


Oct 15th 2012, 20:49:09

What's youtube? No, I don't comment on youtube klown. I also believe that once someone stoops to ad hominem attacks, they are conceding the debate. So, thank you. Klown, you're such a bully.

Edited By: Dissidenticn on Oct 15th 2012, 21:03:55
See Original Post



Oct 15th 2012, 19:26:02

There are many parts of fundamental christianity that are very very different... And more appealing! Like... Hey, if you save a certain amount of people, you will be a god on your own planet. I believe Mormonism coopted parts of christianity in order to gain a larger following. There a parts of the book of mormon that say, and I'm paraphrasing, we have prophets who are actively talking with God. If he tells a prophet to do something, that order will overrule the Bible's law.

But I do not believe they are christian, as such... And many Mormons feel they are not christian either



Oct 15th 2012, 17:50:24

Well, if you've been reading along, you'd see that I'm not whitewashing mormons on racism... But I definitely would challenge ANY mormon on their beliefs face to face. If that's problematic for them, then I can tell they are struggling with their own faith... As one man's arguments should not be enough to sway you from your faith if its strong.

As for romney, I'd challenge his religious beliefs face to face as well.



Oct 15th 2012, 4:31:53

gl with that.



Oct 15th 2012, 4:30:21

Here are the facts. Mitt Romney is a member of the Church of LDS.

Here is what the Church of LDS believes.

I've had conversations with people who have left the Mormon church and have told me these things are true... unapologetically true.

Ok, so polygamy and racism are definitely not considered mainstream Mormonism... I get that. I'm not calling Romney a racist (or a polygamist) because of his religious beliefs at all... but he was a bishop in the church and is closely tied to his church.

This is going to be important to voters who know little about Mormonism and its mysteries.



Oct 15th 2012, 1:54:58

Twain, I'm exempt from the characterization of Democrat... cuz I'm Canadian. =)

And Galleri, I enjoy it when people try to make fun of my religion or beliefs. If someone can ridicule me into getting upset about it, I'm not very secure in what I believe now am I? If a system is really easy to mock, I feel that it must be mocked. This is libertarianism at its finest.

To me, Mormonism is more harmful that Scientology. I don't know if you've actually read up on some of the polygamist communes in the LDS world or people who have literally had to escape it... pretty frightening stuff. I don't condone any system that allows this kind of thing to happen. It's one of the major reasons why I rejected Christianity at the age of 23. Thank Christopher Hitchens, Neil deGrasse Tyson, and Carl Sagan for that.

To the DANGER clan: I'd like to leave you with an immortal question from Jon Stewart: "Why is it that if you take advantage of a tax break and you're a corporation you're a smart businessman, but if you take advantage of something that you need to not be hungry, you're a moocher?"

Edited By: Dissidenticn on Oct 15th 2012, 1:58:34
See Original Post



Oct 15th 2012, 1:44:17

I think Congress must improve no matter what... what's their approval rating currently? Bad.



Oct 14th 2012, 18:42:16

For once, I believe Sam and I agree on something. It's nice to bond.



Oct 14th 2012, 18:39:40

I literally said "I hate people who don't agree with President Obama"? I think you better reread...

The reason why I even pay attention to American politics is because it's much more interesting than Canadian politics. Do you even know who our minority party leaders are? Of course not... because it's not interesting to watch.

The age of the article makes it non partisan to this discussion since Obama was not president.

Did you read the article? I mean, it completely flips on its head your vision of who Reagan was. He didn't fix the country in 4 years... the Fed stopped inflating their currency in 4 years. Much different scenarios. One cannot even make a comparison between the two economic situations.

One was a slump and one is a depression.



Oct 14th 2012, 18:25:24

On a personal level he made millions of dollars taking over companies, liquidating their assets, and laying off thousands of people after they had their money... so ya.. on a personal level he's a decent guy.

As for the Mormon racist thing, Book of Mormon: Alma 3:6-19; 3 Nephi 2:14-15; Enos 1:20; J of D, 7: 290-291

"And the skins of the Lamanites were dark, according to the mark which was set upon their fathers, which was a curse upon them because of their transgression and their rebellion against their brethren, who consisted of Nephi, Jacob, and Joseph, and Sam, who were just and holy men."

"Not only was Cain called upon to suffer, but because of his wickedness he became the father of an inferior race."

-Joseph Fielding Smith, The Way to Perfection

"I would not want you to believe that we bear any animosity toward the Negro. 'Darkies' are wonderful people, and they have their place in our church."

- Joseph Fielding Smith, Look magazine, October 22, 1963

So let me get this straight. It's wrong for me to "stoop" to discussing Romney's religion (cult) but you can call Obama a secret Muslim who isn't an American? IMO, if you are part of a religion that is open to satire then it deserves to be made fun of as ridiculous.

Don't worry people, I do the same thing to Christians. I mean, Obama may be Christian but I don't believe his policies will reflect it... and I doubt he will cow tow to clergy.

PS JFK made it clear before he was elected that he wouldn't take orders from the Papacy.



Oct 14th 2012, 15:49:41

I feel it is my obligation to point out (as nobody else seems to consider this stuff anymore) that Mitt Romney is Mormon.

Let's get a little bit into what that means shall we? He wears special Mormon underwear. Mitt cannot drink coffee, beer, or do any kind of drug. I think the last three presidents admitted to Marajuana touching.
Did you know the founder of Mormonism, Joseph Smith was arrested in 1826 for being a con-man? Oh yes, the mighty prophet conned 30-50 women to marry him (some young girls- he was a pedophile), he convinced rich converts to give their worldly assets to the church, and they also believe non-white people were cursed by God.

So Mormonism is openly racist...

VOTE MITT ROMNEY! we think he's a Christian... but he knows better.

one source:



Oct 14th 2012, 15:30:38

galleri... while i agree with your sentiment that hating on everyone and everything is bad... I simply cannot abide the lies that people tell. If the lefties want to just get along, the righties will walk all over them with lies. We saw that in the Mittens/Obombs debate did we not?



Oct 14th 2012, 15:28:56

Erm, since you love Reagan so much, did you know he spent double (for his time adjusted for inflation and all that) in 4 years than Obama did? I think you should brush up on your Reagan history...


Reagan came into office proposing to cut personal income and business taxes. The Economic Recovery Act was supposed to reduce revenues by $749 billion over five years. But this was quickly reversed with the Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982. TEFRA—the largest tax increase in American history—was designed to raise $214.1 billion over five years, and took back many of the business tax savings enacted the year before. It also imposed withholding on interest and dividends, a provision later repealed over the president's objection.

But this was just the beginning. In 1982 Reagan supported a five-cent-per-gallon gasoline tax and higher taxes on the trucking industry. Total increase: $5.5 billion a year. In 1983, on the recommendation of his Spcial Security Commission— chaired by the man he later made Fed chairman, Alan Green-span—Reagan called for, and received, Social Security tax increases of $165 billion over seven years. A year later came Reagan's Deficit Reduction Act to raise $50 billion.
Now, the best part of this article is it was written in 1988... I was only 5 years old. So you can't even call it partisan!
Go ahead, argue again that Obama is outspending Reagan.

Edited By: Dissidenticn on Oct 14th 2012, 15:32:05
See Original Post



Oct 14th 2012, 6:37:49

i'd read what you said, but it's in all caps and i think that's too obnoxious.



Oct 14th 2012, 4:51:23

Oh Rockman... you're telling me that I'm new to this game? Did I not just reference Mehul? By definition, that means I am not new to this game. I started in 2000... so you were 1 year old when I started playing this game.

13 is the min age right? 13 also happens to be the age of the average troll.

Game mods... you're doing a bang up job. If you change the game, it's up to the player to adapt to those changes and come out on top. If all they want to do is whine about changes instead of rolling with it, I think they should go play mars2025.



Oct 14th 2012, 4:38:31

Reagan had a depression as bad as this? Give me a break.

The Reagan slump was brought to a rapid end when the Fed decided to relent and cut interest rates, sparking a giant housing boom. That option isn’t available now because rates are already close to zero... and Obama's recession was brought on by private-sector excess: above all, the surge in household debt during the Bush years.

Compare them again pls.

Edited By: Dissidenticn on Oct 14th 2012, 4:44:10
See Original Post



Oct 14th 2012, 2:10:52

good video. tough to refute Mittens' own words.

Mitt of 2008... meet Mitt of 2012.



Oct 14th 2012, 1:07:15

I think Biden was like that on purpose BECAUSE of how interrupty Romney was in that debate. Slap down that little flea, Paul Ryan.

I don't know if you have looked at how badly he treated the teachers, police officers, and firemen in his state... but maybe you should to get a feel for what kind of man he really is.



Oct 14th 2012, 0:58:17

Oh... but you need to have a valid drivers license to vote here on this forum.



Oct 14th 2012, 0:56:28

Well, Obama managed to give details on what his administration is doing... Romney could have given SOME numbers. It just seemed like he backed off most of his platform and said exactly what voters wanted to hear.

It just seemed like he was trying to be sneaky... and thus gave very little detail for his policies. Also, I think you should lose points if you lie. you can put on a great show and seem to win the debate... but if you told a pile of lies then you should technically lose. I dunno, maybe I'll email Foxnews about this.



Oct 13th 2012, 17:18:01

I have three words for this...




Oct 13th 2012, 17:13:26


In your poll, you should do Democrat, Republican, Independent, and Canadian.



Oct 13th 2012, 17:07:39

Bottomfeeding has ALWAYS been bad for the game. Those with bottom networths are weak players... and then they get farmed which makes them quit the game and do something else. By making bottomfeeding less viable, it helps the game survive.

I believe Rockman must be new to this game... at least people are paying attention to it and making changes and actually thinking about how to make it a better playing experience. That is... instead of Mehul Patel. Tell me which one you would prefer.



Oct 13th 2012, 14:44:32

Considering that you cannot kill a country with AB's, why not amp them up and make the tactics of war a little more interesting?

I like this "feature."



Oct 13th 2012, 14:30:50

That's the point I failed to make... cept Dems are reluctant to say Obama won that debate.

Well... next Friday nobody is going to be talking about either of these debates because people have short term memories and will only care about how the next debate goes. Well, that is, unless Obama poops his pants again. I don't think it'll go down that way. I think it'll be a lot more even next week.

It all depends on what kinds of questions are asked of Romney. People want more clarity on the whole 47% video and maybe even the fact that Romney is a member of the LDS cult. I'd ask him... can I see your magic underwear?



Oct 13th 2012, 14:26:36

Going back to the Mittens and Obombs debate...

The most interesting part that I found was that Mittens argued that his platform is full of moderate policies like keeping bank regulations in place, bringing in more teachers, maintaining taxes on the wealthy, to making sure those with pre-existing conditions have health insurance...without giving details. His lack of details makes me think that he was just trying to appeal to the middle class voter but is definitely not part of his plans.

Obombs knows all this stuff... but failed to slap the fallacies down. I mean, Mitt lied through his teeth all night and Obama let him... so if that means Romney won the debate, I'll let you have it.



Oct 13th 2012, 14:02:57

For me... im all about the fact checking websites. After I'm done with this post I'm going to read all of that link.

But for now, I think it's fairly simple to say that the results of this debate will be based on partisanship because both sides did pretty well.

For Rep voters- Ryan remained composed, spoke well, and presented his platform, while Biden interrupted him often, the moderator seemed to side with Biden more than Ryan, and Biden seemed rude.

For Dem voters- Biden was aggressive and quick to point out the lies Ryan told. Ryan presented a platform that seems misinformed to the left. The Reps think Ryan won because Biden was being rude... not because of the merits in what he said. (Honestly, I don't remember what he said because no Reps are talking about it... just how Biden was drunk or something).

Like I said, the results are partisan. Sooooo.... tie.

on a final note, I think Romney was really rude to Obama during their debate... it's funny that nobody on the Rep side noticed that.

Edited By: Dissidenticn on Oct 13th 2012, 14:19:02
See Original Post



Oct 12th 2012, 3:15:18

I don't know what debate you were watching Vic... Biden blew Ryan out of the water. hee hee



Oct 12th 2012, 2:45:40

I actually can't believe how many republicans play this game...



Oct 11th 2012, 2:32:40

your daddy peed in your mommy.

join icn naow.



Oct 10th 2012, 4:32:58

I just want to make it clear that not all left wing voters are poor and want a hand out. It wouldn't mean much for me to post a list of very rich lefties... but just know that some people vote for their financial interests... and some vote against their financial interests.



Oct 8th 2012, 15:56:01




Oct 8th 2012, 3:48:26

are you a lady? if so, yes, i <3 the ladies.

if not, i cannot <3 you.



Oct 8th 2012, 3:39:40

Honestly, im not so left... I didn't vote NDP or Liberal in our election. I voted for Harper.

The problem with the right wing in the United States is that the Teabaggers have made them crazy. and i cant stand foxnews and it's misinformation machine.

go buy the jon stewart bill oreilly debate right now. $5.



Oct 8th 2012, 3:18:43

right back at ya drought monkey



Oct 8th 2012, 3:15:45

typical american attitude... ya. just ignore the superiority of canada in almost everything...



Oct 8th 2012, 2:18:14

This is a graph of the Congressional Filibuster...

As for me hating someone who cuts down EVERYTHING Obama does, it's not hypocritical because I'm not in government... and I'm not even American. Why would I need to try and compromise with someone who clearly is idealogically against everything on the left. Just like Romney says he can ignore the 47%... i can ignore you. BUT, in Congress, your people gotta learn how to work together better. By that, I mean Obama as well.

lol... Star Wars associated with NASA... that's rich. If you think this is true, can I take any other things you say seriously?

I suggest you also watch the Jon Stewart vs Bill O'Reilly debate that aired last night... even these two found some common ground.

Edited By: Dissidenticn on Oct 8th 2012, 2:20:59
See Original Post



Oct 7th 2012, 15:40:12

I hate people like you. You'll refuse to work with Obama at all costs even if you have to bend the truth to make it fit your ideal. It's because your country is full of people like YOU that governmental policies fail in Congress.

Instead of working together on things, you would way rather be divided. That's so messed up it's unreal. It's borderline treasonous.



Oct 7th 2012, 3:00:37

and Klown... if posting an OBJECTIVE fact checking site to fact check the debate is considered petty, then you gotta give your fluffing head a shake.

Ya... oh, Mittens gave the best debate evar ermergerd you gers! Any one who says he was lying through quite a bit of it is just being petty. Facts? pfff... don't be petty. It felt like he was right, let's just go with that.



Oct 7th 2012, 2:57:33

of course i didnt write that. i dont write any of my own ideas. =)

there are 200 of them, i took 25 of them.

unconvinced muthafluffahs?


Edited By: Dissidenticn on Oct 7th 2012, 3:02:44
See Original Post



Oct 6th 2012, 3:00:12

Do you want me to make a list of all the things he did? Cuz I can do that for you if you like.



Oct 5th 2012, 2:53:08

only in canada will there ever be a maple syrup heist worth 30 million dollars.



Oct 5th 2012, 2:32:04

You have to remember Klown, "Romney said" is not what "Romney will do." He can wrap everything up into nice neat four point presentations and it sounds great, but to put these things into practice is when we see what a politician really is.

As for "fact checking": Go here: