
Doug Game profile


May 20th 2023, 17:28:56

Originally posted by Coalie:
Originally posted by Doug:

Just plug one in for me. lol

Lol… rofl

You want us to plug WHAT in for you?

Mine has batteries. I don’t need a cord. But my new one has a heart beat and after getting married I donated the old one to Guinness world records.

No dummy the plug-in was any response to the posts so long I don’t understand lol

Edited By: Doug on May 20th 2023, 17:34:40

Doug Game profile


May 20th 2023, 15:58:49

Ok these posts are long and complicated.


Thoughts and prayers, congratulations, good luck, that’s awesome, happy birthday or sorry for your loss.

Just plug one in for me. lol

Doug Game profile


May 19th 2023, 20:53:44

Is “tight axx snob” a noun or verb?

Asking for a shy friend…

Doug Game profile


May 19th 2023, 19:25:47

Fight nice boys…

Edited By: Doug on May 19th 2023, 19:40:02

Doug Game profile


May 18th 2023, 20:50:28

Gee. I think I’ve seen this show before.

Edited By: Doug on May 18th 2023, 20:58:33

Doug Game profile


May 18th 2023, 20:23:20

Oh please…

Edited By: Doug on May 18th 2023, 20:25:41

Doug Game profile


May 18th 2023, 19:09:25

1000 and 2

Doug Game profile


May 18th 2023, 18:44:35

Thank for for clarifying my old friend. Some just kinda look towards me to be the diversity spokesman. lol (a job I don’t want)

/me skips away singing dancing queen.

Doug Game profile


May 18th 2023, 18:42:00

You all are a hot mess.

Edited By: Doug on May 18th 2023, 19:02:16

Doug Game profile


May 18th 2023, 15:49:30

Sorry. Wrong place.

Doug Game profile


May 18th 2023, 15:44:48


Doug Game profile


May 18th 2023, 2:02:04

Originally posted by Red X:
Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by Coalie:
I don’t think Tie would take Rokkie in if they are planning on netting. That would put them in a precarious position considering the current war that is going on.

Sounds like Coalie is trying to challenge Red X into something.

I don’t think he is. I’m not as rash as I once was either. Unless you’re Doug. Then you can get it. 😂😂😂

I had that rash in college after a weekend at the club. I still have it. I married it last year.

Ps. I have no clue what’s going on in this thread. Someone came tattling that I was being harassed by big meanie Red again. lol

Doug Game profile


May 17th 2023, 17:43:35

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Small pee pee too, or is that a myth.....dunno i have not seen Yao Ming naked, I guess i will never know.....

I guess I’ll throw myself on this grenade lol

The pee pee myth KoH? Why’d everyone in the room look at me to investigate this? :-)

Edited By: Doug on May 17th 2023, 17:59:54

Doug Game profile


May 17th 2023, 3:12:02

Originally posted by Pang:
Sad to hear this :(
RIP to a long timer

Thank you Pang.

Doug Game profile


May 16th 2023, 23:13:31

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Just use a name that is NOT black hole and don't tell anyone who you are if you want to be successful at not being hunted down on solo servers, Its That Easy.

See!!! BH didn’t I in essence say the same thing 2 months ago? To delete all your shxt, come back with all you learned in this mess, and play in a few months as anyone BUT that name? I wasn’t lying. Come back as Keith or Steve or Stacey to make it interesting. lol

If KOH and I actually agree on something you can take that shxt to the bank lol

Edited By: Doug on May 16th 2023, 23:19:19

Doug Game profile


May 13th 2023, 16:26:42

Funny side note: (I’ll try to be short)

The old pdm senate dissolved. Leto and Dead Arise and Josey Wales held the tag for years. 2 years ago this august Dan and I were bored and found EE was here, and we came back. Dan and I farmed Ashe I think by accident. We didn’t know the new game bot stuff. Ohhhh Ash wanted me dead for 18 months. lol Dark Demon kept them from smashing us.

But one set Dan was misbehaving and his rainbow was making me have mini strokes. lol so I ordered him detagged and I killed him. Later we laughed when folks noticed we killed our own. We said it was “training exercise” LoL

Don’t know why I really told that story but I know after he retired and was Ill off and on he was here HOURS and HOURS the last year. It was keeping him sane. Funny that this place keeps anyone sane :-)

Doug Game profile


May 13th 2023, 16:15:12

Thank you all. In the last year, he really was here a lot yet didn’t speak publicly. He would feel welcomed of the cross “clan” lines of kindness. As am I.

I did forget to include and I did edit that in the early days he used plumber-man Dan as a nickname. On earthstats. Galleri recently fixed his username here as he couldn’t post. But he wasn’t very public and would talk privately. Which he enjoyed. Gave him something to do.

I am hoping to hear word on any service and travel back to Iowa.

Doug Game profile


May 13th 2023, 0:19:41


After just under 2 weeks in hospice, I just was informed Grumpy old Man passed. We all knew and as I told you all I was not expecting it to be long. His 63rd birthday is tomorrow Saturday the 13th.

Dan was a personal IRL friend, as I mentioned he was like an uncle to me.

Thank you all for the kind words. PDM lost a friend that played since the beginning. (Then known as plumber-man Dan) And I lost a part of my family. I will miss his crabby old sarcasm, his support in my journey growing up, and his presence.


Edited By: Doug on May 13th 2023, 1:52:38

Doug Game profile


May 12th 2023, 18:35:55


Edited By: Doug on May 12th 2023, 18:54:02

Doug Game profile


May 11th 2023, 17:08:14

Signed hot stuff.

1:2, 2:hugz 3:reach around

Doug Game profile


May 11th 2023, 17:02:39

Originally posted by HEMPMAN1:
I want some seeds!!! :)

Careful. Last time she sent me seeds the DEA had a bon fire in my yard snd I was in handcuffs. (I’m kidding, she’s quite the farmer actually. Chickens at 4:30am and all)

Doug Game profile


May 8th 2023, 21:48:42

Well Grumpy old man (Dan) did enjoy his nightly 11pm beer. Or beers. So raise a glass or smoke one if you got one for him.

Hemp and those on team he loved playing there too. He was stubborn. But always online to chat. I spoke to him almost nightly. I remember my boring side jobs sitting somewhere trying to stay awake and he’d often stay up all hours keeping me company at work.

The only update today is his morphine and Ativan are increased, he’s breathing shallow, and per his wishes no tubes, feeding or breathing or otherwise.

Yes, I knew about this for awhile. But until he made it public 3 weeks ago, I never spoke of it.

But yes, have a beer or a bowel for our old friend. I will know more when I speak with hospice in the morning. I was in Iowa and returned home. I’ll return there upon his passing. I’m not god but it will be soon.

You all have been most kind

Doug Game profile


May 8th 2023, 18:11:28

Originally posted by galleri:
:( RIP Grumpy Old Man.

Thanks galleri and KOH.

Galleri just recently helped him get his forum handle fixed since 2017 lol but he rarely spoke publicly. Thank you both as well.

Doug Game profile


May 8th 2023, 18:10:22

Originally posted by Tertius:
Sad to hear - I concur with hemp; after a brief misunderstanding on team, I chatted with him quite a bit and suggested he join xUISx so he could net in peace. He'd be the first to say you can't teach old dogs new tricks, but Leto is absolutely right that the inches turned to feet etc and you could see the advice from his friends taking root. Glad he always had the PDM family, and even moreso that he has that real life connection with you, Doug.

To you and Hemp,

Dan knew playing on other servers meant still behaving and to never bring it over to alliance. He often mentioned Hemp and his team play. He also drove me crazy with late night FaceTime calls about his 16 FFA countries.

Thank you both. He had alot of time on his hands the last year, and didn’t speak of his illness nor did I ever mention it until a few weeks ago when he told PDM.
But he truly loved interacting and having a place to occupy his time and mind.

Doug Game profile


May 8th 2023, 14:27:31

Originally posted by myerr21:
I dont know him or you, but im sorry this is happening. <3

Thanks. We appreciate the kindness

Doug Game profile


May 8th 2023, 14:09:26

Friday before last I spoke to Grumpy Old Man aka Dan. We spoke often for more than a decade. He wasn’t just a player but a real friend. On Saturday, the cancer that riddled his body took over, lesions on his brain stopped any speech or alertness. I traveled to Iowa to say goodbye this week. Our friend will be 63 this Saturday the 13th. However, he’s had no food or water since last Saturday. I was his medical POA as his family wasn’t in touch for 8 years. I managed to bring his sons to the table and broker peace and allow them to sign off on hospice and the POA. Being 10 hours away wasn’t feasible or fair.

Dan has days left. He played quietly on all servers and loved this game and made some friends. He was with PDM since day 1.

We will miss grumpy old man, and we ask for your thoughts or prayers as he makes his final journey home. I will be returning to Iowa this week to send our old friend on his next journey.

Lastly, regardless of game politics. I think scripture tells us “Joy comment in the morning” - I hope so, for all of our sake. Thanks.

Secretary of State
Paradigm (PDM)

Edited By: Doug on May 8th 2023, 14:12:50

Doug Game profile


May 7th 2023, 1:09:12

Originally posted by Coalie:
Doug is here for provide analysis.

I’d like to analyze Jacob

(From the twilight movies you old gomers)

Doug Game profile


May 6th 2023, 18:10:27

Team Jacob ftw

Doug Game profile


May 4th 2023, 22:48:43


Doug Game profile


Apr 28th 2023, 7:41:29

Originally posted by galleri:
This game is dead. It is stuck in a perpetual historical motion. Led by old angry men that are still here who are constantly sword fighting over their epeen size. They all hate each other and they are full of conspiracy theories. Grown old men act out like they are in high school. You have two sides. (Twilight)
Team A is Team Edward and Team B is Team Jacob.
There is also Team C aka wears women's loafers and a guy that likes to act like a large french fry.
Run while you can.
Originally posted by Joe:
Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by Red X:
Originally posted by Real Man:
Post tits, feet, dogs, or gtfo

Team Jacob FTW!!!!

Doug Game profile


Apr 22nd 2023, 17:15:43

Quit trying to get my thread closed in less than 90 seconds damn! lol

Edited By: Doug on Apr 22nd 2023, 20:38:03

Doug Game profile


Apr 22nd 2023, 17:10:54

No pun intended. (Ok a little pun)

But.. Earth Day is a myth. It was invented by our parents and grandparents generations. They were doing so many drugs they needed 1 day to remember what planet they were living on.

(This is satire. The politically correct will confirm later)

Doug Game profile


Apr 21st 2023, 17:35:27

Originally posted by TheORKINMan:
Originally posted by Doug:
Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by Doug:

If anyone is at fault it was me. I had mentioned earlier in the day that “gee Orkins been quiet, maybe we should do a welfare check” in the chat server for EE. Tagging him I knew he’d come and give me a rash of crap. Annnnnd everyone went bonkers.

The end.

I told you he was fine. You knew he would show up blazing.
I have said it before.... People disappear from the game because they want. If they want someone to know then they will let them know. No one in any game needs a "welfare or safety check" unless they screamed they were going to kill themselves or someone. Sorry, I know you have good intentions.... But that is how it is.

I've learned nothing!

You aren't Gen Y / Z anything Doug. You're fluffing 35. Just because you act like and married a 16 year old doesn't make you one.

Actually, I am in the age rage of what I referenced. I’m sorry you’re the gray sprinkles on our cupcakes. I don’t make the rules.

Doug Game profile


Apr 21st 2023, 17:21:54

Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by Doug:

If anyone is at fault it was me. I had mentioned earlier in the day that “gee Orkins been quiet, maybe we should do a welfare check” in the chat server for EE. Tagging him I knew he’d come and give me a rash of crap. Annnnnd everyone went bonkers.

The end.

I told you he was fine. You knew he would show up blazing.
I have said it before.... People disappear from the game because they want. If they want someone to know then they will let them know. No one in any game needs a "welfare or safety check" unless they screamed they were going to kill themselves or someone. Sorry, I know you have good intentions.... But that is how it is.

I think “welfare check” in todays term and again CONTEXT it was said means “they fell off the face of the earth” it’s a generation Z phrase. Next time I’ll put it in boomer form. My bad. The politically correct dictionary isn’t recognized here. lol I love and like a lot of you, but I’m not here to be the Urban Dictionary of EE for Gen Y and Gen Z. But I owned my comment Galleri as I always do. I did not mean it literally as it’s a common phrase as to “yo, he fell off the face of the earth”


Doug Game profile


Apr 21st 2023, 7:58:04

Originally posted by Red X:
Originally posted by Doug:
You can have more than 4? I’m always the last to know

You’re the last to know because you touch yourself at night.

If you’d get outta my bed it wouldn’t bother you sir.

Doug Game profile


Apr 21st 2023, 5:34:29

Gonzo, and anyone else.

With many returning players who don’t know the parties here, or the context involved. It’s been an ongoing thing with the EE discord server. Everyone gets trolled, Orkin isn’t complete unless he gets in 5 gay insults whenever I’m there lol. Leto trolled him right back. As did 4 or 5 others.

If anyone is at fault it was me. I had mentioned earlier in the day that “gee Orkins been quiet, maybe we should do a welfare check” in the chat server for EE. Tagging him I knew he’d come and give me a rash of crap. Annnnnd everyone went bonkers.

The end.