
Devo Game profile


Jun 6th 2024, 1:50:20

Anyone old enough to remember MIM?

Devo Game profile


Jun 6th 2024, 1:46:48

Originally posted by Cathankins:
Lmao I am never going to stop warring you guys after this stunt. You better get ready for the long run. Every set evo nets will be with a FS now.

I won’t even play alliance except to war evo from this point forward.

You did the same thing this set iirc and we're killing it and you're dead like 5x. Because we have the best allies, the best community, and really excellent players*. Good luck.

Devo Game profile


Jun 6th 2024, 0:58:43

[quote poster=Josey Wales; 52845; 1037809][quote poster=g0nz0; 52845; 1037797]
Originally posted by Josey Wales:
Originally posted by Coalie:
Like you assumed that we were a threat because we had 70 missiles each.

Originally posted by Josey Wales:
Originally posted by Drow:

Someone will have to pay for this.

We have agreements with Mercs, Sol, & Sof, but not with anyone else.

We’ve been peaceful.

It’s a dispatch country that knows how to build. Experienced.

But now exposed.

So, I ask again:

Who is running #426 Monarchy of Collective Punishment?

The alternative is that we build for War for the coming sets and take everyone with us to Hell again.


Originally posted by Josey Wales:
We demand reparations.


Originally posted by Josey Wales:
You’ve got the money.

Posting right after you mass opp'd our tag and the SoL country.

Originally posted by Cathankins:

I attacked superfly and merc because he kept threatening us and then when they couldn’t handle us. They called for help and your coalition attacked us.

At that point we retalled and hit evo because it’s the obvious weak point.

No idea what you think you are accomplishing with the silly gotcha game. If you haven’t noticed I don’t actually care about fitting in or what others think in general.

I don’t even care if everyone thinks I am the bad guy in all of this. This silly virtue signaling behavior is just so goofy imo.

Clear statement about attacking us for no reason. You are supremely bad at justifying your positions... whatever that might be.

It's very clear as to what the threats were and weren't. And then when you opp'd folks that you were targeting that was action on intent and we had plenty of reason to prosecute. There was confirmation about aiding warring alliances (for anyone being neutral on the war, seeing that is clear justification). The list goes on.

I truly hope you can turn your ship around at some point.

Edited By: Devo on Jun 6th 2024, 1:00:49
See Original Post

Devo Game profile


Jun 6th 2024, 0:41:41

Originally posted by Suicidal:
Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by Coalie:
Originally posted by Josey Wales:

We demand reparations.

You are sitting on a powder keg money.

Payable to: The Josey Wales Oil Co.

As of yet, we have seen no deposits.

… which dead country shall we send the reps to?

Already dead? fluff they are fast at dying, all that talk for nothing.....

I was asleep. Unlike the nerds here there is zero chance I will ever set an alarm or dedicate my life to a game. I’ve said this for a very long time now.

I think if you start using wierd bots and dedicating your life to the internet you’ve already lost the plot.

Trust me I will sleep through many kill runs and not care

You obviously care. Why else would you waste your time with all of your insane, crybaby rants on AT?
You and Blackhole should get together and write a book.....just don't post it here.

He's got a point you know

Devo Game profile


Jun 5th 2024, 17:23:10

...And suddenly he realizes he's been ratted out

Devo Game profile


Jun 5th 2024, 16:18:17

Originally posted by Cathankins:
I’m going to missile first strike evo now for sure. Repeatedly and every set. You guys want total war and now you have it. I will continue my war against every clan name involved as long as they exist.

BH: I don’t care about all of that drama. I was I insulting weak guys not women. I love women. Women love me. It’s just the way it is son. I raised you better than that.

Don't pretend you weren't going to already. You've been a bad faith actor from the beginning. I'm sure all those intel ops were just to make sure we were netting...

Devo Game profile


Jun 5th 2024, 15:14:56

Originally posted by Cathankins:
You evo boys are really never going to net again now, I was already all for this but now everyone is on board. That was a dumb move.

We ignored you after you've suicided us multiple times.
We netted peacefully.
You consistently harassed and threatened us blaming us for things we verifiably did not do.
You spied SoL.
You spied and were prepping to missile fs Evo.
You FA'd M4D during their war.

You still haven't learned the rules of the community. You don't need to worry about pursuing eternal war with anyone. You've painted a wonderful target on yourselves.

Edited By: Devo on Jun 5th 2024, 15:26:55
See Original Post

Devo Game profile


Jun 5th 2024, 13:03:17

Originally posted by Rasp:
was it bcuz u were netting?

Netting while stockpiling missiles and running routine spy ops on Evo and SoL just before hitting right? Good thing we aren't blind!

Devo Game profile


May 30th 2024, 14:58:04

I'm supremely smart and extraordinarily handsome. Just wanted everyone to know. In fact, I wish these forums had avatars so I could show off my handsomeness more readily. My handsomeness is clearly demonstrated by my country building ability and my masterful political navigation. It has nothing to do with my ability to be a reasonable negotiator and to respect other alliances and the societal norms that we've constructed. It's all in the combover.

Devo Game profile


May 29th 2024, 17:01:36

From an neutral outsider perspective it does seem like they've been working out the kinks in their warchats. Good to see folks sticking with the game and not falling off after being killed. SoL and Stones are tough opponents!

Devo Game profile


May 28th 2024, 20:16:58

Originally posted by SuperFly:
You all do realize that if you wait till end of set you can see who actually is responsible for the spy ops right ?

I actually don't recall this mechanic!

Devo Game profile


May 28th 2024, 18:10:03

Originally posted by Cathankins:
but you are also part of a large coalition who grouped together and attacked us.

False, You attacked us which is boldly documented in multiple threads. We and our allies defended ourselves and instead of continuing to pursue you we started netting peacefully again. Why do you not get that.

If we wanted to cause you problems we'd be killing you right now.

I have seen no proof that spy ops are even happening to you. I feel as though you are trying to doctor a false CB in order to pick on netters again and not feel as guilty about it this time.

Devo Game profile


May 28th 2024, 16:43:21

Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by Devo:
This again? FFS Josey. If you are getting spied still you should probably work on your SPAL, find the country doing it, and kill them, and move on.

I imagine you waking up to a loud noise in the middle of the night and yelling "EVO DID THIS TO ME!!!".

We are very clearly netting at this point so I'm not sure what good spying you would do for us. Is there any point to this? Have you bothered to think through what gain we would have from spying on you?

I think it would just be better if you guys get your coalition to quit attacking us.

Well I think it would be better if you stopped throwing out false accusations.

Devo Game profile


May 28th 2024, 15:53:23

This again? FFS Josey. If you are getting spied still you should probably work on your SPAL, find the country doing it, and kill them, and move on.

I imagine you waking up to a loud noise in the middle of the night and yelling "EVO DID THIS TO ME!!!".

We are very clearly netting at this point so I'm not sure what good spying you would do for us. Is there any point to this? Have you bothered to think through what gain we would have from spying on you?

Devo Game profile


May 22nd 2024, 17:11:43

I patiently wait to hear the next evil thing we've done that we didn't do. Please don't disappoint me

Devo Game profile


May 22nd 2024, 0:09:16

Welcome back!

Devo Game profile


May 14th 2024, 1:57:17

Originally posted by Drow:

Evo's high NW has nothing to do with "getting FA'd by the entire server", but has to do with their player skill, but you do you.

Confirmed. To my knowledge there's been zero FA packages ent but the support from the several alliances that have helped us kill the suiciders off has been invaluable and very appreciated by us number crunching stock nerds =) Evo will not forget the support.

Devo Game profile


May 12th 2024, 13:15:07


Devo Game profile


Apr 25th 2024, 18:46:53

Originally posted by Josey Wales:
Originally posted by Coalie:
Same logic applies to Evo, they have done nothing to you and you attacked them out of the blue.

Different logic.

Pray tell...

Devo Game profile


Apr 25th 2024, 17:49:30

Commence two months of farming whales into oblivion. *shakes head*

Devo Game profile


Apr 20th 2024, 3:20:32

Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by Devo:
Originally posted by Josey Wales:
Well…. I gave it a shot. I tried to fight in this War game but at a certain point Warring isn’t allowed.

You Old folks are cooking your own Goose. You say that you want new players but how’s that going to work? LMAO.

Some new player signs up only to be raped down to 500k NW by the bullies of the game.

Then he tries to fight back. But he can’t.

You think that “New” player is going to stick around?

Good luck with that.

So it’s a safe retirement home. Where old gamers go to nibble on each other then fade away.

Could be my last set.

The game and community have built societal rules. Adapt, learn how to use them to win. Reach out and we can talk about your concerns.

I need your services then. I have zero societal rules.

2000% Galleri retals

Devo Game profile


Apr 20th 2024, 1:16:01

Originally posted by Josey Wales:
Well…. I gave it a shot. I tried to fight in this War game but at a certain point Warring isn’t allowed.

You Old folks are cooking your own Goose. You say that you want new players but how’s that going to work? LMAO.

Some new player signs up only to be raped down to 500k NW by the bullies of the game.

Then he tries to fight back. But he can’t.

You think that “New” player is going to stick around?

Good luck with that.

So it’s a safe retirement home. Where old gamers go to nibble on each other then fade away.

Could be my last set.

The game and community have built societal rules. Adapt, learn how to use them to win. Reach out and we can talk about your concerns.

Devo Game profile


Apr 20th 2024, 1:13:33

Also looking for SoF and Stones!

Devo Game profile


Apr 8th 2024, 17:40:30

Josey and crew have suicided every clan on the server and then blame others for uniting to fight them. How utterly ridiculous you look asking for development to support your bad behavior and sheer lack of diplomatic ability.

Devo Game profile


Apr 2nd 2024, 14:26:55

I didn't get any rabbit hunting in this year =(

Glad Rage's sacrifice has been handled though!

Devo Game profile


Mar 26th 2024, 19:51:10

I think it would be a mid ground to allow clan admins to designate specific tags as friendly or do not hit. At the point of making an attack a warning to the attacker would show asking them to confirm the attack. Would prevent more accidental hits and fat fingerings and also be a moderate way to implement in game politics.

Devo Game profile


Mar 18th 2024, 19:11:25

I disagree. It has great potential but the 4 hour time to market makes it extremely difficult to be effective at arbitrage. Name a demo that made top 10 other than switching to demo for destock.

But demo could be much more viable all set long if TTM was reduced.

Devo Game profile


Mar 14th 2024, 23:53:24

Surrender at it's finest.

Devo Game profile


Mar 7th 2024, 15:48:22

Demo's have a reduce market cost but I think demo's could be a lot more effective as a strat if the time to market for goods and tech was reduced by half. If the goal is to increase market interaction for Demo techer it would be vastly more useful if they could respond more quickly with a 1-2 hour time to market for sales.

Devo Game profile


Mar 3rd 2024, 21:45:39

That's interesting. Perhaps the dead country could request being respawned and the clan leader could accept?

Devo Game profile


Feb 29th 2024, 15:52:54


Devo Game profile


Feb 25th 2024, 8:21:08

Originally posted by mazooka:
Originally posted by ZEN:
Speaking of reunions. Does anyone actually go to their HS reunions? If so, why?

I'm going to my 30th. Ima get drunk, beat up some dudes and fluff some old fluffes ..duh

Sounds like a decent time ;)

Devo Game profile


Feb 20th 2024, 2:58:52

I didn't call anyone out. There was more than one. Let's just solve our problems in a way that doesn't drive people out of the game going forward. HMU if you need help resolving issues with anyone in our tag. To echo Doug, let's have a great set all.

Devo Game profile


Feb 20th 2024, 1:30:37

Great round overall. Amazing to see what netting can look like nowaday compared to the olden days. Would like to see less shenanigan suiciding and more skilled competition to settle old debts but proud of those that persevered and put up solid finishes.

A few shoutouts:
-Mercs for being great allies and helping dispatch suiciders this round and still putting up some top 10s (several other tags did also)
-En4cer was our one LaF pickup last round and he was an absolute gentlemen, even after being suicided and help mentor some returning old-timers.
-Doug and PDM were fantastic to work with through several concerns and overall just being super inviting back to the community
-Monsters had a great set ruined by punks and stayed open and friendly in the face of adversity

Keep up the great work folks o/
Looking forward to connecting with more folks this round!

Devo Game profile


Feb 14th 2024, 3:42:43

A whole year to plan the festivities? I do recommend having mini reunions now at the alliance level at least. Big reunions are a lot of work and some extra helping hands are effective.

Devo Game profile


Feb 9th 2024, 14:26:32

I think it would be interesting to change the formula to curve rather than linear percentage. For example, when you have 200k land and get an earthquake and lose 0.5% of your buildings it's not the same as when you have 5k land.

Likewise for cash booms. A cash boom at 200k land might yield you 20-30m more cash on turn but you might lose a half billion in cash worth of building cost for an earthquake to put it in perspective.

So creating a curve of rewards and penalties would be potentially really valuable.

Devo Game profile


Jan 31st 2024, 19:15:02

Next year would be Epic. Why not start the party and work up into 2025. Won't get everyone back all at once!

Devo Game profile


Jan 31st 2024, 14:24:43

Anyone interested in working together on a global community reunion? Inviting all the retired folk back? It seems most of the hosting forums still exist so we should have a collective treasure trove of emails.

We had a lot of fun seeing Evo folks come back this set and there's tons more we'd love to see yet. I'm sure everyone else could use a dose of nostalgia. In fact it might even give the bored suiciders something constructive to do ;)

There's two weeks left in the set. If anyone is interested please reach out!

Evo's Discord:

Devo Game profile


Jan 19th 2024, 14:15:05

Just to clarify some confusion going on. This was my comeback/resurrection thread from last set and I initiated a reunion set this set thus the growth of Evo membership currently.

Devo Game profile


Jan 11th 2024, 4:17:16

Evo ftw

Devo Game profile


Jan 5th 2024, 15:48:58

Thank you!

@LittleItaly I think bots have permission in discord to exceed the normal post speed limitations but I've also never built that sort of discord bot so I could be mistaken.

Devo Game profile


Dec 27th 2023, 19:00:59

Probably going to be super unpopular with this one because of the many robust bots that exist. But I believe in another post Qz suggested that he would be "fixing" the game official IRC server. I'm curious if it would be a good time to consider moving to discord which is a much more robust platform with a great API.

Hate away but figured I would suggest considering it as a community.

(I say this but I still have my IRC scripts and logs saved in a file from when I played decades ago and I'm unwilling to delete them lol)

Devo Game profile


Dec 24th 2023, 18:02:57

Evo ftw

Devo Game profile


Dec 17th 2023, 21:43:18

Originally posted by Gerdler:
It's not a bug that the time to market varies. It should be random somehow. It is affected to a degree by luck (the permanent bonus) according to what is written about it.

Thank you!

Devo Game profile


Dec 17th 2023, 18:46:16

Been a few years since I played a round and just noticed the price cap on units (Ex. troops can be sold for a max of 3-400ish). Why are we capping this? If someone wants to sell troops for $999 why not let them? I forget the history on this mechanic.

Devo Game profile


Dec 11th 2023, 16:54:55

En Route: xx Tanks on sale for $xx each (Arrive in 155.5 mins)
En Route: xx Jets on sale for $xx each (Arrive in 167.1 mins)
En Route: xx Troops on sale for $xx each (Arrive in 3.3 hours)

Just curious about the time to market. These three sale* orders were submitted all at the same click. Is there a mechanic that defines a different time to market by unit type or simply staggering by count of unit? Feels odd and wasn't sure if this was a bug.

Edited By: Devo on Dec 11th 2023, 16:57:10
See Original Post

Devo Game profile


Dec 4th 2023, 5:34:40

Originally posted by Anarchist:
Originally posted by Doug:
Suicidal I’m curious as to what tradition you celebrate? I imagine you with a huge chain saw heading into the woods with you old dog Bo and cutting down a 12 foot tree. Decorating it with ordainments of naked ladies. And dinner massive with you catching a wild boar with a homemade trap. Smoke billowing up from the fireplace.

Am I close

Only proper way to take a tree down is 12ga 3 or 3.5in 00buckshot. This is Murica!

Tannerite baby!