
Detmer Game profile


Nov 8th 2012, 4:37:47

Originally posted by archaic:
Originally posted by Requiem:
Originally posted by Hannity:
“I think we have to face a reality that maybe America is no longer the center-right country that it once was…America has been conditioned now to be an entitlement society,” Hannity

You need to get conditioned to the fact that America is a diverse nation with lots of different colored people of lots of different ages. Hannity's America has not existed since 1855. If the GOP does not broaden the tent a little bit, they had better get used to losing.

Entitlement society? You mean like Mitt's daddy? Or like tax subsidies for Exxon? You've been duped, they feed you the God, guns, gays and old Glory bullfluff to get your vote, then they pump the fat into Goldman Sachs and Halliburton and Koch while laughing at all the sheep carrying tea party signs.

Chrysler repaid their loan and added thousands of jobs. I figure they all voted Obama last night.

Detmer Game profile


Nov 7th 2012, 5:34:39

Originally posted by CKHustler:
Originally posted by Detmer:
Originally posted by CKHustler:
Yea, it's because of the precincts remaining. Cuyahoga county would be the main reason.

It was a win for Obama, but the Reps are looking to pick up seats in the house. So, no mandate either way which brings us to a stalemate for the next 4 years. Probably better than our government doing anything to cause more problems.

There is never a mandate. Ever.

Also, the biggest thing the "govern"ment does to cause problems is Republican obstructionism.

Yes I have personal political beliefs. Get over it and attack me personally.

AM I SUPPOSED TO YELL NOW??? Why get personal when we are forming analysis?

Yes, yes you are supposed to yell now. If you had analysis you would have presented it long ago. ;)

Detmer Game profile


Nov 7th 2012, 4:59:06

Originally posted by CKHustler:
Yea, it's because of the precincts remaining. Cuyahoga county would be the main reason.

It was a win for Obama, but the Reps are looking to pick up seats in the house. So, no mandate either way which brings us to a stalemate for the next 4 years. Probably better than our government doing anything to cause more problems.

There is never a mandate. Ever.

Also, the biggest thing the "govern"ment does to cause problems is Republican obstructionism.

Yes I have personal political beliefs. Get over it and attack me personally.

Detmer Game profile


Nov 7th 2012, 4:41:34

Originally posted by Anonymous:
Originally posted by ericownsyou5:
Originally posted by Anonymous:
If Romney wins I renounce my citizenship as I won't want to live on this planet anymore.

Oh Christ, come on.

At least the Reps put up a decent opponent this time... McCain was a joke, Palin was even more laughable.

Gary Johnson! hopefully get that 5%

Yes because all I could ever want is a billionaire that wants to lower tax rates on those that have plentiful money and contribute nothing while I get my taxes increased?
I want someone as a president that flip flops on every single issue?
I want someone that can't even take the time to think up a 5 point plan that is viable? Seriously the guy runs his mouth about a plan but never releases it or even can give a single detail other than cutting Planned Parenthood and PBS? yay! %.02 of the budget cut!

I want a president that ships jobs out of the country? So when I have children of working age or I lose my job I have to go to another country for work?

You know what... fluff Mitt Romney.
It's pretty hard up when a rich white guy can't beat a lazy black guy.


fluffing porch monkeys.

(for anyone offended, please read everything else I have ever said to see between the lines)

Detmer Game profile


Nov 7th 2012, 4:39:34

Originally posted by Trife:

It looks pretty clear by now that america has spoken. Your magical underwear cannot stop the will of the American citizen.

I'd recommend that in 2016 that you don't forget about the hispanic demographic, the homosexual demographic and also not alienating a majority of your constituents with terms like 'legitimate rape'.

Four more years starts now =)

If things change dramatically and President Obama does not get reelected then I will gladly eat my words.

At the end of the day though, we're all Americans and we are all on the same team. We need to work together to continue bettering the best country on earth.

Detmer Game profile


Oct 26th 2012, 3:33:30

Originally posted by archaic:
Originally posted by archaic:
the rocks with some lime

Detmer Game profile


Oct 24th 2012, 3:00:50

Just sayin...

Detmer Game profile


Oct 19th 2012, 3:58:59

*hunts him down*

Detmer Game profile


Oct 16th 2012, 23:46:27

Detmer Game profile


Oct 13th 2012, 7:12:23

I would have chosen a Detmertarian option because I always vote like Detmer. (not to be confused with Ty, Koy, or Amanda Detmer)

Detmer Game profile


Oct 13th 2012, 7:11:13


*throws bean dip at Req*

Detmer Game profile


Oct 12th 2012, 14:16:02

Despite sharing the sentiment of most people here that I am neither, I did choose the selection that is clearly much more like me.

Detmer Game profile


Oct 5th 2012, 4:37:09

Originally posted by alexbajd:
Originally posted by Detmer:
This is an alliance game aka that is quite legit.

fluff you LCN.

And best regards to you, too, Mr. Forum Moderator.

Having opinions and cursing are not against the rules. I am not sure why you are highlighting that I am a mod... probably to point out that I operate within the rules set forth by the admins and that I tenderly uphold.

Detmer Game profile


Oct 4th 2012, 22:00:30

This is an alliance game aka that is quite legit.

fluff you LCN.

Detmer Game profile


Sep 4th 2012, 14:12:16

Confirmed. Marrying a non-Earth is not a popular choice.

Thanks guys.

Detmer Game profile


Aug 16th 2012, 15:40:22

Alliances I have actually run a country in in 1a/Council/Alliance


Detmer Game profile


Aug 15th 2012, 4:25:31

What Req said

Detmer Game profile


Jul 26th 2012, 4:07:52

Humans have caused atmospheric CO2 levels to rise at unprecedented rates.

Here is a website to help you understand the relationship between temperature and CO2:

While the CO2 spikes lag temperature spikes, it is because of the CO2 that temperature increased as is did - once the temperature increases a little the oceans release CO2 which in turn causes the temperature to increase more and more CO2 is released, causing the temperature to increase more. If only Milankovitch cycles were the cause of this - the current climate trends deviate from what should be happening due to natural variations.

H2O has an average residence time in the atmosphere of a little over a week. We can expel huge amounts of H2O into the atmosphere, but it can re-equilibrate itself within two weeks. That being said, we only output a small portion of the atmospheric H2O. By contrast we output a large percentage of the atmospheric CO2 which has a residence time of hundreds of years. In short, H2O being a greenhouse gas is not an important fact at all in this discussion.

The current rates of glacier retreat are not normal. You act like just because something happens on smaller scales that it makes bigger scales normal. They are not equivalent.

Detmer Game profile


Jul 25th 2012, 23:52:59

Rather than my usual bombardment of facts to demonstrate that climate change is real and largely induced by humans, I will instead give you this link since it is all I have time for. It explains things in a way that is completely accurate and in-context. It is not something that gets too complicated for its audience.

Detmer Game profile


Jul 20th 2012, 21:56:00

Camelot, without a doubt.

Detmer Game profile


Jul 18th 2012, 15:43:19

coogs suck (but welcome back!)

Detmer Game profile


Jul 7th 2012, 0:39:02

Originally posted by iScode:
bah you guys could cheat though!!

and we all know what you mods are like...

We could cheat now =P The difference is we got all italicy by being trustworthy.

Detmer Game profile


Jul 7th 2012, 0:11:56

I think a better game would be if the plebes can get ten consecutive posts without a master breaking it up. If the plebes get ten in a row they get a point. If their streak gets broken prematurely then the masters get a point.

Detmer Game profile


Jul 6th 2012, 23:47:48

Originally posted by H4xOr WaNgEr:
err... given there are far fewer people with italized names, the construction of this game is highly bias.

That is true - but we do have the capability to even up the score ;)

Detmer Game profile


Jul 4th 2012, 14:35:17

Originally posted by Klown:
Voting Romney. The Democratic party is made up of too many interest groups to fix what is wrong with the country. It has to please each of these groups to hold onto power. Now, I'm not saying there is something inherently wrong about pleasing the groups that vote for you, that is how Democracy is supposed to work. However, the Republican party is much more homogenous meaning Romney can focus more on what is wrong with the country as a whole. He has a record of turning around struggling entities. That is the focus of Bain Capital and it is what he did when he took over the Olympics.

Confirmed, Romney only answers to the five richest people in America so it is much easier for him to please all of his constituents.

Detmer Game profile


Jul 3rd 2012, 15:20:57

As someone with a functional brain, I will not be voting for Romney.

Detmer Game profile


Jul 2nd 2012, 22:50:57

Originally posted by bru:
The electoral college should be tossed out in the trash. it is a relic of the past.

Detmer Game profile


Jul 2nd 2012, 22:40:40

Originally posted by Kalick:
I never understood the longterm appeal of D2, and I don't see where D3 is any different. In both games you get to the highest difficulty and farm the same content ad infinitum. Where is the fun in that?

What was so fun about D2's "end game"?

Detmer Game profile


Jul 2nd 2012, 22:38:46

Originally posted by LaFinglolrik:
KJ will burn in hell with Pang and detmer and qcjulgran

I don't think Jesus cares about this game, but if he did, I think he would side with the anti-cheaters.

Detmer Game profile


Jul 2nd 2012, 16:41:03


Kills 22 #95
Deaths 18 #87
Pop Killed 5,863,474 #25
Attacks 12,977 #17
Missiles 570 #81
Defends 7388 #59

If we assume most of my defends come against countries that were ultimately killed, that puts me at like 410 hits/death!

Detmer Game profile


Jul 2nd 2012, 15:17:21

Since you're dropping it, my reply will only be I have never called for the destruction of an alliance. That is only a fabrication, probably purported by LaF, to rally people.

Detmer Game profile


Jul 2nd 2012, 14:11:03

Symac, I have barely posted since I became a mod and the vast majority of what I have posted has been explaining mod actions. The problem is you see what you want to see.

Also, is ass spelunker an insult? If so gay bashing is not allowed and you will be banned =) How is that? Fit your agenda?

Detmer Game profile


Jun 30th 2012, 15:13:48

Originally posted by archaic:
Its a method of communication, simple as that. I made a post a few days ago about the slow agonizing demise of ICQ, this is sort of a complimentary post about PDMs adoption of one of the many media that has taken its place.

If you don't try to keep this game mired in stagnation and re-live your high school days to deal with unresolved emotional issues you are a pariah. I'm alright with that though.

Detmer Game profile


Jun 30th 2012, 4:20:29

Originally posted by abomb:
i highly doubt you have enough interesting to say to validate the follow... no offence. But twitter is made up of superstars and wannabee's who think the world cares when the take a dumb or have a tug...

I wasn't aware you only wanted to follow people who constantly spam you so that if you look away for 15 minutes you have missed everything. I guess you aren't the type of person who should follow us.

Detmer Game profile


Jun 30th 2012, 2:09:47

Right, but that was for a different announcement. The announcement that we have a twitter actually stated as such and occurred a long time ago. These posts are just courtesies to help people who are not following us... yet...

Detmer Game profile


Jun 29th 2012, 22:23:47

Originally posted by H4xOr WaNgEr:
I feel as though this announcement has been made in the past.

Maybe. I didn't see it on a scan of the boards, but it is certainly possible!

Detmer Game profile


Jun 29th 2012, 22:17:43

Originally posted by Mr Emerald:
well wouldn't it be misleading as you spelled Paradigm wrong?

How did so many people notice that? I sure didn't and I typed it AND read it!

Detmer Game profile


Jun 29th 2012, 22:17:09

Originally posted by Zahc:
Is it @paradigmee or @paradgimee??

I think you can guess which ;)

Detmer Game profile


Jun 29th 2012, 21:02:41

My thoughts mirror H4's.

This just makes the rich richer. Whoever has the highest production will be the big winner. That would be indies to start, however people are unlikely to sell turns that early and indy prices will crash. Tech has such a demand that prices would not likely crash due to higher production.

Also, this would allow unholy market aiding, particularly for someone who has converted to HMBR...

Detmer Game profile


Jun 29th 2012, 20:43:02

(In case people were wondering, the twitter name was the announcement)

Detmer Game profile


Jun 29th 2012, 19:55:55


Edited By: Detmer on Jun 29th 2012, 22:16:32
See Original Post

Detmer Game profile


Jun 27th 2012, 16:31:18

I am pretty sure that *all* Axe users are of a demographic that does not overlap anyone who plays this game currently.

Detmer Game profile


Jun 26th 2012, 23:21:10


Detmer Game profile


Jun 23rd 2012, 20:35:20

What kingofthezulus said

Detmer Game profile


Jun 23rd 2012, 20:32:07


all I get from this is that you dislike KJ and think that somehow posting innocuous quotes of his will somehow cause people to join you implying they dislike him...

poor troll 1.5/10

Detmer Game profile


Jun 23rd 2012, 20:22:14

You have a strange sense of humor.

Detmer Game profile


Jun 23rd 2012, 17:13:00

Wow... you like the ducks... I should have known...

Detmer Game profile


Jun 22nd 2012, 0:01:05

Originally posted by locket:
Originally posted by Detmer:
Originally posted by Palmen:
Originally posted by Detmer:

The individuals all chose to let that guy lead them and represent them...

We should put out a deathsentence for every single German that lived during the 1930s then

If I were advocating the complete destruction of LaF then yes that would be a logical extrapolation. I however have only suggested temporary punishment for LaF; ergo your analogy is ludicrous.

Since very few things have been done to punish those who owned Slaves and treated them terribly, would you perhaps have a suitable punishment for all those relatives of the previous slave owners?

Is killing their EE countries too harsh for your tastes?
Owning slaves wasn't illegal then. Sure it was a bad thing to do... but so is lying...

Detmer Game profile


Jun 21st 2012, 23:57:57

Originally posted by H4xOr WaNgEr:
Originally posted by Detmer:
Originally posted by SolidSnake:
Originally posted by Detmer:
Originally posted by SolidSnake:
Originally posted by anoniem:
actually it wasn't slagpit (it wasn't even an admin - somebody else brought it to admin attention) that found out it was LT, but we'll indulge your ignorance some more.

rofl, uh huh. It had nothing to do with the ip logs slagpit gave you right? nothing at all... give me a break

This is patently untrue. The theme of this thread seems to be dispelling slander against the admins so I am not deleting it, but these accusations will not stand in other threads.

If its not true, then why would anoniem and kj say they had ip logs of it... The fact that it cant be proven i accept, but the suggestion that it hasnt taken place is preposterous.

Having asked both of them, both say that never happened. Which is much more consistent with what I know about things. So yeah, no one said that, it never happened, you need to give it up.

ROFL, given that KJ has been caught red handed lieing to the admins while under investigation about where he was obtaining information (and where he was getting the info was a big part of the nature of the investigation)... I'm not inclined to take anything he says to you on the matter seriously.

I don't know where you are getting your stance on this issue with such definity, but your statements are inconsistent with my knowledge of these investigations thus far, which is likely more advanced than your knowledge.

Other than when I directly asked anoniem and KJ about things they were alleged to have said, all of my other information came directly from admins.