to regret this decision.


Also, congratulations!

Detmer Game profile


Mar 6th 2014, 2:03:07

Putin is a sociopathic dictator. Obama is not. I pick Obama.

Detmer Game profile


Mar 3rd 2014, 2:33:32

Originally posted by H4xOr WaNgEr:
Originally posted by Unsympathetic:
The pipeline will create zero jobs.
The pipeline will not be maintained at all, because that would cost money.

When the pipeline breaks (not if), the crude will seep into the Ogallala aquifer, the chief resource in the midwest for our farmland.
When the pipeline breaks, the company responsible for the cleanup will not fund it with the dollars they "assert" they will spend to legislatures in order to achieve passage.

Creating energy is a nasty business. But pipeline operators must be held to significantly stricter regulation and oversight than they are now.

Until those regulations are in place and judges are willing to issue multi-million dollar fines because of them, keystone is a bad idea.

You have to examine the counter factual.
In this case the counter factual is rail. If the pipeline doesn't get built then the oil will be transported by rail instead, this is well known.

Rail is statistically far less safe and spills far more oil per barrel transported than pipelines.

Seems silly to me to block pipelines on the basis of safety when they are the safest mode of transport.

It is also worth noting that the US does not have sufficient rail infrastructure to handle significant increases in oil transportation. Lines will be super clogged. Passengers will suffer first.

Edited By: qzjul on Mar 3rd 2014, 5:41:02
See Original Post

Detmer Game profile


Mar 3rd 2014, 2:31:39

Originally posted by Atryn:
Originally posted by braden:
Originally posted by Requiem:
China is going to buy the oil.

bare with me, please- but canada will sell the raw or crude or whatever you call it, down to america.. america will refine it, turn around and sell it to china?

while, at the same time, importing crude/refined/whatever from the middle east.. ?

i understand you not teaching me global business trade, but dare i ask for a website that might? there's only so much i can glean from fox news (which kind of maybe only focuses on the issue of LOST JOBS FOR AMERICANS, OBAMA HATES AMERICANS WORKING..)
right, so to avoid that aspect of the conversation, anybody have anything?

This resource is a bit old, but you'll find lots of great info in it... Page 11 in particular starts to talk about refining. Keep in mind that a lot has changed since 2005, but the basics are useful:

Some of the key takeaways are that there are MANY markets at work here. Various type/qualities of crude oil, various types/qualities of refined oil, further markets in petroleum based products. Add on the changing transportation system/market, changes in regulatory/taxation over time and the fact that many of these deals are long-term contracts...

And yes, you end up with a system where a company may have a 15-year contract to import something to country A (maybe they don't have their own crude supply, i.e. not vertically integrated) while company B is also exporting something similar under another deal (maybe they are a vertically integrated crude supplier with periodic excess crude vs. refining capacity). What is appropriate on the spot market at any given time is not directly related to the import/export levels of longer term deals, etc.

I am vastly oversimplifying it, of course, as this is one of the most valuable and strategic business and political markets in the world. We didn't even go into the pure politics side of it...

More resources:

oh, and here's one I didn't even read because OMG it gets more technical than I care for. (i.e., I'm lazy):

The first part of the first main point of your first link, "First, crude oil and petroleum products are global commodities" is the most important key concept that so many people do not understand.